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., .. . _ . .... <br /> __ _ __ ___ . �.;a,•: �. _ <br /> �rri� ..� . . ... ��X.�, r1..°� . ' . . '1.:IPa. . ...'�{i.GM!"�J._'_- - <br /> _:T�'1. -r..�°_ <br /> ' ' . . , , y -;i�-� <br /> . . . 'A►J�J�TA�.�ATE R1DE� .8�'a' ;: ---�-- <br /> —;.�_ <br /> . � t�r.n�r�wrM�.a� ti;;�a.�u.,�#��_�_ <br /> � �u�at���a,�s�►i�niuo�aa�w��w...,.T�._�or .- ��8� _.: :- . <br /> in �. <br /> � �M M irw��ll�s M�M�w�a w�ri w�M�Me d�Mn�t�,D«i d 71�w6 or�wlyr t!�Mio <br /> WeM�Ilit'q d f W�dM���qr.�M�rIw1l�Yilr+"M�e�wt"l b MO�nI�nMr�r'�Mlhlhlb�M 1�bM(�""!MM"11r� , � <br /> . <br /> (qw"t.Nirr'9 d IMr�rM ri owwl�lM� <br /> �eqiaiiMdM 1Mi�arlqr IM��M W IorMl�u <br /> 8G0 E.-pELA�IAiRE. GRAAD ISLAAD. I�EBRASKA 89�Q1 <br /> (r+�!AddMw1 <br /> '!W MM aMM�/I+�tlM��M�tw�Myw IN 4�'��M M�q�IMb <br /> M1��•7'W MM aM�Ml�lb tM�MI�MN�U MNw+�M nM a�e1M1�1q W M�IbM IiN <br /> i�I��IrM��u1 tM�nM 1�l/q. <br /> /11�01f10�l�iQL 40YBNANTS.lo adOltba to the oovmuuW and yroaamu mtl��dr B�cudq►l�tnisrt.lonowlr�LMdR <br /> I�IMRCd��r�M Y/ObN/t <br /> A. IIQi�[�A7t ANIp MOir7HI.Y�A�C�APlGRA <br /> �n.r�.w��ra..��.w.c rw w �o +�.s.aa�.4 orme rroa ao+►wM�a�.r�w t.u�+a�...a�. <br /> �oo�Wrv�a�toliowx <br /> - �. IN7ERES7RA7$AN0 MQN7NLYrA�'AIBNT CNAIIKJ&S � <br /> (l� C��DNn <br /> - - Tae uuerae nre��rm v�rouy cd�a�ean tae Ar.c aar ot MAY ��.f9_�..od oa Hiu A4�very <br /> - 72 mantMWtwtta.B�ehdWanwWdnyla�aakat�canldcA�eisc�lhda•'Chao/eDUe." - <br /> ti�.. � 71tlria <br /> '�:� Ba�taaio�with tbe MR Ch�t�o intua�t nte w10 bt 611�ed oa an Iade�.1'Ae"Ua�aC"it the weeitlY avera�e Yleld aa Uatted State� <br /> ---- 11r�ury s�aukia�djwted to a oonwnt m�twdty ot 1 yar,�s m�de wNlable by tbe Fider�l Raav�Bovd.7'be mat nort I�dac fl{tm <br /> uvail�ble�c�f the d�te43 d�y�betom acA�Duteit called tbe"CLr►eut Indpt.•• <br /> If tbe lada�b ao lon�er�wWble.tLe Nae Holdv�ill¢hoo�e�aew inda wbkA b bued upoo oomp�nble iofarnntlo�.TNe Not� <br /> Haider«iu�lv�e aie oaloe ottLbehoio�. <br /> �� �'�""��' TWD AND ONE-HALF <br /> 6eian auh a�a�e�te.die Plae i�oioier wn�i�iw�laie my new iuiere�t rata br.ddi�qc y� <br /> _ ��� 2.5 �i)w tbe Gtirtent I�da�wd roundins w tha aGUeu ndi�6 of Ni.subjea w tAe li�aiu q�pd i�S�tioa IlD)bt1m�►•. <br /> ._ - Tbi�rauade�amoout wW be my ne�v Intaa�t rue wujl tAe neutt Cf+!n�e Do1e. <br />���r,� The Note Nolda wiY thea detrnnine Ibe nnount of Ihe mauhlY Mriu�ut tlut w4�d be�ufftdeat w rep�y ia full the pdndpd i�uri _ <br /> �rw:�i!,Y:t`3�� acnectad w o.w on uuc Chan�e nae in wban�wuy equd wrm.aa by the matu�iry a.0�w�s+r�ew tnca+ac nwtt ot�bb pMa�l�tio�p = <br />----:;r�oa�,rr�,a,zr;;� wW be the anv�uqount ot my moathiY D�Y�• . <br /> -- -----_.._:_;?;. <br />--�'===�m•:it,�,:s� <br /> -----� •,•, (D) U�w M tdurp fwe� Qrater than ?.0 <br /> =='_�""'�'?��'�'�-!':� The lataat nte t �m raqul�ed to p�y u the first Chsnye Date will no[ be �i or les� tlua <br /> '°'-'.�'��'�� ;_n 4f�.71� interat wte will naver be lncreaud or daveaied on u�y sinyle Ctwnae Date by morc thap �j�Q <br /> .�±;�� _. <br />— ,_.�?„O;�i}—from tbe nte ot iaterat I lu�ve bxn pRyin�forlhr precedl�twelve montla.The minimum interest nte on t11b baw wUl nava be <br /> ��,R..�.,o,� kp th�n 3.0 1��nd the m�cimum interest rate wtYU never Ee�ueater th�n +�1.0 �. � <br /> `""•,.,. <br /> -��:�i�.�a'� . <br /> (6) BffecqrsD�feotCr�. <br /> �1°�`��-y'A My aew intaat rato�vill bceome etfactive on each Ch�n�e flale.l will pay the amount of my new monthlY Fuyment bey�nnia�oo the flrst <br />!.•.,, �'r: ��: moathly p�yrtknt date�ftu the t�anSe Date until the�moual oG my montAlY WY�����a�ain• _ <br /> —,_�(i°i+�h '� «�: (F) Notloe of Q�ea � -- <br /> ���"'"����.� The Note Noldet rrll!mril or deliver to me a notice before each Ch�n{e D�te.The notice will�dviae me of: <br /> ����'�;�:'s (i) the new intaat nte on my Iwn u of the Chonge Date; <br /> �-r;--'::�f � , <br /> ���s;,�;n*. ��:�; pi) tt�e�mount of my monthly payment fdlowing the Change Date; <br /> �`` �� """` (iG) wy�ddidonal mattm whkh the Note Ho�der ia requircd to dfutose;and <br /> _��{{f�:''"'��� (iv) the addras of the aswcl�daa you couVd con�act regatdiny any quesUau aboW�he adjuitment nWia. <br /> �� �� <br /> ��•M� M - <br /> �[�4i.�r�T•: � MIAwV�'Oj MI41,�1 <br />— ' Udforto Covempt 4 of the 5ecurity Inurumem is Amended to read as folbw s• <br /> .:iC,�=r,:,; � <br /> � � � 1. C�t Uw.Borcower ahdl pay dl wca,asxssments,�nd other char�es,finea,and impositions att�ibuwble to the Property which may <br /> —�r—`'`•'��`-�� attaln a priorlty over this Securlry lastrumcnt,,uN!leaxhoid p�ymenta oF ground renu,i(anp,ia the manner provided under para�raph 2 hereot = <br /> �.' ��'l� ���'`,�; : .;, � or.if not paid in such Bortower mdcinQ paymen�,Mhen due,directly to the payee thercoL Bortower�hall promptty furnish l�ender <br /> �' `' tll t►otioa of amounb due unda thls pua�aph,uid in the ernn Borrower shall make payment dircctly.Borrower sh�U prompUy furash t� <br /> 3�.�.��.�>�{.;:: <br /> yT. �,; r r�,;,.:_: . <br /> .. ��. • , l��4.;�:i.!� [.a�da raoeips evidendn4 such paymenb.Borrower shall prompUy discharge any Ifen which has priorlty over this Security Inttrumeot; <br /> �w`•�.•f�'±�•:�s;;%�# however.Baro�ver�hW not be required to dischu�e any such Ilen so IonQ as Bonower: (�)ahal)aQree in wrilin�to the p�ymmt of the <br /> �r"�;�:4,ri;:��° obliptloo iocwed by wch lien in the manner�coeptable to Lmder,(b)shnll in good fafth rnntat such lien by,or defend�pimt entaoemrnt of <br /> �''"•L�"'tr�'r�'' wch lim ul.ksal praoeadin�t which in Ihc apinion of Lender aperate to prevent the enforcemant of the Itrn or forieiturc of the Propaty or any = <br /> '�+'•+,. ';, = <br /> ,,. �;7�; : p�rt thereoB;or(c)�bW�ecurc from the holder ot�uch lien�n�reement In a form�aUif�ctory�o Lmder subordinade�such lim w�Yis - <br /> �`"�$4 S�+c�uitr Imtre�weot. <br /> It l.eader detamines that dl or my put oP the Praperty is subjat to s Ilm whfch m�y�ttain a priority over thit Secu�ity lestrument, - <br /> ...----- i.e�w'�ci ii��'ic Y��iv.:c.�-.wCc'.ucTiiiijriy'�"a'�� i�-w�u�iuii:r iij iii�� u�., e� ..... t.w��.t..�..r t���.....� •° <br /> -_ -_ _ _ �i � rl�wu uf:r.�3'.w v�uv�►'v�u�►r�.wr w•�wu��w�• <br />�; .., witlJ�kod�ysof Umrivua�oschenotla. ° <br />? - <br /> , C.. lw�tlGE - <br /> _— =-o�'�:`_ I.t�orp Covemot 14 of the 5avdty ImcPUSnu b acoe�ded w rcad�s follows: - <br />—.�.,,.=....�-=_-' <br /> -�;;�:� .:! N. Notlot.Exorpt fw any notia raqulrad under�ppiKab6e faw to be Qiven in andher manner,(�)u�y naia to Borcower provided ior in this <br /> l's Seeudey In�wma�t sA�ll be Qivep by deGveria�ic or b�aniti�q it by Rnt class mail to Bonower�t the Propeny Addras or s1 such aher�ddras ' <br />''.� "' ' �s Bartorv m�y da(pute by nwta to L,mder as provided hereln,and(b)�ny notice w Lender slull be Qiven by first class mdl�o Lender's � <br /> =��"-�� �snced baein ar to sucA other ad�ess at t.ender msy daignue by notice to Borcower as provfded hercln.Any naice pro�Ided for in this <br /> S�c�rity is�eat sAW be damed w M�a bera pvaa w Borrower or Lrnder when�iven in the manner dai�na�ed hercin. - <br /> - �:.wr..;:w .,.�,p,•,. - <br /> ..1:.=t}r•?.•..t,ris+"� - <br /> !�a'.�.1.,�.,_i,�te <br />� , 7CIef�.•' <br />