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<br /> o�r�k,Aad the eAk�IociudiaQ f he{wYmeat ot tAe 71�ustee's tees actually lacurred�aot ta exceed 2.Q 96�K
<br /> by liwt bl�to all ww r�cur b at6is Security Ia�truq�tati aad Ic�y excaw to tYe��pey�i�oa�le�lly eotitled
<br /> to i�
<br /> 22. Iteconveyance. Upon payment of el!sums r,ecured by this Security InstNmcnt, l.endcr shall request 'Ituetec to
<br /> retonvey the property and:hall surrender thia Sxu�ity Inswment and all notes evidencing debt secured by lhis Secudry
<br /> _ , Instrument to 7tustee. 7tustoe shxll reconvcy the Property withaut wulranty and wl�hout chaugc ro tho perron or perronr r., -
<br /> le�ally endtled to it Such permn ar persans sha�l pay any recorcta�i�n costa.
<br /> --= ?�3. Substttute'1�usta. Lender.at its aption,may from dme ro time removc'Itustee and appoint a succcssur uvstee ta
<br /> —_.,;;� any 7tuctec appc�inted hereundcr by an instrument recorded in the caunty in which this Secu�ity I�swment is recorded.
<br /> Without convayance of the Property,ttio successor ttustee slwll succeed to all thc atte,pawer and duties canferted upan
<br /> == 7tustee hercin and by ap�licable IAw.
<br /> 7A. Requect tor Natices. Borrower requests that capies af the nwices ai defauh rnd sale be sent to HoROwcrk address
<br /> 'Y which is the Praperly Addtess. �L
<br /> ___—— _ -� :� 2.4, Rldera ta this Secu�tty Iastrument. If one ar mare riders are executal by Borrower and recorded tageiher with 4�`
<br /> — a this Securiry Instrume�t.the covenants and agreements of each such ridcr shall be Incorporated into and shall umend and __
<br /> __- -=--� supplement the cavenants and agreemenw of lhis Sectuity lnstrument as if the rider(s)wew a part of chis Security InsuumeM.
<br /> ----- --- _ (Check applicable bax(cs)1 . —
<br /> �w��-� �Adjustabla Reta Rider �Condominium Rider �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> •--__-_�:�:_i,�
<br /> . --_�_�=:��:� �Biwcekl Pn ent Rider �
<br /> _,,;5����,'�,. �(iradueted Payment Rider �Nlanned Uni1 C�evelapment Rider Y Ym
<br /> -- :,..�;: •. Y�r,
<br /> `� � �� �Second Home Rider
<br /> `"_�:":����: ;; �Balloon Rider �Rate lmprovement Ridcr �
<br />_�—,...,;-��4'`' �Uther(s)[specifj 1 �
<br /> __��;,:.;,, BY SIaNlNa BELOW,Hotrower accapts und ugrees to�he�erms und covenu�xc contained in this Secudty Inslrumeot
<br /> .-:���s r=•;i�:> ' und in any r�der(s)oxecuted by Bormwer and racorcted with it. --
<br /> �-,�.,
<br /> _ �,
<br /> -__-'"•�." . Witnessesc —
<br /> -_�^�=' _ •l�'" 'a�
<br /> , �,—T (Seal1
<br />_ _ -�.���� .eo�mwer
<br /> Devid M. P1 nmer
<br /> ..�`�rit;,��:�; Sociu Security Number � -
<br />-�:',; F�ti�4
<br />:_:='?t;�i��t�'., — eup =_
<br />,_��: ..5� • i.
<br /> - eresa . unmer •aonower -
<br /> — .. . �4;,.
<br /> ..-:•:;-�;���,3'• Social Security Number 59a se es � n�°�
<br />-=:ic-'7 ..>.,:�� __
<br />:�;::-;;j�;�*,� • _--_
<br /> v» �,,;i:.�, ,-� . Hell "�,
<br />-- '�ii'�:;r��.,, STATEOF NEBRASKA. County ss: �_•-
<br />_-�; r�l�,�.�y� . —
<br /> z.:.• � .,,,.��.a:
<br />..:,.'�':.f:::. .,�,• On this 8th duy of Mey 1991before me,�he undersigned,a Notary Public --
<br />';��,�`�;;.> duly commissioned snd qualified for tiaid county,penonally come Devid M. P1umm8T end Te�ese D. PlummeT,
<br />:�-':,��`�::f' each in his and her own right, and as spous� of eaeh other ,to me known�o he the �;:.._,,
<br /> ^��``' ��•�� ' identical rsons(s)whose nume(s)are subscribed to th�r forcgain� iostrument and acknnwledged the execullon thareof ro .-�-._
<br /> d'�����..� : � ���
<br /> �—�a r • . be theiT voluntarynctundd�ed.
<br />�'�{:���Y�kc-.•� N�braske in said county,the --°
<br />= Witness my hand nnd noteriul seal at Grand Island,
<br /> �=�,S<�., dute aforesaid. / � j � L -
<br />;��'.���:�•: o My Co ' ' No�ery Publk "_
<br /> ' _��= 6f��Al�TAIr,S�M d MMti
<br /> �.:Y::�:�"'"`�''�j'�='"a 8MEMJIJ.At�ER REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br />�"�� Mp Co�.Eiy�Nw.R 19l� —
<br /> TO TRU
<br /> "��� �-±w��� The un ers�gne �s e e o e ote or notes secured by Ihis Qeed of 7Yust. Snid note or notes,together with all �.
<br /> ��t�r��`N�,�ir �Q other indebtedness secured a this Deed of'Ihist,have been paid in fult. Yoa are Itiereby dirccted to cuncel safd note or notes
<br /> 1 S�jl. 1'A� ';+'L�n.n:: } �"'
<br /> �.����':,1,:s!;•:���...: und this Deed of'Itust,whicb nre delivered hereby,and to temnvey,without wam�ty.aU the estete now held by you under ,�,,,
<br />'%��r",•:;�'����`��';�;' this Deed of'llust to�he per�n or penons legnlly cntiticd thereto. �
<br /> �,• ,. . ...,'
<br /> ,. .:�-r-�. _. Date:
<br /> ' Po►m�028 9I90 fpaR�6 nf 6 paRtrl
<br />- � •i��<3.:. � ''•-
<br /> �"(`K�1;�':. r �::
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