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_ <br /> _ _ __. : _:,�._. <br /> -_-_-- _ ____ _ .-�--�. ,...� <br /> � , �9.�� -'f.;`':";:�;_ <br /> , AD�iI1�iT�LI� �ATE RID� . `� . �. <br /> . «�.��•-.�.a*.► . 93�- ��► <br /> 'IHI�AWU�'1'AM.S�J►'R�t0�t I��Mt IMM �.�..»�4� , AP'RYL �N � - <br /> .4 N MoaP�M�i I�w airi i/w AMir�a wd ird�w�Y MortNM.b�ot'Iria�ar�o.�Mfr M�1 Nk"Na�rMf <br /> 1wn■�M�'�a��ww dMe Mrr b!tM wN+t�r�a N�"�+�"9�o Mar�iorroMr•��1qi�a��bM Rw tiaM pM'7ieM'9 ta� <br /> rwx..0 L:YIfi�L�L����,��M�1V►Kn MLAN�_�l�•���R��of tM arrM d�N�d aretl�IY <br /> /��tf�aM�YtbMeritrt�M�d�Mlo�wid� . . , <br /> 690-612 � 618-618 S. EQOY. GRANU I,SLAND• NE6AA�fCA 68801 ,. <br /> (n�oo+Kr naan�) , .. <br /> �tt..n.a�l.b�ww...r.w�.s r.r eM�.r�a w�w r.a w .v •�•�b <br /> /�1MM1.7Y�MN a1M MN�tM�N�1�f MIIM�11 eM f�M q M4 M�M�M�D/ <br /> ���r/��/����. <br /> ADD�TIANAL oov6l�tMP1's.U�ddi�toe a w oow�a�a�d�v«mau�a�is w s�wtty taMn�.oano..r Md 6wiir <br /> (MN�oow�t ans aae�a tollo�s <br /> �. nr�omr ua nrrn Mornw.x�ar�c�waes <br /> ,n�e��o.w�ror..m�a wdw nm a s.o �.s�o..�r u��v�•���•�re�.�.e�.�...ei w <br /> wor�l6►vqwr���stols�e _- - <br /> �. IN7BRF�TRA7SANA�I�QfVlNLYPAYMBKf CIIAN�I°S , <br /> IA1 ��D�M� , <br /> 7'Me 6waat�ie t.rm py may dun�e oa tYa Pra:�l�y uf MAY .I9,��.,aodaa uu dnrsw�f <br /> 12 �no�MlstMafnr.B�ebd�ao�a�McbsyiotaatrauoaWdch�o�eisw0ed�"CI�eQ�sa:• <br /> (q Y'itl�ies � <br /> B�im�ia�.dtb u�e rtrst c7qa�e inta�at ruo wu�ae a�saa an�n Inaac.�rbe•�Inda••is�ne weddr aua�e yiadw�uA►ii�a aboe. <br /> 71aau!searitia�dluqed to a oo�rt�ot aMturicY of 1 Y�.as made�v�i4bk by t6e Faderal Rae�ve Roiud.7be�ost nowt�h�ia M�'t <br /> �r�iLbie at of tbedae 4f dayi befae a�ch�QMte 6t called tbe"Cutrcat[adac." • <br /> If tA�Ides 4 ao la�ye*+�vatt�bk.the Nao Hoikr wW cboae�uew iadeu whicb b braed upoo oomprabie tafa�tla.7tie Noq <br /> lioider wfll siw mt notioe of Ihis choioe. <br /> � �-rk.wt�.Mt�••a� i;�L AiND 01�-iiALF <br /> Befae ad�Cb�a Due.Uie Wolo Halda w�f0 calculate my ac�v intena rato by� V�+OVM <br /> p�ua( 3-5 --�)w U�e Curnat tuda��ad rouudius to the ne�rat 1�'ith oi 141�subJax a tUe Wq�auued to S�ction�N)below. <br /> 'Iwis rounaea.mouat w�u be my new Guerat rac.unw ide next�ace. <br /> 7be Note Holder Ni111beo delamioe Ibe wamt ot tlk mooth7Y P�+Y�qt that NoWd be�utfldent to rc{wy iu full Ibe p'�ndP�[�m <br /> m�pectee w oMe on W.e cn.uje nue ia westaaravur�a�n•rp+enw br uie ouurtty date u my new iataea rue.T1�e raau of t6"s sakul.doa <br /> wW belAetlew�un0uatof urYmoathlY WY��� � <br /> lD) IJwIbwl�tnrAR�aCM� <br /> 7fie inwea rate t am requlred to psy at the flat Chanye D�u will na be arater th�n �,�� �1b a ko tlun ' . <br /> G_I7n �.�(�.my interat rate will aerer be increased or decrcased on any dn�k�ange Imte by mae th�a T��� <br /> �_fraa the rate of interat 1 have bem pyia�for�he prccedln8 tNelve months.Tha miatGm�an interal raQO on tUb Ioan wUl never Ee <br /> �� 4.00 Mi and the muimum intaat rate wW nevrr be�ater th�n 11.00 �. <br /> (� FJf�oqte D�le of Qu�s <br /> � My onv laterat nue wIN beoome affec�ive on ach Chan4e Date.1 wlll pay the amount of my new monthly p�yment bqlnnia=on the first <br /> mopthlY pyment d�te�fter the Ch�n�e Datc unUl the amount oF my moMh1Y paymeat chan�a a�ln. <br />– (� NMIa af CM� <br />- Tho Nate Holder wfll mail or dcliva to me�noticebefore ach Chanae Date.7't�e nodce will advlse me of: <br /> (i) tAe new interest rate on my loan+u of t6e ChanQe Date; <br />.y (U) the�mount of my monthlY payment foYowinQ the Ch�nQe Date; <br /> (ill) aay additton�l mattm whkh the Note Holder is requircd to dkclose;and <br /> (ir) tde�ddras of the swoehtbn you could cont�ct rejardlnQ�ny quatloas about 1he adjustmrnt nwke. <br /> - �. CHARCFSt L�F.�1S <br /> - Udform Cove�uaR 4 of the Security Instrwaent Is amended tn read as foltows: <br /> - 4. C�u.�:Ilrm.HorrotiYet shal!pay a!!taRa,essasmenu.end other chnrgn,8nee,end fmposftloni attrtbuteble to�h�Pro�+r.q+Whlch mny <br /> attai��ptlorlty over thls 5ecurity Instromeat.and lasehold p�yments of�round rrnu.if the mmner provlded under p�raQnph 2 hereof <br /> or,1t not psid in auch manner,by Dorcower moking payment,whrn due,dircnly w the paya thercof.Bortower:hall promptly furnbh Lender <br />- aU andcp of amoums due under thl:paraaraph,and in the event 8orrower aMall make payment dircctly,Borto■e�r+hall promptly fumish to <br />���; I,ender reaiptn evidencln�such paymrnts, Borrower slull promptty dlachivQe any Ilen whlch h�prfority wer thie Saurity lostrummt; <br /> - Aoarcver.Bortower ah�N not be raquircd a dlscharQe any such Itrn so lon�os Borrower. (a)shall aara in wrizi�y to the payment oi the <br /> . oldigaUon saured by such Ilen in the m�nna acceptable�o Lender,(lu)aholl in Qood tailh contal su¢h Ilen by,or dePtnd a�aime enfacement of <br /> �uch lia�(n,1e4r1 proeeedfn�f which in lhe optnlon of Lender op.�ale to prevent the entorament M�he lim or forkiturc ot Ihe Properry or ury <br /> part thqYOi;or(c)+hdl laure from Ihe holder ot such lien sm agreement in+�•torm aUsf�ory ro Lender wbordlnadry sush iien to this ' <br /> Sect�rlty Instrumeiu. <br /> If Leada�kter�oina th�t all or any pan oP the Ropehy ia aubject to a Ilen whkh may attain a prlority over thls Savrity Instruma►t. <br /> Lender�lull�ive Ho�awer�noda identfiyin�iuch Iien.Bottower ahall satisfy such Ifen or take one or more of the acUoos set forth above <br /> wlthle ten dayn of�he dvin�of the notia. <br />:i C. N077CE <br />-� Unifarm Coven�nt t4ot theSecurity Imtruo�ent iv ameadM to rcad as follows: <br /> l 11. Notia.Biccept for�ny notice rcqulrcd under appliable uw to be gfven In another manner,(�)�y notice to Borrower proWded for in�hls <br />-� ' Security laswment shall be�iven by dellvedna it or by oailFn�it by lirat clw mail to Borrower�t the Proputy Address or a��uch ather�ddras <br /> a 8orrower maY daianate by notia to Leeaa aa prorfdad beran,and Ib)any notice to Lender ahall be pvea�y fint clw m�il to Lender's <br />— ddnu w�0 6erdn or to�uch other addreu as L.eider msY�Y�dY�to Borrower as provided hercia.My notice provided for in tltis <br /> Securky Instrummt shW be deemed to luwe ban Qivm to Btxrowa or Leroda w�rn Qiven la lhe manner daiQnated herein. <br />