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—--._.._:..i�::?.`...."�.7 . . . , . • .e_....,,,a•i�:^.,w�;�ri+iF"•.vlt�+r�r#1►ib�b'I.�-;..'.,�F,Ctp�-.^t-;=r-� <br /> .. � . .. . � _ . .�`�i0•rv�,. .n� . i•�.. , �� - — <br /> .. ,. ' ., � .. � � � .�� ., . ?`� <br /> �►�ee�mr!�bel�'!�!a�9t lM!!lOjM19►p�+"�!'f b+�qr!'4nwl.!��a�o�1!�'tM�;--'`� <br /> _. �����irMrw��ar(b)�ry q�� �IrrefllM 1W MoMM!i��i�t.�'tboM ob�dfiiar:�r�i s:�t =- -_. <br /> �4s t�,�r.p�....�1+1a►M� w�r*M �1�Irs.�w.�e s.Na.«r�. <br /> ooeww�(b)a�+�of►d�lM�1t at aay���o�rw��a�e w�n �(oy p4►�nll�sp�s Yand b wloi'al�Il{�W .� -- <br /> �IMatAlerM,b�ba4�.bMt edt Ibaitd b.tNro�.io�►t t�Md(dl qbM w�ah�olion M 1.�Mir wbr wMe�l� <br /> � �,w,uaao da�t tbe lidn at'�hb Aoctnit�►l�r�t.t.enaetr tKha In aa P�ropeny,lna Bomnw�tl�obM�l�ow to al. . �!� <br /> wr iecaedby dd�Saadty 1a�anaaeat i�q �oo�Ml� q��oluir�d. Upoa �nt bp �n*�w�r. iY1.:�" ., ,;r ,;` <br /> IerdwnaN�nd li�e obllprtlans•�ecurod berobp�Yq r�aMrie fhtly eflYotiYa�r if nn aooelerallon hd aoowad: Mew�ew. ' ' <br /> �i�lrt�pa�Mrn tbe aaie of�ooelee�tioa v4de�r p+�r�rapi�17. ' <br /> �I.ow S�ertleMi '�'be Na1e ar a ineaat ia d�e No1e(p�1�pr wUh Wa�!► - <br /> ) a moie Wnas wHboW priar aotbe to�ir+w� A Mle m�y�auk in�aY�iu�M akity _ . <br /> Ab � t�t collecta a�ond�ly pqrmaKa due under dm T�ia�e aad d�i�SeaaMy larun�t. 7Uene�bo � <br /> . .."aae ar m m sa of tbo I.o�a Sa�►loar muel�ted w a ate•at the Note. If tbare b� ot tMe t�a�a S�vloar. <br /> Ba�owe�wID bo�iven wriuoa notioe af d�ch�e in�ocad�noe�vith pu�ph 14 aUarve m�d I�w. 'iUe notioe <br /> wiU wte die a�oan�ed.ddrea d q�o noa La�n Saviar nnd a�e a�ldros.a wWd�p�ymau� ba s�de. 7Le aodoa w111 <br /> --- ibo�,�ad�iions�rtbo�aq�ed bY�PP�icabb Liw. <br /> �1. 8�5�1��oes. Banower�bW not cawe ar pa�Nt the p�esan�[�po�b Wa'�a��deate d�y <br /> Hu�udous Si�btraoes aa at in die Prape�ty. Bomuw�a�16 uot d�.aa dlow�nyoue eua W do.�►ytl��(l�11�aL�e . <br /> Propetty Wt is in ridrioa ot aq�Bavbo�unaiW l.ww. TAo piaecedio�t�ra�lcroa�iW notapply ta the pae� <br /> uor�e ao die pmpaty oi aaW qurdti�oi Hn�dos Srb�aoes trM re ta�IlY r�aooyrmed 10�be appopiMe b�n�l <br /> r�aideatid ates�nd to aa�iurannoe of the Plnopaty. <br /> Bonower dall p�ompdy Sivo Lenda written notioe d any invatiptioe,cl�im.dc�md.hwa�it ar ad�er aotion Iry�qr <br /> --- - - — �uYuaniK,'^'^...�iTS T:�tt�Cl�t E�' ."L�'4!Ql�Y�C�l1y�lYQ�Y��.'L�ji dA�6tlft F��ttt�illC�J `YWty�' 3�3 8i�ilF�i�a�i"a� � <br /> �.iiY Of �I�C�1 �pIOW!'T � a{.'lllv b10W{OI�E. ��IbW�CT�CSilt.� �t OOh��I� aOYidl�poln� a IC�1�i1Qy <br /> aWha'itp.dw aay rcmoval or od�rcmediatl�on af any H�z�ndous Subaance�ri'ecWls the Yiopaty it eeoes�ay.Borm�w�' <br /> - �rlpol pno�nptly Wce aU�ec�easuy ranodial�ctioos io aecad�nce wiW BnvLaamatt�l I.*v. - <br /> �;.:,. As used ln dds puagraph 2(1."Ha�.�nlous Subwnces"wie tlwse�defilned�i toxic ar I�iou�dous wbwaoea by • � <br /> :.`— BavLonmenW l.�w aad the follo�vlag subsw�oas: g�wline, . <br /> - m.,.;;,t,,;�,;{� , keroser�e.other flpam�ble ar wxic pwolcum�cic <br /> — -.;:�1:��� Pe�cWes uid I�abicides.volaule solvents.nnterials ounnining a�baw�a fa�maldd�yde.aad radloacave roueri�ls. M <br /> ��.,, used ia tlds parag�apfi 20."Fi�v�tW Law"muu�s feder�l 1�ws wd 4ws of�he jurlsdlcdoa w6era tbe Propaty i�locu�ed . <br /> �t relate oo baUh,s�kty or environmaaal protectlon. , � <br /> NON-UMFORM COVENAN7'S. Boa+awcr and L.ender fiuther covrnant and ag�ee aa folloars: <br /> 24 Acaleratio�i Reoedies. l.nder a6aU�ive ootk�e a Borrower prior tu�ccderaHoA tolbwiq Borrower'a � '� <br /> -- �of a�y oovea�t or�neemeat i�tl�SecnrUy Imtra�t(bnt�ot prlot to aorckntlor ueder p�rayrnpU 17 . <br /> - ---�i';�;.� anle�applicabk law.provldes Mherwire). Tbe natk+e sh�ll�pedfy: (a)f�e defiult;(Or1 tl�e actla�raryb'ed to aa�11�e <br /> �rr., <br /> �y`� �'s tt)A�ts!i��S�!S!!����'Oa!�!.'�Ett S�!!�fS�Yd!�4�Q!'!'!l�JF'i+l'��1!�[�!�!!'�!'��slAPI�� <br /> _..,�� cored:aad(d)tbM hUure to cure We de�ault ou or beforo tbe date�in the 1l�'q9ice n�ap r+ea�Et la�,pf . <br /> = tre suu�s secured by lhis Secu�ity lostrumeat n�d sple of tMe Property,"�'Me noti�e'�hhaU tbrt6a�la�orm Borrow�r;� �. 1 <br /> �:� tbe Hgbt to reiasfnte�Rer nc�oderallon aad tY�e a�ip;JMt to 6ring a con�t�Ac�to�ert fNe uoatsbterce a��d , <br /> ���;. any other de�iase of Bo�rower to aocekrs�tbn And eAle. It IAe detaull is.not cu�ed w�or before tbe dak��� �:, . � . <br /> _- ��r We noNce,Lender at its optiao a�ay require Immedi�te ppb-�eni ia fWl of All eutas seoured by Wis Secnrity Iostea+arpt <br /> withoat farther dem�nd and mAy invoke the power of saYe aad aay other remq�ies permitted by�ppUcablc�v <br /> � �t�y Lender sbAll be enHded to co11e�K all eapeascs incurred io punsuing tbe remedirs prov(ded ia thir pata�niprb�l, <br /> . ;S'`• <br /> :,;r ;,{; ioclwling.but not limlted t0.��bk attorneys•feea aad coefe of tttle evidence. <br /> ' ' ll!the power of sale Is invokM.7lrustee shWl record a aotice of default In each countq in whkh aoy p�rt of the <br /> �:'. prope�dy is located and shAll mAll rnpfes otsuch notke in the ivanner prescribed by applicabk law to Borrower nad to <br /> � � t� E� the oot+er persons prescribed by applicable law ARer the tia�e reqnired by�pplkabie IAw,'llrusta sMaU give�nblte <br /> "��,,' notire oteale to tAe persons ped tn the maaner prescrfbed by applicable law 7�ustee.without demw�d od Botrowa; <br /> �'�'�..,�° s6a11 sell the Property ot public auction to Ihe hfghest btdder pt the dme a�d plaa And uader the tern�s dedgo�ted In <br />___`��;{• ;'� tNe notice of sal�in one or more parcels and in any order 7Y�ustee determines. 7lrustee may poslpont sak of WI or any <br /> ��� ��� -� � � parcel of the Praperty by public Annauncement at the time and place ot any prevbusly sclKdule�l sak. Lender ar ite <br />'��'%`�. ,!'-'';+ <br /> i� {� designee may pu�chase tMe Propeny at Any sale. <br /> _ ',�%•' ja"?'•l;;>�:,, <br /> •• - f,�.,�.��;„ .�,,: , Upon receipt of paymeat ot the price bid.'I�ustee aludl deliver to Ihe purcbaser 7lruste�e's dad coaveyi�,g t6e <br /> �;� .;;,r;'':��v�= Property. The reeitals in the T�ustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the Iruth of lhe�atements madc t4P�ein. <br /> ' . �� �••�' n;"�. 'I�ustee saall apply tf�e proceeds of the sole M ihe faqowing order: Ia1 to all co�fs aad eapenses otexereWo�lhe power <br /> ... a� ��., <br />�V ' �it� ��� <br />.�y;�..�y . <br />_ s. :}N ':IM,�. . <br /> ,� i" � <br /> �'� .� , . . <br /> l��I� �� <br /> 1� � <br /> l t(+ 1'���.�{ Ir V`�:. — <br /> (1 Y�•�. 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JS�rt}t�. . i�li��i � �•' ��� �� � - '���� � �ti-��� �f .N a��N� t �_�t.i <br /> � �" F x,�, <br /> >• .i.'.i,,�. lt � �4.1;!rl�."1+ '+ . .. � ��'(�A '.tl;'� ir` �t,,/ilL�i���i <br /> ��,}S •.�,r�• 1.. t l.•r:�_i �.1�i__���t�1t1�._C�'X.�.. �— <br /> r—�----T'^� r, -.--- ---•=r-7;:�i4,i!.I.. . --- �-' �_-- ---'- -. �- � j- - 1��ri tj: r <br />.`t`'; 1 ..�il j� � ,). _ . _ '.�� .'i . - _ .. . . . . <br /> Il �•�.• ��({�i�:' � ,�,1.� . . • . _ - — <br /> t.- f�'r;'1. : �.��!. �� �r, 1 j�f�t �7�r J +��.�'1Y�1�(Sl��_4�'�ar 4 <br /> r' � T . <br /> . <br /> � . , . . . , � � ''f � . i� �l t�u kn{ r l�S tif K � � <br /> (�.l• � <br /> d , :: .,,'.i i�' ���h ' . ,''.,''� �; .� i �. rN'� Ft�}ff`�>�n7,�� ' },}��Y; �!;4^ <br /> . _ _;E _ �•..�.,i. . . �..,. �: . �. . , .. �r,. . _ <br /> � t . •'�' • . ' , ' • 4':.7;"pi F 4 ' , • •!� s':.� '�,-' ����r ��•)J.�j'4ti� S•�(j��;;l.yi � �y�, �_ <br /> +` !{1 } : �r .�_____.,.._'. . . 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