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��i .�,� . .. ;; "� _ <br /> - .L�.:_� i�s�. . <br /> �s�►�e � . � � �-��t�i.��. <br /> � , <br /> . A�13,�3�'!'�L��tA7cE.�!!!I�- - - <br /> (1 YMe'lYwwey INw�.-�y C+�M-ois�i l�NM C�r�O�tM�i , . <br /> � THt9 ADJUSTABLE RA'f�RiDBR i�m�de this t9� d�yof �YL � 19 93 ��ed is <br /> incorporakd inw�ad:h�ll ba deemed w iunend and supplement the Mort���a,Deed ot 1Yu�t or 9ecurity Dd�d <br /> ' (�he"Security Insuwnent")ot the w�����u���S�B���•�°�'���r°�1OYM0r�s <br /> - - Adii�teb]��pte��ota(the'�Nute••)w • <br /> CO PoR�a i (t�e••L.eader"1 of the aaane date aad coverio�tl�e Property�C�i�edl iw <br /> tYe Securlty tastruma�t�d loc�ted�ut: . <br /> 6i6 MARTIM AVENUE CRAlID ISLA�D. NE 68801 <br /> �Pro�riy�aa�rul <br /> TNE NOTE CQNTAMS PRaN1�lOMS ALLO�IMINO FOR CHANQE8IN THE NTER�ST RATE <br /> �AND THE�110NTHLY P/1XMENT.TAlE NOT6 LIM178 7NE di1iAW1lIT TNE 80RROWER'8 <br /> �� ADJUl9TA��INTERE$T RAR CAN CHANOE AT AN1f ONB TIYB/1ND THE IAAxIMUM <br /> � RATE THE BORROWER MU9T PAY. THE NOYE AL80 CONTAIN$ TME <br /> . . OPTION TO CONY�RT THE ADJUBTABLB iiATE TO A FIXED RATE. <br /> _- • - - A�YS9gtfi�3�.Y.C�i�A1APiTS.tnaddike+caeetutftecuvCU�itt�anda�iezwia�tsiuedeintheSecaritylustr�tni. _ <br /> � Borrower ond Leader furthar covanant and agtee ac follows: • <br /> ti ' ; �, <br /> ���'��� A.AID,pf18TABLE RATE AND MONTHLY PAYM�W��s��ANG&R .'� � ; ''� `'�" � <br /> �_ �,_ <br /> The Note pravides far an initisl intenest rate of 9b.The�Nut4 Provld��a�e clwuges ip the adlaatAbl•e� •::,;�,�" `-. <br /> -_ —:�n iaterest rate and tl�e monthly payments,as fol lows: �, ' ,l., . . <br /> _ ':�;_�� . .. � <br />- ����..�^-.��;i� 4.ADJUSTABI.E INTERE5T l�ATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES , <br /> ,-„�.�.��1�■� � <br />_-- - -:..._,. �� U1 C6anqe�lates � � 94 , <br /> -- --�- -������ The adjustabio lnterest rute I wiU puy mAy chan�e on the first day oi hAY 19 <br /> �.�3{�kt��,�fii� <br /> - �,,�.;�.�,u,�� and on that day every l2th manth thereAfter.Each date an which my ndjuatable intgreat rate could chan�e is <br /> —.---,�;�.�'��,�'° � ca!!ed�"Charsgs Dase." � <br />^=�� •r�`' (B)The Inden' <br /> Beginning with the�rst Change ndj ustable interest rnte wll l be based on an Index.The"lndex"Is <br /> the wcekly Avc�agc yiBld on United StAtes 7lreasu ry securities edjusted to n constunt rnaturlty of I mude <br /> -= available by the Fcdcral Reserve Baard.The most recent Index figu�e nvailable as of the date 4S days beforo each <br /> - Change Date is called the•'Current Index." <br /> If the index is no langer availAble,the Note kMider will chuosc a new indcx that is based upon compareble <br /> informatian.The Note Holder will give me nalice ai thiti choice. <br /> (C)CiICYIAlIOp OtC�IApRti y y g 2.?SO <br /> Before each C�a�Bute.the Note Holder will culculute m newinterest rute b addin <br /> � percentag�pointsl ' `1h 1 to the Current Index. The Nnte Holder will then round the result of this additian <br />- - to the naa�est one-eighth of ane pr.rcenwge point�0.1'?5�1.Subject to the limits stated In Section 4(DI bebw.this <br /> � ��: .�. rounded amount will be my new interest rate unti 1 ihe next Change Dntc. <br /> ��• � The Note Holder will then determine the omount of the monthly payment thnt would be sufficient to repey <br /> �' the unpAid principt+l thAt 1 am eapected to owe nt the Chunge Dnte in full on the Muturity Dute at my new interes� <br /> ^�. rate in substantiAlty eyu�l puyinentr.The ie,ult of this calculatian�•ill be the ne�v amount of my monthly pay- <br /> �'=?.`. •;; ment. <br /> ;. ,;..,,..,�.: <br /> :.�-�. (D)Llmlts on Interest Rate Chnnses '!.250 <br /> . �+�:r��:•'•.•,+' �h��erest rate I am required to puy ut the fir�t Chnnge Date will not be�greuter thun rk or less <br />-=�" ,, .;�•��' tha ' Thercafter,my udjust ble intere�t rate will never be increased or decreu5ed on�ny single Change Date <br /> by more thanTW� percentuge point1�+11�•�c,�ir��,hhe rute of intemst 1 ha��e been payin�far the preceding 12 monlhs. <br /> � s--w"�s'�:.v'.: -0` My intercst rnte will never be grcater th •1 � `'�r. which is called Ihe"Msucimum Rute." <br /> . �'4►��',i";�'�;::zE'�?, (E)Efrective DateotChangcs <br />''�"c�� %"' "`''` ' � My new interest rAte will t�ecome effective on euch Chunge Date. 1 will puy the �mount of my new monthly <br /> �.�,, , ' �� {�;f`.... .: <br /> '�.�t•t� ' {,,,..;,� pnyment beginning on the first monthly payment Jute nfter the Chun��Dute until the amount of my monthly <br /> _ -i-.,�=--• -- <br /> : :n�-.,-r.,,�,,,;,}, 'i payment chsmnges ngAin. <br /> ,: ,. �.;;,: , (N')Notice of Changes <br /> `�a :; '�• The Note Holder wiU deli�•er or mnil to mr a niitice uf any chunges in my •rdjustable intere+t rate und the <br /> �;���''`'-,- � amount of my monthly payment betare the effective date of uny rhun�e. The no�ice will inrlude information <br /> • ��iy:�ti:.,. <br /> �y�• ,•� ti4•� required by luw to be given me unJ ul�o thc title :�nd tclephone number of•r peroon who will unswer any yuestion <br /> ' �!.yy�c��r,'•�,' I may huve regnrding the notice. <br />- wi�(��' .tiT�"• <br />-=�,.� B.FIXED INTEItES7'RATE Of'7'ION <br /> --.�-° The Note provides for the Borrower i aption to convert from un uJjust�ble intere+t ratc with interest rate <br /> Iim:e�en u firnri:ntn�ct rntp :�c fnllnwe: <br />—i��� — ....»�..._..•---••-----------• . . <br /> __'.�__- _ ?W •'• ��-4, <br />;:�+��= �' �� 5.FIXED INTERF:ST RATE CONVER5ION UI''1'ION <br /> � (A)Opiion to Comcrt to�l�xed Rstc <br /> �� > ';i!y; ;�ti�.�, <br /> --����•-- �`�""� 1 have u Canversion O twn that 1 can eaercise ar�les�I am ir�default or thi�Section 54A►will no�permit <br /> �n���an�rrt�[�>.�� P <br /> �°�-`-°===--"'-n=q� me to do so.Tfie "Con��ersion Optic�n" is tr,y option to toacert ihr da�terest rate I am requecec". tn par by this Note <br /> � - �-:��.�r:i�;"� <br /> —�°�ys.`�--•..•, <br /> _ - __- ,�,�„,+ ftotn an adjustable rote wilh intercst rate limhs ta the fixed rate catcuiutec�ur►der Section�i B)beloa. <br /> �..���cr=��:� <br /> °—'�=-u���`�'�'����1�;.k+ r 7'he conversion can onl� 1a'ke pince on a datefsl�pec�Eied bp•th�e:�iote Holder during the period beginnc�n*��n <br /> ��b'��;"��'.,f}7R4tt'�% <br /> _,; -� •• . ,,;. tl�t first Change Date and e�ling on the fifth Chan�r Daxe. Eash date nn which my udjustuble interest ra¢�e can <br /> �'• S ¢ � S'' � �onvtrt to the new fixed rate is callled the"Com+etsion Date... <br />_t V44,'`�, <br /> - ,- �.�:`pl�. �TNTATEppNYEp'�EApJII�pAi�i,f3iA'f�RqEq•.AHMp6/1N57-S�qleFamdY-tYtv'MnuryMdu•F�nd�ItNUnifonnlntfrummtforn�911N/�i <br /> - ��T�`.:' v • NMFL MOQY.9 ADO �ryrR�I,�1:�+�Xru <br /> -,� • <br /> _ ;, .. -, <br />.-. . .�+4�...t�.i14t <br /> ,; �. . <br /> ' ' •wi� ' .. . . ._ _ . _ -_ _ . . ._ . <br /> - _ <br />