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:..,.,, _ . <br /> ,.- , ., , .� <br /> ._ . <br /> e-.�:;�., • . ti� . _ <br /> ,.. . , -- - <br /> _- ,, . -. <br /> _M •:-• .. � h . .�.ri-°�� . . .. - � . v-- �y�rHr'wrw ;r'r.�°- <br /> ""'---...-.�._r`�. � - ., .. . . 1� ��� _��' "t,'. <br /> ' . .':''�:=.: <br /> � • . If�.OaeroM�'�t� .Hotrowrr�1 b siwia a�s oontarmed oopg af d�eNoo��ad 6tthi�8�o�klt�Ita�rum�nt. . . <br /> 17.Tr+�a�f'ir o�tY��r+o�et ar�ti�flol�l Iatrewt i�8orroww. lI dl or rai p�rt at-t�Pfq�tr ar«q► <br /> _____� . ��j i���olt!at�erre��ar it a b�l4e�at iasant M 8orra+ra Ie�d ot�a�d�n+nwae i�,�a.�- <br /> -- - --°- �tur�1 P�nn) 11�uut�Ywni�r` priar wtittm�t�i.�1N' itoro�on,r.�i�irr#mi.i�t�piymiut ite i�Ai t�---. . .. <br /> vl � tlds�tr 1�p�umen�Howrvar�ebi�oreioa�11 �ot b�q�oiwd by 1�►dK if��oiw�ft�, � <br /> p"��IproMbit��lb��up�at d�a�f tMi�qavurlt�r t�eum�n� <br /> t l w n d�r a M d�t h i�a�o n�l.a W e r d a t l d v�e a a e Y O�n o d o e o�.o o�t�r i d a�.T h s n o t t o e d u�l l p n o v i d s�p r i a d <br /> --- a!eras!cs t!�3l�e�e fe+�m t�i e dete t�te no+�iaa i��a1iw�A•x m.itad wiibls rWob&�oNer mu�t py tll w�m��+d <br /> bp t1ii�&aurlq►ltitr�n+��lf aornaw+x idl�to p�Ur d�e�wn� or to the adai at thi�perlod.Ladx mqr invoio� <br /> aar wnwdiM pwmitad bythi�8eo�ritY inettumeatMltbout�notloec��md on Aorrower. <br /> TT.��,.� I�R Hoerox�'�Rl�bt to�tame�.�i I�onowrr m�eu oerorin oo�dition,Baa+owar iu�ll iuive tha�I�ht�o bnna <br /> a�twoema►t ot ehie 8eoud 1�t dboondatMd rt�qyr dme prlor to ths arlier d:(a�S d�ya(or w�oh othKpwtod <br /> a��p�iabta I�w m�y�tar reiastate�rnnt betcn�rls at the t to�uy Ma�oi wle oonYained ir <br /> thi�_8�urity Imwmanf;ar �b� �ntry af s�pnaat aatoroin,�thi� ty I�etrumen��ooadi�aas�+s th�t <br /> ' BonaNa: (a�) p�I►a l�ender d M1fRf NII�CI1 would be due under thi�8eourity I ment�d the�aoe�s t�eo <br /> •ooelaadon h�d 000urrodt(b)ew+esu�r dd�ult ot u�y othee aovawnts a�+aement�(o pys�II aa�penbe�inaurrod in <br /> entoraie�thia Seci�itq tnhrument,inaludt��.but not limited ta.t�eaonable• 'tees�md(d�t�ra euah sation� <br /> " Lender m�q r�onablY�����t the lien oi thi�Saaurlty Intrumen���e ti�hte in the Property md <br /> HorroNer's oW�iption W py thoeume eeaurod by�this5eaurity Irottruma►t�hs11 aantinueunch�o�a1.Upon rdnsatema�t <br /> by Horro�rar.thisSeCUr�ty Inrt+rumeataed the obliQatlans�ued heroby ahdl�emdn lully eNeetiveae if noaooelandon <br /> h�d ooawrad.However,thie ri�ht to rotnsrateeh�tl not apply in the ca�e ot aooelecatioa widar p�ra�aph 17. <br /> t9.S�k at Note;Ch�o�a of I.o*a Servioor.The Note or a partid ietenast in the Nate(to�ether Mtth elds Security <br /> -- Inetrument)m�y b�e eold one or more tlrties pjthout prlur notlo�to Bo�roxer.A s�le nuy rasult in a aiw�ia tAe aadty <br /> (knoNn u the'Lau�9ervloer")that oolleate monthly paYments due wider the Note and thts 3ecurity I�uscumant The�+e <br /> _ - � , _ _ alem m�p be ane at more ohen�s ot th�i,n�n lCe�vjosr wu+d�td to a�le ot tbe Note.If t6�O ia�clu��t the L�n <br /> . `a�;�tj; Servioer,Harmaor w►ill be�iven Mritten notioe ot the eh�n�e i�a000M�noe p3th 14 above u�d appiica6ie I�p. <br />':i; "',� Tho notloe Nill etate the mme and addre�ot the new�Losn Servlaer and the dd�+ero to p eh <br /> p�ymen��hould be mde. <br /> -- 77�e notioe will�Iso contain�ny otl►er inform�don required by�pplicable la�. <br /> - �� 20.}Iaa�rdow Substances. Borropet e1u11 not cauee or it tbe presp�ce,use,dispoe�l�etora�e.or rdaee oi <br />_``�}�A.�. <br /> _ ;� any H�z�rdous Subeunoeg on or in ihe Proporty.Horrower sIW not do� nor allow anyone elee to do,anptl�inR at[ectin� <br /> �" th�Property th�t ie in vtol�don of any Bnvrronmental LaM.The qncadin�two asntanca�shdl not apply to the proea�oe. <br />:� uae. or stan�e on thep��y ot small qwn6ties of Ha7ardous Sub�tancea th�t u+o �enerally r000�ni�ed to be <br /> - s �te w normai residentiai usee and w maintesunve of tho I'roporty. <br /> :. i�..r,,: �oirmMer ehall prompdy�ive Lender�vritten notioa ot any invastigation.eldm�dam+�nd,lawsuit or othat actlan by <br />`�': . . at�y eovernmentd or t�ul�tr.ny ��enay or private party inwlvin� the Pnnperty and an�y H�z�rdoue Subetanoe or <br /> Environmental l..�w ot Mtdch BomoNer h�s sctusl knawled�e It HorroMer leacns,or Is notified by any�overnmaaal or <br /> n <br />-- �: � .' ,ne,�ulatory authority.that�ny romovd or other remedf�ti�n ot any Ii�zardoue Subet�nce atfactin�the Froperty is <br /> _"-�_ ,i�,. <br /> _— ��_ y�c�ry.l�ormaer nit�ll pomQtl�►talce dl naxeeary romedi�l aations in a000rdu►ce wtth Bnvf ronmental Lsw. <br /> A �'p:..,.,.� Aa�ned in thie pta�r+Ph 7A. H�rdous Subetences"aro thoee subeancm�ned�s to�ic or luzardoue subst�noes <br /> ,� ,� + � .,;�;�. by Envlronmental i.aN and the folloMin�subetance�gasoline,kerosene.other flsmmable or Loxic petroloum prara+�rts, <br /> �'��J' wxic �atic�dea and herbicides, volatile solvents, mauriala can t aining �sbesWe or formddehydo. ud n�dioactive <br /> � matanale.As used in thls prag�aph 20,"Environmental Law"mans foderal laws and l�as ot the juri�iction whero the <br /> � , !Property is Iocated ttut ralate to health.sefety or anvironrnental protoction. <br /> � �p�N'14�""'���1 NON-UNIFORMCOVENANI'S.Borrower and I.ender turther covenant and agree�s idiows <br /> �''�'*"�'�'�'�'�t. 21. Aoeelaration; Rennedies. Leader ahdl sive notice to Borrower priair Aa sccelentiun followins <br />= r �� �'��, Borrower's broach at aay eovaa�nt ar a�reement io tbis Security lostrumeat (bw�t aot prior to seceleration <br /> � s�`. •'•••-�` �5���,�•. <br /> J`A �; .;�,�.,f t t.�� nnder p�ntraph 17 uala�a spplicable l�w provides otherwise).Tha notice a6a11 apc�ity:(a)tha default;(b)the <br /> � Y �T ,i e �ction required to cure tho do[ault; (c) s daie. not lesa t6m 30 d�ys trom the date tha nntice is =lvou to _ <br /> ��`��:� . h,•,-•� � �onowor. by whic6 the def�ult must be cared;snd(d)that tailure to care t6e default op or bz�ore the date <br />,� i�i �,i��� Y, <br /> '�,�;:,�.,�,}„,:t•.�.�?•,,'�,�, ��i�ted in the notice m�y result ia accelention o[tde auma secured by this Securit lnstrument and sale of <br /> ,� �,:.. � <br />��;.' �,�ti�,��,�,;�,;�;,.^,�,±�• t e Property.The notice s6�ll t�rthor inform Bonower nt the ri�ht to reiast�te a ter acceleratioa aad the <br />_�r !;-� �,�t�.�,�:�+� �rifht to Mroo�a court acttoa to assert t6e non-exisleace�ot• default or say other dotenee ot Bono�ver to <br /> � � r������i,��:•�:.• iCCOIOration snd sale. I�the defsu0t is not cured on ot�6efore the d�te speci(ied ia the notice� L.ander, �rt�oa <br /> : �� �K;.;°;. i'?!'1.�� aption. may requin immedi�ta payMent in f�ll of�11 suma secured by this Security Iostrument without <br /> � �k,-��` - � •,,,�„ further demsnd aad mty invotcc t6o poK•cc a? sale and :ny other remedies permitted by applicable law. _ <br /> : ��Y,ti�'!.ES. Lendar s6d1 be entitled to collect aU e:pc�aes ineurced in pursuinQ tde remedies provided oa�tbia psra��ph - <br /> ��,.t,,;<. 21.includin�.but not limited to�reaeonable sttorneya'fees and costs oi title evidtaxe. _ <br /> ���'�•• -� '�f'_ I[the power of eale ie invoked,7'rustee s6a11 record a notice of detault in each couoty in which any part of <br /> ;F�}� � .,.- • _ <br />�:�„ •.��°. the Proporty is located�nd shall miil copias ot such notice in the manner Qresca�i6ed by spplicsble law to _ <br /> • -°'�r��v. Eorrower and to the otdor persons prescribe d by app l ica b le law. A lter t he time required by appItca b le(aw. <br /> -`'�� `�r'���'' ° ` Truatee s6a11�ive publ ic aatice ot sale to thepersons and in the manaer prascribed by spp8ucabie lsw.Tru�eea <br /> ';'' „�+..., � . :• <br />,_��_. ,� ,,,�,,� wit6out demand on Borrowor. ahd!sell the Property at public aucti�n to the hi$hest bidde�at tde time afl� . <br /> -;N�. �d�a placo aad .under the terms desi�e�ted in the notice of sole in one or more parcels aad ia amy order T�ustce <br /> :���:, - ,� . . dotermines.Trustee m�y postpone sale ot all or aay�arcal ot the Property by pubiic�nnounremeat a3 ttae <br />'" • � � time sod place oI any previously seheduDed sale. Q.ender or its desi�nee msy purch�se the Proporty a¢aay <br />= � • sole. - <br /> . ,�+.��_. '.. . FKw �01� !/80 - <br /> �-8Nh1EDu�oe►o� nq.e.e s �{n�lali: � <br /> ^ �� . 4 a��� <br /> . '�F'::;•, _ , .. <br /> �,� 7ry�7 tt ry{� , <br />--�;. ` .,.3�. ... . . . `•f`1� .,i,���~�rt. -- -� • . -� t•.rr•r..-y��••��:�•.�'�-.(r�;.,,;... ...,r�,� :�,.�.G `•).i�..t'�t� �(��•'S�,'�l,fi9v{!��}�.`.�it.;�`t(�.�:j�ysdst: <br /> z{� �'� � w.+ � ��� - , ii ��C..•-��n �- �ti. . �� y,�.� - .. ;1� �r;�, �,`.t�'��,:'ir��:�E,`i 1� �� s��f+ <br /> i ' <br /> �`.�'. � :k� .•�.•.`_ „�' ' S5�`��'y��: '" ` .7�• ,r��... � fi ' fi ��'� i _ ' ' _ <br /> ;. . .,: . ti1Jl'(, , . .,, � . , ,,�t� , <br /> Y:�1i. �E1S�1�i�:$`l.t' '� �� � �.q.�;��a,_,i�. ,�.5`�'�._:k.. r�L •,i <br /> --�-1._` __- _° °-- -� - lP� _-• --- - -_` -_— .._.T- - . - — .. . . . :-- -.=r. ---- ---.. -;-`r .._ , --..--- . .'__ . . <br /> - `P.,l' '"i • <br /> p ..: > • >l.�.)'•� , • • ' ' ' ,�'`1 <br /> '�� � �� . 'i � ' � .:, � ' �� ��.�,`lti� <br />._— •����Us�ti�.'. <. �SU-.� .... .. - ' ��.1�I. .. ;' .. <br /> �'�.�..��_-„ 1 I .. . . ... 1,• <br />--.. 4 .. . ... - .. ,�-' '�—_.—•_.�-_'_ � ,-____' ' _ ' ' �541�',� '` .. <br /> �_ <br />�—�1� �� •. �.�,�' ' " . . . - . . • �'1 \ 1 ' �,��`. <br /> - +'� •' . .. r�.. � � :'���. -'' 1 i <br /> v. :S,Qik.� ... - <br /> �, r^ :�:., .. .. , <br /> __ � ���. � .; ' . ,. ' , '. . • . . <br /> ,�,, . , ,. • <br /> . _ J � <br /> � - _�- - - __ _- -- - �- _' _ — -- �- --_ __ --_ — --� _. <br />