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w;:�. _ . - <br /> Z�� s ,�✓�'`...,�: � .. .. . , .. . ....a- . . � . . �}C'�'i�;,l�. •}'f9�.Cr..�.::::.�..�.- . 'o"'—__ <br /> - -�. . . , � � . ..� . . .. �3_ ,� . _ . ,ry�, <br /> ��►«x�►t��,e.�...��at�a�.�,►w�e«��a.a.�.�m. <br /> . . <br /> 1nMuww�a N)�ry a'. «�ro+�p�i.leo�+h►lwaimn�nt. �tLore oa�itionr+ys tb�s«iuw�r; W. , , � <br /> rqn i,aid�r all aq� wMi�iM w�dw wd�r risrM�N!►1n�pameat�ad t�e Nale�a tt no �oo�l�da� YiO�� " . <br /> . o�an�e�(�ema m�r det�ub o�Mqr adieraorai�ar�etl�p;{o)P�yi�U exp�t b�o�nrd�+�dd��kY <br /> t�ana�t,iacludb�,ewt ea udWa�a,wro�Ne�e aaorh.�n'tee�; .na(�aioa�M�cxion M L�aaaer m.y r..�on.u�y <br /> requ3re a anwe uw tl�e lba bt tAb 3vay�it�r L�qnm�.l.endar�ri�Au in the Pirop�ny�ad ltarow��oWipdon�a pry d� <br /> �omq ra�curadby 11� �orriq► 1a�llwn�t tMtll ooqdr�e �ed. UP�n � �j' Barowe�► t�i� Sew�it!► <br /> ' Irowoaat�1 t�e obli�tiau�Mcwrd6ee�eby�lall�emdn tWly effactive as U no�opkr�ioa h�d oocuned. However,tbia <br /> riRUt b�iruWO�rll not�ppiy•io die aae a��ooak�lion andar p�n�ptp617. • � <br /> I!. &k 4f Nel�(.3��f'I.w lierMe�► '1'Me Noee or� i�an in tbe No1e(wtether wi�h tW Seair�r <br /> tn:trumeat)en�y 6e ald a�e ar Mo�times�ria�oat pior nc�lioo ta o�ma�er. A pte tqrY ro�ult in s d�e ia tY endty <br /> (iutown u tbe'l.o�n Savloq�")du�t oo,llecfll paoad�lY P�q'oad�due�u�de�the I�to10 and thb Sec�nity lmenanent. 71�ere�ho <br /> nuy be oae ar mo�e cbrrea�f da laio 3e;�vumr ameiMed to a sde of d�e Note. U i4ena is a dMnja of the Lan Soroiov. <br /> Barower wip be�iva��rittm notioe ot the cb�e in aoca�noe Mitb p�n��ph 14�bove md l�w. Tlre aotioe <br /> �vUl aaie d�e a�me�M aAd�of the aeM I.o�n Savica and q�o addte,�s W rvldob p�ymenp�huu� 71�e qatfoe�vNl <br /> .lao oontain any oma i�►toan�aon roquLed hy�pplicable I�w. <br /> � Hwrror�SM6rh�oe� Borrower addl not cauae ar pamit the prosa�oe.use�di�posa��sta� mlase of my <br /> Hazardous Sabm�wes ca or in the Prnpaty. Barower rhwll aot do.nor dlow myaio dta to do.anythia�affectGtg Iba <br /> Prope�ty tlw h in vloWioa ot any Bnvinarn�W Law. 7lio pr000din�two a�ta�oes dall not apply ta�he p�aoe.wo,or <br /> �oo«go oa tbe Pimpaty ot a�n�p qumt�tks af H�dou�Subqaacm d�t a�e�eoerally teoo�uiu�d w bo appnopriate to�po�md <br /> residentld u�s�nd w aninten�x of the Propaty <br /> — Bomnwer�fuu prmoutlr Wvc t.snd�r writtea aotioe ot aay inveaipdm.claim.dea�nd,tawwit or at�er�cdm by�ny <br /> _ _-- ------_� <br /> govanm�nta� or iegul tory age,uy or priva�e puty invoivin�d�o Pro[�erty�nd w�y Hartdc�u�Sub�noe or Enva�i � <br /> Law of which BoROwer has actwu knowl�Jga If Hotrnwer Iwn4,or is ndifkd by any gova�una�W or�egulatay <br /> �utbmity.tlw any remov�l or odnr remedladon of any Hu�rdou:5u6suaoe�fiecting the Propaty i�aeoe�sary.Btrrower <br /> — siudl prampty Wce�II nocessar�nanal�d acdons in accord�e with Eovl�atmaud <br /> As used in thia puagraph 20."Hazardous Subswnces"tme ttase subsqncea defined as toxic ar hu.�rdaw�by <br /> Enviro�mwuAl nnd the ioUowtng aubstanoes: g�soline.kaosene.other flanunable or toxic petrvlwm products,toxk . <br /> pesticides�nd lierbicides.volatile solvents. materials containing asbestos or fonn�ldehyde.ud t�diw�ctive material�. As <br /> used in this p�r�agraph 20."Environmenta!Law"mear�s feder�l uw��nd lawa of the jurisdictian whene tha Ptopeny is locsbd <br /> �hat�elate w or environmenW protecNon. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barower And l.ender further covenant u�d n�roe aa fdloas: <br />_- 21. Acceleratloo; Remedla. I.eader shaN qive notloe to Bon+ower prior to�coeleradon tdbwi� Borro�►a�•a <br /> bneac4 d'aaq covenaat or ap+eeraent ia t41s SauMtq Iostru�aeat lbot aat prlor to�aodendaa under psr�rapU 17 . <br /> unkss opplk�bk bw provides otherwisel. The notloe shsll�peciiq: (A)fbe detaulti lb)t6e scdon reqni�+ed to�wra dle <br />- drP�ai�.i�)+��,ei�t i�iia+�38 d�ye�or�ti�e d�te t�e n�tba is�tvc�tu Easrow�r.b��Ec�me��uss� <br /> � c�red;aad(d)lUat tWiure to cure We defs�uN oa or betare tbe date�in Ihe aotke awy r+esWt fa ao�ekratioa of <br />�!'���l`� .Ihe swnv secured by thia Sewrity l�trumeat aad sak of tde Property. 7'he nWtce�d�all f1�rt6er iatorw Bon+ower ot • <br />•��:,= Ilk rtght to reinet�te Afler Aocekratbn nnnd t6e right to bring a wurt actiod to as�ert tYe aon�xistenee a�a delAUlt or . <br /> aay dder deTease oP Born�wer to accelerAUon aad snla If tde detault ts aot cured aa ar befere lde d�te apedfkd in <br /> the aot[oe,Lencier at tts optba moy require immediate payment in full of al sYms secured by Ibt�Security Iastrument . . <br /> witbout fuMher demaad and may invoke Ihe power ot spk and any other remedks pern�itted by applkabk I�w <br /> l.ender shall be ent(tled ta collect all expenses incurred in pursutng the remedks provided In this para�rapb 21, <br /> � iacluding,6ut not Iimited to.reasanable attorneys•fees and costs oT title evidence. <br /> • I�thepower of sale is invoked�71�ustee shall record a notice ot defeult in e�ch county in whkh a�y pwrt oP the <br /> .���,$� Property is I�cated and shall mail rnpies of sucb notice in the mpnne�p�escribed by Applics�ble Ipw lo Borrower and to <br /> ;N,�,c-t...;�:.. ,; Ihe other persons prescribed by applicable aw ABe�the tlme required by nppIicable Inw�'llrustee sball�ive puWie <br /> �+`',�+r'��.s,?4?r'-::'•j;. notice of sale to tbe persons and in the manner prescribed by appllcable law 7lrustce,without demand on Borrower, <br /> '�'�'�,�,�f;;, �'� shaN se11 the Propeny at publk Auction to Ihe highest bidder at the dme aad place and under the terms dedgnated In <br /> �3` �,,..-, the eotke of sAle in one or more parcels And in any order 7lrustee determines. 'llrustee may�wstpone sAle of all or any <br /> ,�y�„•„�:;• �� pnrcel oi the Property by pubUc announcement ot Ihe time and place of any previously scheduled sale. I.eoder or its <br /> .'`�`'"• designee may pu�chase the Property at any eale. <br /> '�'�'�''�' ��� Upon receipt of payment ot the price bid,'Ilrustee shall deliver to Ihe purchaser'Ihustee's deed conveyiaQ Ihe <br /> `�"a�''''"`J�� Property, The recitnls in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima focie evidence of the truth ot the Rtetementa mA�e fbereiq. <br /> �..��-.: l.e r . <br /> _* 7lrustee shall Apply the procecds of the sate in the folbwing order: IA1 to wll costs and ezpenses of exerclsin�the power <br /> , ��r <br /> n;,�, •,.:y ,. <br /> '_ ��' ' .�4�rs,�.� ,/y,, . <br /> + i��,�.1.({. ;�,.{•1 <br />'.' 1 '.�`1_,,, _�%. <br /> ,C ,I.\��.ni.°�.�� _- <br />.��` � ,'S�./,1`{r — <br /> +�"".- --:.."_- ..- <br /> .� --- ' Fw'mJ028 9�90 fpuQe�nfD/kigtll <br /> � �' • �� , .� , — <br /> ��• � ..�i�' _ <br />'� .4?. ,i.f: :.e. �j��}�'�„-� ��rt�r;.;`.., • �i.'...��.. -. _'*:a??�,«."}�',4`3'.�:r �; :;.�l.z�, i�'��]:����`, <br />�Y� I�ll, - ' �' . .• 1 !r . � � ..A I ��! - : .. ,'i�.�� 1•,��i�., xe Z� .�.1 . .. •i:t_ <br /> / �1''� 1' t _ 1 1 } Y I G .� �1� 4�11�'��� �', <br /> . - � ��>f'�.� , • ::'��f - i:}�:�i�� • . i�.�t�!�. ' :�l�'I t � ..�d..^��-. <br /> � �'t.!' . . .. - - - it :i::�1►'i.�.�••r��t}:;its�� ek{ld���a`.�r��'`..�t`.pl.,*w <br /> -1 , - �;,'-�r=;--ri,.i; -'... -� � �y,` � a�_--.T.�, .._.T,.-,.—.�,+��-- ___-__"[.��iirr�r�n- -i.c-r:�.'-tF-ti . <br /> ;�i;,• f „ � �u� <br /> � „ ' . '',' t .i��i�' ��. , ' ' , ', '.ytt� �t it� 1 �;1,}, S�j, <br /> ' �.1:�,� � ' ..� . , <br /> —. , _ --- !i�F,.,,��-_ , _ . .. , , i�._;••;�t;.,. _ -- -- � <br /> - �• '. - ��''. `�:it�'' �':ii�?i.h" , � .� - <br /> � �,;5��'�i�� . . , .. ., . ��'+i�i��r <br /> . t' � � .. <br /> . � . .. <br /> �. „� � , � . ' , . , <br /> ` ��:. � . :�. . . ., ; .. <br /> ., „ ±Y. . • ' ' • , <br /> � � <br /> I �.j��•' . � .• . - .. . .:i•,' •dy., . <br /> �", ., .. �n�� _ ' -(f <br /> U ' � .r. -'^"-. <br /> ar _ - , � �4a'- , . <br /> " .� _ <br /> . s <br /> � . _ <br />