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, 9�-1c�4ss� <br /> 13. Request For Notice. Trustor and all other parties set forth herein hereby requests a copy of any Notice of Defauft and a copy <br /> of any Notice of Sale hereunder be mailed to them at the address set forth in the first paragraph of this Second Deed of Trust. <br /> 14. Governing Law. This Second Deed of Trust shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of <br /> Nebraska. In the event that any provision or clause of any of the loan Instruments conflicts with applicable Iaws, such co�flict shall not affect <br /> other provisions of such Loan Instruments wh(ch can be given effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the <br /> Loan Instruments are declared to be severable. This instrument cannot be waived, changed, discharged or terminated orelly, but only by an <br /> fnstrument in wrking signed by the party against whom eniorcement of any waiver, change, discharge or terminallon is sought. <br /> 15. Reco�veyance by Trustee. Upon written request of Beneficiary stating that all sums secured hereby heve been peid and <br /> upon suRender of this Second Deed o( Trust and any note to Trustee for cancellation and retention and upon payment by Trustor of <br /> Trustee's fees, Trustee shall reconvey to Trustor, or the person or persons legally entitled thereto, without warranty, any portion ot the Trust <br /> Estate then held hereunder. The recitals in such reconveyance oi any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. <br /> The grantee in any reconveyance may be described as "the person or persons legally entitled thereto." <br /> 16. Notices. Whenever Beneficiary, Trustor or Trustee shall desire to give or serve any notice, demand, request or other <br /> communkation w(th respect to this Second Deed of Trust, each such not�e, demand, request or other commun�ation shell be in wrlting end <br /> shall be eHective only H the same is delivered by personal service or mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, <br /> eddressed to the address set forth at the beginning of this Second Deed of Trust. Any part may at any t(me change its address for such <br /> notbes by delivering or mailing to the other parties hereto, as aforesaid, a notice of such change. <br /> 17. Acceptance by Trustee. Trustee accepts this Trust when this Second Deed of Trust, duly executed and acknowledged, is <br /> made a public record as provided by law. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Trustor has executed this Second Deed of Trust as of the day and year first above written. <br /> � <br /> T tor JE ER E BUTLER <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> COUNTY OF HALL � ss: <br /> The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 4lh day of M8y 1999 by [ J. <br /> Notary PubIIC yy�LL1AM L. McLELLAN , <br /> My Commission Expkes: AUGUST 12. 2000 � <br /> Trustor <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> COUNTY OF HALL � ss: <br /> The }oregoing instrument was acknowledged e me this 4th d M8 , 9 by [ ]. <br /> //i G,�,� <br /> � ` �i'�9l <br /> �, dp Notary b � ILLI M . CL N <br /> �fyC'l�i lq9{- <br /> o,�,��9,y�� ,f��,� <br /> My Commission Expires: AUGUST 12 2000 Ffi `'o/y <br /> G �(� `°6i <br /> ��?l��ti s�a <br /> ���0 <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> SUITE NO. 5 AND GARAGE NO. 5 OF THE GEMSTONE CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY REGIME I, IN THE CITY <br /> OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />