�„1 �' � � ..� _ "_— R.�Y��.�
<br /> W. -.__..-�lr_:h"-.'!r._
<br /> 1 ,^_._ - , r,.
<br /> .. � �.� _
<br /> • � ,�..�„�,ji��Yt�►°°.- - - -�- �- -
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<br /> . ,•: .. -Jj�- _ _ __.._ _ -----
<br /> . , , • gl�.
<br /> ��� �� • ����� --- - -
<br /> . l�' applicobk law may specify fix roinsta�enknt)befae WG of the Pe�nperty parsuant w any powe��►f�w i�
<br /> Securlry Instrument;or(b)entry of a Judgment entarcing this Secu�ity Instrument. Tho�c cwniltiona aro thrt Bor►ower. (AI
<br /> * „� h: • ' p�ys L,ender �Il sums which then would he duc utsdn this Security In.r�n�mec%and �h�u��in enforo ng thix Secunty ��
<br /> t� 4 . accurtad;(b>cures any default of any aher covenwus augreements;(c)pay. p� •' •
<br /> ,,;�.�r�
<br /> "r� Inurument. includMg,but nd limited to.reas�wble �nameys't'ees:and Id1 takes auch uctian Ar l.ender mAy rcasno�b�y ____
<br /> ' �:•�1�� requi�e to ussum tluit the lien af this Secu�ily Inatrument.Lenderk�ights in the Pmpetly ond B��rt�wer's obligAliun Io p�y 1he � - -
<br /> �+��;r-� sums secured by this Secu�iry Insuument shpll cominue un�:hunged. Upon rcinantrment by Bormwer, thir Secunty �_. ____
<br /> �._---
<br /> � ;• '= �,a'�,,,�'., . Instrument nnd the abligatians secured hereby shall Kmain iully effectivo as if na acceler�tiun had cecur►ed. However,thir - .
<br /> � _....�
<br /> ° �" • riQht to reinata�e shall�at upply in the case of ucceleratlon under pumgmph 17. �, __
<br /> � � :��,`�-. 19. Sak of NMei C�nY���D�^'�� � N°te or u pwtial iotcresl in the Nate I��gelher with �hi� Securiry �u ��
<br /> � Instrumenq may bc sold one or more times without pbr notice ta Borrawer. A�ule may result in u chan�e in thc entily �,,,__�
<br /> �knowo as the"I.aan Servicer")that collects montM ments due under the Nate und this Security InKlrutnent. Thera alr�a ���
<br /> - �.�=.;�;+��es;:�� :�• may bc one or more changes of�he Loan Servker unnloted to a sulc of the Note. Ii�hcre iw u chunge oi 1he Loan Servicet, �_
<br /> �_�;�� . c,:. . �"�•-':-,---___ ._
<br />._-.�-- ;��� . Borrower will be given written nottce of�he change in acconiunce with purograPh 14 ubove und upplicable luw. The n�tice --
<br /> -r.T',y; � „ wlll slntc thc nume and a d d ress o f I h e new L u a n S e rv i c t�:�d t h e a d d�c s s to which pa yments should he mude. The natice will �---_^-� �-
<br /> --- �' ulso camAin any othe�r ini'ormalion required by applicaable law. `��.�--°�--=_=-.--
<br /> 20. llau�rdaus Subst�qces. Bom°wer shall s�ot cause or pe�mit thc prescnre.usc.diapowl.starugc,or releuse af uny = -
<br /> :��,..:�:��. .`�. .�- Nazallous Substuac�rs an cx in 1he Propeny. Ba�ower shall na d°,no�allow anyone clae lo do,anything affecting the --
<br /> .:�, .` y. , •�• pro that is in violuliart a►f tm F.nvionnmental Law. The Preceding iwo sentences shull nw apply 10 Ihe presence,use.or �.,f.
<br /> "-., ;,1t, .r �s�'.y;�:
<br /> . ��"� a `�"" ���s� storage on the Property of sma�l quantiues of Hazardors Su6stances�hat�ue generally recognixed to be uppropri�te to aorm�l
<br /> � ���;�?;'s';Sy.� —
<br /> ' Fti�`}�.��`f l�,�.�,��rr'j1; resideBorrower h 1 p mpt9 n Five Le d r wd�iten naice oi any imestigation,claim,demond.lawsuit or other action by any _ ---- ----- -
<br /> :��r;�1�,:'t;�,�`.,i�"s:��� Eovemmental or regulatory agency or private party invalving the Properiy and�►ny Hazardou'Subswnce or E�vino�nental �`:,.+4�;; _
<br /> ' r�l`.M,,�''�...�4'�' Lnw of which Borrowc� has actual knowledgc. If Bortower leums, or is notified by any goremmental or regulatory .••.�-�,.,:�._
<br /> . .�,,..,• , is neces Bamower ti,.,�,
<br /> ,. ,.�t^,,!f ,"•� authority,that uny t+emoval ar other remediation af any Hazardous Substance affec�ing the PropertY�' �Y• �.=s,���� -
<br /> , ,,:'����:?�5���� shall pmmptly lake all neceswary remediul actbns in accc��rdance with Environmemul LAw. ._-_
<br /> • �';;t;�`�)� �•'`y'�' As used in this purugmph 20,"Hoztirdous Substur,ces"are those substances detmed as taxic or haz:�nlous•ub.-x.anees by :,,,.,�.��.:
<br /> ,; " p��F���t>k+' ".r,�s,��`�1'� Environmenlal Luw urid the following subslances; ga�c+line. kerosene,other flumma'hle or toair {�ttoleum�antlucu.toxic 1�,,;t ,��.�'_
<br />°��' '�� �;L{t+'� +`�`�'� � pesticides ond herbicides,volatile solvents, materials conwining a.gbestos or formuldehyde, ucrcd radioac�ive materials. As �,,� �r�:�:-
<br /> ,,•:_:,, , r,,�,.• ., ��4; �:�,�,�_-
<br /> '.• .�'� �c i'.'� f "J �• used in this ara rn h 20,"Environmento l Luw"mennc fe d e r a l l a w r:u n d l a ws of the jurisdiclion wherc Ihe PropeRy is loc:ated
<br />� r�,:,,��;: , .�,,�f,�f�^i,�5` P � P �,�:.`:'�r••
<br /> .5,�'�.,�,, '��y� :�" ihat relnte to heulth.ss►ieqr or environmental protection
<br /> • �' �'�"`t NON-UNIFORM CQ�"1ENANTS. 8orrowerandl.ender furlher covenant und uEree ux follow�: +:��lr'."=rt'
<br /> � �,Y.`� � . -
<br /> . ' •}>.,. ,,.�:';?',�..
<br />- �._;;:;2. ..,.,,., . 21. Accekratbn� �e1111EtI�l'S. I.ender sha8 Ri��e aMice to Botrower prlar t�a aeceleratlnn Pollowin�aorrower's �:�__ °-
<br /> .-_�•': �r�-�,—t;;,*,` brench oi any cur�i,�i+�r agr�mcn!!n lDls Sec�s+S v�ns�rpment 16ut not prlor In Accelerallon under pnraR�Ph 17 �•� -_ _
<br /> • �• :.•,,��::, unless app�icab�e IAw provides afherwisel. The noHce sha11 specii'y: (al lhe dePAUlt;lb)fhe actton requirem to care ihe — T
<br /> `` �' � � � � � �";�;� defoult;(c1 a date,�ot les9 than�0 tJAys from 1h�dnle 1he natice is glven to Borrower,by whlrh the de�AUlt must be �
<br /> ,,.�:
<br /> � ; . ' ° ' �`�•;�"� cured;and(d)that iailure to cure the tlefault on�r 6ePore the date specified in the notice may result in acceleratinn of � � �,�_
<br /> .�.:,,
<br /> ' ihe sums secured by lhis Secur9ty Insirumenl and ssrlle of the Property. The notice shnll further inPorm Borrower of t����re
<br /> 1 , _! . Ihe rlght to reinstate Afte��ccelerallon and Ihe rig6t ao b�ing a couM action to assert the nomexistence of a defAUlt or ��,� ,,,,__
<br /> . � any otNer defense of Borrower to ecceleration and srale. IP the default is not cured on or before the dete specliied in ��,�
<br /> the noNce�l.ender At its option moy require immedlate payment in Pull of all sums secured by this Secu�ity inslrument --f.-
<br /> � withouf furltier demand and mAy invoke the power of�ale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. ,jfl
<br /> � �� ' �• Lender shall be enNtled to cdlect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provlded in Ihis paragnph 21• ��'':=
<br /> ''��`� �'�� • including,but not limited tn,reasonpble attorneys'fees pnd costs of tltle evidence. . r�=''`-__
<br /> � ;,';i�;;��� ' —
<br /> ; ., If the powe�of'sale is invoked.71�ustee slutll record a notice uf defs�ult in each county in whkh any paM of the �:,, ,:. ` ' -
<br /> �;: .
<br />' Property is loc�ted and ghall meil rnpiex of such nWice in the manne�prescribed by applicable Iww to Borrower and to '�,�++:•=�= ��=--
<br /> ,;. ; •�� . � the other persons prescri b e d by app l icA b l e law A i�e r!h e t i me r e qulred b y�p plicable law.7Yuste�e shall give public 1-.-;•.'=-:�;:._
<br /> ':��,:, � �5. .. , notice of snle to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. 7lrustee,without demand on Borrowe� ', `�.'
<br /> ' shwll sell the Property at public auction to the highetit bidder at t ite t ime an d p lace and under the terms designpted in ;!'r;� ;-,
<br /> � the notice oP sale in one or more parcels uod in eny order 7Yuztee dete�mines. 7lrustee mpy poslpone swde uf aY or any •y�..,.�, � . _
<br /> °' ., parcel of the Property by publk announcemeM at the time s�nd pince uF any previously scheduled sale. Le�o�ier or its i7ii;;;;�,�� ` �- _
<br /> ,,,. desi g nee mA y purchose the PropeMy At any sak. '�•:.�-,' ' '
<br /> ;, U p o n r e c e i p t o P p a y m e n l of the pr ice b i d. 7 Fus lee s h a l l d e l i v e r l o I h e p u r c h a s e r 7 l r u s l e e's d e e d c o n v e y i n g Ihe ,�j., � ,.. �
<br /> � property. The recitals in Ihe Trustee'c deed s1w116e prima facie evidence u f t he tru l h o f t he s t a te m e n t s m a d e I h e r e i n. �t:..'�� �'
<br /> ��: 7y.ustee sh�l�app�y the prneeeds oP the sale in the�011owing order: lal tu nll costs and expenses oi exercising the power �"'..+. �'�`
<br /> .i�, ,�Nss.,� >, _.
<br /> .. • (:�;f.;!;��-,: �-_^'-
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