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. . .... . . .. . . �,: , .,,,,.... . .:) ::>vi° . .... .. . . <br /> ��� .._� �a:...��__, . . . .. . � .. . .. . <br /> ....,.. .. . ._.� .. _. ..:_ �.. �.. .._ .�_ . ___ . . . <br /> : � I� ; <br />�� _ tOli—BURVIYOflDMI► '.YANNANTV_OECD _ _. .. '� � ��as114�_. _����Fd�oniWWI:W�IMII_NR'fiM6l � ' <br /> .__. .___..__...._'_'_' <br /> , . . . . . . _ . . . .. . + ,.: <br /> 1, ataow era.�sax sr�as rsESSx�re,�rn.c I � <br /> 1�t, i Renneth D. Leer -h & Mary J. Lr.etch, husband & wife � ' <br /> j' each in his & her own right & c: •^ouse of i �i <br /> t n e 6t he r ,herein.�lled the grantor whethor one or mox, <br /> i ; <br /> ic rone:3ention af � <br /> Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars------------------------ �' <br /> I i reeeiveH3 from grantees, doae gnnk bargain, aeli coavey and confirm unto � <br /> i <br /> Michael G. Grimes and Ann M. Grimes� husband and xife � � <br /> I � <br />� as joiut tenanG wiEL xight af eurvivmahip,and not en tenante in eommoa, the following described zenl property in I <br /> Nall Comty, Nebreaka I <br /> I� I �I <br />�I I Lot Seven (7) , Lake Davis Acrea Fourth Subdivision , Hall County, I <br /> I,� Ne6raska . <br /> � <br /> i� � . . . ' <br />;I T6 6ave end to Lold the above dev.cribed premiaes together w�th ell tenemenG, heredrtamenG and appnr- Ii <br />!� � tm�acee thereW belonging unm the grsr.teea and to their usigm, or to the hein nnd ee�igne of t6e snrvivor oI i <br />'.i themf�nver. II <br /> And grantor doea hereby covenent with the grnnteee and with their easigne end with the Lein and asaigne <br /> of t6e souvivor of t6em that grantor ie lawf¢Ilq eeised of esid premiaee; that they ue free from encum6rance �� <br /> Sub�e=t to eny restri.ctiona , utility easement end subdiviaion e�reemsnt �� <br /> � Iof record �� <br /> that grantor hae good right an� lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor werrnnts and wiil dete¢d � <br /> - j the tiUe to eaid premines ega4nat the Iflwful daime of ell peraona mhomeoever. <br /> , � It ia the intention o[ all partiea hereto that in the event nf the deatL of either of the grantees, the eniitt �'��,I <br /> '�, fee eimple title to the rea: eetate ehall veot in the eurviving grantee. . <br /> '� ��� Dated April 12 , 1993 , I �1�-� <br /> .. .. . .... ........ ....... .. .... ..._. ..... /�-=�:�l��J.. -�...�. ��-.. ' � <br /> - � <br /> � ���.�.:���........... . . <br /> � . ..... ..... .. ...... .... ..... ........ ....... , <br /> .. .... ......... .............. ........ ... .......... ........ ................. .. .. ... � <br /> �'��'.. Ne6raska <br /> : % State r[ .............................. <br /> �. 1 Cw:rty of .....Hall.............. . <br /> . �I The toreaoina imtrumeniwae ecknowledQeG De[ort me on ....April 12: 1993,,.,,..,, i , <br /> Kenneth D. Leetch & Mery .7 . Leetch , husband & wife each n his & her '� <br /> �. itr,V ............. .................... . ........ ... ...... . <br /> I own rig6E"&"as spouse o£"'tfie"of'fie'r"""""""" <br /> ' ...�c�7.....L.°:.... ./..,��........ <br /> i <br /> �. , ��1.9WMiMY � <br /> � MY4M1llp/ I <br /> �.� i 9TATE OF.. ..... .. . .wlMr.E? 1L11� . <br /> I, � . <br /> � � County . . ... ....... .. .. .... .... .. .. .. .. . �I <br /> �' Entered oa numerical inde: and filed for neord in the Regieter of Deeda Oftee of uid County the I .' <br /> , �'�I _ . .. .. . ....dny of. ... .. .. ... ....... .. .. 19. .... ., st.. ....... ..o'clock and..... ......miunte� ....... .. ..M., '! <br /> �.. ',, and recorded in Book.. .. . .. .. . . . . . . ... . .of..... ... .. . .. ... ....atpege...... ........... <br /> � <br /> � . .... .. .. .. .. .......... . .....Reg.of Deed�........ `�p <br /> � <br /> y By .............. .. .. .. ..... .. ............Deputy � \ <br /> ' I �� ~ <br /> � " fl fl � u: �'�, <br /> � � m T <br /> � � .� � m v C 'e � , � C� '�_.' <br /> ., N � p � 1 - , .� <br /> '� CO � —1 --� , � � � tn '; <br /> a b: <br /> � `�"' �c w' �, <br /> o , � � <br /> ' � — � v � <br /> I � ,� w i-- <br /> i � �P <br /> � <br />