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<br /> �� �� 91— io27s�
<br /> y TOO�i'HRk 11�ITH ull lhe impmvcments nuw on c�rcxper ercctcd un Ihc Im�pe�tY• �nd All eavemcnt9.appuricnrr�c�.
<br /> � ud(ix�wcs now cx heroafter a pan af�he��y. All rcplxemenls�n�t additionx siwll d+W►be covaed M�thia Se�;udty
<br /> Inwrumcnt. Al)of�he i'oregai�g is rei'errccl tu in�hic Secu�ity Instrumen�ns ihe"Pr�+perty...
<br /> � gpRRpWBR COV�IVAM'S�hat Burmwer i�lawfully�eisal of the c���tc hercby canvcy�ed and tws �he ri8ht to grcu►1 -
<br /> •, � ; and sonvey the Property and Uwt�ho Proprny is unencumbered.eKCe�l fur encumbrwxe�af rxcuaf. S�xmwer wr�n��amd �'-
<br /> � will dcfend�enerally the�itle�o the Pn�petty against�11 claitns arnl denwnds�suhjccl�o any e�x:umbraixcs c�f rcaxd. __-
<br /> ��� THIS SECURI'i'Y INSTRU:NENT combincs unifcKm �n�RHnis tiir natii�nal u�c und nnn-unifwm cavennm� w��h
<br /> • • �imiu�d variations by juritidictian w amsdwte a unifortn�ecurii��instnwnem coveriog real propeAy ='°`-
<br /> ,., UNIPORM COV6NAN'fS. Bortuwcr w�d Lender covenant and Agree as fallawti: wheo due the
<br /> ,— �.���---�ti� 1. P�ylaewt of Priacipd a�d Lateresti PnWymeat Aad I.wte Cdugw. Barrowcr�hall pmmP��Y I�Y
<br /> =.,.:.,�, p��xi�af and intcrest on thc debt evidenccd by Ih�I�iote smd any prcpaymem und lute chsu'Fes due under thc NiNc.
<br /> �ar,_r�-'.:,� �fa�aod Inwrance. Subject ta applic�bie luw or lo a written waiver by�ender.Bnrrower chall pay�o —
<br /> '.,.e._-
<br /> +�,..: ::�;1;�;.,�; N �.e�de�on Ihe d�y momhly payments are due undcr thc Nde,uptil the Note i�puid In full, a�um 1"Funds")for.(al year y
<br /> -::_�^,,,K,:1tl., b curl Icaschold
<br /> --�` laues and assessmcnt�which mny wtaio pricKiry over this S�'urily Inainimeot ac:u lien on tlte Propchy:l 1 y y —.
<br /> � --- - -- paymems or gn►und Rnts a� the Pmry:rty, if any, (c1 ycarty haiard ar property insumnce Qremiwnc: ld1 yevrly itood � _
<br /> '� a
<br /> --- .��y� in�urrnce pr�emiums, ii any: lel yu�y �gaBe insurjux.�e p�eroiums. if uny: and lfl any sums puXabLe by &xro�c*co _
<br /> 2� ' Leader.in uecordance witb Ihe provisions of paR►g�aph 8.in�ce+►of�hepayment of mvctl,c�ge insur�c�c�e D��u�►'- ��
<br /> . ;, ,.- -'' ltems a�+e cAlled"Escmw Uertn." l.eo�ier may.m sinY�in�.col�ect aM hold Funds in an;vnounR nw to exc�eecl�he maxureum __..
<br /> -- -: .,srx=,,;�i; t: �nt a Imder far a kder'a1LY ircl�ted morlgage toae►muy requir+e for f3onvw��r�escr� :�cc.�ount�uider the federrl Real
<br /> ,, . ::.�_
<br /> _�:_ .���,•,• :: Etiwte SetUement Prvicedu�es Acn oi 197.t a,amended from tu�e to time. 12 U.S.C.§26�i►�1 rt se�.C'RFSPA"1,unkss another �,
<br />� "�'-'�=-��,�;'�;�''-`-.�.'. law�hat upplies to the Rtnds�et�o texcer amount. If so.Le�drr m�y.al anY time,rolkct ant!hold Funds in m:um�un�nat to �.:.�
<br /> ,.4�'_ .�.�.,.r,:,i+�,?):.��t,.
<br /> :.,« •. ..,,,;�,�,,;y� eaceed �he lesser emcwnt. Lender muy es�imate ihe an�t oi' Funds due cx� tAe b�aisis af currcnt datn and r�sonab�e �;�,__
<br />•;L�_���������;:� i.k���� esumates of expenditu�es of iature E.,crow Items or otherwise in�adunce wilh upplicable law.
<br />':j.•: . ,s.:n ''.�'`'a�'a� . The Ml�nds shull bc held in an ins�itudon whose depmits aR insurcd by n feder.�l agency, inswmenlulin•,or entity �,;:-
<br /> ,:_�.,� � . lincluding Lender.if Lender iti ruch an instilulionl a in su�y Fedral Home Lo;u�Bank. Lender xhn113pp1y�he Funds tu�aa>• �., �
<br /> - •'Y'`'•"'' �he Escrow Ilems. L.ender muy not chargc Hotmwer far holding and applying the Funds. an�ually wwlyzing�he ekm�r
<br />- ����.,.��.�:.,nw.
<br /> ;:: ,� . - t , ucca mt, or vedfying �he Esccow Items. unless L.ender pays Bomc�wcr intc�est on the Fumf.+ and applicable law pennits �_..
<br /> �•::T�'�". '� ,'•,�r!��� Lender to make�uch a char�e. However,l.ender may require Borrower�o pay a one-time churge for an independem real �;:
<br /> ���r:.. -•r<.,�.
<br /> .t estate taa reponing service u s e d by L c n d er in connection with this�wn•unle+s applicAble I�w provides othenvise. Unless an �„
<br /> �'`';•` � •,ri� ugreemem is rtwde or�pplicable law rcquircs intcres�to 6e paid.Lendcr tilwll not be reyuired to pay Borrower any interrst or �_
<br /> -��''='�`� ;�-M esunings on�hc Funds. Borniwer and l.ender may agree in writing, Imwever.�hat interesq�haU bc paid on thc Funds. Lendcr �;;
<br /> ,� ..•.4,:
<br />�•r„'`;.'w�, ti,;r d" 1 �• shall give to Borrower,without charge,un unnunl arcaunting of�he Funds,showing cm�fit. and debits�o Ihe Funds and Ihe __-.
<br /> ;�i:•:��:,:;Y�� puipose for which each debit to 1he Fw�d�was ms�de. The Funds are pledged us additiwul securiry for all sums.ecurcd by .
<br /> ,:,- :� �,y;� tius Security[u�taunizni. �s�
<br /> :�: Ii the Funds held by Lemlet exceed thc amouNs pemti��ed 10 be held by upplicable law, Lender shaii Account �o �,y.
<br /> Botrawer for the excess FLnds io uccordance with ihe reyuircments uf:y►plicable law. If the amount of the Fund�held My tp
<br /> - • �"�`� :- " Lender at any iirne i�not sufficient to pay ihe E�crow Uems when duc,L.ender may so nutify Borrower in w�ting,and,in �R
<br /> . ' �� ° �� such case Bortower �hall pay to Lender the amoont neceswry�o make up ihe de6ciency. Bomower shall nwlce up ihe —
<br /> - ,:���� " �'i' '�" deficiency in na more thon twelve monthly payRi�n�s,ut LenderEsolediscretion. —
<br /> , . � Upon paymen� in full of ull sumz�ecurcd h� this S�:urity I�swment.Lender shall promptly reFuoJ to Borrower uny r,�-,
<br /> � Y � � ,-';',�,?;, FunJs held by Lender. (f,under parngraph_I.Lrnder shall ucquire or sell the Propeny.Lender,prior to the acyuisilion or _ _
<br /> y �'�:''��"'�°• � sale af�he Property, shall apply any Funds hrld by l.ender ut�he time of ucqui�itiun or tialc as •r credit ugpinst the sums .��
<br /> "'iS`. '���,F;S`�' :. �:-
<br /> secured by this Securiry Inswmeni.
<br /> . ..�. o � � ` � 3. Applicat(��a ot Payments. Unle�s applic�ble luw pmvides otherwi:ce, s�ll payments received by Lender uader � z
<br /> parugrnphs I nnd:��:�I be applied:fn�•io un} prepayment chorses due unJer the Note:second,to Amounu payLble under
<br /> 't= " � psua�aph 2;thfrd,tu interest due:fou r t h,to princi pal due:and lut, to un y lutc rharges due under�he Note. ��°-`
<br /> i. Chw'gesi Llens. Borr�wer shall pay all tnxe�,as.�yment+. charges, t5nes and irnposiuons otuibutable to thc
<br /> , •'. � Piroperty which rnay u►tvn priori�y 4*�tr this Securiry In,trum�La�t,and leusehold payments or ground rentti,if uny. Bcxrower �
<br /> ° shall puy these obligatfons in the manner provided in paragr.�ph 2, a if not pnid in that rnnnner,Barower shull p�y them on �;
<br /> ,� � time direcdy to t�r pervon owed payment. Rorrowtr�hall prompdy furnish to Lender all notices of umounts to he paid unJer �N.J
<br />.,-� ,�lr.,� a c •. . __
<br /> � ,��,{,j,:;,� .� �i. y this paragr�ph. il'morrower ms�kes the+e paymea���direcNy.Bortower�h:�il promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> ��w
<br />?!�• ` `��� ,�� . ° ,�9o�tronwer shull prompUy discharge any lien whirh h:�x psaority over thas Security Inswment unless Borrower:lal agrces �
<br /> " I' >°�" ` :;',n;;F��, iao w�iung to the payment of the obligation secured by the l�eae in a musiner aczeptable tu A.ender,(b)contests in ga►d faith the �`';.
<br /> '• ; ,+•;• 'r�'f1� , leen by,or defends ngAinst enforcement of the lien in,leRal prrh:cedings w•t�i�:lh 9n the L�emdert opinion operate ta prevent thc
<br />'��•���. :. � 2R!!i3tltilACi to Lender subordinnting the lien !"'�`
<br /> ••,�,,�s, -, ,��,�;�f�,{�,�,;.;�,� f eoforcement of the lien;or(c1 secure+fmm the holder of thc lien an ugreern �Y � .•_
<br /> • .:;,F;y'S`�:, ' t.1� to this Securiry lnstrument. If l.ender detertnines that any pnrt of Ihe Pv��+eny�ls suhject io a lien which mny attuin priority
<br /> • ' �����f����' '• over tfiis Security Insuument.Lender may give Borrower a noticc identit'qing�he lien. •Fiarowcr shall�wtisfy the lien ot take ' ±-
<br /> .� �`;n::,�.
<br /> ,,, �•''�;,t(t:,��;:;: � cw�os more of ehe actions set forth above within 10 dnys ai t1+�e giving of nutice. ���
<br /> „ �;''�;�:•;;'�,;� 3. Hazard or Property Insumnce. Borrower shall keep the improvements now exi s t i nF o r h ereafter erected on the
<br /> � 'ry `�•+�'.�.%���s`'+ pa��ecry insured uga�nst loss by fire,huzurds included within the tertn"catrnde.d coverage" and uny o�her huzards,inr,luding I
<br />. • . ' 1loods or floodfng, for which Lender reyuires insurnnce. 't'his insurun�:�t +hall be mAinuiined in the umounts ond for�he i
<br /> , .:,�'�t,•r.�,�r,.. .. ±
<br /> .•,,�.,., Form J02Y 9/90 �pux��aJ�1'mCrsl
<br /> ';r �i'
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