.'�3 .. ' _
<br /> , ��::�.— .�..... -. �A ;F,.- . - ---- � � -- - - __-:
<br /> . . . .'y^+J� � ..—
<br /> q{ A•/ _ __
<br /> ' ,r. U0�P�Y�t af dl the wnr�ecurrA bY this Tnw Ikad.lhe BeneficluY wll npuert�ho 7tuctso to acAmeY tAe prapcRy and�il aurRaWa Udt
<br /> - 7twi 11Md.nJ�I naa evldcncin�IMobcednsu Recured by�hu Tnw Dead a ihe Trwtor md T�uace.h�ll recanv�y cAe P+oDenY�ItAaut w�mnty a�de �
<br /> - '�'.� pesa�ot ponoM k�lly eaUlbd tl�eta But it 4efiult be made In the pWment af wW nate a any part 1herc��f a an y M'the Inte�t thaeon when due
<br /> � o�tn U�e fs�thful perfixmanco uf wry or eilher��t�aid a{teemenu ar afaesaid,thm�hi�deeJ slwll nemain in furce and t h e whok of wid nat eFuU btcome
<br /> h" � dur+�01k pald,suho&neticiuY'sop�bn.iu IKRin�fter Pmvided.l'Ae Tru�tee�hell luw the Ntha upnn denwnd.a any or�II�f ihe folbwl�,ro tato IwoMiw
<br /> , po�aio�of Ihe properly,w rcnt iho�nme rt�u�h Retab a�y�w may deem pn�per,to colkc��ho nnt�,ro mAke�iry necestiry mpdc�or rcpl�cemeau to
<br /> n
<br /> � the qoperty.ond,dl�t pryinY�he cat of rcndn{�hC propertY.cdkclin�the rems ond�ho rtwtelap of any Rpain tu�he pmptny.W ppply the baluice on lbe
<br /> „';; � .� wms he�eby iocurod:�nJ ff tMA i�nat rwtlicient net�enlal maay��L'COINOO l0�qy(I10 C061 OP Rpilft,lI1Ct1 Ally dG1IAlIL't riFWII EC iCl'YICd I%ROy iI011�NIIA
<br /> . K r3::y;,,..'.„' 1he tqto�ud bcrr!he crme wto�f intemrs and!n addnbn Ihe Tn�stee or his attumey may procee��o kll ihe property in ils enlircty ot In parceb at the
<br /> • `'�' �' � optian nf tAe Truaee hnelnbefom dncriEed at publk uucdai.lo Ihe hdhett Mdder,for cash.Nowaver.the powcr af sak txrcin conkmd upan ihe Trustce
<br /> ' ����;1„�_ �"'� diall nc►t be exerched until l I 1 ihe 7n�stt��ha110nt fik for tecexd.io tim Mlke nf ihe rcQlsur of deeds M'each countY M�eain ihe uust�upeny or�
<br /> i..:y. a p;ut m paRel rhertnP i.ef�ua�ed,n noUce of def�uh.idemifyinx ihe Truuee hy u�Unp�he nama uf the Trustor and n�mes�h¢rcln und YivmQ tho book and � T_ ��_ _
<br /> '�Z �` � ��,�x . p�a whero�he wme is rcco�ded.a descriptlan af Ihe uust pmpeny.and cmlainin0 a ct�temenl Ihat�hrcacA nf an nbliptlon(or which the trust pruperty
<br /> Nu canveyxd u Kcurily Iws i+ccurnd.and seltln�foAh lhe nuuK af tucn Mach ond af hit eleclian lo ull ar cause to he u+ld tuch property to saUsry Ihe
<br /> :i ", ..;` •`.t, , �, 06I�IlOtlt illd(211I�Ct lh0 IYp6C.�f nat less Ihan ane month.the Trustce shall give notke of uk a4 provlded by Nebrust�I+�w.Aller iwUca uf default and
<br /> �•:�' y��; , upcc of na lera�lun�ne mnmh.the Trusuc Q�all aive wrilten nake of�he lime+�nd placo of salc particulady deuribing the pmperly to l+e FoW by publkaUon
<br /> old
<br /> - � ot eah nake.a�kuit bvo times.ance r wYet Wr fiw c�nsecutive waka�he last nubllcation Io de�i least l0 days bw no�moro than 3o dayi pri�x to tho =
<br /> _°—' '�,� ,; ` �le,In wme newspaper havino a Qenervl ci�ulsUon in cach coumy in which the pn�peny tu be sold.or some pan thermf,is c{tuated Upon sueh c�le,the
<br /> --_ �, Trusla shall exccme and deliver a decd uf�roaveYancc of tho prnpeny snld Iu�he purchyur or purchascrs clyettof and any statement��r recfl�l af fw:t in such
<br /> ' deed In rcliUon lo the exerciso of�he�w�rer o!s�o�nd sak of Ihe property described theotin.incLu4ittd ront�ts concemina nny moilin�.personal deUvery
<br /> --- .... • •. �.
<br /> ,.— . -.
<br /> � - � ' � • �ncl poblication of ihe rpuee o(defanit iary ur.�ili�anJ Ux pMblkali�m and postiny of nMice nf nale..usd tBe crooduct of vde,und such rccilel shall constflute
<br /> ` � �-- -�__�_
<br /> .. �
<br /> ��'�-:,--` Pdma firie evNlrn�r�i cucl+n�nF+lwnce and CcMCluti7r�rv��a thercnf in Ervnr��P t+��ta fldt putettssets stnd encuml�rmfee�'s for value And witllout noUce.
<br /> �. ��r'`�m` .;''�� The Trusuo a deN r.Itall o(xra0e ta cm�cY to U�e Du��'.wilhout right of redemptivrt tAe Tntsvee s aUc and al[r�h�tiUe.inoercst and claim of thc Truttor `- f - --
<br /> -="�s�"'� ' '� po0 Aw successon�n inkresl and of ult pe�soos claiming by or thmugh�tt under them.m a�nd w the p�opertY w{0.inctcding alt such ngh1,dlle,inlercst and
<br />�;��,�,.�; etyQ e and t�n suc6 propetty r�uiird bf the Truslor or h�s successorc in intercsl subsequent to tt�e e�cution of'�he Ttus�ee.The Tirusoee Strail�pply ihe procevle
<br /> -`- --^'�+•�� o(tiK'Ennice's,�k.Mt p the ccnt a�ul e�pcnus of ezercicina lhe a�wer uf cale.and oi the sak.iocluQi�the D�Ymen1 of[he Trustce's fers xtualty incurred ----—
<br /> :_:,sr ��t..:�,. '� °-°
<br />—.� ,y + rwt 10 excoed tho�nea�mt rttich ma}t+e pn,vided for in Iho lrust decd.ucond,to paYa�em of'tAe oDU�atkrm ucurcd by ebe tc�et dee�!aod tho balanco.U
<br /> n
<br /> _-—�s'�"�.',';:�`�. wry.w the person a Dnsons kod1Y enti�kd�hercto.
<br /> ?"°��±�� r �; ,.. And Ihe Trusoee cwes�nu failhfUlly to perfortn the trust hercin crcaled _""° f -�--
<br /> - ' � BENEHICIARY m�pr tlum time to dme cu6stiwte a cuccessor ar successors a:uq Trust�Y n�mrd ixa�o or actin� G�rew�der eo exeeuie ak:�Trust Deed
<br /> - �-r�., � F ;. " Upon such�ppainuncot aod wNhoul com•eyance ta the succcssor Tru.lee,the fatter shal!be�est�d with atI titk.puwcn.unQ duucs�timti�czeQ�e any Trusteo �,.._._r,:__
<br /> .�~t" b: .. . haein nattKd ur�ctirtQ hereundcr.Exh such appolntment and sub�pwtion sAall De m�de b>writtcn insirumem attd e!cccu[ed by BencCe�-�ary.ctiminminy rcference �,�„---._
<br /> " . �7 '�ri , w this Tnw Deed and us place of rcecxd.which.whrn recorded in the uilke uf tRe Re�sce�of Denls�d��he county �v ccwnnes m Mhx'�said p�apeny is y�;;f+j,{r�_-
<br /> , �, . ,�;��. ��• cfluaud.shrJl be conc[uv�r p�oof of proper appaintmem af�he succe�sor Trustee.The Kxe�oing power ui auMlitution and Ihe proc�eduet th:rektte shall not �;j,�i�
<br /> .>�qt .,• be qtlusiMe of the pvrer and pmcedurc provideA for by law for the subsutuuon of a Truster ar Trustas m�he placc of tAe Tru.�ee.x Tn�stres niuned hemin. �r"°�a"..
<br /> �ii�.'�".:,..��_.
<br /> � �;, � �.� Should the Trustur or�cs surcessor m intercst w�thaut the consem�«.nu�vf che Brnrficiary sell.trunsfci.�r comr�,or permit to he solJ.transferrcd �,���'��s`
<br /> • . �;�.. or canveysQ by apeement fur ssle tt ice�v munner.Its inarcs�in the rtwre ctessnbed reat�swu(or any part thercofl.then Benekclury mKy declarc nll sums �
<br /> L� ��.+:r.. . � ucuted heahy immedlalely Jue a�+�J P�abie.subJect t�i upplicable 4►W.
<br /> •,,. " '' The waiver by Tnuue ur Benetk-�u�ol'any Jefaull of Trvstu►wrk�ihn Trust Dced shwll nat be�u tie dcemed ta bc•r wuver nf pny�athC�ot similu �
<br />- , � ' defaults subiequrnlly acurrin�.
<br /> .�:. :•..� =•• ., This Trust lked shall inurc to and Mnd the heirs,leeatees.deviues,udmimstnton,execulan,successoro ond�ssqns oP the panies hercla _ __
<br /> Y�f � 7lx Trust Iked shall be canstrued ucording to�he I�ws of the Staie of Nebrnska ���,
<br /> ;,a.'�a .'���� The Trustor requestc Ihol u copy of uny aotice��f default and of uny notice nf sule harcunder be muiled to him by cenllied mall At�he addRss he�embefae = --
<br /> � � '� sel Path and evidenee of sucb maiUn��chall consliwte ev�dence M rceeip�M cuch nouce. ,� �.�-� z =
<br /> � Trusior rcpresenls and xarrumt thal the ulxwe descrilxd rcal atate i�nM uced fiir un ugnculturnl nc�ivity. � , �� ti��i„�
<br />. • ,�1 WheRVer Ihe contoxl so�equi�es,singulur wnMs shult be conslrued in the plurul and vlre�•ena,and Ihe muscuhne 6ender shall he ronslrued tu mclude `1 i N�ff1le➢�--
<br /> , . � ,,,. . • 1he Rminine ynd vice versa.
<br /> �i:
<br /> . '.;, •�. .I IN WtTNESS WHEREOF,the 7iwFta has herounto se�his hrnd the day und yroar firsi,ibove written. -_—�_ --�—"'�
<br /> {'���i.1•��,�'�•.�• =�_--
<br /> r. �: i '•,�•.� i�
<br /> n.�, ..);!. r:,�:i56:i�.�
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<br /> , 'f_` �.)` i�_ ��1'`_r'.�...:},-.
<br /> ��'� � .I;'.-Cy��.''y-.
<br /> ��,�.�:�t • .. ;;�. '—�
<br /> ,�1�;i:"�,�4 1,.. _ ,. . '1`�,�=,:"wN�-��-. _"—'_
<br /> �'. TRUSTOR nle Aquil , �"�� '
<br /> � �Y,.i<=-•----
<br /> ��'• °� ' • ,� .•.,f:;,Y�Y�k-
<br /> , �� i7� ��:FN.,�: ;;�i,i;?;��. _�. _
<br /> :.:lt, ��: . ,,..-
<br /> `,r>, t�:�
<br /> TRUSTO '�'• .i.`I��::;wi•,_..
<br />� -YC ' � ��A��i='�.
<br /> ., . • ., Rose M. Agu lar �:c:rir:+.G-:= �----
<br /> • ., . STnTE oF Nebraska � �}s=�T-=.�.,-
<br /> •ti. tiS. �-• i.rrd.+[.�–.
<br />- •� ' �°/," COUNTYOF Hflll •y��v=u:,.
<br /> � , ,t��s 11�IC.�f: 1--'���"=__
<br /> t ..{�N'I"�_. __
<br /> 4, ,�,��.rlx'.,H'�' Stanley Aquilar., Jr. �'�'J=``�r's �_:
<br /> ^r�„ Befae me.a Nutaq•PuMic,qualified hy s•rid rount�,peROn•rlly came +�� ' �„
<br /> ..�.; , . . .
<br /> � " • ROe@ M. Aqu118T known to mc���he�hc iJemlcal per�onlsl who cipned�he forcgofng ' -�
<br /> �• �� '�{ � Deed of Trust AcknowlodRement rnJ then s�gueJ the irusi IkeJ•rnJ ackn��wleJged the execuUun thereuf w 1x his,her.tt thefr rduntary acts and detda �Y. ,.�__.�..,.,... �•
<br /> �. . ,;,� 91 -� .,.��._ ..
<br />: .;t�t"••.- '':1' W i t n e s s m Y h a n d o n d N u t a r f a l S e a l u n M a v 9 ,1 9� ;��4� "";�"---y
<br /> '}�ii,.,!��l , ;.t�`�v ..�--
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<br /> � �c�s.�i:�;tinr•su�u oi w�r� . _�..�� '�`
<br /> '� '`� " • ' ,,� K.A.GOOSIC �)TAIi P I �
<br /> '�:: ,. �;t�;:� t:yCcmm,Exp.61ay1.1993 � .
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