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* <br /> : <br /> gg- i(�469s <br /> All in Hall County: <br /> ri'he 1Vorthw�st Quar'-�er of the NortheasL Quar��r �ti'�-��� ; the. �,aSt Iialf o� the Ivprthwest <br /> Quarter (r�Iv►�) ; an� IAt One (1) on i7ainland of ��he North�st Quarter (i�]Y�$4� , ax�d Lots <br /> 'I'wn (2) , and Fiv�e (5 j , in Section E ighteen (1:8� , Townsfii� Ten (7.01 , Rax�.ge ;en (10) , <br /> West of tY� 6th P.i�I. .AND A tract in the �ortheasic Quarter of the Ivortheast Quarter <br /> (i�r}�,Tv'F}4) of Section Thirte�n (13) , Townsliip Ten (10) , Range Eleven (11� , West o� the <br /> 6th P.i�i. , described as follows: "A part of the x.aSt ��a1f of �the Northeast Quarter <br /> (F.,�'ZNEa) of Section Tdt�nbPx �i�n (13) , in Towr�sllip L�x Ten (10) North of Range <br /> Ivtunber Eleven (11) West, and more �rticularly describ�d as follaws: Cc�ne,ncing at <br /> the Northeast corner of said Secti_on TJtunbex 7.mirteen (13) , rutu�.inq thence west <br /> along the Section Line 205 feet; the,nce South 5 degrees west, 510 feet; thence <br /> South 32 de�rees East, 410 feet to a point wl�xe said line intexsects the East <br /> line of said Section Thirteen (13) ; thence Nor'-�h along the East line of saLd <br /> Section 845 feet to the place of begirulirr� and containing 3.51 acres, a txifle <br /> more or less." <br />