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... ,__ <br /> fi.�.p,�...«., _,�; <br /> � �y��',���„ � , .. . . � . . ,_� <br /> �_ ._ <br /> " � �� �� � <br /> � � <br /> . <br /> W�?aTTEN AQKNOWl.ED�MENT <br /> Th� und�ni9nsd, OI.IFFQFD l. .1�1�L1. and 8lIB1W K. .�IELI.� IwM�and end wifi, iNrrbY <br /> oirttfy sod soknavl�dp� that. b�tnre eipninp end oxecutinq t,h� b�law M�d ot Trwt� tMY <br /> did raad and sl gn th ia Mri tt�n Ackrxrwl�clOme�t e�nnd� by vi r�tu� her«ot� th� und�+r�ipn�d <br /> uncMrsta�+d� and und�ratood iwfnr� •Iqnlnp ssld Depd at Tru�t, th�t �aid O�sd of Trust is a <br /> Trust ONd and �t a mort,qeqe and thet the po�w�r ot eale provid�d In eaid Oe�d a� Trw� <br /> proyldrs �ubst�ntially dfff�ront riqhte and obl�gations to the underat�nod than a awrtqa0e <br /> — In ths nront ot a de�aul t or brsnch ot obl i�fati an undar ths ssid Trust [�d, i ea 1 udinq�• <br /> but not 11n�ited to, the 8�naftalary's ri�ht t.a have the Rael Proper�y soid by the Trupt,�e <br /> without any .�udlolal proceediop or foreclosure. The underelpned repraaent and wsrrant <br /> thet this WrittAn Aaknowletlanent was executed by thea� before the exooution ot the Trust <br /> pesd. Thi e Mhri tten lbknowl e�lpnent i s appended as a prefaca to and a�ade s part ot ti� <br /> b�low ONd af Tr at <br /> l �� . . <br /> � � « . � �: <br /> ---=- D�EO OF' . TF?U$T �� . �'. ' <br />-----�_.,,.iv._,r,.a��u:,t,;:_.:_-� . . <br /> -_..--- =-- Th i a QEED OF TRl13T i s mede thl� 17th day af Apri l, 1889� by and ananq q.IFFORQ L. . <br /> ���,,,��A,� .Ei�l.l end SUS1W K. .�h�ll, husbaod and wife� hereinafter raferrad to es "Trustora�" '' <br />,�i��,��� whether one or more� whase mni 11ng address is Hnrristwrg, Nebr�aeka: 'f� 9TA1E 9AN� OF <br /> --==- CAIRO� a Nebraeka 6snklna Carporatian. hereinditer referred to ae "Trustee." whose meiliny <br /> -'��°'""� address ts 8ox A28, Cairo. Nebraska 88924; and 7FE STA'IE QMM� OF CAIRO, a Nebraska 8er�icinp <br />_��13:.�'d� <br />= Corpuratlan� hereinefter rQferred to ne "Beneficiery." who8� mallinq addra� is 8ox 428. <br /> - Qairt�, Nebraskn 08A24. <br /> For velueble consideration, Trustora irrevocably grant, transfer, convey and asaign <br /> ta Trustee, In trust, with power of eale, for the beneflt �nd security of Beneflciery, <br /> - under and sub�ect to the ternis and oonditione of this Oeed of Trust, the follawl�p <br /> - deecribed ranl prOpe�ty loceted in HALL Coun�y. Nebraskn: <br /> �'`�` lot Thirteen (13), in Block Ten (10) in the OrtginAl Town of Cairo, Hall <br /> . �v;l� �� r County. Nebraeka, <br /> ;9.,,9d �';ti�i'�;. <br /> - �,iF�'�. 'l�,�;.� •�,� <br /> �s��;�� together wlth ell buildinQs� improvements� flxtures� streets. alleys� pasea9eways. <br /> c���� . �rr'�;��' easements� ri�hts, privi legea and uppurtenences located therean, and al l personal praperty <br /> . �>�:�� , �?;;� thet may be ar hereafi,er beavme an t ntegra 1 part of such bu i 1 d i ngs and 1 mprovements. t�I 1 <br /> '�' �����i�;`:�� crops raised thereon, and all water rtghte, ali of whlch, includi�g replaaemente and <br /> ;urt�'::t,.., <br /> �rf;,:h,,:� additions thereto. are F9ereby deciared to be a part of the real estate conveyed In trust <br /> ��;t���i�it�`�i�r�% hereby, it being agreed t7wt al l of the foreyoing shall be hereinafter referred to as the <br /> ,,,,. ,>!sr � « ., <br /> t� 1 {11'OpBtty. <br /> „%�; F'OR THE AlJRP03E OF SE CUI-�tI NO: <br /> ��;��'"�i_f a. Payment of i ndeb3..eatnoss �videnced by 7rustors' note of even date herew)th f n the <br /> ._ �.;�+..• pr i nc i pn l sum of �12,Q1I�.00. toge�.�,e� wi th i nterest at the rete or ratea prov i ded therei n, <br /> "'"`"'�� and any and a 1 I renewa 1 s. mod i f i cat i ons and extens i ons of such note, both pr i na i pa I and <br /> °���`p interest on the note beinq payable in accordance with the terma set forth therein, whiah <br /> - �:;�-���`:";� by th i s reference i s Mereby made a part he�reof; <br /> � b. The performance of eaah ayreement end covenant of Trustors herein contained; and <br /> "�� �w ;.:�.; o. The payinent of A I I eums ad+�anced by 8e�ef i c i ary under the teinae of th i e Deed of - <br />'=_•� " -�,�;,;;r;. Truat� together w1 th i nterest thereon at the rute prov i ded i n the note. <br /> � r� � d. The �bove artaunt is eecured even though all or part of it may not yet be advance. - <br /> -. ..`t`:.� Future edvances under the agreeme�t are contemplated and w�ll be secured to the s�me �_ <br /> ^""'--`' extent es i f mac3e a� �.i�� ciate th i 8 deed of trust i s execuLed. - <br /> � � ���; . ::s==���� TQ PR07ECT ?1E SEGRITY OF 7HII3 OEED OF 7'RUST, TRU31'aR9 FEREBY O4VENANT AW A(�iEE: <br /> :-�^7ar��t�, . ,.. � _ <br /> � 1. To a� �a dn�, the prieeip�l at, ond the inleresB +�n, the indebtedne�s evedeecad by !N note, ch��yes, fees �nd �11 - <br /> ���•���x;`�<,' otbu � ��O�ikd i� tAe lo�� iaatru�e�tc. ' <br /> .�_�: � •'� t, ir�obn �re tAt a�er� ot tk O�oOertw end he�e tis�e riyAt end eut�hority to e��cute thl4 Dad of Tru�t in re�pect !o = <br /> `.�• !M prop�rty. <br />-�:� S. io pqr, �Ae� ar, •I I uan, �aei�l �ase��aenti end ei I other choryoc ey�ins! the properlr, betore the aae buo�e <br /> - d�llaau���. Tru4ton tlull py all Gae� and aaseasrenls rhich y� be levied upao 8tn�tici�rr'� intere�t herefn o� upon lAis <br /> . .._ ._,_ _ <br /> �wa 01t1 oT Iru�t Or L1e a�D� ��t�ee eereDy, riinoui. re��ro io m� i�M inoi �ar oe n�rc4eo i�posipy p�nani u� wa .nv�e v� :n� _ <br /> a�!tlnrtof upo� tM� B�neticl�ry. _ <br /> t �: <br /> —_. _ --�.�-_ -� _ _ <br /> �'��.s�,'�,µ� = <br /> -_�,,.�,,_s..:;�,��.�. <br /> ,�,::�. - <br /> .�� '�'� � - <br /> _-- `a��ti� w� _. <br /> ._ <br /> -- , ,. . <br />