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n � <br /> --- - --- ---- --_ ... .- _.._ _ . . .._ . _ <br /> . � ------- --.__-----. . . -- --� --- ��------ � -- -- .. . <br /> _ 1. �-�. -���� <br /> • 93� �E�� ,, <br /> AqU�DWLiDGlMlNT OF O�D OF TIIUiT � <br /> �,. <br /> t�ro��a��wow�,a , ' � • <br /> � ''�1YurM���l�q�M�ire��Mh�t'Ikw�►M�wt1� MaOMdaTMue�M+iMr�M�ra�+d�Mtlh�po�wr <br /> ol.rr�1�1 IM o..ea'ItuN a�i�.w+�ww.11�►dIN�'MMOna.11daeN�aNalYwarw.n.Ma�.a►1h..�1 <br /> d•�taawoha u�aK-w.w�.aaTw�,�uanaa+�eaae�d�o.w+.�.«+e�r.n�hca�w �roo�r�y�ow <br /> hy thM�'InMM.wM�oc�t�idlotd Th�Mw n(�N��ne w�m�nb�M MM� ww w�oiA�d b�r <br /> thwa.��«��aw.o..d°1°�. ��� oo., �xc. <br /> � � aro/• x.i.oa �us�o.a co. (a.=.t.c.o.) <br /> � <br /> � s��lr'� <br /> ��.L�on, , tn�qor Pc�sid�nt�— <br /> DEED OF TRUS7'WITH FUTURE ADYANCE6 <br /> n�s o�o oF rnust.�.m.a...a rn...1�tL_d.r�e �=!i , .�a�.�3.�ana.mon� <br /> 8 t.o�nn �b,. Inc. <br /> th�TiuMw. a/h 1 e.y,� T. ..�� �r..�..-••. �-- tr__i_�_c_�) <br /> wlwr nrNMq�ddrM+� P 0. Bwc 13�6._�rand i�land. N� 6880�196��„TruMor."wh�ar on�a morN. <br /> tlM ir1iNN, .j'�S1d F i�'i"' LA����aQlrg L'araaffi�� � <br /> ,���p��b 8. 0. Box 1507. Grand Island, NE 68802-1SOa T ������,� <br /> y»�y� FII/E pA�nTl'C �111[ . <br /> w����h P. 0. Box 1507. Gra�n� Islaad, NE 68802-1507 ____,�{ns,'r�;.n"�r�d��. <br /> d/b%t G�a V�and Fu1 aTlcO'N��ludinp Lender's extsn�lon o1 cr�dft idendfl�d h�Nn W ��e�Lm,h�aan CO.. InC. <br /> �� T-1-°-�-Q.) ihereln"Barowu".whMi�e�ons a mare)�nd tlie t�urt M�tn cro�Md. <br /> ehs neNpt M whlah Is hu�r aeknowlsd�ed.Tn»tar hereby Irrevoaably pranb,trAnsters,conveys and asslpns w T►us1N,IN <br /> TpU9T.VYITH POWER OF SAIE.fa th�beneilt and Weuri�y of Landw,u�dw and wbJeet ta�fia tarm�and eanditlons h�►Mn�h�►»t <br /> MAh�tM nd prop�rly.c(MCCitMd q foilowa <br /> Origi�a2 Tas�a I.ata 5, �, 7, asss! 8, H3s>ek 98, and 4rlgleeb �'� 1.9ts 7 aad 8, Block 37, <br /> Grand i�land. Hall•Gb�onCy� Nebrasks <br /> TopNh�r wlth ul buildin�s,knprovemenb,tixture�,stv�ests,alleys, pa�sepeways,eesements,riphq,piivllepos and appurte- <br /> nane�a locatsd therwn or in anvwiso pE�rialntng there��r, i��tr,e renta,iaeuaa an�i profit�,reveralona and remalndeT3lhereot.and <br /> auch�aonal prop�rty ihat Io attachsd to the impravemsnts so as to conoUtub a tiKtur�,Inotudfnp,but not IlmiteQ t�,fw�dnp�nd <br /> coollnp�qulpmsnk andbpether with the homaatead or marttel intereila,If eny,which interesb ere her�by�elsased and walved;rN <br /> of whbh,Includinp rspleoement4 and additions thereto,i�hereby dacla�ed to be v part of th��eal eatats Nour�d by the INn of fhls <br /> OMd of Tru�t and all ot th�torpolnp beinp reterrod to her�in es tha"Properry". <br /> This ONd o1 T►uN�h�ll e�ouro(�)itw peyment o1 the;.rincipal sum ond InWns.t ovidancod by e promissory not�a cndit <br /> apre�m�ot d�qd _�Qrii 15� 1993 ,havinp a maturiry data of October 15. 1998 <br /> . <br /> In tMe oripl�al princlpal amou�of 5 15$,000.00 �,�°,y�� ,and any and all modificatlons,sxtonslons and renswels <br /> the►eot or th�rew�nd any and all future advpncea and readvancee to Borrower(or any o1 them if more than one) henund�r <br /> purauant to one or more promissory note�or credlt agreemenls(herein called"Note");(b)the paymant ol other sums Adwnaed by <br /> Lend�r W proUat the seourity�l th6 Note;(c)the peAormance of all covenanta and eyreemenb of Trwtor eet lorth horein;and(d)all <br /> p►ssent�nd future indebtednees and obllyatlona ol Borrower(or any of Ihem If more tMan one)to Lender whether dfrect,indirect, <br /> absolute or contlnpent ond whether arlaing by note,puaranry,overdrak or otherwfae.The Note,thia Oeed ol Truet end any and NI <br /> other docuenfs theteecure the Note or otherwlae executed in connectlon therewlth,Includlnp wlthoul Nmitetlon yuaranteei,�ecudty <br /> • apre�menb end a�elOnments o1 leases and renta,shall be retarred to hereln aa the"Loon In�trumont�". <br /> Trustor cova�nta and agreee with Lender as Ioliows: <br /> 1. PMynNnl d(nd�bt�dn�u.All Indebtednea�aecured hereby shall be pald when due. <br /> 2.TMI�.Trustor Is the owner of the Property,has the rlpht end nuthorlty to aonvey the Property.and warrante thet the Ilen <br /> created hsreby la a tiret and prlor Iien on the Prope►ty,except for uehs and encumbrancee set lorth by Truetw in wrlUnp and <br /> dettvered to Lender before executfon of this Oeed of Truat and the executlon and dellvery of thls Deed of Trud does not vlolate any <br /> corttrnct or other obllpedon to whfch Tn�ator Is sub)ect. <br /> 3. Tix�s�As�urn�ni�.To pay before delinquency ail taxe�,apecfal easeeaments and ell other cheryea apalnet the Property <br /> now or hereaRer levled. . <br /> 4. IMUnno�.To keep the Property inaured aqalnat damage by fire,haxards inoluded within the term"extended coverape",and <br /> such other hezerds es Lender may requlre,In amounts and with companlea accepteble to Lender,naminp Lender as an additlonal <br /> n�m�d Imured,with loae p�yable to tha lende�.In caee o1 toes under auch pollcies,the lender is authorized to ad�u�t coMect�nd <br /> compromise,ell clelms thereunder and ahall have the optlon of epplylnp all or pert ot the Inaurance proceeds p)to any Mdebtadneu <br /> �seursd hsrsby and In auch order ae Lender mey determine,(il)to the Truator to be uaed tor the repalr or re�Wratlon of the Property - <br /> or(fiq(or eny other purpoae or obJect aeGa(actory to Lender without aNecUnp the Iien o1 thia Deed of Trwt for Ihe lull arnounl eecured <br /> hereby bsfore euch peyment ever took place,My epplicatlon ol proceeda to Indebtedneea thell not exlend or poelp�ne tho due <br /> date oi any peyments under the Note.e-c.,ra any default thereunder or hereunder. <br /> 6. R.�arow.UpOn written demand by Lender,Truetor shall p8y tn lender,In euch menner as Lender may de�Ip�aQe,euHiclen3 <br /> sums to enabte Lender to pay as they become due one or more ol the lollowing:p)ell taxes,aaei�menW and other char�es apelnat <br /> G1Y PfOpsfly,pl)ms prom�ums on me propeny insurance required'nereunoer,and jiiij[ne premium�on e�ny morigaye irrourance <br /> requl�td by Lender. <br /> 8. M�N�t�n�na, R�paln�m!CampAsnc�wNh Low�.Truator shall koep the Property In pood condltlon and repolr, shall <br /> promptly �pak, or replece ony Improvement whlch may be demeped or doatroyed;ehall not commlt or pe►rMt any waste or <br /> d�tsrbratlon of the Propsrty;�heN not remove,demoHah or aubatenUally alter any ot tha knprovements on the Property;�hall not <br /> commlt,wfler w permHany act to be done in ar upen the Property In vlolaUon ol any law,ordlnance,or repulallon;and shell pay and <br /> promptly di�chv�s at Trusbr'�cost and axpsnw all liens,enoumbrance�and ch�ryea lavled,knposed or assou�d apdnst tho <br /> Properiy or any paA fMreol. <br />= 7. En�nl Oomatn.Lender lo hereby anlpned all compeneatlon,ewarde,demep4s and othor paymonb or reliol(Fwrelnafter <br /> "Procesa�'�in conneGtlon wlth condemnatlon or other faklnp of ihe Properry or part thereot or lor wnveyencs In Uw ot condemn�- <br /> tlon.L�nder shdl be endtled at Ib option ro commence,appesr In end pro�ecute in Its ow�name any acqon or p►oceedlnps,end <br /> �11 alto b�Mtttled to mako�ny oompromiw a attlemant In aonneodon w�th�uch t�klnp or damape.M the event�ny pordon of <br /> INCiN711MnpbuMwNDNqINv.fO/M .�. 3��,.� . <br /> 0/MI MMWyI NN d Ow�w�a TruM rd tMMp�AMed�lbn.lH�aln.NMrM� <br />_ , <br /> -:rrv.r�..•hT'�amw•q�n".^ta. � ,.W�...:•.... .�,.�.°.'.�"-....�.t..L.a.i___. � ._.' ' _ _.�_..__. <br />