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- . -- <br /> � . -,-r.. _. . . . . ..•..- �:w�ir;:�r -`.,— <br /> - ...� ' ' ,� , . .�����fA1�5;11''. . . . • . �._ .. . .,� ,. . . •� ._ . "' . :��r-.r+s-T_,�_. <br /> • . .� .. - _ �b�.i- <br /> .�._.� " . � " .. �. .. , 1� :.:�.n. -�-..--. <br /> _ � .e:+...W..�t.�wca�a�.r..��rr.l�o�.y►.arrr«.w,h.�.l�u�.aao.r.�..lf , - ,, .:;�� - <br /> __ �_ �_ . . ..__ . _.,. _ ••: <br /> _-i:�bs iaG�der. . _.--� _ .� . : ._- <br /> 1��ewrt d��oal pld�d�Y l�n�lryr.�M �111M� b IM�w iriiiNi''li� Irt ti�! � --- <br /> , �A,�r ar.M 11�aMe.wfw.qr aow.�io�9aen� Iri di..w�aC.��at�.�M � <br /> wlild�da t��ric+�raM a�i�PropMtY M�el�r l�fo�e d�uld�M rqwl a a 1Mr��d wm�. <br /> m <br /> �c�ed bj,��arity 4Wwoe�1l�.,edirel�r 1Wbn Ihe p�ki�/.ual�M�erw�r�d 1.�ei�Mwlw y�t in�ridAb . <br /> Y�weM�cu�ai�bq�Src�rkY�rMaiarl ih�N_b�redrord by tl��now�t d rrir �dp1i��y d1�f�lio+�fly <br /> k�atioc (a)dM�oW�naMa1 af�ho woa�ocwed ha�eQLMeIlr bdae the qki�divid�d by�(b)tM fist nwlcM va1M d IM <br /> F4�ia�1��e �v�abMe d t�be Peope�q iniaiedWd betoro d�e qikinj �the�n�oWal d de�t <br /> rx�red i�s�odi�e�Y bdae tho t�.onksf Bartower �nd I.a�der a�Menri�e�peo b writia�ar wdat appika6k I�M <br /> cip�ri�e pari�dcs.tlr poc�ee�M�ll be�pplied w�he��eaw�d by d�S�carity In�a�t wWIYo�a aa d�e wMw w <br /> �It�e Propaly k�6�ndonod by if.afle�aatioe by i�w Banowor dnt die oonderrmor ofEeas a aadce <br /> �award ar s�tlle a daim far d�ei.Ban�wer fifEs b n�pond b I�witbin 30 A�ys dl�r d�e dMe die aofjoe b�ivaw <br /> I.dder i�.ut6odxea tc�col�ea.oa�pply a�o prooeees,at iu apion,eilhx a ro�la�atm«�ep�ir a a�Propaey or�o die <br /> �uwit ucurod by tl�Sec�airy Inmm�u�t.whd6a or not Wen due. <br /> Udea��cnder aa�Barm�va cd�awhe�roe in writiq�.mmny ion d prnoeeds to pNacip�l dull not�lad a <br /> po�tpooe�he doe d�e of tbe momWY P�Y��'afarod w ia p�r 1 and 2 ar chan�a die amoant of wdi p�ytnaiu. <br /> lI. Mn+oNe� Not Rdw�ii �+�ee 6� l.eader Nd a Nhivtr. Bxta�sioa at dro Wao tar p�yniaw a <br /> �d�r�oA�a�an d Iho awns soc.we,d by tlJt Sa�Inwua�oat grantad bq L.a�ler w aay aKOe�or in imercst <br /> of Bort�thall nd opaale ta rekase the Wbiliry uf tho R�rrow�cr or Barowerw�piooe�o�s ia i�.Londer <br /> - - - e4_�R�aa!M M�p�rnc�c�� �n aey s��ooau�or in inte�t or 1ot4�e P�outelld titne!ar 0�9�a _- <br /> otbavvlao mo�y��artir,uian oi the wms�eciuod by this Secwiry L�stnunait by�easoa oi'�ay da�arb mwde by tbe ai�nal <br /> ¢�rbw�et ar Sorrowe��wooe�sas in intnat. My fabear��co by[.a�der in exa��oY riVM a�nody�ap aot 6e� <br /> waivar�a peclude the exercise of any d�ht a Rtnody. <br /> �. Srae�o�s a�d Asipu Aoa�di JaiNt a�d Sevewl WWWy:Ca�aer�. The cov�nts wd�ee+na�u af Ibis <br /> Security Iactr�una�t slud!bird wd 6enefit the suooessas aad snigos of L.ender tnd Bortower.wbject w the provlaonc af <br /> �pb 17.Barower�a caven�nta and�ts shall be joint and ceveral.My Bormwer wlw oo-signs thin Socutity <br /> but doa na euecute the Note: ta)is casigniog�his Security I�su�unent only to mong�e.Br�nt and oonreY d�at <br /> Botrowerti iate�est in�i�e Prope�ty under d�e tetm.4 of thia Sxuriry Instrutnen� (b1 is not penoi�ally obligated ta p�y t6e wms <br /> �ecurod by thia Sdcurlty Inswmrnt;uri(c)�grees that Lender and any odxr Barrower may agree to e�ctend.modlfy.forbear <br /> or malco,ay axarunodujau aith•aegard a the,temw of thi�Secu�iry Instnunent ar tbe Nae witho�u Uac Barowerl� <br /> oomau. <br /> 13. C4�qea. lf the lo�n securod by�his Security Inst�ument is wbject�o a IRw whkh setc maximum bAn <br /> -- - etwges.ud fiu iaw ie�inaiiy interpne[ea so dtat�hc interai a wiw�Iwn v9u�rgcs��,liectad or W bz calieci�d fn ca�ncctioa <br />�_._— . with Ihe lan eaoeed the perminod 1lmits.�hen: (a)any such!wn chargo stWl be rcduoed by the amount nxessary W r�edu¢o <br />_- - — tho cha�ge w the pemtiued limtt;and(b)any sums alre�dy callected from Horrowar which excxededp�m it6ed limits will tie <br /> - — iefunded to Barower. I.ender may choose to nwlce this refund by rcducing the principal owed under the Note or by m�king a <br /> '•. ' di�ect payment to Bamwer. If a rcfw�d reduas princlpal.the teduction wfll be treatod as a p�utld pnepayment withaut aay <br /> _' pnepayment chuge under the Note. <br />- 14. Notioes. My�wtice�o sorrower provided for in this Securiry I�st�ument ahall 6e given by deNvering it w by <br /> _ mafling it by first cless mdl unless AppUcable law rcquircs use of anaher method.The natice sfwll be directed to the Piroperty <br /> =1� Add�ess or any other addness Borrower designates by notice to l.ender. My notice to Lender shall be given by fitct clwss <br />-- — - — mafl to Lender's address stated he�in or any mher address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. My notice p�ovldedd4►* <br /> ';����,��� • in this Securlty InsUUment shall be deemed to hwe been given to Bormwer or l.ender when given as provided irt 16is <br />- r�� �15 Covernfag 4aw; Severablllty. This Securiry Insuument shall be govemed by federal law and thc law of the <br /> I�i , ju�icdicdon in which the Property is IocAted. !n the event tluu uny provf�bn or clause af this Securiry lasuument or the Note <br /> � conflicts with applicable law,such contlfc��hall no�nffect dher provisionx of.�his Security Instrument or the Note which�n <br />-_ be given et�ect without the contlicting pmvixion. 'Ib�his end�he provisions of this Securily Instrument and tl�e Nvte iue <br />-- declared to be severable. <br /> `" 16. Borrower•s Copy. Borrower shall be given one confamed copy of the Note and of this Security Insaaa��tea�. <br /> �.�.-. 17. 'llraosfer of the 1'roperty or a Ikneficid lnterest in Ibrrower. It ul!or any pzut of the Properey�+r am� interest in ` <br /> � �-?�� it is rold or uansfeaed(or if u beneficiul intere�t in Borrower is wld or tranxferred nnd 8orrower i�tww a nn7wral person) <br />- '�+''+�'���-��� without I.ender�prior written consent,Lender may,at it�option,require immediate payment in full of si3;svms secur4d by <br /> - � '�i`'�',�Y�` �is Securiry Insuument. Howcvcr.this op�ion xhall na be exerei�:ed by Lender if exercice is prahibited'by-fettera!law uc of <br /> l �i��_ . <br /> � ~�-�'r�:�'�S� the ds►te of this Security Instrument. <br /> ;_ .=-��F •'�r If Lender exercises lhis optian.Lender shall give Borrowcr natice of:fcrel�raiion. 7'4w natice shall provide a perimc'of <br /> �N�'�+�+5��;�:�� not less than 30 days frnm the dute the noUce is delivered or muiled wi�hin whe:�:porrower must pay all suae�s secured by I�Ois - <br /> v`� .o�' ;'',:;�>.�,i>'+� `'':, Secur�ty Instrument. If Bomower fuils to pay tl�exe .um�prior to Ihz rapa*:ruon of ihi,period. LendrQ ma� invoke any <br />: '.��_ , <br /> "• '' �� ' '��Jr•"� " remedtes nnitted b this Securit In+trument wiihout funher naice or demand on Borrowcr. <br /> :..�u.,,�i..• r pe Y Y <br /> � ��•,•;�`+ ••,; 0.�. Borroaer's Right to Reinstate. If Bnmowcr m�tc�.tinain conJitionti, Borrower shnll huvc �hc right to E���m�e <br /> �•�;.. '. : � <br /> _ ��s��-�•_-._:_-� ' enfMCCment of this Seruri�y In�t��mrn�di�•nntirnMd nt:►n��i�+ir pri��r�n�h�.:vlirr�f• (n)5 day�lor such eNher peri���s <br /> - :�.----- -— <br /> •"•"�; ' Singk Family..Fwlnk 1►todFYeddk ltac 1111FY1R�11\tiTRI'�1F.NT--l�oifam Cmmants !1!� �puge 4�iJh pagesl — <br /> ..�t.�. . . � <br /> ��;�, <br /> L°. <br /> •r•- <br />_ � `:�s;{�;�5.. . - <br /> ' .}i'�'.a' : ".. . �•�;"'-r . —_- ' •--'_- '—".� . ... — - .t - <br /> ' �i � 1�lA{f��t:..::,.�..}C-':'b_.c"'' •.r.- . ''S�'��' <br />_�p j,4A4it�'' �;:,;i <br /> �,r� ;.N:��a.�n' •� rrt e�� _ .. • . , . , .. . . . -' - . <br /> j �,y. ,,i�.�. ��: !'� .- ..,.,. <br /> . <br /> , ,. . <br /> . <br /> ��/' t-' . � ��,�:_. <br /> u..�lv3•4� �,t�`. . :. • � �'±t. • <br /> } __ ���.:���=. , r . ----- - -- --=-_ -___— _ ___ -- --=— - -- . . .. - _ <br /> ,�. i ;• . <br />� :.e,:�,' r. , - �f�i�..... ..` . , ' .� � ." -� --- •_ �..,_ <br /> � �'ti . '�. <br /> , . .. <br /> e ,a,.�,.,::t+r•°.. -- --=- ------ - — --.. _.. .. . . • - <br /> _'ri�- -- _ �Z.: _ � . . ,`.,• . . . . .• . , ' ... � • . — <br /> �—�}¢ l:,i���`��•�w—�"l._'. .,_�. .__ „ � . 1. . . _ 1' . ' .. <br /> �.��y�,����p �� <br /> _—_�aml�'Yw�i�L�.. �,. : _ . . - '���� . . � l. . . . <br /> ' iry±�.A:l, :4.••. ..:T'',�..� ,. .. .-V:° 'J . . � ., <br />_ _ ��* �1, �, � . _, 1 ', .li,•. .. , �� . . .. ' , '' . .. - � .� <br /> k <br /> . '\. � �..•.1.:��.�• � . . - .U'11 � - . . � .. . � .:�'�.' .�r....,i,. :�,. <br /> .. . .__ ' ' . 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