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_ _ _. ,� <br /> � • ' • r -.- •��►%_w,..�,_,, _ .. . °r�-- ` -- --. <br /> .. o . �y ,. °ri. ' _ ' - ,.,'a�.� <br /> O .�. ,. '. . . . � ..� . . e._. • � . <br /> Y <br /> .. �1���H i�1�M I�D1►rIMMR�IIpM Of�w11Mlf MrC10�EII Iu0 p('O�y►.����: � n <br /> .. �1R1�!!!��1MISW O! �!!lel�ii? �l�� Gf�i9 j�• � �' � � �+.��M l�Qrl�l!!�.�!�.�� .. ' ..' - <br /> . i�et. All ot die(bno�aiq b nMed to ip thN 9�arity Lorinm�e�M a�tbe'hn¢retty.' . • .. . <br /> UOitROWBR OOVBNAMl�dwt lla��It ImvhQy�d dt t6e eitMe 6�nb�►conv�'d r'd Lr IM�iMM b prt w� <br /> oodvey tbe Piqiaty and d�t Ihe Pa+p�+�ty b�nioneumbaed��aooept tar aioanl6fapa of rmoed. iorn►rwt w�n�ts�d wpt <br /> deieed�at�Uy the titla to tbe Prap�eAy apint dl clai�rM�nd demlyds��ub,i�ot b�q►�ot�oad. <br /> TM9 S6Cl)RITY INS"i'RUINBNT aomMnes uaiform oovm�for n�tian�l we ad non-unffonN oaveaw�wft�Ilmind <br /> �►�rfatio�u by juri�dialan b ooa.deuoe.u,dtorm.eautty ia.tiun+eot oovede�re.)poprty. <br /> 1JWIR�RM COVBNANTS.8armwcr�►�d l.crida'wvea�at at�d a�nx as foUoavs: <br /> 1. P�y�t d llrlydp�l aad 1�Rw+dti 11e'N�rat�t�d 1.Me Ci��p. Barower �hdl P+"��Y P�Y wi�p�duie die <br /> pdndPd of�nd irMet�at oo We debt avidanood by the Note a�d rAy p�ymaM�nd b�te�due u�tbo Ndo. , <br /> 2. Fbnd�tor T�a�od iworanoe�Subject to�pplic�blo f�w or w�written waiver by La�drx. Honnw�er alad!p�y to <br /> La�der on the d�y monWY P�Y�+uo due uMer tho Now.until the Noto i�p�W in ibll�+�oum('Fund�`)tor.(�1 Y�Y� <br /> aad awewnaa�which mty�ACt�s piodty avu Ihi�S�ec�le�ttument u a lien on the Propetry:(b)yauly Ia��ehaJd p�ymaats <br /> or g�ou��ad�au�he i*ropenty.i��:<c)lrartY b�ard ar�ropcct,�r ia�raaoe pccxut�ns:(d)Yeady tload iasuranoo praniums. <br /> if�ny:(el Y�Y���P� if apy;�nd f4�wms pq�b�e by Barrower to a000r�ai�co wNb , <br /> tbe provi�ion of p�r�ap6 li�a of tb paya�ent of ma�e iasunncs preoaiums.7'hesa items are cdlad'F�crow Ite�." <br /> l.ender ny�r.�t any time. cdfect�nid bold �wd.+in�n anoum not to exoeed the mucimum auoount a leoder Wr a fe�lerr�Jl�r <br /> �eb�tal matg�ge toam m�y requim fa Barowror's escrow a000unt uader tAe foderal Real F.state SotdaonaM Pr000�lwes Ad d' <br /> 1974 ts�a�a�od�qm time to thro. 12 U.S.C.Soction 2601 q seq. ('RESPA"1,unkst another I�w�thrt�ppiia to fbe F�unds <br /> o�ts e li���w�iuit:.jf gu. I.aa&i»� u,�y tle�.colti�t and lt���ds is� as�mt na!ee ezee�tlee!e•.��_ <br /> . i,ender moy WimiRe tbe anwurit of Fw�ds duc on thn basis of curnnt dt�ta xnd reawnabb�of expaiditwei of fi�twra <br /> Fscmw ltdm or otherwise in a000�dance with opplicablc uw. . <br /> The Funda stiall be held in'an insdtution whose dcposi48 ero insured by a fede�ai ngency, �naJep�taliSy, ar entity <br /> (includin�L.ender,if Lender is,such nn institution)or in any Fe�eral Home Loan Bank. �..cnder shall apply the Funtis to'pay the <br /> Escrow ltems.Lender may no`charge Bortower for holdin8 nnd applying the Funds.�nually at�lyz�ng the escrow M:oount.,or <br /> verifying 1ha 8cenow Itams.unlesa Lx,�der pays Bomower interest on tl�e�w�ds and appli�able law permits I.ender w mal�e such <br /> a charge.Hoaever,lender may roquire Borrower to pay a onttfine charge for an fndependent real estate ta�c r�wrting cervica <br /> used'by.len�e� in can�octian aith this Iwm, unless applicAble law•provides otherwise. Unless an agreem�mt is made or <br /> appiicablc�lav�requircs intcrest to bc paid,Lender shell nat ba required�to pay Borrowev any interest or camings on tbo Fund�. <br /> Borrower u�d l.endar may agne in writing. however�thal•interest shs►!1 be paid on t0�e Funds. L.ender shall give w Borrower. <br /> wlthalt�rhaitge, an a�m�wl accounting of�he Funds. shawing cre{lits and debita to the Funds and•the purpose for which e�ch <br /> debit to the Ponds wa4 riwde.'ihe Funds are pledged as aci3itimlai security for aii swn.r�curai by d�ia Six.'urity ftist�r�nt. <br /> If the Fundy held by L.ender excead Ihe amoun�4 parneined ro be held by applicable law. Lender shall account to Borrower <br /> for ihe excess Funda in acrnrdance with Ghe requirements of applicable law. If the amousu of the Funds held by Lender at nny <br /> dme is nd sufficient to pay the Escrow Items whea due.I.e nder may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower <br /> ahali pay to Lender the umount necessury tu make up tho deticiency. Borrower.shall mwke up the daficiency in no more tlwn <br /> twelve monthly payments,at I.ender's sole discretion. <br /> ,Upon payment in full of all sums securcd by thfs 5ccurity Instrument, I.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> Funds hcld by Lernier.If,under paragrnph 21,Lender sh�l.l:�cquire or scll the Property,l.ender.prior to thc acquisition or s�le <br /> of;P+e P[operty,shall apply any Funda held by l.ender at 13�e time of acquisition or sale as a cre�it against the sums savrod by <br /> thia Secudty Instrument. <br /> 3.Applkatlon of Paymeats.Unless applicnble law provides otherwisa,all pnyments received by Lender under paragrapha <br /> I uitd 2 ahall be applied: tirst, to any prepayrnent charges due under Ihe Nate;second, to amounts pAyubie under paragraph 2; <br /> thir�d,to interest due; principal due;and lavt,tn a n}•late chargeK due under tF�Note. <br /> �l.�Ctu�rges; Lien4. BoROwer shull pAy ull taues,nssessments,charges, fines und impositions utt�ibutable to thc Property <br /> which may auafn•priority over thi� 5ixuriry In�t�wu�nt. as�d lea�hotd payments ar grc,und rents, if any. Horrower shall pay _. <br /> these obligations in the m�umer provided in paragruph 2,or if nat paid in that manner,&�rmwer shull pay them on time diractly <br /> to the person owed payment. Borrower shall pmmptly furnish to l.ender s,ll nolices of umounts to b.,pnid under this paragraph. <br /> If Bonowe�mukes Ihese payments dircctly,Borruwer shafl promptly fw�nisb to i.end�r receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Sorrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Insirument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in <br /> writing to the puyment of the obligution secured by the licn )n a manner acceptable a�Lender;fb)contests in good faith the lien <br /> by, or defends agi»nst enforcement of the litn in, legal pr�xeeding� which in thc L.rndcr's opinion opernte to prevent �he <br /> enforcement of the lien:or(c).r•ecurcs fram the holder iif the lien an ngreemem suti.r•f'actorv to lxnder sulwrdinu�ing the lien tc+ <br /> this Security Instrument. If l.cndcr determines ihat uny purt nf thc Pmperty ix.r•ubject to u licn which may uttain priority over <br /> thi�Security Instrument, l.ender muy give Bormwer a nn�ice identifying thc licn. &►rniwer�hull tiati�l'y the lien o�tuke one or <br /> more i�f ibe uctions set ionh above within 10 days of tiic�tiving nt nn[ire. <br /> , Fo►m 3018 9l90 <br /> , qpe 9 0�e <br /> .. � � <br /> - —- ---- �� _-- �'j — -- <br /> dJ�Ta'�IR•rr'r-qrr'.vr-- �^-.-•,llLa��..l:�����;5,;�- .. . 1. ./�f(�T„�( � . .. . e^+rT^`rrt� _ � - . <br /> - r'`_ .�i' t - �. � . T'�— . . .•.��r..:Y:r. SY,'iM�W.L'��.�p`61r!IH���S''.r.�,i.+.�A.,n7C�W 1 q� <br /> -- t=" .__. .v„w�L�r»_:t:r:.. ,�_' � ,Li y.�i:frrl��{�A�II�d�a��"us����..�;Kt L e^:ii�'�`�i��ii+k•�.�'=: <br /> - = ' - <br /> �_ <br /> - . -� -- - - -- - - - - - - <br /> ._ <br /> - _ }'t7 � 4 . • �" ��� ' . . - , . . 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