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<br /> • -- _.__. r. - -t.a;__-. -- � � -"_ _—
<br /> ��, .,; • __
<br /> A'»'.' �;�..
<br /> �� �. 1 a �_ _
<br /> ,'" I g , - -- --------- .
<br /> . ,�
<br /> �°�` � 91-� io27ss
<br /> ,..
<br /> ".�,�i�
<br /> ='�.�`,���,� UtrIFqRM CovBN�Nts. HortuMer u�d[,endercovenaat�ad�gra Rs fbUows: v�ben due
<br /> ��',�;;� l. Pywa�t ot P�etM�n�bf����I��' Borrower ah�ll promptl9 P�Y
<br /> "'• �' 11N p�incipd d'and interat an tl�debt evidRncad by the Nde aud anY ptepayma�t and late chuga due under�he Note.
<br /> ���. Z. Fa�ds ta TaxM ai I�nw�oe. Su�ect to rpplkabk law or to a writirn waiver by Lender,Borrawer shall psY
<br /> a.:' w Lender on the d�y monthly p�yman4 are due ueder tha Note,until thc Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")eqwl to
<br /> ` qne.two�Rb oP; (o) yeuly t�a and asseuments which mry att�in priority over this Security Instrument;(b)yeariy
<br /> k�ebold pwypients or ground raits on the Property, iP�ny: (cl Yarly ha��rd insurance premiums: and(d)Yea�ly
<br /> �' mortgage inwr�nce ptamiums.�f'anY•Thae items�rc called"acrow items."Lende�may euimate the Funds due on the
<br /> " b�i�afcurrentd�ts�ndrawn�bloatlmatesoffWUreacrow�tems. �-
<br /> � The Funds shall be held in an institu�ion the d�pnsiu or accaunis oPwhich are insurod or Quaranteed by a federol or
<br /> -.� �_ ,�:�,. .�...�: ttate agency(including Lrnder if I.ender is auch an inttitutian).Lender sh�ll apply the Funds ta pay the escrow items.
<br /> �� , .�.�+:<<..� l,endet mRy not edarQe for boldin�and applying tde Funds.an�lyzing tha siccount or verifying the escrow itans,unlas
<br /> "°�1��:�, � (,et�der pays Borrower ipterest on the Funds and applicxble law pertnits Lendor ta make such a charge Borrower and
<br /> - � ;�:`'+��"''.',a Lender nwy agree in writing thAt interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agrament is made or applicable law
<br />�-_--� _- ,.� :r requlrcs interast to be paid.Lender shdl nat be roquired to pay Borrower any interat ar earnings on the Funds.l.ender
<br /> - --' ,�+'.% �`}`+Y slyl!give to Borrower.without clwrgo,�n�nnual aocounting oP the Funds shawing crcdits and debils to the Fundsand the ___
<br /> '-�:;+c,�'�i't�a���;:� purpose Por which each debit tu the Funds was made.The Funds arc pladgod as addi�iaiwl security for the sumssecured by
<br /> �--;;:�;r!:t-.�T,i�l',�.;:
<br /> ��,°,�y�.�;fr:r:.: this Security Instrument.
<br /> -�"'�"'•�'`�.�s:��;, • 1Pthe amount ot'the Fundc held by l.ender,together with the futurc monthly payments.of Funds pay�bleprior to
<br /> -�..x:�,.�.uc,•,�..,..
<br /> _._::::�,t��,�. . the due dates oP the escroa items,shall excesd the amount roquircd�o pay the acmw items when due,the excess shall be,
<br /> � •°�� at Horrower's option,either promptly repnid to Borrower or creditetl to Borrower on monthly paymmts oP Funds. IP the
<br /> �z����;�.: •
<br /> _ _ _r.,y.t�.�.., _ aa�ount oPthe Funds held by I,enda u not aulficient to pay the cscrow items when due,Borrower shall pay to L er any
<br /> ��'��' � �awunt nxeuary to make up the deficiency in one or more paymmts as required by Lender.
<br /> �� .;!,"���,� Upon payment in full of al)sums securod by this Securit Inatrument,Lender sh�ll promptly refund to Horrower
<br /> �,-
<br /> .,;;�u, �.; � ';�� , � any Funds held by I.endet If under paraigraph 19 the Property i sold or acquired by Lender,Lender shall apply.na later �._
<br /> -� �-^*��'�'' �' tban immediately prior to the salo of the Property or ils acquisition by Lender,any Funda held by Lender At the time of _
<br /> - ��`�''��•' '� �pplication as a credit agoinst the sumicecured by this Security Instrument.
<br />==�s��� �''q 'y...f.,
<br /> �r_y� " � - 3. Appliptton ot Paymeata. Unless applicabk law provides otherwise,all payments received by Leuder under
<br /> -"`�'�� � �"+' �• paragrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firat.to late charga due u�der the Note;second,to prepaymcnt charges due under the
<br />_ ':z;���.��. •,. '.. : .�„.
<br /> -=��,��'•�---• •s` Note;third,toamounts ablc under ragatph 2;founh,to interest due;and last.to prino�pal duc.
<br /> ��s���� � 4. Cb�r�I.�emy Borrower�sball{wy all taaes,assessments,charga,fines pnd impositions attributable to the
<br /> -���a�-:� �,''fs��'�.� , .:
<br />--:`_'_`��: y�, •. Property which may attai� prioriry over this Security Instrumenb and leasehold payments ar ground rents, if any.
<br /> ---- ,' `��'" '`.1• Borrower shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in pars�graph 2,or if�at pnid in that manner.Borrower shall
<br /> -"�;��,_:;,„}�;������E pay them on time dircctly to t'he pe�san owed payment.Horrower shall prompUy Purnish to Lender nll notices of amaunts
<br />_°.'-�.:.9�.� �,;�'�'";;;°r;:`� to be paid under�his paragraph.if Horrowcr maka ihese pay�n��ts directly.Sorrowcr sh�!!promptly furn+�h to f.ender
<br /> --_�.;��.;,,,,..,,-. •, ;�..,��`..,,
<br />- -= ..,,�:,:::.i,;.;:.r�:,:r+�is ra:cipts evidenring the payments.
<br /> ;;r�'.' . �,-;
<br /> ��,•: . ;�,,�, Borrower ahnll promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Inatn�ment unless Horrower:(a
<br /> 4'. �" `•." "��:ut�' a ees in writin to the ment of the obli ation securcd by the lien in u manner acceptable ta Lesder.(b)coMests in good
<br /> ...�;, "� • ,,,.f 8r B PaY B
<br /> �•';;;;;.�. faith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in.legal praceedings which in tho Lender's opinion operate�o
<br /> ��''� ' , � ��';;',',�;; prevent�he enforcement of the Ikn or Porfeiture oP uny part of the Property;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an
<br /> "' � �;s ;.,� � � �.�.,;�:t agrcement satisfactary to l.ender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.lf Lender determines that ttny part oi
<br /> •• �'� 4 the Propeny is subjeot to a lien which may attuin priority over this Security Instn�ment, Lender may give Borrower a
<br />- • � ���' ��-��� �.. �` noticc identifyiag the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien ar take one or more of�he actions set Porth above wi�hin 10 days
<br /> � '�;��r;;• • ofthegivingaPnotice. ��."
<br /> '''''� '':` '4�°`��.�';��• S. H�r+d Insunnce. Borrower shall keep the improvements now eaisting or hereaftcr erected on the Propeny =
<br /> �•.ii,;,�.����:.
<br /> � ,�;�s� ; insured ugainsl loss by fire,hazctrds includal within the term"extended coverage"and ony other hazards for which Lender ��.
<br /> '�;;4',,,�;�•' ,.,:•.�,.
<br /> � ,��, s`����„y� requires insur�nce.This insurance shall be mainluinod in the amounts und for the periods that Ltnder requires.The
<br /> ' ' �" �,.<.�' ` �'.��;� insurance carrier rovidin the insur.�nce shall be cFiosen by Bor�ower subject to Lender's approval which stwll not be � .'
<br /> `�. ''�'` .,.f P 8
<br /> ,' ���i,•�'"���.t �"n 1-'
<br />-'_'..:,,;.� ,�:,�;{`S.`j`�.,j yj4 ll'•,;r� unreasonobly withheld. '=''-'
<br /> ;••.:.�t:�s t���•...; t
<br />-�;^�;;.• .:,.f,,,t?�.,�,. , :• A l l i n s u r a n c e p o l i c i e s a n d re n e w a l s s h a l l b e a c c e p t a b l e�o L e n d e r a n d s h a l l i n c l u d a u titandard mort ga ge clause. �_:_
<br /> �''�;7` `` Lender shall have the ri ht to hald the I�cies�nd renewals. If I.ender requires,Borrower shall promptly givc to l.ender
<br /> s4�;`}. :�"�;t:�s'�� "��,�(:��s all rceeipts af paid prcmiams und ren�al notices.In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to�he insurance =°
<br /> �-•�• ,,i;:1•,'��.;.s'�io•.,;
<br /> '`'� �-�f •:r�t:�<<,•:::'i�;Y'•';��;;' camer and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss if not mnde promptly by Horrower. �:..�
<br />�,:�•�•• °��' '��`�'�`''}'���1'���`r"�"� Unless ixnder and Borcower otherwise agree in wriung,insurance proceeds shall lx�ppliec!to restoration or rep:.ir
<br />-������ ��`'`t�`'{�`��{`�}�H'���''� of the Pro rt dama ed,if the restorntion or repair is economically feasible and l.cnder's secuiity is not lessened. lf the
<br />-- -«w `:;{•�:>�;i,d�`�;f .,�:,. pe Y 8 ----
<br />-'Y`�; ;;����1. '' • rcstorsition or repair is na�economically feasible or Lender's security wauld be Icssencd.the insurance pra:eeds shall be I,;,,,:
<br /> �s +.t t�',.,,. . ,„ r--
<br />= •=% �� , applied ro[he sums secured by ihis Sa:unty Instrument,whether or not then due.with any eacess paid to Banower. If `
<br />��'�:;��;' ' � �+�i`. Borrower abandons the Property,or does not answer within 30 days a notice frorn Lender that the insurance carrier hu _
<br />` - � `'7�''� offered to settle a claim,then Lender muy collect the insurance pruceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restorc
<br /> ..1,i,�ti,.i`
<br /> �.',t�'.' i!;.�4�, Ihe Praperty ur to pay sums secured Ay Ihis Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period wi11 beBin ��:
<br /> when the notice is given.
<br /> �� '�.�'' '� Unless Lender and Borrow•er otherwise agrce in wnting,•rny applic�tion of'pnx;eeds�o pnncipal�hull nrn extend or
<br /> � '�:'''.'� `;;'t{�` postpone the due date uithe monthly payments rcferred to in para�taphs 1 and 2 0�rhpnge the amaunt of the payments.If
<br /> � � �';;,:;j; under paragraph 1'1 the Property is acquired by Lender. Aorraa�er'+righl to any tnsuronce{+nlicies t►nd proceeds resulting
<br /> Prom damage to Ihe Property pnor to Ihe acquisnion shall pass t�.Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secun��
<br /> � � Instrument immediatrl}•prior to the acqurvuion.
<br /> 6. Preservation and A9aintenonee of Property;I.ease6olds. Bi�rrower�hull not destroy�,damagc�x�ubstanuall� � : •
<br /> change the Ptuperty, allow• the Proptrty t��detenorate or rnmmit veaste. If th�v Sacunt}• Instrumrnt i�an a Iratiehold. '
<br />: Borruwer shull comply with thr pro�n���ns�if the lease,and if Borrowrr ucquues fer title to the ProE+erty.the lea�hold and `�
<br /> fee utle shall ni�t merge unless I.cndera�rm�o the merger�n u•rinnR. f
<br /> ' 7. Proteetion o( l.ender's Ri�81s in the Property: �fortRage Insurance. (f Borruwcr fad� tu pedorm �he .
<br /> -- - �r� ...,�.v.�.�uor..rm�ntc rnntametil tn thlc 1t`CU�ItY I0r[fUMrtlL ur there��a IeRal pnkeeding that ma�+igmficand�affitt '
<br /> - � -_ --o•------.. . .
<br /> ' Lender's righta in the Propeny Isuch a+a pnxeeding m banl,ruptc��. prubale. tor condemnsti�m��r t��enforct I�ws or
<br /> � ; � � regulationsl.then Lender ma�•do and pay for whate��tr�s nece+tiary•tu pmta�t the��ulue of tht Pm�r��and l.tndtr'.ngh��
<br /> , • � � : in the Propcny. Lrnder'�uctions ma}• mrlude pa�•mg an���ums.ctiurcvl by a I�rn whi�h ha+pni�nt� a�cr th�s tirruru�
<br />� Instrumrnt.appeanng m coun,paying reasunable auorne��:fa�+und tntrnng im�he Praper�y���m•rke repair..Alth��ugh
<br /> ' Lxnder may tuAr acnon under thn par�graph 7.Lendet d�x�not ha�r to d�u�
<br /> , . � Am��mountti d�sbuned by Lender under this parograph�.M�II kxtiume addiu��nal debt af fk�rrower.e�ured M this
<br /> � Secunty Ins�rumenl. Unless Borrower and Lender•rgrer to i�ther term�ut p•ry�mrnt.these umount.tihall t+r�r interr+t fr��m
<br /> . ° ' Ihe dn�e oPJ��bur�ment •rt the Notc r•rtr and.h•rll hr pa�ablr, wdh �ntrn�.l. upun n.+u�� from l rnJrr t.�Fiurr��wer
<br /> ,� .
<br /> rcquestinQ paymrnt.
<br /> . � � (
<br />