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<br /> � 91,.., 10276�
<br /> �.
<br /> �,�
<br /> MORTGAGB LOAN NO. Hi 957. FHA
<br /> ialOW ALL MBN BY 7NESE PRFSEM'S:'rtae Danny G. Miller end Leigh A. Miller� eech in his and
<br /> her own right. end es spouse of each otiher.
<br /> ,I . .
<br /> Mart�or,whethtr om or moro.in contidention of t!w am oi'
<br /> : '��' � Fifty Faur Hundred end no/100
<br /> -----------------------------------------------------�pLLARS
<br /> —�-�-�-�.. ., louad to aid mort�ur by The Equiubb BuUdin�and Luan Aswc(atlon of CMd Id+nd,Nebrsska,Mort�et,upon 54 �+�of aodc of
<br /> •�:?�r�`;�°�..��.�-: ' taid ASSOCIATION.CertlflaHo Na.dI 951 FHA,de hercbY Yanb�n�f' �d�rt����°°����T�ON the foUawin{
<br /> ;�,��..�,.•,:>.--. d�crib�d ral atato�sitwted in Ndl County.Nebr�ska:
<br /> - _-- ;-�_•:� �.....
<br /> -- - ���--°n � _
<br /> �.:.: .
<br /> ��a�,.r.ura�
<br /> -�����+;�'��•� The Wast Helf (M8i) of the West Helf (W�) of the South Half (S'�) (or what would be f.at Five
<br /> s=._'�,��� (5) of Bloak Ten (10) if said lats were leid out es other lots in seid Add�tian) itt
<br /> --��. �;� Windal.ph's Addition to Lhe City of Grand Island� Hall �Cou�rty� Nebreske. —
<br /> -��'s'3yt' �'
<br /> —_ �`�-;i���'r.`•;, •.. --°-
<br /> .- ��.�,.,.. �� �o
<br /> s;����•�°:
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<br /> -= �`� ��.�i:
<br /> i,��:�F� . ". .
<br /> �-��4��. .-_•.
<br /> --_.�`. `st:� . .
<br /> ''ct'�= n. ,�.•� '
<br /> -`'�'��� •-�+r+ to;ettut with aU ttie cenementi,hereditaments and appurtrnance:thereunto belon�t.including attached floot caverings.all wlndaw tueen�, ��.;._
<br /> --_- ��"��:� : �t,-a�Cx;#;;tks.��'s�,9:otm windowt,awqing+c,heaNea,nir mnditwnina,and�lumhing�nd water equiQmant and actaitorkt iheteto.Pumps.ltOV01� —
<br /> .. refrigewtws.and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafler atqched to or used In connectfon with s�id red t�tate.
<br /> �l�'` '`r' �nd whercu the said mortg�qor hu agrecd and does hereby agne tirri►he mon�agur d�rll rnd wUl pay all taxai and�ues�ments levlad or -
<br />�_r:��;,. ��•• -' � -' aueaed upon saW premises u►d upon this mortgage�nd the bond secured thereby betore the same sFwU become delinquent:to fwN�h approved
<br /> ' inwrana upon thc building�un said premixe:ituated in the:um of S 5�400.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to dellvor to ttid
<br /> • � ASSOCIATION the policirs for said inwrance:and not to commit or pe�ma any wasle on ut about s�id pmmfset:
<br /> •• ��� In case uf defiult in the performmce of any uf the terms and rnnditJons of this mongage or the bond secured hercby,the mortgsees thaU.
<br /> ,�; � on dem�nd,te endtkd to immediate pussession of�he mor�gagad premises anJ the mortgagor hercby assi�s, transfen and sat� oMer to the �
<br /> " ' mortg�ee all the rents,rev�enuea and income to be derived irom U�e mortgaged premises dtufng:uch time as the mortgage fndebtednw shsll ram�tn
<br /> • • ' � unp�id;�nd Ihe mortgaga shall have the puwer tu appoint any agent ur agents it m�y desire fur the purpose of repairing s�id premiwa snd renting �,
<br /> - '',1 the same and colkcting ihe rents,revenue:and income,and it may pay out of mid incume dl expenses of repairing cwid premues�nd neamry
<br /> t - commissions�nd expenmt incurred in rcnting and m�naging the s�mc�nd of culkcting rentals tharefrom; the balance rertnlnlnB.if anY.to be �
<br /> „�' applied�oward 1he dischuge nP said mortgage indebtednea:these rightt oP the murtgnga may be exercised�t any tirta durine the exhtence of such
<br />_ deiiult,irrespectivc of any temporory waiver oi the s�mc.
<br /> �'_.r.;:..,.; .
<br /> ��`-, �� „•,:,� Thcse Preunts,howevcr,arc upon Ihe Cunditlun,That if the said 11or�gogor shall repay said loan on or before the maturity of aaid stures by
<br /> �==.s ..
<br />,. ,u,.. � pqynxnr p�y monthly to said ASSOCIATION of�hc sum specifZed in the Bund ucured hereby as intercst and principal on said tosn,on or beforc �:_
<br /> ,:!, ' ,r, ... . ti the Twenckth day oP ench and every month,until said loon is fully�id:pay all nxcs ind assessments levkd aQainst sald premfses�nd on thia Mon�Qe _
<br /> . . �,
<br /> - '�.�1'f '•�u:,,,: j,�;i.`•�,;;;'� and tht Bond xcurcd Chereby,befure delinquency:furniah appruved insurance upon the buildings thereon fn the sum of S 5�400.QO p�Y�bk
<br /> ��°„k,- to nid ASSOCIATION:rep�y to said ASSOClAT10N upoa demand all money by it pa�d for such taxes,auessrt�entc�nd insurana with interest at
<br /> - . '�t`�;��';�`' � • the�tuximumlegAlratethereonfromdateofpaymentallofwhichMurtgagurherebyagreestapay:permitnowasteoncaldpremites:keepandcomp�y
<br /> . • �,. , t,� —
<br /> - '�'��••. wflh all the agreemmts and rnnditiuns uf rhe Boed for 5 5�400.00 th�s day gi�en by the said Mongagor to s�id ASSOCIATION,and comply —
<br /> - �'�r +��-•y?�'� with all the requucments of the Cunsdwtion rnd Bp-l.aws af s�id ASSOCIATION: �hen theu presents ahall become nuU and wid,otherwlm they
<br /> :� �,�,.�
<br /> =:,� ;��+" slull remain in fuU force and m�y 6e iorecbsed ot the option uf the svid ASSOCIA7ION after faUurc for thra months to nwlce any oC s�id
<br /> _- �•.-,- '-�,:h,.. . ,�..,�., psymeuts ur be threc muntlu in arceus in m�king stid monthly p�ymenis,ur a keep and cumply with the�aments and�wndition�of nld Bond;
<br />---:°=, P;`�' and Mortg�or a�ees to have a reaiver�ppoinlcd futthw�th in such forcclusure proceedings. _
<br /> '�`,-t'�`�'� ° '�' It therc is any ch�nge In ownership uf the real sta�e mortgaged herein,by sale ur otherwise,thea the entite rcrtninfng indabtednw hereby —_
<br /> -- . " d:"pia.±: �_;-
<br /> ° "������•� ;,•• saured shall,at the option of The Equitable Building and Lwn Assocvtio�of Grand Island,Nebraska,become immedisteiy due u�d paKabk without
<br /> � . �'%��:��'.�' Iwther natice.�nd the imount �emoining due under said bond,and�ny uther 6ond for any addiUonal advances made thereunder.�holl,from the
<br /> • ' • drie of oxercice of s�id option,fxar interest at the rtuximum Icysa!rate,and Ihb mortgage rtuy then 6e foredoud to s�tiffy the artwunt due on s�id �
<br /> • ,, bond,md any other bond for additional adwnces,tugether wrth all sums paid by svd The Equiqbk Building and Loan As�ociatan of Grand Idand,
<br /> � � Nebraska for insuruue.�axes and auessrtKnts,and abstractin�extmsion charges, with intercst thercon, from 3ate af p�yment at the m�ximum �_
<br /> ' • kpl me. �y
<br /> As p�uvided in the Bond secured hereby,whde this mur�gage rem�ms in effec� �he mongagee m�y hereafter advana additw�ul sums to the �rF.�
<br /> m�kers ut'aid Bond,thefr�ssig►s or successors in mten-st,which sums shall be w�thin the security of this mongage the same u Ux funds originilly •
<br /> � ucured ttxreby,the tu�d amount of princ�p�l deb�nu�to exceed at any time�he udsinal amount oi tlus mortga�e.
<br /> pated this 2�d day uf M8y A.D.,l9 91 ~
<br /> 'it �
<br /> r�.
<br /> n G. 'ller ��
<br /> �
<br /> -- . -��' • .._„--
<br /> ...-' LCitJll I�• 1'1111oi _..
<br /> . STATE OF NEBRASKA.t�. On lhis 2f1d day of Mey 19 91 .before me,
<br /> ' . COUNTY OF HALL`
<br /> . �he�nders�gncJ.a'�uNry PuhUc tn and fur sud Counry,p���Y�'�
<br /> � , ' ,, . . � Oenny G. Miller end leigh A. Miller. each in his and hRr own right.Nhu d erespop sse�Y���o
<br /> • other ��
<br /> � � •� me�u be the identNSl person S Mho�e rtamc S eTe atTixnl tu�he abwt mstrumcnt as rtwng�urS and th@y �evenUy
<br /> . ultnow{ed�cd Ihe wd msuument tu be their wlwtah•act�nd deed.
<br /> � • w1TNESS my hand and tiotuu15ea1 the drie alurcsaid. .
<br /> 'J, � .
<br /> ., •. My Commiss�un expues '/.i� �1 ,
<br /> . ti.-- u_ � ("tl���
<br /> . i�l�AR�M M�n1� , �v��uy weu�
<br /> ��.w u Q1dAJ.ALOi�
<br /> wt�..�,�,�t►t� ;
<br /> ,
<br />