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, __ ____ _____ _____ ___ __ ___ <br /> .r. : .�,.. _.- •.,' .--,....w..._du,:,aq�a�-.y�+vh�Mr.°:w�....w... . - ° - <br /> - - a�� - �.:�=_:1l'1Jr2L'}'.,_ <br /> . . . • } '�� ... . °['. , .r���.- .r:.. , ^s���.: - <br /> � _ .. �. - .t— � � .�. <br /> . .• � .-. .. . � -. ..�? °,- ' <br /> �� �����!!!!l�f�+'�'�sr��� �:-- . <br /> .'��rrrql w�d�i�tl eol b u�o�iiqi wili�id �ona�er Nf11�■nilll� d�wiMd�bo•�;, ■i�;ii i. . <br /> � ( l�l�f��0�,d�l M�M�If'�II�II w�11�ti 1000/��p�1. • '* •, <br /> 1111 Y�r�w p011ohn�1��Ilrll 611a�o�pp�b �d�!hOiM/r��r '. <br /> ' i�hw i�tI�N b liold IM plioil�t►�d r�newdt.�[l.wda trqoYw;'��o�r ii pro�nplqr`iw�.e�iK�n� . , . <br /> d p��pre�bu�u�ad trrewal notiee�. 1a eho nv4at cl b�s.�w�ro�wt�rlw!�'�P�A�M1os a da iawwrna ani�r w� <br /> L�ir. Loodw�w�y arb pr�oot at!eN itia�t�wle p�a�dy6�r���a�o�wr. �1 be�liad w n�lawtlan a np�ir d <br /> ' llnleRS L,�lor�nd�ann�rer a�i�s�pe�!a rr�1tY�.hMwMOe <br /> d10 if t110 fe�WlMiofl 0r M�pllif IY ODOiMIA�Y� b�iud LAIUC1Yrtii�e0utity ilt tiot Wfii01W1�. Tf f� <br /> ��Or �t 1101 r0000111��a0 Of LiqldKti�OClq,�lyt M'OUb 64��dM �11111��100 pIpO�A�/�� ,. „ <br /> II�IOd t0 i11D WIM�OqlfOd byt!Wi$OQIIjIj►11M11UIIOIN��IOd10�Of IIOt d1011 d11Q�Q►���1�1�OOY� 10�Of10'M�lr. �f <br /> BlM10NQr a�MIM�01U QIO PIOpQIy.Of d00/IIOt�qtMEt 1V�f1�a/JI{�QOI�GO MDIII Z�M�1"1�(�10�p/IIT�ID���1'��If Mli <br /> O�OfOd l0�dl�0�Q��pl�Ih011�AIIdOf IIM CQ�OCt 1h0�111111�IIC0 pIG1700dt. �.Ofll�qlyl WO(�1Q EI(00�101l�r Or 1!/bIC <br /> t�10 pfIOQERy Or f0{Ily Wllli�OCWOd�1j►f�l�$OCW�Iy�IYIYIOfM►1M�IN�IOr OI'(l�t�1011 dYO. �10��j►p01�M��N►�M , <br /> tf10 MOII00�t YEII. - . <br /> uNas ,ma son+nwer o�nawl�e.�ree in wdan�,�ny bn of piocaeds oo prL�cipl�.0 aa aub.a a <br /> poapolie d�e due d�te of die�aaathl9 P�Y�Roie�ed w L�pu��l�od 2 or du�e lita aoam�t af da 1f <br /> w�der p�r�pd 21 tha Propetty is sapu�od by l.ender.Borrowrxti ri�t w any i�a�ooa pn�iciao aid p�i'bwttl�[ <br /> f4oaA dun�a W tla Propaly prior bo Ine aoqui�ition�MII pa 10 L�ender 10 Ihe extaat of tMe am��ed b�r d�is Sec�oitr <br /> l�aunKat immedi�tely prior q die�qu isitio�. <br /> i� Ooaipr�eR h+aa�r�tlo� MYMe�oe �d P�'afe�tlo� of tMe op�t�. �aero�r'I�I.o� Ap�111cMMoi <br /> I.areMdi�. Bam�er daN oocupy.wabiish.�nd u�e the Propaty ts Barro+�er�l*i priucipd re�idaioe witl�io tixty dyr�+Idler <br /> -->__� tt.;ca�s s�f'ilds 3.xurlty�'n!aa!�s4!sos:sim�io tx.cngy tls,:I'r�F,�tg as Scr..��ra-��ni,�i,iq�38,--ca6i�-inas fwi:e£ . ' <br /> leaat one yeu aft� tAe date d oocup�ncy. unlas I.eoder othecwlse �p�ecs Ia writiag. which onw�t alMl! nnt 1� . <br /> wuaison�bly wltbbe�d.or unless racteau�tin�ca�cwnsuuices exW wldcb a�e beyad Bonowak conh+d. Baiower sbr�i��ot <br /> destroY�d�m�ge or imp�ir the Pnopryq►.�Ibw the Prvpaty w oommit wxcte oa the Pt+npaty Bamowat`��haD <br /> ba!n defwlt if any forfeiwro scdan ar pmooedin8,whether civU or cdmi�ud,is 6egua thut fa Laidtrlt Qood faith jad��t <br /> could rault in fort'eitwe of the Prnpesy or otl�orwise nuteriWy impair tbe Uen cn�ted by ddt Soca�ity� GtWnqanart a . , <br /> L.enderfs security in�erest. Bono�rer may cu�+e such+�defiwlt and provided in p�ragraph 1��bY r.�asing the�ctlan <br /> or p�ocading w be dismissed wltb a ruling ti� Lenderl�good faith detcmUuNon.Pxludes farteidme of tbe BatoM►erS� <br /> inu�est in the Pt�operty ar other mAterid impaimrcnt of the lien cre�ued by thi�Securiry U�aent ar l.enda�s�urity ' <br /> interest Bomovrer shall elso be fn defeult iP Borruwer. during the loau s{rplication proas�, gave tttateriully �'a��,or <br /> i�accunue iofonnAtion or stuemencs a I.ender(or fiiled a pnrvida L.e,�der wlth amr roataid Infamatiai)in croanecdaw�fh �,... :��`.: <br /> the lo�n evidenced by the Nota. including. but not Wnited to. rcprcsa�tations conoeming Baruwer� accupAti�y.atF the,,'; ,'!• . ; <br /> Pmpertr�s.p�i�ci�ua resiaenc�. tf this secudty Instrument i�on.leasetww,eanowu ahaU co.nply wtth.0 tne pn,vL#�idp� ,`.,._ <br /> of t�c lea�. !f�er�i�fee titlt ta the P�gesty.slse k�M mtd slse fa s�slt s!m!!aos�t wtkas i.m�es'�;ri� '' ,,. . '' <br /> to�he mcrgcr in writing. , <br /> 7. PratecNon ot l.ertdev's Rigbts ia the Praperty If Borrower fails to perfam the covaumts and agroem�enta ' ' <br /> conlained fn this Security Insuuae�nt, or therc is a kg�l proceedL�g tfwt may signtficantly at�'ect l.enderl� rfghts 1n the ' <br /> Property(such as a puoceeding in bunkruptcy.probate.far rn�demnaBon or forfeltwe or to enfonx laws or reguladons).tl�en ' <br /> L.ender may do uacl pay Por whutever is necessary to protect�he value of�he Pruperty and Lender�rights in the Property. <br /> Lender�ectlons m;L:include paying�ny Rums secural by a lien which has prioriry over thls Secu�ity Instrument,+�ppearing <br /> � io couA,paying neasnnable attomeys'fas end entering on the Property to make rcpaira.Allhou�h L.aider may take a�tion <br /> under this paragraph 7.[.ender daes not have to do so. <br /> Any eunounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 ahall bocome addiUonal deM of Bormwer securcd by thl� <br /> Securlry Inswment. Unless Bormwer and L.ender egree to other tem�s of payment.drcse arnounts shall bcar intcrcst from the <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with intere,st�upon notia from Lender w Borrower requestin� ' <br /> payment. <br /> S. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender requind mortgage insurance as a condidon of making tha ban socw�ed by thls <br /> -___ Securiry Insdvment, Boiruwer shall pay the premiums rcquircd to main�ain tl�e mortgage insurance in effect. U.for any <br />-•���:.� reason, the mongage insunu�ce coverage required by l.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Banower shaU pay the <br />__.___.� premiums required to obtein coverage substandally equivalent to the motigage insurance previausly in effxt, at a cost <br />-;;,:��L��� xubstantially equivulent to the cost to Borrawer of the mortgage insurance pneviously in effect. from+An ultemete mortgage <br /> �:='�' insurer upproved by I.ender. lf snbstantfally equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Bomower shall pay to <br /> "���.'.#'"�� Lender each ma11h e sum equnl to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage inswnnce premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> �'��-� insurance mverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as e loss reserve in lieu <br /> '='—�'-� of mongage insurance. Loss reserve puyments may no longer be required,at the option of I.ender. if mongage insurancc <br /> - -r- coverage(in the nmount and for the period thut Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender ugaln becomes <br /> �;�;. r� available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintuin mortgage insurance m effect,or to provide a <br /> --�.?± loss reserve,unlil the requirement for mongage insurance ends in accordance with any wrinen agreement between Borrower <br /> ="-'-�° '•'•�� and Lender ar applicuble law. <br /> � � 9, lnspecflon. �.ender or its agent may msike neusonuble entries upon and inspections af the Property. Lender sh�ll <br /> .;,�,;,;; give Borrower nc�tice nt the time of or prior to un inspection specifying reasonable cause for�he inspection. <br /> •-t=��-==-� 10. Condemnation. 'Ihc rocccds of an award or claim far dama cs,dircct ar consc u�atial, ie conncction with an � <br /> �i,..�.ry: P Y B 9 Y <br /> • , Single 1'amfly••PMafe M�dl�hddk Moc UNIFORM INS9'RUMENT--UMfam Covm�nu 919D IpuRa 3 ej6 poResl <br /> � fiu�t We�hYeer Pa�,.4r.■ <br />- . To pde►CY:Ii00Sq9993 O YAX 01&7i1•1131 <br />._-��i.. <br />.._.:�.•, .,- <br />:;�f� ,,t° <br /> �i.Ci•1N�: :��N R,y/,� t- i��ti��'i��[l`��,��/`'If�'_ __. ----- - --�-�i�.�'�;-, -- ■r- -- - -- Y .. <br /> .l.�°�'.;�;� ,, �'` , ,��'' 1,�, ( �� � �( � 'r:�: I /��A1�4 1 lt;(J,i � � r ,- <br /> -J...L�.� •��11'}��� t�1 { _Y. I \�����.�� .�!1�'� .ti � . _ ;� �I M <br /> �� �?�3';��fS r . ��'.• < y,x ��������.�•�t„ �� � , ��{�. i�t, . , � ,i ' ;�J , r�ti�'� - <br /> ::'��''.��71r��tt,� t�f���tEf lI. , � �+�'•., I��•s! . �� . . . `'�s. a yi+e�-.' _ . '1��i ��(1�,•.7+'—°'i:m �m r � . .,_. <br /> Iw�rr "�°."i'S�'11�Y.l., <br /> . ., <br /> . � •. <br /> '?�J.)Ya,,,�s. 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