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-.._....�-.�-�-. . ..s.. ,.r.� ..m..,--@— <br /> -." ' .. . ��;� <br /> . . - . . � .. • '1M��, <br /> . - ' . . I� '� ,: <br /> - :� -r,�a�fser m���fyer�e�.�ts at iiw Ptia�iy Pu�t m�Y F+�+d r■N�m� :� � _ <br /> �owitr 1�M��rC a�Ib)�any d a��Mlo�ai�MiM�Cw3tf►Ia�a�el�. 71aM�+rr�rt�a�owKS t�li . . <br /> pqa Le�drr�p �Wm�rNth dicn b�dw wd�r IW�r�y imaunbnt�nd tbt Nate � ff�o�oo�MlMbe hb <br /> . ao��N)a�aep ddwU d aap clber oor�Ma at y�wM�.Mr(o)P�y�all esPMMa ina�med U enMrchy dd��y <br /> 4�1+6�cirdi�but ao�c Ita�bea a�re�on�bM a�'tbai�ad(fi afra such�ian�Laida m�y ia�on�biy <br /> roquiro w�e�ue dwt dia lial ot dd�Sewdty Jwtraeeat.l.wdK1 ri�ia d�P�qierty�d 1larrower9 abllpNan lo pay 1de <br /> auu�ecwed thi�Saauity Impumant �bW oontinuo undunyed. Upaa � ba► �orru. tbi� 1ea�tltr <br /> In�h�anaK�nd�obllaa�lans�ecmed haelry�11 iemain IWUy ef fective�iP ia aooeia�tfaa hd aoc�erid. Nowawr.tda <br /> ri�ht lo e�in�pMe abUl not�pply in t6e a�e at�ooelapion widx paap�ph 17. <br /> 1!. Sre at lYelei��at I.ela�S�n1oK. The Nae or�wutid iaterost ia da Nae (w�ed+er�vith�his Securlty <br /> Inwument)mq be sold ae a mae thaa�vltlwut priar noNen w dann�ver. A�le nuy ne�ult W�clw�a in tbe aKity <br /> (kno�wn a�the'7�o�n Sa�vioer"")i!W coilecla montblY I�y�riau�due uqAer die Note and d�Security Ip�nunent. 'l1�e d�o <br /> nu�y be aae ar mao cMre,�c a�d�e Lo�n Serviov unnl�ted w��alo of tho Note. If thae is�clw��e of�he L.aia Swloer. <br /> BonoMer wIU be�iv�en wmiae�a aotice of tha cbtn�e in�ocadmoe wbh 14 above udappt b I�w. 71re twNce <br /> will�d�e mune�nd�cid�ess oi da tkw I.a�n Savlar and the��to�p�pnnenu�Ihould be�m�do. T6e aolioe vW <br /> ala ao�qbt my ct6�x i�fam�tion�aquit�d bY�pPlicable I�w. <br /> 20. flasrdo�s StiWr�a�. Baac�rer�1!aa ause ot pennit tl�o p�csanae.use.diepaeal.�taqe�ar rela�o d'aqq <br /> f4ra�do�u SW�taaoes aa a in 1he Ptopaty. 8anuw�ar s1a�U not d0.aor a11oMr aqooae else w do.�t�in�afkct�lt� <br /> Piropaty�t h ln violriao of�►Eaviroa�piW i.�w. 'PAe pracedi�two�wmoes sl�Il ootap y io tt�e pre�anoe.u� <br /> rta�e m d�e�noperty of aawN qwntitid of Hazudou�5ubwnoa�t a�e I�a�aally r000 jni�ed w16e�ppop�Lee W namd <br /> ' raldea�ti�1 u�a�od�o n�le�aoe af tho Property. <br /> Nnnr►wM+r dWl proaop�y�ire l.e�der wruten aotka of auy iavati�ation.ciwiro.dan�nd.IRw�wit or dber actiaa by#qy <br /> govanraaNal or reg�lwo+Y 43ency ur privuo p�rty invaiving Ihe P1ropeAy�ad anY H�udous Subuatrce or� <br /> law of whkh BoRnwer lus �ctwl hawiedge. If Bamwu kxns.or is aotified by any govana�atal ar re�ulatay <br /> autho�iry.ttut my nemov�l at ad�er��edlatian of any Harndous SW�taooe affecting the PYapaty is aeoessry.Hanower <br /> �P�PUY pke aU aocas�ry nanedial actlans in�c��oe wHh Envimmna�ql ' <br /> AS IIiEd�II t�i pf�1�.�H�t�(dOtli$U61tiIlOCS��fC t�lOiQ t116C1i11�Y9 dE�1110d�3 LO]IIC Of�1iZ�011i tY�110Ci�l <br /> Emironmental �ud tbe followiag substa�oes: gawline.kerosene,otha fiammable ar axic ped�n{aim produ�u.toxic <br /> pest�cides and heibicides.roWlle wlver+tn. m�terids c�onWning acbestos or fam�ldehyde.and radjacdve �Is. As <br /> used in thla poragn�pL 2�.Tnvkonma�W[.�w"me�ns fedeial laws�nd lawa of Ihe juri�diction where thc Ptopaty is loc�tad <br /> thu reWe w hailtb.stFety a environmenW protecdon. <br /> NON-UN�URM COVESIAIV7'S. Bamwer md l.ender fuN�er rnvenmt ond Agroe as follows: <br /> 21. Aaoekratia; Rea�edks. Leader ahaU sive notke to Harrower priar to scoeleraHoo fello+�i�Barraweris <br /> b�d sa9 covea�t a a�eement in t�is Security Instrument(but not prbr ro seeekratbs nnder p�r�srspr 17 <br /> u��pplic�ble I�w pe+Nide9 Wberwire). Tre aotiae s1u11 specif': (�)tbe dehult:(b)t6e�ctbn�+equiral to cur+e Nie <br /> ddwit;(c)�date,qat G�twn 30 dsys tFom the daRe t6e notice[��iven to�rnower,by wUicb tbe Ae�AUIt u�t be <br /> cared;and(d)tlwt�aiiwnre to core t6e defanit on or bePa+e the dat�spedRed ia��d'�e ootiee nsy rewlt V s�rtleration o� . _ <br /> tbe sua�e eecured I�y t�t1s Seewrity In�hu�amt and s�le of We Property. T6e antice s6AU Iw�in�or�ooa IQorrower ot _ <br /> the�1 t��+ei�ahte�frer accekratbn and 16e right to bring s�aw�rt nction to assert the oon-exiateaoe of�de�alt or ° <br /> aay alMx�`ense ot Borrower to aecekralioe and sale. It the dkBault is not cund on or before the date specifkd t� , <br /> the noNa,�Leuder at tts optioa m�y require immediate ppymero(r 6�7u110�WI sums secured by this SecuMty Instrumeat _ <br /> wit6aut Ibrther demand u�d msy iavake We power of sak and any other remedks perndtted 6y applicable I�w - <br /> l.a�der ehql! 6e endtled to cdlect All expenses incurred in pursuing the rcmedks provided ia thi�p�n�apb 2l, <br /> iadudiog,but aot limited to,rwsonabk attorneys'fees aad costs of title evidence. <br /> 1�t6e poWer ot s�le is iovoked.7lrustee sbdl record s noti��e ot detault fa eacb couaa� �is,w6icY any part of tUe <br /> Property is located and sddl mail copies ot suc6 notke in the maa�er prescribed by applkaR�Me law to Borrower and W <br /> tiie Mher persons pres�rN►ed by applkable law Alter the time req�ired by appikable law�7Fustee shall give publtc <br /> nMice otsak to the persoas and ia!6e manner prescribed by applicabk law 7lrustee,wltbout demAnd an Borrower, _ <br /> sball seU the Property at�u6Nc nnctba to Ihe 6lghest bidder at the time and place and under the tet�ms desigoNed fn = <br /> the notice ot sAle in aoe or more parcels and in any order 7lrustee determinea 7lrustee may•posipone�le o�all or pcy <br /> pareel ot tl�e Properl'by pubNc announcement at Ibe dme aad place of Any previously s�edlaled sak. I.ender or its _ <br /> desi�rtcc rtGec pnrchme the Pcoperty at aay sale. ,_ <br /> �i�+oTO rrceipt ot ppyment of Ihe price bid.'Ilrustee slwll deliver to the purchaser'I�ustee's deeQ conveying the <br /> {Propert' The recitWs in 16e 7lrustee•s deed shs�U be prima facie evidence of the lruth of Ihe sfptemetNS�rnude Iherein. <br /> 71�ustee shnll apply 16e proceeds of the aqle in the folbwing order: (a)to all costs and expenses of exercisi�the power - <br /> � <br /> Farm�oZx 9/9r i�w m�nja/wg.x� - <br /> . �r(� � _.. <br /> :Y <br /> -,c�4L rnTr....-.--��' {`,;�� . - h�-"', ?; �. �'+�"�'�'+��r�, t . �. <br /> '�\_'��nf�)1y��t__', _ ` - ��1� -' , (� � � ' '', t �� .' � ( � - _�.' . �,. Y <br /> $r )/i� . � 1 4.� I - '°��.1 t'�L�Z, R;� .. -.. .. <br /> '_-3�,�s.� : . l t . �,y " i . ..' _ <br /> -'--•� /.,t� - a - ... - � ' ��. . +a.f1'��Pc�i{fv���i&+r! '-1.' ' ree.��,�".,._�e,r. <br /> -.i::�.�'it.ti[i.�r± _��•:.i._ _ 7,_�/ ii- - ��-� --'Sts.. - .�.�1��.�,.i6.a�+� <br /> -- - ' - <br /> — ------ --�- - ------ - - <br /> ., � <br /> -— <br /> ---,.:,;�, . , r: _ _ . ,�:. -- --, ,, - . T.-� -, �R <br /> t1 �����' , , . .. � � �. , . . _ � •j , <br /> .. r Tiw�1 I.MI��,/:�rY.: r . . .� � . . '..a}. *. . . . .. . . <br /> l � <br /> _ __ . ��,��yi��ty 7 1 - • <br /> .�'i�..'�L1,i�,_.�iT:•i•:.- f•_..-°- ----=-__r—_; , .._.. .,-. . _----^----- ---�- ' ----------- -•_--" . _. <br /> — _ �•I.r r.1'.•... � e._, . . .. <br /> . --- _--_=�.�i'S'.!•. - �s. . , .. . . .. <br /> -- - �.C'cu�,i.�' � ., ., � , • .. _ ., . <br /> _--_,��.=.'Jfiy"i,.�Li;;��•�.'., . . . . �_ . .. �• . . . <br />_�;;:���.4'::�:'a^'� ' - . � . � . • .. . G�., . . 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