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<br /> ���.�` yY- 102822 -
<br /> .�.;
<br /> .• :o The underaigned, AREND R. BAACK, Attorney at Law, Trustee
<br /> ' -�,�,. urider a certain Deed af Trust� dated May 22, 1985, wherein
<br /> ���� '� (iRE� A. SCHIIRER AND JOLENE D. 3CHURER, hueband and wiPe, aere the
<br /> :�?�;_�r,°�.Jt->;•�
<br /> _�,�_-=-�---� Truators, which was filed for record in the offioe of the �
<br /> -- --�.��„�;t;;��„• .,, Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, on May 22, 1985, ga =
<br /> .—.i.S-....?7 -
<br /> t ��: ;,: Docuunent Ko, 85-002482, and contains as the trueb property t e
<br /> �� Polloxing-deacribed real estate:
<br /> �,,�..`. `��•�::�r.;''I_
<br /> �,��*?���'�t"+:��'"�"�`• � � All of Lot Six (6) and the weaterly one-half
<br /> �•�5qr,�"''�' � . � (�) o� Lot Seven (?) in Block R'I�ree �3) of
<br /> . ---_:�:�::.�, ..,
<br /> -��;;.���=�f:°�' C1arM�san's First Addition to the Viilaqe of � __
<br />';�:�;;,t,: .�;i�:.��
<br /> __.,�.,,. , .. Alcla, Aall Caunty, Nebraska;
<br />;::"!i•�:;' ' -����:.•• '
<br />,.,�;,,ti�. . :. --.'• ,
<br />'.���� °-n�� together with &11 buildings, improvements, fiatures, atreets, -_
<br /> , . o
<br />—�-__-�-S�"' �'�.-- � alleys, pas8a�e�tays, easements, rights, priv3leges and appurte-
<br /> --...a•�."'^1... YJ'^'.A n
<br /> --� ��� � .:� nanaes located thereon or in any waq pertai�.�rr.�: thereto, and the
<br /> """' »�ti' �-. rents, iesueg, proPita, reversions a�nr� the �em�ainders thereo�, -
<br /> ��:;�,ti:a� �-:� including all sueh personal praperty� tnat is at�aahed to the
<br /> -:_r_-rti,�+�- ^
<br /> • -��a�rk L,•.:..,,r improvements so aa to �onstitute a f�utuxe, all of wtn�.ah, ine u -� �
<br /> va .h���.�Y•
<br /> -�:�;�"� . . ing replacements anc� additions thereto, are hereby deciared to be _�_
<br /> "' d � �- a part of the real estatg canveged �.tt� �ruat I�ereby, it being �"
<br />'J'!� ' �greed thet �s'!:� �p t�e forego:lntt sha13 b� he�re�.nafter referred to L' ��
<br /> ';jtir. ' . . � ��', as �h� "Prop�s�ty��� .
<br />''�i�,°�:;�:,� ��'�,..•.• ..;' ;��., . .-�.r
<br />•_t t�• _, . . . . .. �+e-
<br />;-r`.,'��.;,�` ���,'= ,t4�i�};;;�'�� .� hereby giv�s notice of default of sai.d Truatare for the reason
<br /> ' ��r�y � t��'A��t►��=°�� �"' th8�t the sa1�1 Trustors have failed to make the payments of
<br />''7,'r1�:+' :�{�'?�,}?t`��V principal and interest due in respeet to the Note seaured by that �°
<br /> '�'�";,S .'.� ., Deed of Truat. �_
<br /> . , �::.:,..:�w"�t --�
<br /> . . . wn r
<br /> - � By reason of such default, the undersigned Trustee hereby eleets
<br /> ' � ��" �� "''a to aell or cause to be sold the �bove real estate to satisPy the � .
<br /> - ,�s � " � �� obligations of that certain Note dated May 22, 1985, owing from
<br /> • =� • � q ., '� Trustors to the BeneP3ciary, Home Federal Savings and Loan
<br /> �' ,�� Asaociation of Qrand Island, Ne�raska, pursuant to the terms of ��.�
<br /> °�;;'� the Deed of Trust referred to above whieh secures this
<br /> `,�;,�� _,�,_.�.�� � � � obligation.
<br /> �:.::
<br /> i �
<br /> ��::� ��t�:�,.. � . �j � _
<br /> =-� ; .,. . � �C��
<br />--:'` _ �a;;;',� ," �' AREND R. BAACK, A�1 193
<br /> ,�;,; ,
<br /> _ �: ,,_.
<br />:•`� -� �° " STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ---�
<br /> , � . . )s s: �'.`.`;:
<br /> � , ,.. ,; . „� COUNTY OF HALL ) %'
<br /> ;,,�,`;:' ., .;,
<br /> ;:�
<br />� ����': .��f On th�?s 9th day of May, 1991, before me, the undersigrnec, a ��:f�,�
<br /> � �•�' I3otar^ L-'ublie duly comrnissioned and quslified for in said Cor�rt�y,
<br /> �s��.�� � , .'��;��;���� perso�really r.ame Arend R. Saack, to r�� known to be the identtcal !. •
<br /> /�t���.•�\ .. ..Fl�.4 .
<br /> {�1�1`'�'�tr, � `� ��, .
<br /> :.�
<br /> - ' _M._ .__—'^. ' ._. . . � . .�, . - . .__..�.'....
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