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�,�+. � •F„x�r �,. ;(T•..�(..,, s,u. _ <br /> '' "�...=-'=_i'_� - - �-. <br /> • � _. , _ . ..._ __ _-_—_-Y <br /> . . .. . ...�n.�►+.,r.: -. <br /> , _T•. •�t' . . r-_ "._Z. <br /> .. •., y __—_--�. . .—'._,_'�_�--__ <br /> � <br /> 1. <br /> ' �,� M� .' �usT�sx,� �� xw i027 Y <br /> �3 • ��Y����.�.u�.► �91- 28 <br /> �. ��:-, �_ <br /> . ;�, Mav .19�_, — -- - <br /> TH�g ApNSTABLB RATB RIDER b ra�de thG ^�BC_._day oi <br /> ' .�.,,,,,,,.,�.�,'°'' aad b inoorpora�ed iato�ad dWl be damed to ammd and wpplanmt �he Mort�e. Dad or Truu�or SecudtY Deed qht••SKVrib ---- <br /> � Imuvment")of the wae d�ta�Iven by the undett�tned ttAe"Bonowa••)to securc Borrower':AdJusabk Rue Nde(the••Note")to� <br /> ',;. ,� �:c'aRy±Y�tcF�� ,, ��s.� ��n�.�a��n�u��IATION OF ORANO 18LAND.NF.ORA$KA(tha•'laada••)oP the�date aad caverlN�he <br /> • ,���,. ..., <br /> .�. r• r"V prape�ty daaib�d ia tbe Securiq'itW rument�ad loc�ted at: <br /> • �,r' _..V.=�-..:_:_. . �----�-:---_ <br /> " ��►, , ,.. . , � 302 Aleuendr�le. Ceiro, Nebraska <br /> .�ik . (propaty Addra�) <br /> Y.:� . <br /> - r��,. . TW rot�coNitl�pro�Mlor�YoNi� ta e4�a Ir�y Uterat na rM � ranMly �:--- <br />�:� 'q+t p�y�e�ts.TYb rate dw Il�lu tMe awo�rt�y Irterat nt�au ela�te���y o�Nw��N =_:•�___ <br />�r�' �� - �Yo tM wl�hr�ab IM w�rw nt�1 wW p�Y. ---° - <br /> ,: �, . �.����..._�,�.:.. <br />;,�:.,. .` :u�, .. . --- <br /> ADDITIONAL COVENANTS.In addkhn to�he coveauw wd�ceaueuti mode in the SecudtY Instrumcnt.Botso+rer end l.ender �•_'^:.�------ <br />.. ..1±�►. ., turtllet covalwt�ad�pee at foilowr. <br /> j �tfiu..�. - <br /> �,• A. IN7'k�T RATE ANp NQN7N�.Y PAl1NENT(�ANGFB - ---' <br /> k7tFB <br /> ,,..,: � :+•< 7rie Note provida for au in[tiol iataat rue ot 9.50 N.Sa�t[oa�ot We lYote provida fo��a ia tAe iaurcst qte�ed the � <br /> :;�},�� .�f, � aooatWr wr�u..t rouo.s: <br />``4` r . .: - '�• <br /> 't.• � _:_- <br /> ' � ' ' r.. �, 1NTF,REST RATfi AND A/ONTHLY PAYM6IYT CNAIYGFS 'r'"`_-- <br /> ��-- <br /> ` ,h . .• � (A1 �M�t ata T.'..;:, <br /> ,�:n;. . . �` , The intaest rate 1 wfll pay may chan�e on the first day of Jur1e .19 92 .and on lh�t day every r „a� <br /> , • �;:' �jrP 1 vp�1�T montiu thMaiter.�arh dat!on wAich my interc�rate could clwn�e!s calkd a"Clw�e O�te.•• �'`�`-�-- <br /> '` •.f;, ; '''.:;'_r' '_°�°'i r�::�,---- <br /> ' '�'. . '� 1 �"' l�� ���'i r��r. <br /> ,_. . _1 �,+.,"; - <br /> ;J;;,.�, �� 4 . .. 1'.� ..��Rf. Rf�J�14�- <br /> � . 4;'��!.!,. - .„. BeyinNn�with the fimt C1u�n�e Date,my interat rate wfll be b�sed on a�lodex.The"Inda"is the weekiy avero�c yielcl on United Sta¢cs :. �y�?r:�'g'` <br /> 4r 4 y, ,�,. . •,� ��,�f;�::�_^_.. <br /> � ;:•1,Nr��.� . lYl�lUry flCIIIItId ld�Ut[!A tR A COIIft�Ilt IIIYlIIflty O�I yqf.u m�de available by[he Fede�al Reserve Board.77ie mat ur�tin�lndaa fiRurc ;..t,, � °+ - <br /> t'•'��'`•4',<•:��. �v�il�bleas ottbed�te43 days beforc ach ChanQe Date is called the"Currcnt Indea." � - --- <br /> '�-� `, ;��' •�� <br /> .�'��;:;�����• ,_ ��� . . If the lada�is no IonIIer available. the Note Hoider will choaae a nea iodeu which is b�s�d upon wmpuabk InformaQon.The t�iote <br /> .�� ',���'� ;�' � Holda wiU�ive me naice of this choioe. -'-=° <br /> ���_���,� ,a�t�a,�� <br /> +`1 .. � f ;'.1�`�'l-,"; '— . . (C) GIc�MYfo�oil:M��a �=��"�� _ <br /> � ' ' 1. � Befom tacA Chm�c Da1q the Note Holder will calculate my new interat rate by addiog ��ree atld One ha 1 f percentaQe '� ��Yrr � <br /> .. t r.�=::,, <br /> �'�� ' ����`�'`���` �,,i 3_5 9� to theCurrent Inde,�and rounding iothc neuet�1/8th oi 1�,subject rothc Iimits stnted in Section 1lD)below. , �•� ,;•�: <br /> �'�1�1�: 'I��F����.� �^^IIlf( � - . , ��a' <br /> � .�i• +' • .1,�..�,.; Thi:rounded amount will be my new interest raie unNl thc next Chanae Oate. . ,��.��`;,' <br /> '���yl�.•�-;.�` The Nae Holder wfU then determine iQ�e amount of the monthly payment�hat would be suificfcnt t�repay in iuJ�the principal 1 am i`� � �;,..;:�.,,�-.,�; <br />';�;. ,,�,• .. .r� ...: .. .. �.r:_�,•�.-- <br /> ;,r•� � ,.:..ti: � (l;ti��Y pcpected to owe on that ChanQe Date in substamially equal ps►ymenu by�hc m��urity date at my aew interat ra�e.The rosul�oi thfs calculadon •. • _^ , <br /> j ,• . . wfU be the new amount of my monthlY P+Ymen�. ":��'.�r�--:� <br /> .�'��f :Sr�4;�a; <br /> ' i3 ';`t'i:;-_:;�'. <br /> :r ..•;.s,,;,'. �•;;,,,t . : lD) Ilmino�lakralltaleChw�a , ;�,;,.c- <br /> The Inters�l rste 1 em requfred to pay at the firat Chonge Date will not be greater Ihan 11.50 hi or las Ihan ����7�� � '���.,� <br /> 1�': ,;;,,• � ' tW0 pOTC@Tlt • <br /> .1, ; `�,�. : .,� :. . 7-5(L_�.Thereafter,my in�erest rate will aever bc increased or decrcased on any sinQle Chan�e Date by more thnn I � ��,.,,�. <br /> • f t��ti��" �� from the ratc of intettat 1 heve been paying for thc prceedlag twelve months.The minimum interat rate on this bnn will never be �t • <br /> ���.<;;�, , 7_5 q u o n d the mnzimum in[erat rata wfll never be arcater than_�4a?��. `'' � . - <br /> �,�,:,_` . Idi�h�n�__I) i•' _ <br /> -��C•�?l� .� . . i`��.. <br /> . ., (E) EfteN�e D�le o/Choasa <br /> ' { � My new intaat rate will become effative on each Change Dale.1 will pay the amount oi my new monlhly payment be�inning on the fitst I, V <br /> ' .. :}t'''�:,"`'� monthlY payment dnte after the Chanae Date untll Ihe amount of my monthiy payment chanaea nQain• `. . .• ';'��1�'�'� <br /> , Q .�!���2:',::;_ <br /> � , �, �;:i::::i'S1i. <br /> ` 'i. • ' ' �.CF�4':,6�; (F� notke otcha■�a � • . . <br /> The Note Holda will mafl or deliver�o me n notke beiore each Change Imte.The notice will advise me of: � �;;±. <br /> ','r 1"'� ' p) the new{ntera[rate on my lonn as ot�he Change Date: '�-�"' <br /> ��,. , <br /> ''';!:'I"• ,'. ' � , . <br /> ���l;r�+{r!: . ..�,.,, pf) Ihe amount of my monthly paymem following the Change Dn�e; ` � ��� <br /> ,', '`' • ,�e_ <br /> '•',7��;,; ;,��`,��, (iii) eny additional motten which the Nole Holder ls requlred lo disclose:and � <br /> j��,4(��h T' • , (Iv) t he r d d r a s o f t h e w s o c.d a d o n y o u c o u l d c o m a c t r e g az d i n g a n y q u a t i o n s a b o u t t h c a d J u s t m e n t n o t i c e. "�"��'""-� <br /> . r��,t•' .. �';SI' , ,�"'...r <br /> •'...y ;1, , .� , •- <br /> !''.�.':,���, ' 8. CHAaGF�c 41ENS t � <br /> ��}+}•�• , j., • Uniform Covenant 4 of the Securicy Instrument Is amended to read u folbws: <br /> •ti,r.l, <br /> , �` �� �. .,�.'��;:i;;,;� � �, Ch�er,L�e�.Bonower shali pay ell azes,assessments,ond aher charen,flnec,and imposidons nttributable to the Property which may i <br /> „•,..;.;., �, <br /> '' ,,;�,,• ..•�';, �4,�, attafn a priority over Ihis Security Instrument,and icuehold paymen�s oi ground rems,if any,in the mamr:r�rovidtd undrr yara�raph 2 hereof � <br /> af��,�����j:•�,�c�74•;; or,if nnt poW in such manner,by Borrower making payment,when dur,directly to the paya�hereof.Norrower shall prom�'y furnish Lender <br /> i•�,.,.,.,t.,�,,t•,.-1� - <br /> .,. ,t:, :;j,kr+,b��i�`,yvt oll notica ot amounts due uader this paragraph,und in thr event Borrower shall make paymm�directly,Bonower sMa6C�sompdy furnish to <br /> ;•;`.. �t`°-;�'�t{°�,'�,�•;�����•;� (.ender receipts evidencing such paym¢nts. Borrower vhali prampd}� discharge any lien which hut prioriry over this Security Instrument: <br /> �.��,.I�,ti�,y_,:;:•:�. <br /> '�� �'� '� however. Borrowt�slwll not be requlred to discharge any such lien .+c long aa Norrower: lal shall agra in writina�o tht paymen�aP the <br /> r��'�,�����,'��� '�f,�����• obllgation secured by such lien in the manner acceptable to Lender,Ib1 ShaU:c Rood faith con�est such lien by,or deiend agtinst entorcement�t <br />'� • .fi';:;}? . . , <br /> I ,�.5�:.�.�j, ' such IIm in,leQal praeedings which in�he�pininn of 1 ender npera�e to prevent the enforcement o(the lien or forfeiwre of�Fie Property or any <br />� ��:;' put thereof;or Icl shs►11 securc from the holder of such lien an agreement in a form wtisfactory to Lender subordinating such lien to this <br /> � Security Inatrument. <br /> --'--� —,__.�_._��..__......_..,.c.w.n.....�...,:..��ti�..•��.,a li�n Whfrh mav�Ilafn a nliOtitY Ovl�lh{S SlCU�IIV Irt3tfUlllttll. <br /> . _ --- --.—� ii a.c�wc.u:a..u.......,............«.�r....... ...... . � �--- ' '- - - • • - <br /> •, ' Lender sh�ll give Bonower a notice identi(ying wch licn�B�xrower shall,a1�5fy�uch lien u� tnke one ar more of the actions ut forth above <br /> wltAin ten d�ys o(the givin�o(�he no�ice. � � <br /> ' C. NOTICE <br /> ' • Unitorrn Corenfnt 1�of the Security Irrotrument is amended to rcr.d as follows: <br /> � 11. Nalioe.Exctpt fa any nuke reqmrcd under applicable law to be gnen in Another munner,1�)any nouce tu Borrrwer provided for in thic <br /> • SeCUnty Ins[r�rnent s&a[L De�ven by dtii�mag it or hy ma�hnR�t by I'�rst class maillo Borrower a11he Prr�peAy Address�r u�such wher addre�s <br /> u Bortower may desigaau ty nouce Io Lmdtr as p►ov�dcd Berem,and Ib►any na�ce ro Lender sPall tx gi��en by firs�class mul to l.ender'+ <br /> , addras staud herein or lo such other addras u I.endcr rrwy dcsignau By na�ce ta B�rrower as pro��ded hnein.Am notire pro�ideJ(or m th;. <br /> 5ecurity Instrummt shall be damed to have been gi��m io Borrower u�leader acPom arven ia tht mantrcr desfgnated herefn. <br /> I <br /> � <br />