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—► ....ti.....�r�..., �• ..:4:.itk'• : �. . .� n u , -''.":.4`�.i__ <br /> J" . , <- � .. • . RI�1 .'��' ,, ' .. . ,:,�(;. <br /> , —- J�T �� �, <br /> • � , ,. �0�Of TMI�T., . . , , _ <br /> _T .T . _�����.> �-� s.+�•a. ' i. 1ti..L;.� .�...`i......��...._ �. . _.�.�a •' `.�N 1i. . . . _ _..�;_�. - <br /> "' . `. " �. <br /> � �,�ainueea�i��+��ia�rr,�a.aa�an�wM��ioii� " ��' <br /> a��r, �.�► oMaa��rww.«��w�►a���M�r.M+��a'riw����a�»!'�� . <br /> �e�M�onaoaqwonu�a.►�o..aa�+w���aaw�aw�.a�aw•�a.rrrp�a�w. �w ' <br /> Mr fIM 11�Mr��M�h►N�p��n�r'M!I'�'��ne w��thtl Mw�ob�owlr��rw�.�Wli��l . <br /> 11u�lor 1�.tlM.wo�Non a�I.O�M Of 7h�It„ . � ,.� .� <br /> . � . , �cw'✓ �ii��Le.��r � � � <br /> " � t' ��iif11M0/ .,,�..:,• <br /> DE60 OF 4RU8T WITH R'UTURE ADVANC� � � <br /> n�s a�o�rAUer.a m� a w. 1�..6tb d.r o�... A�r. ,�a�,.�►.�a�nqro <br /> Mr iwaMOr. �'��11 Aw� Ghri�t�n�n i O�rlea� Cbri�t�a�n • bwb�nd aad �i�N . <br /> � w1w�nrM6q addrM�b �107 M MM�lrr Ar� Braed Ll��.TruM�or��»w�h�tl�q��i a"�, <br /> - -- tf�.Itu� �9.�16 Polat� �riR� � ii�iar'a�itw �'�t'�r+'vai�+ , <br /> i whow n�iwp adana a <br /> P.0. �t 13l7 Iirand I�laMl� � �b88�2 1��,"T�u�r�••lr�+d <br /> Ilr�rwefrrf►. Fiw Pdint� Bwk - �,� .t., <br /> ---�—=�► , . <br /> whoN nwWnp aidrtn�sr b �1S 11. Brordr111 Qaraad I�laAql, 11B. 68BO2-13�7 ��«�q, :' <br /> FO�R vAWA�u�CONS1oEAl►TION.tncludlnp L�riasrs�xMmlo�a cndtt W��tlll�d h�r�ln eoM�ra11�11 D�an cOrist�� . <br /> �, <br />`^���� � Oarl�tl! Chri�t�a�aa (hs►eln"8onowsr',whMher on�a rnon)�nd tl�trwt h�nln cnat�d, : ', <br /> tbe rec�lpt d whi�h Is M►�by acknowl�dp�d.Tnistor hKOby Inevoaably yrsnb.tnnde�.oonvsy��nd�alpn�to TrwM�.W ,, <br /> TRUST.WITH P.0IMEIR OF BALE.lor 1h�bsn�rf and s�curity of Lendsr.undK a�d wbjsot ta th�qrnis and caMitlo+n h�N�1�w Mt <br /> _ ����M ,�! 3TR��AND ISLAIiD NEBRASKA• LFAALLY lIMQ11M A9 ��` �3 <br />-:-� �a�,3�� BI,OQI TMO t2) IN K�IICKRBNM S6COM� �DDITIOM TO THE CIT11 QF t�RA1fD IS� <br /> HA9:•l. COUMTY� 11BYRASkA " � ' <br /> - -- —� To�sr w(th all bulldlnps,Improvements.Oxtures,eheate,elleys,paaseyewaya,eaeemente,Nphfs,pr;�llsges�nd eppuAs- <br /> nances looated therson or In anywlas pert�Inlnp thereto,and tha�ente,I�sues end protin,ra�er8lone and remalndero thereof,and <br />- , �uoh psrwned property that Is attaahed w the improvement�ao as to aonsdtute a tlxturo,Includlnp,but not Ilmlted to,heatlnp and <br />'.=�i�j coollnp equlpman�and topether wlth tha homoatead or madfal intereste,If any,whlch Intereals ere heroby retea�ed and walvad;all <br /> �� oi whlch,Includlnp replecemant8 end addldons thereW,is hereby declared to be a part ol ths raal es1aW wcur�d by tha Iton of fhls <br />� -- Os�d of Trust�nd aN ot ths fOrepolnp balnp refened M hera ln w Me"Pro�r t y". <br /> ' --� 7tW Deod of Tniet ahall secure(a)the peyment oi the princlpal sum and intere�t ovldanced by a promlaaory nota or or�dit <br />:�:� a����� �oril 16lh 1993 ,havinp a maturlty daw of May 3th 1997 � <br />.,;,�„�„� <br /> _ - � in thC Grl�l�a}prinaipal amount ol� 13.041.N ,end any end a11 modlticnGons,exwnslons and rerwwals <br /> -�`?-'•'m�' thereof or the►et�and any end all future advances end rAadvancea to Borrowe►(or any of them II more than ons)hereundw <br /> Y;�:��i���'. � punuant to one or more promiswry notea or credit epreemenla(herein celled"Note");(b)the payment o0 oiher sums advanced by - <br />.- '� ",�,1 ' l.�nder ro pmtect the securtty o7 the Note;(c)the performence of all covenente end aQreements of Trustor aet/orth hareln;end(d)ill - <br /> -;� ! present and future indebtedness and oDliqaUons of 8orrower(or any of them if more than one�to LendOr whether dlrec�IndlrecR . _ <br /> '' abwlute or contlnpent and whether arlalnp by note.yuaranry,overdraR or olherwlae.The K�Fe,this DeQd of Trust and any and�II <br /> �--�`',�.�, other dacusntf thst�ecure the Note or otherwlse executed in connecGon therewllh,Includlnp wtthout Ilmllation puarantaes,t�cwlfy <br /> ,-•,�_r;;','-; �Orssmenb and aalpnmants ot leaaes and�ents,dhell be refe�rod to herHM ps tha"Loan In�trumonte". <br />-�i-�-��.��' Tru�Wr covenants and aprees wlth Lender as follows: <br /> �ra.� <br />•° : •.,�.,. 1, pa t d IndtW�dn�u.All indebtedness aecured hereby shell be paid when due. <br /> =�:.��3' �. .Trustor is the owner ol the Property,hae the rlqht and autlwrlry to convey the Properly,and warrents thae the Ilen <br />:_•�;.'+�:��; � created hereby la a 11ra1 e�d prbr Ilen on the Property. except lor liens and encumbrances set to�th by Tru�tor in wRNinp 6�nd <br />-�k--'��,___ delivered to Lander before execuUon of thls Deed of Tn,st,and the exeautlon and deUvery of thl4 Deed ot Trust doe�not vlolab any <br /> '�'_�..�.a�l contr�ct or other obtipatlon to whlch Trustor Is subject. <br /> s��,�=•..a-; 3. 'fa�,A�um�nb.7o pey before deUnquency all tezes,speclal assessmente and ell otho►charyes a�afnst the Prop�rly <br /> -:�;:.,r��Li,� j now or hereaRer levled. <br />-".,,:,;.s�.;, �. In�u►ane�.To keep Me Property Inaured�yainst dama9e by tlre,hazards Included withU the term"extended coverape",end <br />.?°��::_::'•: � such vtl�hezards as Lender may require,in aunounts antl wl t�companles acceptable W lender,nemfnp Lender as an addltlonal <br /> --�".��'�;' narrecJ Ineured,w(th lose payable to the Lende�.In�@ of lo$s untler euch poHclee,the Lender Is authorized to edJu4t,colleCt nnd <br />�-�,�:`v�z..'' comprqmise,all Clalme thereunder and ehall ha��e tf��optton ol applying all or part o1 the insurance procead4(f)to eny Indebtedness <br /> ���r`��� secured h�rvby and in auch order as Lender rr�py tletsrmine,(iq to lhe Trustoi to be used for the repafr or restoradon ot the Properly <br /> ""'�� or(14�40�A�y other purpole or ob�eCt eaUefactory tr►Lender wNhout altecting L':e Ilen of this Oeed of Trust for the tull amount�ecurod <br /> "+r�+-*�I her�}y lietpre euch payment evar taok place.Any appNcatton o!proceed�to indebtedness�hall not extend or pos�orN tFw dua <br />=�e�l dale o'I any paymenls under the Note,or cure any delault Ume•e:�nde�or hereunder. <br /> 3_ �oro�r.Uoon wrUten demand by Lender.Trustor�ha1�puy to Lender,In euch manner as lender mey desipnate,sofllcient ' <br />'�'°"`"---�� s�lnw ta e�We Lqnde�to pay aa they become due one or more art tne tonowmp:(q ea taxes,aswssmsrns ara omar cne►yes ayainai <br /> �� tlM propetty.(lij tho ptemluma on the property insuranc�rQqulred hare,w�der,end(ill►tlw premiwns ore any mortpeye inwranc� <br /> -•-_-'�"'-'�� rpu�rMd by Lenttor. <br /> _ -- 6. M�Int��paln and CompHanc�wHh I.�w�.Trustw shall keep the FropQ►ry m yood cmrratition and reprir,siie8 <br /> :=�;�+y'� proir�yAly ropalr,or repl�ce any Improvement whfch may be demaped or deatroyed:st�a�l not carwnA or permlt any wa4te or <br /> 4elerioaUon oi the Properl),ahall not remove,demolleh or aubstantlally alter any o1 the impravert�ntz on the Property:ohell not <br /> -�-•�`-<:�1� aommlL wf(er or pertnit any act to be doae In or upon the Property In viol�tlon of eny lew,ordinanc�,a►nauladon;and shall pay and <br /> _`�''S;a�:; promptly dlioharqe at T►uetor's cost�nd oxpenae all tlent,encumbrances ond charQea levlod,imposed or assess�d ap�lnal t►w <br /> ,,�;,��:,.� Propsrty or any part MereoL <br /> 7. EmMNnt Damak�.Under I�heroby afslpned ell compeneatlon,awe►ds,damapea and other payments or rellat(herelnafter <br /> -�°! "proce�ds")In conneotlan wlth condemnatlon or other taklnp ot the Proparry or part thereol,or lor conveyance In Ilau of cond�mna- <br />-- _�! tlon.Lendsr shall bo entltl�d�t Ib opdon to commence,appear In and proarcute In Its own name any acdon or proceedlnp�,and <br /> �� �hdl�bo b�entlUed W malu any comproml�e or eettl�m�nt in connoctlon wlth such hklnp or damaye.M the event eny portlon of <br />:,�� <br /> -- . w�csns���NO..���a» <br />�� . ',;:-, olwwrrWb�rwc.�.iwT�lnwf�w.�.�w�oe.�,rosM..wsw. � ' <br /> , •". <br />