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<br /> _ ;�� 91.... 10�'763
<br /> ;�,��1 TQ(iE�17lBR Wt'i7i all the ia►provaaaw now or herafter e�ected oo t6e p�opaty�aad all ea�ota.�ppu��aad
<br /> :.�;�;� I �p�np naw or I�fter � psrt oP tho p�pe�ty. All repl�oanaat aod addltbro �lull dso be oovened by thi� Se�WitY
<br /> -= E Io�wment. AU of t6ee forcQoit�i�taferiad w ia Uilc 3ocudry In�trument�u the 'PrapalY•�
<br /> t
<br /> ,i:�.` BORROWBR OOV6NANT3 th�t Borrower ia lawtl�lly ceisod af the estato I�crrby oonvayed�nd tw tho�1Qht ta�raat aad
<br /> convey the Property Aod th�t tho Property is urycneumbernd. oxoept for eocumbr�noc�of rooc�rd. Borrower wansota u�d wQl
<br /> -`.' de}'qd gatenJly the tltlo W the Propeity�alnst all clAim�and denw�dt,c�bJect la any encumbrsnoea oi n�oonl.
<br /> THIS SRC[1ItITY INSIRUM6NT oombint»uniform wvawnu fot nadonal uco And�on•ua�fam oove�aa�Ms witb�indtod
<br /> - voriwionc by judcdictian ta constitute n unifam�secu�ity instrument ecwering raal property. Q-
<br /> I UMFORM COV BNAN7'S.Bormwe�a�d Lendu aovenant ru�d agroe ac follows:
<br /> � r 1. 1'aymdlt ot Prindp! apo lqta�ti�'ePpY� wnd We Cb�rRes. Horrower shall prornpt�Y WY when due the �
<br /> —____=-'-' principal of and inten�t on thc debt avidenced by tbe Natc w�d anY Prep�ymont And latc chwga duo under the Nae
<br /> � _::r�i, �
<br /> 2. Pbndn tor Tasrs aad Iawt�noe. Subjoct ta�pplicable law or to a wriuen waiver by l.ender,Borrower ctwll pry lo
<br /> -=-�_���;.;; . Lendcr on tha dwy mont611y payments+u�e due under the Notc.uatil the Note ie paid in full,a sum('Fund�')far:(a)yc+u y twxa —
<br /> — �"�"�"-.'��°° � And as��nents which may attain priority over thiR Security I�strument�a liea aa tAe Propetty;(b)Yeuly leasehold pnymenta v=
<br /> --�---_'�'�ti.,, ;
<br /> � -- " or gmund ncats on 1hc Propo�ty.if swy:<�)Y�ly Iw7ard or Prape*tY insu�ance pmnium4:(d)Year1Y 8aad inFU�noe premiamQ� �,---.
<br /> — ���:;��t., � if nny;(e)Yesuly mortgaga ineuranoa pnaroiums,it any:and (fl any suma payable by Bormwer to Leader.in accordnace with
<br /> .aitSS�`.�i.�-rti'.,.'� �
<br /> ;�,.�,�;,,:�• thc provisiom of ParaBmpfi B. in lieu oF the p�ymeat of moRgAge iasunwoe prcmiums.77�ese itenr�s u�c cal�c�d 'Escmw Items.'
<br /> -..._ -_-;�., Ixnder mqy,at Any time. collect aod hotd Fw�ds in am m�ouat na to exoeed the mau�imwn amount a leader for a foderally
<br /> -- ,r_. ==�`� :� �elMod moraSage lou� may rcquire for Borrower's escmw a000unt under the federal Rea! F.state Sdtlement Pr000du�es Act of
<br /> � �$j._' 19T4 as anMaded from dme to time. 12 U.5.C. Sectioa 2601 a seq. ("RESPA').unless anottrcr law th�t applios to 1he Fuada ___
<br /> ._:_ _,��.�� , —_
<br /> ,.� �y��r omount. if so, I.ender roay,at �ny time,collect nnd hold Funds in am m�ount tat to excood the lesser anw►u�q. _
<br />-:;,�}�+�`'; ,�" Ix�der may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of cunent data aad reasorwble estimates of eapenditu�+es of tiuuro
<br /> �''�,Ti' . , F,sauw Itexnv or otAeraise in ocoordaac.�e with applicable lew.
<br /> _ ;,.� ..
<br /> '�".L�t'�` w` ";` • The �anda shell be held in aa i•rutitudon whose deposits are insuretl by a fede�a9 ngency, instrum�ntality. or eotity �,« ,.
<br /> -''Cfi;t'Kl,7t s „�.,a.�, (includiag L,ender.if I.ender is such aa iestitution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.l.�nc�cr shall apply the Funds to pay the �!�����
<br /> -'v��,���';;�� �� �roµr Items, I.ender uuR�not charge Borrower for holding end applying the Fa�ods,annually analyzing the escrow acxount.or ___
<br /> -•�;iiia��z.
<br /> -_ ,,; , verifyiag tpe Escraa'Aa�rn.s,unless Ixnder pays Borrower interest on the FunQs and applicable law permits i.encler to malce such
<br /> _:�e,"��2.:s�:�k- a cher$e.Hawever,L.cnder may require Borrawer w pay a one-time chargc for an independent real estatc tex rcpotting service
<br />--- '"'"� usad b Lender in ooanection with this loan. unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or --
<br /> �;�—= ,�, ,�...,,.,�... , y
<br /> a.:�. . , �ppl;c�ble laa roquires inteiest to be paid.Lender shall not be rcquired to pay Homower any intcrest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> ��s:�� � .,'�. � Bomower and Lender may ag�ce in writing. however.that interest shall be pafd on the Funds.l.ender shall ive to Borrower. _
<br /> r .• E �ai:v:`_:
<br /> _� �ti�� .- °:° withnut clwr�.ar►annuat accaatuing o!'the Fus�ds. slsouing creslits and dtl+�ts to Ihe Fund�and�he purpose for which exh
<br />`• ��cr:`; . debit to the Funds was m�de.The Funds are pledged es additional security for All sums secured by Ihis Security Insttument.
<br /> i�4i�� •� ` � If the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts pertnitted to be held by u�plicablt law, Lender shall account to f�rnower
<br />_-����.�.�;, • .,
<br /> =i�11��p�;° �'• .. for the excess Funde in accor�dance with the requirements of applicable law. IP ahe unwum o�i the Funda hcld by L,ender at any
<br />- �'••• �'�'���� ,- time is not sufticicnt to pay the Escrow Items when due, L.ender may so not8fy�floaawer in writing,anJ,in auch case Borrower
<br /> ,�i •5
<br />�:�_���'�_;� �''.��•• ; . shall pay to l.ender�1�e amount necexseiry to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more tFwn
<br /> � � l:`'�;;� ' ; . twelvc monthlY paYments.at Lender's solc discredun.
<br />��4`�'���� '`�``'" �"' Upon payment in full of all suma socured by this Se�curity Instrument, Lender sfiall promptly rcfund to Borrower any
<br />;�r: ,;,, v_.
<br /> -_ ..:�. .r_,.... .. Funds held by I.ender.lf.under parngraph 21. Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender, prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> - ;.� ,a • • of the Property,shall s�ply any Funds hetd by l..ender ut the�ime of ocquisition or sale as u credit against the sums secured by �_:;'
<br /> ,;:. . . this Security Instrumem. .
<br /> _ ,�y. .. 3.Appllcation ot Payments. Unless applicable law provides aherwise,ull payments rcccived by Lender under puragraphs
<br /> ,r�- �..:..
<br />' • �..h 1 and 2 s6u�71 be applied: First, to any prcpayment churges due under the Note; second,to amounts payable under parageapT�2;
<br /> a
<br /> �,,�:,,,u.-_.•. , third,to intereat due; (ourth.to principal due: and last, to any Inte charges due undcr the Note. �,i
<br />_ • �, 4.Charges: Li�ne. 8urrower shall pay all tzuces,assessmen�s,cher�es,fines and imposi�ioas attributable to thc Propeny
<br /> 'v T'�r ��.�'" , which may anain priority over this Security Instrument, and Itusehold paym�:nts or ground rents,if any. Borrower shall pay �"
<br /> fi�-^}'.�•� .. �` � tlKSe obligations in the manncr providod in puagraph 2,or if not paid in thut manncr,Borrower shall pay tfiem on time direally _
<br /> ' '.,,�*;�;'..�"''"' � to the person owe�p�yment.Borrower shall promptly furni�h c�L.ender ul1 notices uf umounts to be pald under this paragraph. ="'�
<br /> �>•a.,..�• [f Borruwer makes these payments directly. Borruwer shall promp0y fumish to L�:nder neceipts evidencing the puymenrs. �-
<br /> • � � ��' Borrower shell promptly discharge uny lien wbich has p�ioriq�over ttiis Scxuriry Instrument unless Bc►nower. (a�u�fees in �--'
<br /> " � writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner ucceptable to Lender; (b)rnntest:;in gaod faith the lien --
<br /> 1°�'''�' • � �>. ' Dy, or defcnds Ag�inst enforcement af the lien in, legnl procc�ings which in the Lender's opinion operatc to prevent the �
<br /> � '},i�• �-
<br /> • �r';�i;�f•� enforcement of the lien;or(c) securcs from the holder of the lien un agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> •'tt:��tG•'
<br /> ' • 's;;,;�{;�.�, this Sc:curity Instrument. If Lcndcr dctermine. �hat vny part of the Property is subject to a lien which irwy uttuin prioriry over
<br /> ' � ��'�;`.:' this Security lnstrumcrt, Lcnder rrwy givc Bormwcr a nwicc idcntifying lhc licn. &ircoti�cr shall vatisfp the licn or tnke one ar
<br /> , more of the actions sd forth�bove wit6in 10 Juys uf thc giving of notkc. �
<br /> ,� •��f, '�'�n Form 302Y 9l�0 �
<br /> ,�;t':;;�.,: .
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