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_ : ,.. , . �r,�:.:�.Y:." • • _-�.,.:,. -- <br /> . T "' '1 . � . � - .. , ' ' .. ., r ew eeW-• -y� .� .;_.__.. .. <br /> , � . .. . ,��� � <br /> . <br /> ...��.itv .f , r �W/! f�tr.' ���•�D..r ..f� � --=-��J�Ir4�.,:�vrj � <br /> . � .. " ' �t�• ' i�' � "��� "��-', �� i� .. .� .... - <br /> '1�4F3R!'f� �H �M' 1M. t�aw at rirt*[M�t �raYd m' �� r, , ;:�'�'�"' <br /> �!!s��ow' � �pwt ot t�p�opryl.A�!r�p1�MMd � � �� - - <br /> .. --� - ,�„----Y � - -'--- 2�.�,.�,:�e,�r-s.-a .-` '"��� .e�. _ ti 'hr3t <br /> . . a <br /> -- - ' - - <br /> � .�Hf���r��a� ��r.�...«.. J � <br /> „ '. �fMp�Mldoq1t�,1'�M ih�1�'bM�7.dp1��/INMf101M11�l�wD�jJ��Ot fQ611111�ftl10M 0�tr00fld.�M'1�.' _. <br /> �ha <br /> ' ��a►d�fll$�ia!Nq�ally 1MtItW.b dM'f�opwt1 ydpit dl e�iiew�d�n�rl�,w�Ml�o!M�rqpnM11r�Irlr :.� .:}:. <br /> � TEUS S�CU�CC1l tNB'�'RVI�eArr oo,nbit�uarra�m ou,nn�nd rar,ru�tia'w w..d�a i�an�niMenn oowa�ati�►Ith; <br /> limttsd variatton�by �diation to aoeMtitaaa unitarm MoudtY imtrwnent oovarins nd peop�ty. ,' :"`-' ""- <br /> UNI�+ORM tXj�BNANT�,Bo�ra�spd Lartd�r o�e and�ree�[oliow�x � <br /> �.P�.ymest ot 1�rleclp,.aa U�r�r.sti�purai..e.ail l..a�rp..Horr�ow.e dMlt pcoinas(r p►y Mlri:n du. <br /> �. tbe pcie�aipal ot and intenat oa the dobt evidet�ed by the Nooe a�d any PreP�yma►t u►d latsc�r�du�uad�r t1r Noa. . <br /> �.Pnads[oR Ti�w�ad Uuaaaae. 8ub}at ta�ppltoable law or to�wdtten wdv�e byT.awlar.Harra+�a��I! <br /> pa to La►dar on the d+y monthlyp�ymenti�e�e due under ths Note�unttl ihe Note i�pdd in full,a ann("P�pie�")tar: . <br /> is�YadY taue aud�ment�Mhtch m�q attainpriority nver this Saaiutty�ratrument��lien an tlroePe�p�t��(b). <br /> �rorl�leieeholdp�ymenta or Erowd mntr on tbe u� .Io)Ya�r1Y fuwd ar ia�aoe promiumr <br /> n <br /> (d)�r1Y tlood inwranoa promiumn�ii anYi(eI Y�1r�►a'�lfe�M�+�P'�i�i �nr a�o�d lt)�mY w�mr Qq�1�U <br /> by Ii4rnower uu�.,ender�in�oo�rd+�noe xlth the provl�ion at qr,�ph 8.�n lieu ot the pYmeat ot,mort�ye inwunu�oe <br /> pn+iniums.�'haie itams�re calted"B�a+uM Items."Lende+� any dma,oolkct aod boW Pur�ds�e an amoijht unt <br /> to exe�ed t�s maximum annount a la�da�tor�fed4rally related tnort��e krma m�p t�eq�in tor Aan�qNet'�ao�+nM <br /> sr',?cau�pt i�nd��t,�e ieder�l Red F�tate Settlement Prooedur+a�Aat of 197'4�avna�ded finm tima.�to dme. I�USS C. � <br /> Sra�ctidri�2G0��Ilp.('RffiPA•1.uale�anatltes�lmv that applia to the Fundr seb a fareer antount Ii�u.L�der qnsy. <br /> - - at a1'ty Bsne.cQ!leat aad hald Ptntr�ir.nn eenot�t r�o2 to e�c�eed the kMa�t+�nN+»nt.i.ndar,�s�y artim�t�t1a ainouat d <br /> � � 1�imcM due on the b�ei�ot owra�t d�ta smd rew�bte a�timata ot espaditura�ot future�asaroW I�nuor otherwi�e in <br /> avcordmoe wltha�1ic�bfe laM. <br /> .,. �; `1'fie F�mde afi�ll be held in an inetiwtion whosa cbpoeita u+a inwnd by a tederal a�a�4y,i�rum�Wity,or eatity <br /> ';��?"�' �:t�lu�in�g La�der ie wch�n inetitutlon)or in any Federd Nome Lwn Bank.L,endcr`�hall appty t1�e <br /> -- •�q the Bsa+r�a Items.Lander may�►o�charge Borroxer tur holdinQ and applyin�tt►e Fws'ds,umwlly aulqzing�� <br /> — ee�orow t�eoun:,or verifyia�the Becraw isemo�unless Lander qys BorroMer intereet on the I�unde md applicabf�1��c� <br /> ,pii�ltits tender to mdce s�uuch s ohuga. However,�.�ondor may roquiro BorroMer w py a oae-tlme char�e ior m <br /> ;;::..� . �adeFendant rai ostate t�x reporting eorvjca usad by i,end�x in oonnactlon wl�h tl�iis laan.unlear applicable 4�r provides <br /> �"�� :tiRhera�eo.Unleee+u���eement ia nn� ap¢licable l�w requiros interoAt to ba paid j��eball not be requir�ed o0 <br /> --.�-�°°°,_-�-_-- pay Bonawer�ny intet+est or e�minp on tlia Futrcls.Aotroper�nd Lender ptay e�r+ee tn w�itin��hoMever�tfut intm+est <br /> eiull be p�ld on the Funda Lender�t+al l�ive W Ao�roMer�without clur�e.aa annwl�voountin�ot the Fwide,ehopin� <br />_ _ T. �.ot+ediis�d dabits w the Funde and 1he pwpde�to#whtch each debit to the Funds M�s r�ule.Tbe F�md�are pled�ed st <br />_.—_ a�di�im�aleecurityfo�el!wrenyeeourer]by,thisSecuraxylnstrumen� <br /> —�� � If the Funda held b1� Lender Cxeced tfiis amown�permitted to be held by�pplicsble laM�Landar shdl acoount to <br /> � — �. �rroNer[or the e=cesa Funde in acourdanoe wit�s�requirements of appltc�ble law.H the amount of the Fw�ds held <br />'� � '�by[.ander at�ny dmo is not auttiaimt to pay the Esomw Iteme when due,La►der may ea notify Borrower in wrltin�. <br />"•.���,_,� and,in such caee Borrower shali psy�ta�Lender the�mount nece-�suy to mako up the�denay.Horro�►er ah�ll mat�e <br /> '�t �, <br /> �'��� ,.,.up the d�ticienay in no more ttun tweive monthly Lender's sole discrotion. ' <br /> ';;'�� � Upon payment in iull of all sums securod by this Security Instrument.Lender shal!promptly r�fund w BorroWer <br /> �, any Funds held by Lender. It�underg�tagceph �!, Lender shell acquiro or sell the Property, Lender, prior to the <br /> aoquieition or sale of the Property.eha�l apply ar�y Funds held by Lender at the time of�cquieidan or eale ie a crodit <br /> � �i,� a�ainst tha sums secured by thle Socuricy lnstrumrnt. <br /> �� i�•.;� <br />:� .�};�, 3.Application ot Paymoute.l%xt9ess applicable law provides otherwise,all p�ymet�ts rocxived by Lender w► <br /> pen�raphs 1 and 2 stull be applied:tirst,to any prepsyment ch�rQes due under the Note;secund�to amounts payable <br /> under pry�aph 2; interost due;tourth,to princ�pal due;and last,to any I�te chsr��due under the Note. <br /> ' 4. C6�r�es; Ltens. Borrower sha1) pay all t�►xes.assessments,charQea,fines and impositiona attributablo w the <br /> e�. �•-Property whiCh may �ttin prlority over this$ecurity Instrumant,and le�sehold psyments or ground rente, ii u►y. <br /> � :''; ' . �Borroaer�r��l psy tha�e oblig�tioas i� the manner provided in peragraph 2,or it not podd in that m�ttner.Horrowet <br /> + .��5� <br /> . ��-�!�:•?� '• shall py them on time diroctly to the person oaod payment.Horrower shall promptly tur�ish to Ler►der afl notises ot <br /> �� ;� � "��. amounte to be paid undar this peragraph.It Horrower m�kea these peyments di�ectly,Barrower eha1D�ramptly furnish <br /> ,• , '•��;r,;� z:;;.. � • <br /> � ;;� t� to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> �� Horrower shall promptly dische�ge any lien which has priority over this Security Instruxne�w� �A��'o r}+�wer: (a) <br /> - �`�"'��'''i:! agrxa in writing to the paymont ot the obligation sxured by the lien in s manner acceptable to Cend�er;(b)cantests in <br /> ;^�1�'� good tuth the iien by,or detends ogai�st entorcement ot the lien in, legal proceedings which in tha Lender's opinion <br /> •����-�;; <br /> �y�.� operate to provent the entorcement o� che lien;or (c)secures trom the holder of tho lie�an agrament setisttetory to <br /> � i��r°•. Lender subordinatin�the lien to this Security Instrument.If l.ender determines that any part of the Property is subject <br /> � _ , • � to s lian which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,Lend�r may give Borrower a notice idrntitying the <br /> '-'•-' `�" lien. Borcower slull s�tisfy the lien m take one or more of the actions set torth ebove within 10 daya ot the Qivin�ot <br /> '�`�y���r�`� notice. <br /> �,.•_„�:s..���. <br /> .ysx,. ,:;� <br /> r��'i7�.''`,j:�{• N <br /> � Puw 302� !!!0 <br /> ;'��;r,,,��r �,1�,ti., � <br />� :wtajr�"li?:••��•�1,,:, �-6(tM�lro�oa►o� �.�.:.�• �eit1�1�: <br /> �y."•�'.�v�'„�:r�l�'7,f • <br /> ,kT �;5r�1 <br /> �::fil�� <br /> :; :x.� ! <br />� �����'�� , . . t-,.r . _. .t . ,, � �+F��A►�',1/Nb'.-�r-- . <br />- 7}�: �ift•... . , . � . ' • ' r ,�•; ' . <br />..-` i . . .- _ <br /> T� . .,.' ' - . . <br /> � ����f, 7�.;.._ . .-_�. .. 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