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<br /> =,�;, �.. 102725
<br />-.:.�,.,,
<br /> `��p NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowor and Lender further covenant and nQ�ee as Fallawr:
<br /> ��'�� 11.�OIlCIAWIf!P�OI'l"dq1'Q.I�LR�Alf flQYIRS IMpIldIw10{1�y111lIII IO�YII YIIAl�pN�RMPh 9�I.tpfl��fMYY(QVpkQ IMO pQMR'f
<br /> •��; af rak�nd NaY ot�n����Ited by�pPllcabk I�w.I.ende�rM�116e eNlllkd to coliecl dl expe��Incutred Ih pu�ulnp
<br /> '�, ;' �be rea�edki ��der IMb�ra�nPM 11.iMCfudla�.bw� eat 1ladled �u.re�oM�bk�uoro�yA• fee��Ad catw of tlllr evldence.
<br /> ` If IMe power ol�aM Is IMVaked.Tn��lee�II nrord w�olke of det��lt U ncM caeqly ia wMkM�Nr p��o11Me Properly
<br /> _:r
<br /> : � - ----------- --- ---- le I�c�led s�d�110ll cupM�of iwcM�o1kY In tMe�uNwer pre�c�lbed by applictbk hw In UoROwer N�d to Il�o ol �penoN�
<br /> pres�ibed by�Pplicd�lel�w.Afl�r tlk li�e rtqnlnd by�pplinbk Iww.Trarlee i+Hwli�Iv��pubtic aatice ot eale to 1he pen�ne� �_-- .
<br /> ad 1�IMe����p��by�pl��°�w.T►nNee.w1lMrwt de�a��d ow Yanower��dl iell lhe P�operlY d public�uclbN
<br />.,� lo t6e MI=Mest bldder Nl ll�e tlaie s�d pt�ca��d��der I�o lerna de�lae�led I� tMe�olktie o��k In one or ata�c pwrcds�nd
<br /> 0
<br /> -- I��ey order Tr�slee delerwi�. TnWee a�sy port�o�e sak ol dl or sny purel ot Ihe PrapenY by PubQc�naounceweal pl
<br /> �.- �ke tlme �ad pl�ce ot s�y provioucly rcMedukd r�le. I.ender or i�deslaeee m�Y Purcb�ce tbe PmperlY pt�ny�le.
<br /> --";'�- Upo�recelpt of p�ymeal ot Ihe price bld�Tru�lee sh�N Acllver to Iho pu�chwser Trunlec's decd canveying Ibe Propchy. _
<br /> - �y���, � TNe recitol�ia tbe Trusta'e deed ahwll Me p�imp tacle ovidence of Ihe trulh of tbe rtptemento made Iherein.Tn��ke shdl opplY c
<br /> �-�°�"i� �� p�Kda of IMe c�k lo the foUowlnQ orders (A1 to dl expen�x o�Ihe sAlc. IocludlnQ, bul not IlmUcd ta.Truetec's fees ____.
<br /> �..=;�u��,;.�:;�:.� *r permilled by oppllc�ble Iww wnd reiwonpble�ttorneyr'/e�w;(b)to�II�amr necund by tbir&curfly lowlrameal:aad(c)*ar �-- -_.
<br /> e�lo tYe perso�or per�ona IeQnlly eaUUed to it.
<br /> ------"':,�;,:=.." . 18.Iteco�vey�ce.Upon payment of all sums secured by chis Security Instrument.Lender shaU request Trustee to rcconvey
<br /> �'"��''+�M ' the Property and shall su�render this Security lnstrumeot artd all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security Instrument :�-_
<br /> �r-:
<br /> --°°`."`�.�va:��, to Trusta.Trustee shall reconvey the Pcopeny without warranty and without char�e to the person or persons le�aily emitled ___
<br /> :���,�a:�`- to it.SucH person or persons shal!�y snY rcro�dation costs.
<br /> �`_ �'' "�° • Iq,Sqbrtit�te Trustee.Lendcr.at its option,may from dme to time remove Trustee and appaint a successor trustee to .,� „ �_
<br /> �� :�� "'��'�{`� � any Trustee appointed hereunder 6y an instrument rccorded in the county in which this Security Inst�umem is recorded.H►ithout ��___
<br /> -- 1`��., ., � �i:-.-.
<br /> =`—`n ` � conveyance of the Property.the sucoessor trustee shall succeed to all the ntle,powe�and duties confe�red upon T�ustee herejn .-
<br /> �"' `�ai, . 'r''�. and by stpplicable law. . '
<br />��,-L��:�'�k`'?t,.,.,�;�"� ;;, 1 S:{,,u�.
<br /> �,.:, .., 20. Reqaesl tor Notices.Borrawer requests ihat cn����i�s af the notices of defauit and sale be sent to Borrucvcr's address � ;,.1R,
<br /> � '�'•�`:�, J whjch is the Property Address.'•Botrowe��w�ther requests that copies of the notices of defauit and sale be sent to ihe person �
<br /> �_..:y_.�:..e• re+V;:1. �..��1:
<br /> �rr:sv/,e�:ric!�1� ;%'�:
<br /> :�,•r.r,.,. '�%•,';,, set forth herein."
<br /> �•���....,•: �•� �
<br /> � �f`s' �'' �s Accekrwdon GLuse.&+rrower agrees that should this Security Inst�ument and tt�e note secured thereby not be eligible �,�+'ry�;f;
<br /> _�+���;,,��,�;.^;. from the date hereof Lender may at �):r��""='
<br /> J�� ^ for insurance under the Nationa➢ Housing Act within sixty days � ' •,�•�_
<br />-.'°'�-�t]3ri.i!�Lrr..• .� . —
<br /> ----�,...,�.v�?�; its option and notwithst�nding unythln�e in Paragraph 9,requiro immediatc payment in full of all sums secured by this Secur ty
<br /> °�`'`�' 'T �'°��"'�'� Insttument. A written statement of any authorized agent of the Secreiary datr�i�ui�sequent to eijcty days -___
<br /> _•,r:,s � ,� ,t;. ,. •,��'.;.+ -
<br />�r,�. ,;.�,;, i�amthe date hereof.declining to insure this Sei:urity Instrument and the note secured thereby.shall be deemed conclus ve �
<br /> `�r•�. �' ���'�� nraof of such ineligibility.Nutwiihstanding the fo�egaing,this option may not 6e excrcised by Lender when the unevailability
<br />"i��'�'S'�ry�,� ��'�`�':, oP insurance is solely due to Lender's failuie ta remaa A mortBage insurance premium ta the secretary.
<br /> yr �s�.t. �
<br /> __���,��r ' "' �
<br /> - —'—'�:�1�'K.; :�+
<br /> --� - -��•• �`�' °}�"+��� Rider�lo lhis SecuHly Inalrument. lt'one or more riders are executed by Borrowcr�nd recarded together with this
<br /> �,��.�g�r p?�``' .Security Instrument.the covenants oPeach such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the covenants
<br /> 7� �. �'a-'�� _�,---
<br /> � �„I� �. r .j�r� An¢1 e�reements of this Security i nstrument As iP the rider(s)were in a part of this Security Instrument.[Check applicable box(es)� V
<br /> ����{ � � �Ad'ustablc Rate Rider �(3rowing Equity Rider iP��4�37�'�°
<br /> , ��k ��;,; .'�� '•� U Condominium Rider J , } ,,i�
<br /> --�.�.�Nin�`f�.�?�� �''��'� []Planned Uni[ Development Rider Daraduated Payment Rider I�Other Mortgage Addendum _�_
<br /> ;�_; ---(., G,�;, < .�'fj.
<br /> :',4 ? ' ''' ,.� �=__--
<br /> _ a u ���' ;�_4�;�• �.
<br /> i1� ��% -
<br /> �.t�,�&,;�,r�r.l s ... �yt�r... -
<br /> , ,p�,t ,� `�`r` -- BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower accep[s and a�rees to the[erms containec�in�his Security Instrument and in any rider(s) ; .j�.:,,`,,�-�
<br /> � �,,;,i' - � ,
<br /> '����±��` ,� ��:�'��� �executed by Borrower and re►.�rded with it. •t`�;r �
<br /> �.��_, �y ,, ��t,. at'�Lafi`
<br />_. _" - . '•i i� l �' � • —_'�ti"
<br /> -�.�•:!(_.^ .. . /�//" �._
<br /> ;i�� �••;r� �A,� r�.�l%;t1!� W110CSSC8: ��. V�- (.�8�� �(�;�:t!���::.
<br /> - r.��",� �,..•.
<br /> �,'�;,���� ,•� Jul e�A. RaABtd •Norrower '+�vr�
<br /> /� , �. 5 A
<br /> , �. t J��
<br /> --- ��u�,,�,� r�1�i�. lSeal) �,�f i;J .
<br /> , � �� ,.,
<br /> �..-�i S1'�(,f'o-' ,;•:1��'`, •gpROwer . .-. -:
<br /> ���a L ����y�1. �'�'�'"`'r.
<br /> r' � ��,� E �; ,��
<br /> �, c� �;F,��r��.,. lr�.• (Sea!) (Scal) �,,F
<br /> •}�„` ��°'.,i.:.fb�' V� 'ti',,.�. •l3orrowcr '•� :��:'"�'.
<br />�i(:1� 'i�. . ''t.t..J!�. •Borroxrr :i,••:.n��_
<br /> ",jjt�, . `� :ll�i�:,i� PaRe 1.�/� '- .�•:.
<br /> � .nri-;�.� �If!�;
<br /> � . :yt ;h} ;y�}i
<br /> r' ">;"•'� ACKNOWLEpGMENT
<br /> • /,aa;�,i��'�` .�y��; •. of 7'rust dalcd �,� •
<br /> ' �t�:4.: ' I/We. Julie A. Ranard ,1"7�u.tor 1,under ihat cert��n Deed �
<br /> • May 7. 1991 . 1"uCCd o(Trust")to bc cntcrcd in�o among Trustor, Commercial Eederal
<br /> � • Savings Bank� A Federal Savinga Bank , ("Trustcc") and �
<br /> � The Overland National Bank of Grand Island (•'Bcncl'iciary")covrring thc following describcd property:
<br /> � LEGAL DE5CRIPTION: Lot Five (5). in Block Five (5). in Aehton Place, an Addition to the
<br /> _. . City of Grand I�land� Hall County. Nabraska. �. .
<br /> • • ,�;b�.:,��„�_ hereby acknowledgc that it is unJrrsioixl thut(:�)�hc Iked al'Trutit tc�bc c�crut�d by Trustur i�a t�us�Jcrd unJ nat a murtgagr �
<br /> - -=
<br /> _,._ ..r---_._ :.�... ...�..�....�:..u..a:c�a....,���..hr.and nhliva�iain�to the Trustor
<br />____- -.... _ � . . .
<br /> - -
<br /> • • und Ib)thc power of saie proviuc�i iur i��inc uRti�•� ��u,��...,................«........,_..._._....•o••• --... --
<br /> �han u mortgage in thc cvent of u det'uult uf brcuch uf uhligutiun.
<br /> , •� Trustor Acknowlcdgrs thut �hi� Arknuwlcdgmrnt a•a�mudc priur tu�hc r�ccu�i�m u1'ihc I)ruJ ul I'ru,t.
<br /> ' , ° • Executed and delivered�this 7th dn�• u1' MaY , 19 91 . � ,
<br /> . � ,U . . � ..� Q. �.l.V n.=�vt��------._ - ---- - ----- i
<br /> �, � � ' rni�wr Juf ie A. R&nard ����+���� �
<br /> " Sute of Neb�xko. Hall Cnun�y +s: �
<br /> ` � The foregoing intiirumem was mknuwlcJged before mc thi� 7th day ul', May •�9 91 - '!: .
<br /> .`a.,�,,,. -
<br /> f ` • _' � by Julie A. Ranard. an unmarried person �• "�,
<br /> '- � Witn^ss my hand and notarial seal at Graad Island, Nebrae in�a�d 'oum�,the Jatc aforesaid.
<br /> :�, �! �f� i
<br /> .. ��Y�M��sb � �`1 i ,
<br /> • My co�nmic�ion erpires: 7EpESALf�E11 - � •
<br /> �t!���; '
<br /> ' MICIw.E�►IVIr.l5.1993 `�,�r�, I�.�r�,.
<br /> , •�: . - - —_,�..
<br />