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. .:i.u'� • �, I,_ :r!. .. , v:f�. .. . .:�j/1drN��t...__.—.r.^-° - ..-�- _ <br /> � ,. � - , - . . , , _ . .. . _ . . '.i;r�.�i���':_-__ <br /> , . . , . '' • .. . .. , . .. ' .. . .� . ��17 ` ..-...._..— <br /> • - - . �i� . . ��_. . _. _ ` . <br /> • _ .� . ' . ` t„ �'.S ..' .�"�+rt�a�'�i1r���F�OI������ <br /> � �wd�Yei i�N�!M�w�M��-��s�w*��MY M�i� �e�aib��Me�w,irM�q►.�t : . <br /> LrM�n�Y apioM.ab�+i� �o N�oMa���ti�igba°In thr��qr i��oaa�dMws� iMr pMiW�1. ' . <br /> � Ar'iir���or tetiot��iwwaM�11 b� ro Nad i�q E�olu�d�a'�t�ndad W�w. 1a�fi . . <br /> i�6�w t�ri�fit a Mid i1�t oolfcies�rd�q�►�1�i.andor iequinx,Bar�i�l Aaf�l�Y i�i��dl nioeipr <br /> bt pil p�oi�ros rd nenval iodaa.,is tihe ev�nll�f Iwa��Aum�war�It�11�pwNpt�aioe a d�a�M�ow oneir ad , <br /> L�Mr: LwdK�r aMica peoaf of loM}i e�at wd�pirn�lptl,y by Barrower. „ .. <br /> 1Jnkxt I.asdet aad ethatul�c�la w�titi�.le�trencep�acetids edaU be appUed to te�torelion at repak ef' <br /> � IYsp�p�ty drr�ed,H�oer tepoip�i� eoo�wmicvUy fou i 6 l e aad 1.aider��eaaity i�not lu�arod. I!�Me <br /> ��do�-or rop�tr�r aac aaoap�piaAly fo�ibie a I�es�xk�oa�ity weuld be Iaue�red,the iaw�wioeprooydr iidl M <br /> . �p�Wd M1 t6e wnn secarod by tLi�S�oority Ta'sa'ana�wl. �helh[or nat d�ea due,with any etwa�p�id ro Boriro�w�e�r N <br /> . �arnwMer'a�ndon tl�e i�topaty.a.daa na�uwer wU�ia 30 d+�y��notice fioa�t�ender th�t�6e hwua�oe carbr!w <br /> aRaed w�qtle a cl�im�tha�I.eoda�auy oolk�rt die io�ur�xoe p�ooeod�. Ix�der may u�e�bo pcoceed�w rc.pir or�a�oie <br /> � ��ar�o pyr arn�secvred by 11�Sacut�ry Inspuiaak.whdha a aot d�due. The 30d�y paiod Mill be�ia wi� <br /> Unk��and Bonnw�er atha+wl�a�g�ao in wlidn�.anf'aPP�ie�tioa oi proca�ds to piocipd�p �ot e�ar <br /> poWpane tba due d�ta oE the monthly p�yments�efem�ed w in p�raRraphs 1 md 2 ar ciw��e t4e anwa�t af�Ie�y�. 1f <br /> �rider pi�igraph 21 tho is acquirod by I�eadcr.Ba�rk�i�ht b aay inWUanoc policits aa0 pme+tx+�nau�iti� <br /> flom d�p1�e b the Pnqlerty�p W tlle ncqui�iRio��dY p�t b I.tadei t011fe exkot d�1 fYeM reElried by Ihi�SOC1niry <br /> �wr�ait ianmodi�telyprior w thc+�qubtdoa. <br /> i. Oocup�e� I�+aaw�tlo� bl�int��oe +� Prateciia� of.tie Pro�er�q: �rrbw�r'f� A�eali�y <br /> Iw�Y� 80���11 oocuPY.e�nbli:h.�nd�o tbe PneV�Y a�Bortower'k priu�ri�l�nesideooe wW�ia wary 8a�asr <br /> d�e acecaioo of qus Socurity las�vmeat�na�qaq oo�ndnue w occupy u�e 1'�opa�ty as I�ano.Mab pnmcipel�asida�ca for N <br /> �Iea�R om yeu after die d�te ot'occup�cy. wdess Lerdu u�henvlae a�nes io w7i�n�. whiGb croseat �II aot 6e <br /> wuauan�My wlthlrcld.or unkss e�ua�wtiag ci�uiastances euist which iue beyad BonavVerk cv�ntnol. Bamav�er sb�U not <br /> desdoy.d�mage ot impir the Propaty.�ilow�hc Pto�xrty w comaiit waste aa ihc PtopMy. Banower s6�11 <br /> be in defiult if�ny farf'eiwro�ction or piocadiag.wRud�er civil ar ctimirol. i�be�a th�t ia L�ei�derh good f�ith j�ud�aat <br /> could re:ult in fafeitm�of the Propeity a dhe��i�sr materially impair�ho lien crtated by this Socurity Rn�ma�t ar <br /> I.enderb securlty iatenst. Bormwer may curo wcb?�<1rfr�ult�od�einstate.�s provldod in parag�ph 18.ty pusiu�B�e�ctia�o <br /> a piuoeeding►o be dismiswd witb a ruling Lender*s good 9aith detaminatian,praludes fmfeitune of the Bo�mwalt <br /> intercs[ ia�Pe�nperty ar aher matcreat amp�irn�cnc of ehe Ilen c�+eated by this Security Insuumea[or I.unter� sowdry <br /> iataes� Haitower slwU tlw be in default if Aarrower. during the la�n appliauioa pr�neas�, g+�ve mata�i�lly falsa ar <br /> ioaopuute infortnadon or statemrnte w Lender(or failed to pmvide L,rndcr wf th any m�terial infom�ation)in�m w�U�� <br /> d�e loan evida�ced'oy the Note. including,but not limiced to.►ep�semaians can�erning Borrowe.�i� axup�ncy of the <br /> a�a�iacip�tl rec�dence. If U�is Security lmtrument�S oa a le�sehold.BornNwer s6�ll comply wUh all th¢wisioo� <br /> of lease. if Bomower acquires fee�ide t o the Property�the kasehold and the fee dtk shall�ot merge nnlw I..a�der ag�as. <br /> W thc mager in writing. <br /> 7. Pratectlou af Lender's Righb in the Property. If Bo�rower fails to perfam the covrnants and�ea�+a�te <br /> oaotxined in this Security Insqumen� a there is a iPgal proceeding tha�moy significantly affect L,enderk rights in the <br /> Pkope�ty(:ueh as a proaeding in bankruptcy,probate_ :f�nc condemnation or fodeiture or to enforix laws or regulations).tlxn <br /> l,ender rcwy do�nd pay for whatever is necessary lo prwect the��lue of 1he Pnoperty and Lender's rights in the P�vp�erty. <br /> I.ender's ac¢i�a:e�may lnclude paying any sums securcd by a lien whech has priority over this Security Instrumen4�ppearing <br /> in ooun,.p:r�ing rcasonable attomeys'fea:r. and entering on�he Properry to make tepairs.Althougfi l.ender may take�c.tian <br /> under tbia;p�wagraph 7,l.ender dces not have to do so. <br /> My ata�wnts disburscd by Lender under�his paragraph 7 shall berane a�d�+ona!deM of Bouower securcd by this <br /> Stcurity Uistrwnent. UnCess 8a�rower smd Lender agnee to other tenns of payme�aC,ti►:se amounts shall beu intenst from the <br /> datc of diebursement at the Nde rate and sh�ll be payaMe,with interest.upon notice from l.ender to Borrower requesting <br /> paymen� <br /> 8. Mortgage Insuraace. If 1,2m�:R requi�ed matgpge insurnnce os n condition of making the ban securcd by this <br /> Sccurity Instrument,Borrower shall pac�Me premiums rcyuired to mvntain the moAgage insuronce in efftct. If, for any <br /> Rasor.. the mottgage insurance covernge required k*y l.ender lupses or cea,e� m be in effECt, Bornower slwll pay the <br /> �trmiums tequired to obtain coverage substanGulh ��yutvalcnt ta thc mortgag�: insprancc prcvfausly in cffcrt,at a cast <br /> wbstantiall�r equivelent to 1he cost to Hottower of ihe morlgagr insurunce previ.nw�ly in effect,from�n altemate matgage <br /> insu�er aFpro�•ed by Lender. If subs�antially equivolent mortgage insurnnee ceneruFe is not availabk.Bomower shnll pay to <br /> l.ender each month a sum equul to one-twclfth of�he yearly monga�ee insutance,�semium bein�;gaid by Bortower when thr <br /> insurance covernge lapsed or reased ro be in effect. Lender will acc�pt,usc araall rc!tain�hese pnyments as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> of moctgage insurance. Loss reserve paymentc may no longer be required,s�c th�r option�f l.ender, if moAgage insuranc� _ <br /> coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender rcyuires)proviAcd hw z+n a�s:�r:r approved by Lendtr again becomes - <br /> available and is obtained.Borrower sha11 pay�he premiums reyuirrd n<±neadntai�martgage insurance in efFec�,or to provide a <br /> loss rcserve.until�he requirement for ra�ora�age in,urance ends in uc�:�nr�i:uu� wit�a any written Agreement benveen Bomower <br /> u�d Lender or applicuble low. <br /> 9. laspection. l.ender or i�s ugrnt may m:ilce s�xsonable entries upon ar.v� irspections of the Pro�erty, Lender shall <br /> give Bomuwer notice:�t thr tfine of or prior tu an iuupe ct+nn.pecifyinK re�wnuP+:e u�ause for thc inspertion. <br /> 10. Condemnation. The procredx of uny owa;ul a�r c1Aim far�mages,dircrt or consequentiul,in connection wilh any <br /> Singk Family..Fsrt�ie MpelFYealdle 1Nat UN�F'i�IkM I�iSTRUNt NT--Unifottn Covenantti 9190 fpupt.i��jA p.rqr.� <br /> �rx uta ew�seM►o�.ur-■ <br /> iu 0ider UIh 180Db1099i0 0 Mll i147YLt 1�1 <br /> ' -'- 'vn �?tl��'�.{�� .,�a�yt'`ti� _ �'�t_....... <br /> "�m'i '`' � ' �� � � . . . ., '.�``)1 .y , .�.3. ..__.. _y_ _.. ...y�''°::� ` t <br /> � . , . <br /> . . .. <br /> ,. ---•• , <br /> . _ . • , � , ; , , � <br /> .., . <br /> �.,.,..s..,.�� �r.. i , ��}.�.�J3k�l+�r,!!.�fir:.�..Y�::.,,;,• _ - 1'. ?� t;: <br /> . <br /> . , <br /> . .� <br /> .,. <br /> _. . 1_� _. -.,.-- c . ��Fs�k14� <br /> _ �._ <br /> � <br /> ,• <br /> - — -- _ - -- � � — , <br /> .�w ��- uei] C��r- -� -- - -I- - -.-- -- - -1 _ tltl,.r�� 'R}•a-' • � ; r�1 � ,`: <br /> 1 '�y <br /> v� y�"�x'��...,� '.:� . ' ..i � . iXs( . , .f.+tiifl� �n <br /> w�+_. 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