`_..��� , r��r �IIAa'�r� � .. . ir�� Y
<br /> � '.T �31..•• ' .. - .
<br /> .
<br /> , � .
<br /> •iSt - ___—_ ._..__ __ _._.—_ . . .-.-
<br /> � • ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER � 8�-` ��02�j4O
<br /> (1 YqrTn�wry Iodat-flattpp�) _.
<br /> fAAY ,�9 91
<br /> . ;�� .{ THIS ADIUSTABI.A M7 H RIDP_R is m�d�thi� �ST dsy of •
<br /> � � "�n,,..,f Rnd I� inoorporated into t�nd�lull ba deemed la amaid and wPPleraen� the Mat{�a,Deed of Trust. ar Secu�ity Dead phe"Seeurily
<br /> • . Y`: � Instruman•7 of tbe s�me dNe{iven by�Fre undcnianed(the"Borcoa•er")to,KCUrc 8orcowtr's Adjwubk R�te Note(the"Note")to OIA = .--
<br /> ' R6Do`►L b!VIN08 i LOAN A,���`�IATION OF QMND I�LAMQ NE�RA8KA Ithe"l.eMer••l oi tUe ww duo md eovaluu��be
<br /> --= •,,.;.. � propatydeacribed In the Savdty Instrwr�ent�nd l�caled�t: �--_ -------__
<br /> ; ,��.��.. E
<br /> �� ;" h. a° (Property Addrat) -
<br /> '` ��an�.����•i(yb" �'=:_:'"�
<br /> ��;.;;,,r,., �� TMb wu eo�Wr p►o�Mlar WowIM fa eM��a 1��y I�t�nat nte ud wy�wtY� `" tr,.�-�---
<br /> ,,.5 .9y. '�,,,.:.:
<br /> p�ywe�U.Tbb�ote d�o Il�alu tM��or�l MY I�leral n1e cw eM�tt�t u�ou IM�e� =
<br /> '::� � ,�,,;. ,.• ;;> —
<br /> �<1<� . , d�o IM��w11M�adw�un�te 1�n1�!.
<br />.r;:+.,., .�y�i:- 1,. :�°�_ --
<br /> -N�..�,,. '�;�'"�•�^�„�;ry;�r��-i,.' .
<br /> In,y rrv. 1 . �___—'�____
<br />�¢�� ,., ; ', �, .'°�`"'�' ,'� ADDITIONAI.COVBNANTS.In�ddiQon to Ihe coven�nu�nd K���ia�he Securiry ImuumeM. Bonower aad Lender
<br /> �� ��".'� ' - � . r�au�o.���a.�euraa�:
<br /> . o'. .
<br /> s-r.��� •�r..
<br /> "��-; "' •, „ ��" .• A. INiF�"1'RA1E AND MON7HLY PAYMBJ�ITSCNANaFB --
<br /> .,.'�.+ �,^�,a .. 7f�e Nae pmvida for an InitiN iatuat nte o/ � !Y.Sec�ion 4 0/�he Nwe provides i'or chm�a fa the iatuat ata aud tUe
<br /> a�,r,ar�r.:. L:r°�'! . monthlY P�f�u,u followr. Se -�-
<br /> ._ � ,��.. __ T,:;.-=- -
<br /> 8.y.....y �, �„---
<br /> F'�.' �-- ;Y�.t; :„ . I, /M'�RCsST RATE AND MOKThfLY PAYM�NT CHANQ65 mm��;--_;
<br />:.,.+ � ' •. " (Al �Q�ta �':.��_"'�
<br /> � �' Thq,�n�(a.l�iate 1 wiU p�y may cl�n4a on tbe Rnt day ot JUNE ,19 92 ,uW1 on thai da�e�r9
<br /> Y. � �l•• �. ,�1_u monllu thcrca(kr.Each dae oa which my interat ate could¢h�n{e is caUed a"Chaa�e Dau." —
<br /> .. .. � ;: .. m� 71�.�.aac --_ -
<br />.`� .� .c' Be�innln�with the firat Ch�e Dnte,my intcrat tate�riG be bued on aa lede�.'me"Index"is the wakly t�ver�e yield on Unitad Stata _;,;'r+:
<br /> �; � �..-_,�^_
<br /> , Trcasury securiUa�djurted a a con:unt muurity ot 1 yau.u made arailable by ihe Federal Reserve Bwrd.The mat rceent Index fiYuro t
<br /> ' .vm.,�,.-"`r.,,•. �vail�Me as of the d�to 43 daya betorc achChanac Date is caUed the'•Cl��s 1ni{�x." '�'.':�
<br /> .. y1. �,^^::Rr!_;_._�.
<br /> ' If the Inda�is no IonQer avdlabk.�e Nate Holda will clwoae A axw inda which b btted upon canparabk infomuNon.77ie Nou �
<br /> ' •1'°'�`.•. Holder MiU{ivc me nake ot�his chaia. �°'fi=�;-.F;�==-
<br />.. � . � " . lCl cak�M[7�a TWD AND QNE HALF e �===�==
<br /> . � .. � Betprpkh Cl��e 17xcve,the Note Hotder w�iU�Iculau my new interes�rate by cdding P���B �+''_!`r'-'�'V=�-.
<br /> ,,,�~ " ����+�)�o the C�urrn�ladac and roundinp ta�he nauat li8�h of l�i,subject to tho Ilmits swted In Saction 4(D)below. �¢..u�����
<br /> �����, .:;
<br /> ' ' « ��. Tlw rpa,ded+�aount wfll be my new interat rute unUl Ihe nea�Change Date. . " ��``
<br /> � • ° lUe lWee Holder will then daem�ine the unount of thc monthly payment that would be sufficlent to repay In tull the princlpal 1 am ';,;���'
<br /> ° � cxpected to owe on that CMnye Dace ip subsantially equal piymenu by t6e maturiry dateAt my new interal mte.The rauh of�hia calculaUan =__�-:_-...----_�,.'•"'
<br /> ' S wW bo the new amount of my monthlY PaYmeat. •�T=- "_-
<br /> ' ,�. „ "�=�>r.Y� ---
<br /> '. (Dl Lidte o�Idens114te(:Ww=a �,:.
<br /> � The interat rate 1 am requind �o pay at �he flrst ChanQe Date wlll na be grater than 9•5 �h or las thaa • .. -x-"
<br /> �'� " � 5.50 �,�ry��q�n,my Gtcrat rate will never he increaaed or decceaud on any sin4lc Chanae D�te by more than � ��
<br /> � . . , . .
<br /> ������°:�� � Z-� f�on the r�te of interw 1 Uave been paying for the prcceding twelvc months.The minfmum iaurest rate on thb loan vrfU never be �,,�,,:..,.�,•�;_,:N
<br /> q;.:: �� 5.50 1 .2 5— �.. ... ..__
<br /> ''�'` ', kp�lun __ �h and themaximum interest rate wiU never be grcaler than
<br /> �;:: .i::. ., •.
<br /> ' ' lE� Etfective D�te of Cba�
<br /> •�y;• .
<br /> , „ , My new intemt rate will bceomeefkctive on each Change Date.I will pay the amount oi my new momhly payment beafnnin�on the fi�st .y.,-,;;z.�.^:_
<br /> - �. � J1�br'r--_'
<br /> ° ' manehly payment date after the Chan{e Dste untH the amount oi my monthly payment ch�n�a�ain. r.u�3�'!►tsn.. .
<br /> i. ' �'' 1tSY°�'::".
<br /> � . ., lF1 Notla of Clu��a �at,?�a.dow�.,s.t�YyF,-
<br /> - • ' - � � 'IUe Note Holder will mafl or deNver to me a notla befare each Change Date.The nalce wlll advtse me of: °`-�'-`--'�=,--�
<br /> `` '�. �� . ' � � (i) the new interat rate on my loan as of�he Change D�te: �� �+
<br /> � ����`::-�.
<br /> • i�• _
<br />.-!r� • '` °.:s�.i�7•':. .
<br /> :,, ,.,,., . ,,,.{�,,,�,, (ii) the amount of my monthly paymant tollowing the Change Date; ��^^T_e-:- _
<br /> � ; •. �:r��;::.� t -
<br />' �;(',,,. �,� • .+. • •�;;;iS,�i-{:,:. (iii) any additiunal matters which the Note Holder is requfred to disclou;and , ;�•:
<br /> i:,..
<br />�;,?•�..,:;;:! �•+;•:; • � ' � (iv) the pdcltess of the asiociatlon you wuld wnuut re4ardinQ any questions about�he edjusiment notke. '
<br /> t• j T...�.x�.�.:
<br /> ��..�5�•,' �i�, . `'r�i'�.r#�,j�y�{',-'-�v�::=-
<br /> i.lt-�_-
<br /> . ' ^ . Y. CHARGFSt LIENS �� �'�•���• . ,
<br />� - , � Udforn Covenant 4 of the Secud�y Imt rument fs amended�o read u fot{uws: !
<br /> •• 1,C�;I,kro.Borcowtt shall pay all taua,as.ussments,and othe�rf+a:ges.finr.;,wnd imposi�lons ottributable�o the Property wh�ch may '
<br />�`� � •• atuin a priority over thia Security Ins�rument,and leasehold payments oYysound rents,i f any,in the manner provided undtr paraaraph�hertot
<br /> , � ..� � or,iPnot paid in such manner,by Borruwer makfng paymer.�_when d�e,directly to the payee thercoL Borrower shat!�+roracp�ac Buroish Lender
<br /> ' •-, all naiocs of amounu due under this parngraph,and in�tua e�anc ga�cowsr sh�ll make peyment dlrectly, Borcower stu1L ecam�a6v Burnish to
<br /> . ' �i �,��.'•'�- 1'•"�`�3%�': Leuder vcmyus evidencing such paynerza. BorroWer ,hall;:or+iUa?� :�s:liuge any lien whlch has priority over this SecuNry Omaeuaaw�t: �
<br /> ' , �.'ti::�t;'�;,;:
<br /> �' �; 'ti"• i;i.':t;�. how�e+rcr,8o°ecwer�E�ll not be reqwreS ru discharpe any�uco lira:c�r•+ong ns Borrower: la) shall agra in wdting�o the payme�r.�nf she I
<br /> •Ci, � t•..:5,�.
<br /> '}'�'•�t;)„��,:, i!� • obli�cion secured IbY s�s.:R t�ert�n the manner attepcabk co I.eader.�b1�'hall m goal faftt�rnntest such licn by,or defend aQa+mt eatorce+aeo[of
<br /> .,� )l,a�'��} SUC�t IItl1 16,ie�al pta.�eer:m�s wh�ch in t he opmiosi of Len3a�o{+rrarc to p�e�cn1 the eaf:;.:.�¢mcnt of the Ilen or for(tituse o!tAt Wopcny o►aeY
<br /> ' '�'��' •• put thaeof:a f�h+b=='�ure from the hotder of tiwh 6vn an agreement In a farm wasfactory�o Lender sulwrdieaeiea such lirn t�inis
<br /> Savruv Il�trummt. , .
<br /> It ILender determines thot all ur any pan ot rhe F'r��flerry�ti.ub�«.-r r��a lien which may uttain a prion�y rnec rmti securuy I�i. .
<br /> � ' Letldet shdl give 8orrower a notiCt ideMifymg w�h lien. Bortowrr<!�vl�uisfy such lien ur iake une or more of the�nons ut forth above '
<br /> ; withln ten days of�he�ivi�Q oi the naice. '
<br /> � C. NOTICE
<br /> � UnifamCovenantl4oftheSecuritylnsirumentisamendedto•eadastollowt:
<br /> J U. Notitt.Except for any notiee�eqwred under applfcable law tu be gi�en in anaher manner,lal any noli�Y to Barrower provided fw in this
<br /> Securiiy tnstrument shall be g�ven by del��erfng ft or by madfng it by�first class m�l�o Norrower at the Nropen>AdJras or u such ather address
<br /> as Borcown may designatt by nouarotu Leader a►s provided heran,�nd Ibl any naha lo lender�h.::f Se pnen hy Rrs�clus mail to l.ender's
<br /> address suted hrmn or lo such other address u Lendet may de+�gnate hy noute tu Burrowcr ati pro�ideJ hemn.An>nou.-e providcrf for m th�s
<br /> ' ., '_ Saudly lnsttument shall be deemed 10 ha�e bem gi�m�o Borrower or Lender when g��en m�he manner desiEnatcrl herdn.
<br /> . I
<br />