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<br /> 91--� io2754
<br /> ^�� RBAL ESTAT� YOBT�iA(i�-N�bir�
<br /> `-'�,,�� KNOW ALL MEN HY 3'HESE PIiB�9ENT�3:Thr�t �1J .9�.L1�Y ►n lA���:S„N p�� , hsndnatwr -
<br /> °.' qdisd mwet;qor,ot_ L!e L l -CounLy �nd Btat�oi N�bsalta►tot�oodd�tjoq in lu�nd
<br /> (�d�f�0�IOI�Ij/�I�llt�uw.s���r<IId C011VO�t IllltO �H'�l �-L a�h� Z rM,A d e.�r .n�-2��
<br /> "� �` � be»in�tt�.r ealled mort�as�oi � �►� -County�Sate ot Nabr,u�.ti,s
<br /> . � �=' to�lowlnq ds�tibed rsd atate dtwtal la . N a<< County.and St�t�o!IJ�brw�lca�to-wit:
<br /> A tract of Ten (10) acres described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest
<br /> ` corner of the East Helf of the Northwest Quarter (E'�NI�) of Sectiorr Fourteen -
<br /> �,, ,_ • ,�.t�; (14) in Township Eleven (11) North� Range Nine (9) 4}est of the 6th P.M., thence
<br /> -��- --- -�-• going South Eighty (SO) rods� �thence going East Twenty (2Q) rods, thence going
<br /> —:-;�;�;,�;� North Eighty (80) rods. thence going West Twenty (20) rods, to the place of
<br /> ���-�:�:' . beginning, the Said North�rest Corner of the East Half of the Northwest quarter
<br /> _. ._ - ;�,�;�' (ES�NW'�� of Section 14, To►�mshf� 11 North, Range 4 West of the 6th P.M. _
<br /> a,,,�,._ to�ether with all the tenementa.heredit�menta and ap�urtenanoes to the esme belonBjn6.and wll the e$tate, �__ _
<br /> n
<br /> -=ti.:��..� t3tle�dower.rl�ht of homeatead,claam iund demanda wlu�teoever oi the oaid Mortg�or�in or to sa�id �,,:.�,
<br /> —:�_�-1i�„�° or any paet thereof; and Martg�gor doae hea�by ooveaant thet eaid Mortgagat�s la�vfully " o# s�o�d
<br /> �� =;";.., prami�ee;tl�t said ue free fmm�ll liene and encambranaea�oept as otherwiaenoted her@ia.�ad Pf';
<br /> . �:t _
<br /> �~•.�•Y!r
<br /> -- ,�;,,4 that MorC agg or wW�t y�l detend the title to eai�l premf4eo+�aiast the cl�ims wnd de�ndo o�.�U :'���;;?�•,'
<br /> a�:,:: ` �h•;�:._:;"
<br /> � ��,' . p�on4 wlwmooever. . � i:..k;:=_-
<br /> �3�"� '�
<br /> ---- '��*.p�.. � TO HAVE AND TO HOLU unto the eaid�oortgagee provlded ahvAy�+,�►nd these preaenta are�pon tme e�- .. , .
<br /> -�--.;_ _ `� .
<br /> re�condition tlat if the aa�d mort agor e!►t�.11 pay in�ull a Retail Ingtalment Contract ex�ecuted by 11�I�+rt- '
<br /> `-�` � Bagors aad psyable to the order oi Mortgap{ce with an Amount Flneneed of$ �2 7 y.C��' �nd Finamce � -'s'-
<br /> {� �?":`����,�. �-t.S c �`i for�Totol oi Paymente ot$ and aidch io able in rnontbl,y
<br /> � ti,,�,�... . Cherge of$ �• 2.7�'i.7�l paX _
<br /> �.-=�t�i�a� s. ;.::;r{ ' ,n"C�S..
<br /> --_ �. .
<br /> , f�-.:r inetalmenta according to tl�e ternos tlsettiwf tt��e�nel inetelment of whic�is due un y •'� _39�, � _, -
<br /> �_�, " �{;�,?':'` �`z'' and ah4ll pay ail taxea and aeseeBments lev�ed upan eaid real estate,bef�re the eame becomee de imquent�then =°=-_°_ .°
<br /> .�`�L' '��Q,,,.,; theae presenta to be void,otherwiee to be and remain ia fiill foroe.
<br /> �:,�r�. , «: t:�•;:<
<br /> _'=�Y1 4�ii3(h " '__.
<br />-_-,�r�-�.ri�•: � �� IT IS FURTHER AGREED that a failure to pay an oi eeid money.when the eame becorme due, or a ��-��----
<br /> i-�,. ��;z=� . �....,;;:
<br /> ___.��,p; r, ,.� , � . failure to comply with any ai the foregoin a�reemente, at the option of the holder of eaid Cantract and ��,.�__
<br /> >> '�i wllthout nottoe or detnsn unlees req n
<br /> -�Jc;f ,� ts �.� .,�t..�_ d �by l�w cauee the entir8 aum re�naining uaPatd on eaid Contnct --
<br /> �_.,,:�.-: �� ���� '^, . to become due and caUectible at once. _ -
<br /> _=:4,:, •�. .,`° .�; �.
<br /> i� ,1�' '• ,.•.r�;f':,:��± NOTiCE TO CONSiJMEA: 1. Da not algn thie paper be[ore you read it. 2. You are enlitled to a copy o,,,�..___
<br /> :.,::.;;�,� � af thts paper. 3.Yaa may prapA�!9�srnPaid�alante et te�Y t[!n�wlthoet p�nt�lly tmd may be entilled to -- _
<br /> �;;::;�,,r. �, . �. •�:.;;: raeive a retnnd o! aae�rned ed�a��es in accardance with law. _
<br /> sS��. ..A :,(��j�',. * V•
<br /> ,�,. � ,... �,,r•
<br /> ','�� �"��k4+ ;r: SIGNEDthis IS� dayoi J"��} , A.D.19 IL_ �` ��.;::
<br />-�xy.. +!� , ,' � .� f� r,�•,�..
<br /> �;;s .. , .. , ,•ry,�, /�» , ,•.,,
<br /> i> a1"' • �r c:• � $TATE OF Nebraeka ) /�C' y �l'L`_�`-.
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<br /> ��� '., y �.ti.,M.'�r'.;.:�vt. County ) �.,..�
<br /> ..�•:, ;. .-,�s.�, :r,. On thie.�.-da of �e �j _ ,A.D., 19�.1_,before me,the undersigned�a Notary �.�����::�
<br /> ,:��� '�St{,'liYi�.f�l. ., • y ..
<br /> s+ �
<br /> Publ�c,duly commiasioned and qualified for umd reeiding in eaid county,peraonelly came rH v Woc�NCN �'_ ,'(;r";
<br /> . .:, _.:,
<br /> ' , � .� .' '�;l,��;;; A s,N��..s P&.eSU.J ��e known to be the identical pereon whoee name.—_affized to tbe foregoing �k�'==
<br /> _ ,,. °.: :;rf�''`•.':.`�� inetn�ment aa mortgsgor and scknowledRed the oame to be ��� volun- �'���`"�°
<br /> , '� � '' '�� a4�t and deed. =°�.�.
<br /> ;�� ��y,
<br /> - .. ,. ;r. "'���u�.t;, ��{`'a:._
<br /> _ ,.;�, .'��;.�,, Witness my haacl and Notarla19ea1 the�lay en �i�`n.:-
<br /> ''(M�1¢i� .;:�:�''r"�,'. My Commiseion e�cpires the � �Y �IEJMrKMAfOl1 �,,;ry��"r
<br /> �.� �,i=. .f� .: of Fe�sa n - �.�-�',.�'
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<br /> .v, n � �'�,��i(1'i� � -
<br /> ,� � !,��y ., Entee�ed in Numeticr+l IndeY Anc�flled for record in the otflce of the Reqieter of Deeds oE seid County,the ���•-y-
<br /> '„ ' � �: ;:;::%': �� day ot 18 . at o'cicek and ''�"��`''
<br /> . �x •��`'�':�;!;`:�, minutea _A+I., and dul�r x�ecor�aec] in Book of `�::,..
<br /> � �'�s``�=�i;yr:: . .� ; • lVlortgagee pege .__. �-- ;.1,�c;s�'�,.
<br /> ,.�til��'� • i jp{.,i.�ct r`�����'•'r.i.
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<br /> ',`.`�� ��; Regi�tee ot Ileada �x� "
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