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_ -__=:a�— . . -,-...-�.. . --�,,,.-- ....i 1 _ :' <br /> • g3= io�z <br /> . y ��!'�P�4X ia�aM1 bei'an�ale oi 1he P�'np�r�Y P�b NY ip�oi Wo ca.i4�wd IA Ihif . <br /> S�IaMroewl:a(b)a�y o/�jud�naat entotclns dd�Security In�oromeat. Tho�e oandi�iart aro tlwt Dan�w�n (�) . . .� <br /> p�y�I.aide�dl wnu wNid� then wouM be due uade�r tbM 9ecwkY inslnuna�t �ad Uie No1� a i!uo ao�alratipo M�d <br /> occYned;tb)a�se�►y defiuk af any a�ba oa+r�n�nU ar y�aeaienit;�o)P�Y+all axpaua incuired In�bi t!��cvity <br /> �nt,iacl�.bu�twt flmf�ed�ac�ble�teamey�'faa: +iod(d)ukes wch�ctioa ar L,endK awY eeMOn�biy <br /> roqufre q wu�tbd the Ikn ot d�in Sacuriry Insuumait.Lenderx ri�►u W the PropaAy�nd Horn�werl�ab1l�a8on to p�y db . <br /> wmt �acu�ed by t6ia Sec�rity Inpnunent th�ll conti�wie undw�ed. Upoq r�alalemen� bY Baro�war. 11b� �lecurky <br /> Inalnm�atE md the abli�atlont�ac�rod he�cby�hll ranaia[uily eftative at if oo a�ocolaalioa h+�d oocurted. Huwrowr.lbfs - <br /> risht to r�e�11 not apply ia thb ca:a of�coeler�dan w�dor pan�aph 17. <br /> 1!. Sak d Nde=Ca�e of Lo�o 8ervk+er. 7he Nae or�p�d d Intacst in the Nde(toj�with dAs Security <br /> Inu�ument)rn�y 6e wid oae ar�►om tima wit4out pia nalloe tn aH mnwer. A sde m�y re�ult in a clun�e in the oaUty <br /> (laiown�t the"Lan Servlou'�th�t collxu�ao�thlY WY�u due w�der the Note�ad thi�Security I�mont. Thene dw <br /> mry be ono a mae chu�yes of Ihe I.o�a Saviar umel�tod to�e�le of the Note. If thero ie�ch�e of tho I.a�n 3arvfocr. <br /> Bcrrower will be�iven wripen notioe of the cbange in�ccond�nce with pua�pit 14 abovo�nd appUc�ble I�w. The ndice <br /> rvi�11 Mate dte mme and�ddnesa of thc new Lo�n Serviar�nd tbe�ddrou a wl�icl�paymeM�t�hould bo m�de. The nolloa will <br /> daornaWn a►y other informWoo roquirod by applic�ble I�w. <br /> � Hweylous 8u6idaucea. Ha�owcr stull nd cwse or pennit�he presencc.uso,dispoaW.atasge.or�ela�e of any <br /> � HwandoWS Subauncxs�►n or in 1he Psope�tY_ Bc�nowes s4a11 oot do.nor dlow anyono else w do.anything affectin�tbe <br /> Phope�rly�hat ic in vloLtlon of atUr Eovivanmen�pd I.t�w. 7'ho poc�dic�g two sentences shell nd�pply to the p�rsa� <br /> ata�e an the Property of ampll qumtities of Ifa�ardous Suasaaa�Il�t a�e generally t�eco�niud to be�pp�optiab to oormd <br /> residentW uaes and to maintenance oi'tl�P�oQerty. <br /> --- linnnwrx�lull l�PUY l�ve t.emkr wiitta�aolice of any investi�cation.c4:m,d�+m!�eQ.ln�s�t er otM:ctl�a�n 69r e�ry -- <br /> goveri�mental or regul�tory agency or privata psaty involving the Propeny aRd�ny Heznrtlous Suhslanee oc Envfnonmsnt�t <br /> Law of which Bortower has actwl knowledge. If Borrawer leAms, or is notjfied by any governo�ennl or regula��ory <br /> � autAority.thet any�emoval or dher remallation of eny Hazardoua Subspuice atfecling Ihe P1ope�ty is neoessary.Barmwer <br /> y?�?t..•'. �11 prrmptlY talce all necessary remedi�l actions in accordance with Firvironmental Law. <br /> ""'=`"�� As used in this puagraph 2l1•"�lazardous Srbstences"are those substances defined as toxic or haa�rdous substancxs by <br /> Environmental and the following substeu�ces: gasoline.�eroacne,other�aanmeble or waic peuoleum products.toxic <br /> pestkides and hert►icides,volatile�olventa,muterials containing asbestos�rr ��-trnwldehyde. and radloactive materials. As <br /> used in�his para�rnPh 20."Envlr�nmentW law"means federal lawr and laws ai IF�e judcdiction where the Prope�ty is localed <br /> that rcYASC to heallA,safety or env�irmno�nental proteclion. <br /> — NON-UMFORM COVENAPT'd'S. Barower and L.ender fourt�t�er coveniu►t And ag►ee as follows: <br /> Zl. Accekrotion; Remedks. Lender s1uiN give nodce t�Borrower prfor to�eceler�tlan tdbwiag Borro�rer's <br /> , any coveaant or agreement in thls Secprlty instrument lbut,aut�prior to accekratbn aodn'Pua�aP617 <br /> — � unkss�pplicable la�provides otderwisel. T6e dotke ehall speclty: (A)!he defautt:(b)tbe acllon required to cure t6e <br /> :«��••— deta���;ir1�date�aot iess ti�An�3 alaye from the dwte the aaice is given fo Borrnwer,�y w6i�b ibe dei��li rnust b� <br /> •'�'. cured- <br /> .;;�,.".f,•:� ,and(d)tbpt fallure to care�t�e default on or before Ohe zlate specllied la the nofioe pwy resu�t io acceleratio�a o? <br /> •�`=��;�:?` the su�s secured by this Security Bnslrument And s�le of thP �operty. '1'be nodce shall fWrther intorm Borrower c�P <br /> �'�'�— the rigdt to retnatate aftie�acceleratioa and Ihe rigbt to bring a courl actia►u to assert the aon�ealsteace ot a defoult br <br /> � any other defense o1f�ower to acceleratbn and sole. l�Ihe defauR is nut cured on or before the dAte speciRed in '- <br /> ' We notice.Lender at ils optbn tnpy requ(re imrtiediate payment in(�II of�➢i sums ssecured by Ihis Sec��ity Instn�ment � <br /> without further dempnd and moy invoke Ihe power of sAle and Any oVU�er remedies permltted by appllcaWe law <br /> I.ender shall be entiqed lo collecl all expenses incur�ed in pursuing the remedies provlded in this paraQraph 21. <br /> -- • includiog.but not limlted t0.�M+ble attorneyq'fees nnd costs of title evidence. <br /> It tbe power ot sale is invoked.7lrustee yhall record u notice of default in eych county in whieh any ps�rt of the <br /> � Properly is lacs�ted nod shnll m�il copies of such n�tice in the manner prescribed by Applicuble law to Horrower and to <br /> - !he other persons presc�ibed by Applicable law AQer the time required by applicable law.'Irustee shall give publk <br /> �_�� eotice of ss►le te the persons and in the manner prescrlbed by upplfcable Ipw 'Irustee,wNhonl demond on Borrower. <br /> ---� sh�ll scll t6e Property At public Auction to the highest btdder ut tbe time and pl�ce and under the terms destgnaterll� <br /> -�`'�'� the aottce oP sale in one or more parcels and in any order 7Yustee determines. 7Fuslee may postpone sale otpll o�any <br /> F'"���� parcel of the PropeMy by public annouacemeot wl lhe time nnd pl�ce of uny previously srhedaled sale. Leader or its <br /> ---_,;,;�� desi�nce mpy purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> ---r� Upnn receipt of ppyment of ihe prke 6�G, Trustee shall deliver to lhe purch�ser 71�ustee's deec!.conveying the <br /> ^�;�-�� PropeMy. The recitals in the'll�ustee's deed qhall be prima Pncie evidence of the Irulh oP the statements made therein. <br /> _.. ,,;,��� 7lrustee shs�ll apply the praceed.4 of the sole in Ihe following order: lal to all casts and expenses oi exercising the power <br /> :���� <br /> _�_�.�_� - <br /> -- --�;, • <br />_s;�`„i�",`;�` <br /> ��`-��;1�� r���r <br /> ,.y.�r�:���,� <br />_ �._.:��,,�,., <br />. .- ___=�:ry � <br /> _=.'r�,a;.�1y'' - <br /> r�:��:', "•l� _ <br /> -F, . •.�4 j�,l Form JD2li 9;90 pmuv s.�/A/wgr.�► — <br /> �+' .�l..5f y w <br /> .:J�_�^�I,����t� • _ <br /> ,=yi<<<;��•?;��St � <br /> �`��;�+��i�� • .., ., ._.. �R. .r, . ..� ,'�'`r'�..,`�-'r� <br /> efn � `� .�J, 4�; . . )�- 7���� �� ��� .�i :,_. f.. . � . .�i t � . <br /> l.i � �l�� 1 ,. <br /> ' w•., <br /> i <br /> . <br /> • . . . <br /> J.���*itil fy�, � rt .._ ti i 1'�` � ' �� �! \.�iJr�V�`r S•�rY �(,{' S; ik - � l • . <br /> . <br /> Yr .nlY _ { ., I .1�' . i':' .� �, r� r- <br /> �F+ , � s�� . 1 .. . . i <<�� �l � �r LliG.� � �� - <br /> .s <br /> �. 1 �.LC.2.act. �-•uv �. - �' �ti''.�:_:__ ......��.�'ta1i`��ti����I1R^��'i ! �,�.t � �/- 1 ���1u <br /> �_v -��r�fJh-:.�� '_ .� ..--- �7G;,��c�ir,----±4�—,r--`-^„=-�.:.':-^� � _ � - 1: -- .. <br /> L <br /> �__ . . . - .�� �. . ' \ i',��1 , <br /> _ � . <br />. - � s�ar�. :.'L�r'„ ., '.. 1}P ����Ci,Ir ��._ �.�.��� itd,l�� - 1�1.�. . ,•1! (� lir� -(��- .,`„ ~ , �l 1 , . <br /> .r1T.'_;.. {.t�..+r, • �1�.�' , � ��17�\i .. :t + �17��: � �r , e`1: '_`_. <br /> _ _ m�..._ �L . � r. I . � i ^Ct � ,�:ii:i1 '+'.', ' • <br /> � � .. '�: . . . <br /> ��r� T � � . ..' � " ,. - .. _ " " ' :7 ��.C�t��. . . . . . . .... . <br /> �fl✓'? �� ��{y .` i•� �' - -�t� ., . . . . ;;�,�({ . - '.1`` . <br /> E�i.�p5 .fi.°!^'.-.' lts. l:6 ' . • �'j'¢,. <br /> �S�'�y��A�.?�� ,� t`1, ' q . ' • , ,5��'1„ . <br /> 'x�.. t � �' � r t' '1��3����w �.. .. .{,yt�•; . ' ' • . L h:,n�', „ <br /> ��c' - - � , t,. , a4'r: <br />—,,:��� ;: ' • . 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