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-,,-• <br /> .�'f�"jR v-. .—":..ns-i}"`h'—_-- . ' 4` ti.w�..tra•fy'c��r .s.�:� r __ <br /> . a .�� . ..�. � <br /> �- , . .. .�� �t,�1Y;.-; „ ,- , •• . . .� -�S'}•vVwy'�nn.. <br /> . r . � � �-.- <br /> .5 , M1 ; � �� MMR2�S1 t�� •,��� .�. <br /> � Y.� <br /> �. Qt�,,p�{�t���1lrMft�R'11�ti0�ftlliNdOAdI�OM.TMIM00�M�����'� • :'z� <br /> •;l.�r_ <br /> . 1pNoM�til�wi{l�a�4t.twaa��o a���t�dote�I.��►�{y�{�.� r���rw ar��., � � �;:�:: <br /> . ����!�7�� '�����.�w��(!��Y���� , r.•.e� <br /> � 1�V• � A '_ - <br /> r+qpin��aMli�ottlMOo�o�. , . ' : '' - �_- <br /> �, �-�. <br /> Ut�G�uWiow d!�l�ttd Ra�e . <br /> My new.`�lsed iateccst nce will ba egual to tbe Peder�l Nadonal Mart��e Aswaiationti requirod aet yl�id <br /> a�oi�due aid�time of d�y specit7ed 6y ttl�e Note Holda for(i)it tl�e oriRlnd term ot th�Note ia�nea�er tluin ls <br /> ya�rs:30•ye�r fi�ced rata mons��e�covered by spPlic�bla 60-d�y m�ndnory deliverycommltmeau.plu�fiva- <br /> eiQhtb�af ooe pw+xnta�e point(0.6?,596),routided to tde aearest one�i�hth af one penxnta�e point(0.12396�or <br /> (�i)lt the arijlnel term af this Note i� 1S ytars or Ia�,1S-yeu ti�ced nno mort�aQes cavend by�PP�����Y <br /> miwdatoqr delivery commitmeote,plae fiva-ai�hth�oI one percentA�c paint(0.62396).roundad to the neare�t <br /> o�e-d�bth,d'one pencent�e Quiat;(0.12596). If this required net yleld annat be determined bcca�u�e tha appli- <br /> cabb cammitiaeptR�re eiot nvail�blo. tt�o Note HaWer�rill determine my iatonst r�te by n�xia�compuabk <br /> ��9�'r°°���1t9�°'�����i��"1�1�`°t���S�'"'P�►�fi�'"'��'���°e' <br /> c�►�+►ra.e.c�..�.r�w.�a.�u.a <br /> lf;��o ,1�liqaf��tia'+�*epeiae Ebie+C�n�ersioh Option.tha Note Hotder will detormine the amannt of the montb�' <br /> p�yrtNint:tlu�t w�yo�ff de.spf#�'ici��a+to;�tep�y'tbe unpdd princip�l I am extpacted to owe on the Coaveroioa Wco:�a . <br /> fu11;a1A tha nwturitj+�date�tt`ilioi���f�x�d interest rate in�ubctantially��equal psy�aent+�.The rc�sult af this c�kf¢;.;:,;�.; .�, <br /> lati�i� �vill bo the new�ma�n4�+f my mo�thly payment. Beginning wlch my first moachly payment after tUe;;' ' <br /> Cc�pi�ba Date.i wi�l pay t1i�me�w�monot ac my monthlY p�yment uo81 the Maturi�y date. . <br /> C.'tRANSPER OF THE FIEOPE�TY UR A BENEFiC1AL INTEREST 1N BORRiOWER <br /> l.Until Horrwver exercispl��the Coeveraiaa Opt�on under the condit�ons�tated ia Section B of this Adjust- <br /> �b{�'�tte Itider.Uniform Covcpii�t tT of the Security Inctcumeat is amended to read as follaws: <br /> .�'IY��uIa[es o[t6e Pt+npert�:w'•a 8a�ellcid[aterat Ip Borrower'.Ii all or any pan af t6e Property or any iatere�t <br /> in�t.'i�.?�Id�r;tr#�sferred�(or if a beneficial interest in gorrower Is sold or transferred the.,�arrower is�at e , <br /> nAtural persan�w�ihaut L.enddPs prior written consent.Lendor may,ut!ls option,rcquiro�mtnediete payment in <br /> � full of all cums secuKed�by this Securiry Instrument.Howevar, ttois option sdal)not be oxerrised by Lender if <br /> exeircis�is pt+ahibitcd by federal law as of the dAte of this$ecurity Ia�s�rument.�.ender also shall not exerclse IAis <br /> option lf:(a)Bqtiot�Cr causes to be submitted to Lender iafari�ianian required by�l.enr�er to evaluate the intended <br /> � ' transferee as if a new loaa were being made to the tran�9'eree;arxl (b)Lender reaso�ably datetmines that I,easl- <br /> • er's security wi11 not be impaired by the loon sssumption and�hAt the rlsk of a breach c��'any covanant or <br /> agreament in this Security instrument is acceptable to Lendec. <br /> '�a the extend permitted by applicable luw.Lender mAy chargc a reasonable fee�as a condition to Lea�der's ' <br /> consent to the loan assumptian. Lender also may requice��he transferee to sign an assumption agrcement that is <br /> acceptable to Lender and that obligates Ihe transferee to keep all t�e p�omises uad agreemero�ts made in the Note , <br /> �nd In this Secarity inatrument. Borrower will continue ta be abOi�A¢ec�under the Note and tQ�is Security Instru- <br /> ment unless icnder releaces Borrower in writing. <br /> If Lender exercises tho option to require immediate pAyment ia full, Lender shall give Dorrower notice of <br /> acceleration. Tbe not�ce shall provide a period of not less than 3�days from the date the notice is deliveced or <br /> mailed within whieh Borrower must pay a11 sums secured by this Security Instrurnent. If Bortower fails to pay <br /> these sums prior to the expiration of tfiis period.Lender may invoke any remedies permitt�ed by this Security <br /> Ins�rument wlthout further natice or demun�i on Bormwe�. <br /> ,2. If Borrower exercises 1he Conversion Option ua�rr the conditions stuted in Section B uf this Adjuss�ble <br /> Rate Rider.the amendment of Uniform Covenant 17 oP ahe Security Instrument contained in Section C 1 bbnve <br /> shnll then cease to be in effect. and the provisions of Uniform Covenant 17 of the Secu�ity Instrument shall , <br />- instead be in follows: <br /> 7Y�ama(er ot the property ar�Benetkiol loterest In Borrower. It all or any part af the Prope�ty or uny interest =: <br /> in it is snfd or transferr�d tc+s if a benNficinl intere.t in Borrower is sald or transferred and Ftorrower is nat a - <br /> naturel person)without Lender's prior written consent. 4ender may,At its option,reyuire intmediate payment in �_ <br /> full of all sums secuced by this Security lnstrument. However, thi�option shull nat be exercised by Lender if <br />— exereise is prohibited by federnl Inw as of the date of chis Security Instrument. — <br />� If Lender eaercises this option.Lender�hall $ive Borrower notice of accelerution. The notice shull prnvide <br /> a period of not less than 30 days from the dute the notice is delivered or mAiled within which Borrower must pay _ <br /> all sums secured by this Security Instrument. [f Borrower fa+ls to pay these sums p�ior to the expirotion of this <br /> period.Lender muy invoke any remedies pe�mitted by this Security Instrument without furlher notice or demnnd _ <br /> on Borrower. - <br /> ............ ..r�r na�� n____...___....�..... ....�......o��..�i...r.•rm�a�ui envennn�s con�ained in this Adivatuble <br /> � �I JNl1�114v DGl.v�7. uw�vv.ta a�wpw..w»�.��..._...--'------ --� - � - - <br /> Rate Rider. _ <br /> ............... ................ .... . ....($CA�) .���/.'`V��",F, ,�.. .... .......... .... .... Borrower <br /> ...IScoll <br /> � Uorrow+er <br />- MATTHEW L GERARD <br /> .......................................... ISeali ..LOR S_,A, CERAR�Z����. .... ea11 <br /> ��r Borwxcr <br /> • <br /> FN�w iH�VM�pa�n 2 0/?pur��� <br /> • �e . <br /> . . , . • � <br />