:� �;:� � '.'s i1":GYr!!YrM`?:�C`� }1l"qji. .:,�, ,k. .�,�r,�iy�� , . , --..s. _.
<br /> �'; � 1'� a�c'n+M .�._
<br /> q HJ'. _
<br /> I I Q'�iM`rb:4kb - -� . -- --
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<br /> � ��es. =�,.'r°a'..- • .._-.
<br /> . . ._
<br /> � - - - --
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<br /> . . _.
<br /> �, , ..
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<br /> ....�,�:..
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<br /> �� ,- . - --
<br /> �� . — .�.... ��`?�'`':.: ._
<br /> �. � ---__- -
<br /> y �.,..•-
<br /> � • AD�JUfiTA�LE RATE RIDER 91 102762
<br /> ,,,� �.::_�
<br /> . (1 YwrTtawrYlnd�x•RauGp) �,:����-�,.._
<br /> � ' THIS AD]USTABI.B RATS R106R b aucw Ihis Z�d.Y o� �y _ ��q 91
<br /> � aad u(noorporated Inw aod�Gall be damed to�mend aud supplement the Moit{�e, Deed of Trwt. or Secu�ity Doed(�ha "Securi►Y ---
<br /> :?�.
<br /> "' ';�.. �'J��'�",�'� .� �, Iottrun►wtt")ot tbe aame d�te{iven by the undetsfp�d lthc"Bottowa"1 to�ecure Hortowa'�AdJwtabk Rate Nata(the•'Note")to 110M6 �
<br /> � �:�'�:, . , � FBDHl�!L 8AV1�08�LOAN ASSOCIATION OF aRAND Ia1.AND.NBlIRA8KA (the•�Lend�r•7 ot the wao d�te and awedn�the !�,w',_".�
<br /> .y,°?�s�';����, O�Y daaribed ia!be SeauilY laurumeal aad loated u:
<br /> �J�
<br /> : . : ...... . .
<br /> _ �-_ _ --° •-
<br /> �� . '' �s;,�� � 1742 South Curtis. Grand Island. Ne 688D3 -- �.,�—
<br /> '•<� '•ti,�; •'�� (PropertyAddre�) __ ---
<br /> - _ �• ,� �� .. '�'. �',�.i;nSR�»r��:=�
<br /> °.. . TW wk co�t�l�OemYbr�W►wi�t for elw�� I�ay I�teral nt�uid �ry rwtYly "=—_
<br /> __- ��':';:::�f;.,. , —
<br /> �� • , , p�y�e��.71�b�ott�Ifo fUlq IMe��ro��t�y I�ten�l nt�au�cMl��1 ur aM 11��d
<br /> " , �ko W wlNlaw��rd�M ailrrw rnM i�rwt p�y. _ <u: ��,.:,..
<br /> I•'.........., _._ . , ;,'-
<br />�".V„�: •"'"' , - � - . ADDITIONAL G�OYENANTS.In addiNon�o the co.ewnts aoa a�reaatatr m�de in the Sa�urtty lasc�ument.Borrowar aad Leada �._^-•__;_�•'.-.-
<br />�,,. .��,, . fl�elhv covsua�t aad a�see at Pouws: __
<br />;�' � • � —
<br />�y.i•:" ' � - A. IN7ER�7 M7E AND NON7HI.Y PAYMENT CNANGES -- �- ---
<br /> x'::, .. :, �..,�,�.�
<br /> ,'•,�,' - • �• 7�e Nae provida for�n iaitial[ot�rat wte of 9_7S —9►.SectEon 4 of the Nae prwida for ch�a�a la�he iataat rate and tbe
<br />::Z.���:;.. d�...�k:•,•:. . �;s ° -
<br />�3 .�� �_, _ ...�� naatblY PaYments,as tdbwt: _.._r.___
<br />.�r.: •• .��i:,;.... __-
<br />.;,, , �y;;`}, —
<br />� , �:.M1•.;°u , �. � (A) CI�eD�tN �_
<br /> n�����4�;,�7;'i The intem9t nUe 1 wiU pay may chat�e on the first day of 7un@ ,19 92 .and on that dayeverY ��.��F'=°'==
<br /> re -
<br /> f " " " , tWBl V@ uionths thera�(ter.Each da�e an which my interat rate could cl�an4e is calkd A"ChanQe Data.•• �°=�---—
<br /> . ,''`,';,; .,' • N1 7be l�de: � —_-
<br />'y ., ..P,;," .
<br /> Be�innia�with the flrot Chanae DAte,my fntcrat rata wiU be�ased an an lade�c.The"�ndex"is the weekly avera�e yieW on United Stata � ,�-����`.
<br />��:., : ;y.' . Trcuury exuritks�djusted to a consant maturity of 1 year.us made avaUablr by the Federa!Reserve Board.The mat reant Inde�c 6�ura I�.;:`• : x.
<br /> ��:�•{ �• �vail�bk as ot the d�te 43 days beforc ach Change Date is calied Ihe"Clrrnnt lndat." ; �����
<br />''.�'''�, , .�;�'�t , .,, If the I�We�c i�no lon�er available,the Note Holder w111 choae a new lndac which is b�sed upon comp�rable inPormallon.The Note ' '
<br /> � ��� �•�.� _ Holda wiU Qiva me notice of this choice. ��q' �-
<br /> • •��' � �„i... �'�`r�""-
<br /> _ —� �ti.;,,t� �.,r�, iL'! �M� �f�rea � ar��half �:� —= -
<br /> ��,�,. . :,..,,�F �t: : �
<br /> ' ti•�! ., ., �.;':.';;� Betore eswh Chsu�e Date,the Note Holdtt will calculate my new Inarest rau by adding P����R� :��.,;
<br /> ''r''!•'�•�'��%�''`��"'��; 3.5 wi1 to Ihe Curcent index�nd roundfna to the nearrst 1/81h of l�h,sub'ect to the limits stated fn Sectloo 4(D)below• ��...
<br /> .J,� ,.. .� inu J ,,�!'•":..�_
<br /> ,�._, .< � - P� l •
<br /> %:��%'Y'�;�'���:t:11:��',.:_:�' �.•
<br /> � : �,.•;..,.,,r;•:,,;,,j;,,,;;,,.5, Tfiis roundad amomt will be my new interat rate until the next Ctw�s�e Date. „
<br /> ��,.1t����,�i`�, ,,;; t,f,`;�� The Noce Holder wlll then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficfent to re{wy in full the pdncipa!1 am — —
<br /> �.;�;�;k�;;).y!,.!�;�;;;•,�.�',, , apected to owe on that Change Date in aubstantiolly equal paymenta by the maturity date�t my new intercst rate.The rewlt of thb cakulation ___ �
<br /> � , ,.t�;�'';; �• wW be the oew amount of my monthlY payment.
<br /> •f,t+f+�,, , -- ___-
<br /> 5 . . { (D) UMIU aM I�tawl Rde C1u�a
<br /> The interat rau 1 om required to pay �t the flrst Change Date will not be Qreater than 11.75 ry� or las thao • -
<br /> ° '`��r �.� �.Thereaiter,my interat rate will never be increased or decreased on any sin�le ChanQe Dnte by morc than ��'^ p�t
<br /> s „ �� (2_O 1 from the rate of interest 1 have been payin�for the preceding twelve months.The minlmum interat rate on thi:loan wiU never be ' �,:�,�: "--'
<br /> . . ,.� , 7.75 9i and the m�dmum interat rate will never be Qreater than 'I 4.75 qi. "-�'��'"�=
<br /> ,.�,... kn tban C�C�,tliSat��--�-_;-
<br /> f ;,,.n,:. ; ...ti���..�. _.
<br />, • � •:,;'�:�, (E) EffectheD�teotCq���a .'`:
<br /> � � My new interat rate wtll becomeefkctiveoneach Change Date.l will pay�he amount of my new monthly paymmt beginnin�on the first •."'Ft`:"--=.=�
<br /> F._
<br /> +.�`);�fi '"� ' mppUdy paymrnt date after the Chanae Date untU thc wmount o1 my monthly payment changrs ngafn. � � �
<br /> ,, ��f�{:?t{�� . , (E7 Notla ot ChKa '�;.' ; __ ,.._..
<br /> ;�.;;,. r The Note Holder wfll mail or deliver�o me a nodce before cach Change Da�e.The notke will advix me oi; Y s ��={�;;. •••
<br /> .�..;r. • � - �rt''r.4'.` •:t:;1�::..
<br /> . f n..
<br />��•.•;c� . (p the new interat rate on my loan as of the Ciwnge Dau: :; ;r-: �',`�,...,.
<br /> 5`„�,• . _ r�yVyJ/ r.�y.'1rr.� . . (ii) the amount of my monthly payment following the Change Aate; '"�•""•`:"�'`�'�'�
<br />�t:� ; ..� . ���T.�'•. �lx��' � I,��Fn.�vr�,t•'..-
<br /> ,�
<br /> (ilil a�y s+ddiiianal matters which the Notc Holder is requfred to disciose;and ,-•ti'�''�
<br /> :f:��rt''v�i; , _� w,..,
<br /> s:���'s' �, � 'i�`�� ,. '�`��'��;'�'�
<br /> }. ,,,,<i;. � (iv) the addressoi tde associadon youcould contact reQardin�any questions atrout the adjw�ment nmice. ';�u-..-..
<br /> y fs' ' �r�l,�:. E � ..� �,r
<br /> , i`(�.t;�,�'�� Y. CHARGESi I.IENS � ,r
<br /> •t;�':l:` �sf. :Y>.
<br /> + ' '•!"+•' Udform Covenant 4 of thc Secudry Instrument is amended�o read as follows: � • .+r;��
<br /> � 1. Ctu�es;Lk�r.Bortower shWl pay all�axa,essessments,and other charges,fines,anc!Imposidons attributable to the Propeny which may '
<br /> " nttain a priority over this Security inslrument,and kasehotd payments of ground rems,if anW,in aAe monner provided under puagraph 2 hereof �'�'�'� .
<br /> ot,if not pdd in such manner,by Borrower rtuking payment,when due,direcUy to the papee ihereof.Bonow�er shall promptly furnish Lender {��'"
<br /> • a0fi potioa ot amounts due under�his para�raph,and in the event Borrower.rFult make �ayment directly.Bonower shall prompdy furaish to ' , • `ti,��
<br /> ll.�,cer reaipts evidenefn4 such payments. Borrower shall promp�ly dischavgr any hen which hes priori�y over�his SeeuNty Instrument; i. ���'.',
<br /> ipwever, Borrower sh�ll not be required�o discharge any such lien so long u Borrower 1�l shall agree fn writinQ to dhe payment oP the � , �'��
<br /> oM1lQUion secured by such lirn in the manner accepiable to Lender:�bl thall in good(tith contes�suth lien by,or deknd aQamad en9orcemrnt ot �
<br /> su�h lirn ia,k0al proceedinQs which in the opinion ot Lettder operate to prevent the entorcement oi the lien or forfeiture oi the Praoe*ey or anp ;.; '
<br /> �; ' � � part thereof;or Ic►slwll secure fr�n the hoider oP such lien an agreement�n a[orm sansEactory to Lender subordinatina such Aerv�a th�s
<br />, ' � SecuNty lnscrament.
<br /> .! If Irnder detumina that all or env aart of the f'roaertv is�ubicct to n Iien wh�ch may actun a pr�on�y over this Securi�y Instrument,
<br />� � � Lender shall�ive Bortower a noUce Identi(ying w,•h�ien.Borrower shall satisfy such lim�x take arc or more of the actions sec ferth above
<br /> I within trn days of the{ivina of the notice. ;
<br /> i � . �
<br />�
<br /> j C. IVARICE
<br /> I Unitorm Covenant 14 of the Serunty Ins�tummt is amended�o rcad as lotlows:
<br /> i
<br /> 11. Notioe.F�cept for�ny nwla requ�ntl under�pplic�ble 1•rw w Ix gi��en m another m�nnr►,lal any nutict tu BorroNCr pruvided for in this
<br /> , � Security Imttumm��hall be Qivm by deli�ering u or h�•mailing i�by fira rlass mail ta 8orrower at�he F'roperty Addras ur a�su�h uther addrr,s
<br /> . u Borrowv maY desiYna�e by nal��e io LenJer as pro��Jed hcrein,and Ib1 any notia to Lende��hall be gncn by��nt class mail to L ender's
<br /> address stated hernn or tu such wher addrn�ati Lender may Je+ignau by nou.Y to Borrower as pco�ided here�n.Any notia pru��da1 t.�r m thn
<br /> , 5ec�uity Instrument shdl be deemed�o Aa�e been 4h en�o Borrowe►or Lender when�i�rn in ihe manner des�gnated herc�n.
<br /> . �
<br />