. ,
<br /> . •: :u' .�>,.�. .�+�.vr�S7:�{�,.•: +.. ,..,.; �.�.ic��- _ ... ___ _.. -, ..r.,
<br /> 1 .erk . - �• •, -_,- ee��
<br /> ' �_�j ,�_-,
<br /> . __:i4�...� �L�:•.___ ..-..._"_" .
<br /> �1 1��y{ ^•� .�.J��
<br /> �il�1 ��:ii ..
<br /> ���- '
<br /> ��.
<br /> ,:.�_. �,� 9�� 102'7l9
<br /> ��.� �. --
<br /> ? i� tlN FropMtf►li�O�o►d�ma0�d�LMfdK�hsll haw Ih�cPtion.In Ifs wl��nd a�b�olu{�dlacntlan�to�PPh aIl such ProcMds.
<br /> d�Nductlnp thK�Irom�II oo�b�nd�xp�n�Incurnd by It in oonn�adon wfth�uch P►oeo�dti upon anlr Ind�badn�wou�d
<br /> - h�nb1►+�+d In sueh ordK u Lrnd�r may dN�rmin��or to�PWY all wch ProcMds.l�tter ouah d�duCdone,to tha rMtoraflon ol q�
<br /> ,,� .;" Propwiy upon sucb condiUon��s L�nd�►may d�t�►a►Irn,Any applicaqon of Proc�eda to Ind�bpidneu�hall not�,ct�d or poetpon�
<br /> �: •, th�du�dal�01�oy p�ym�nb und�r th�Noq,o►cu►�any dNauit tha�undK a h�rwr�.Any umppll�d funds alwll b�pald to
<br /> : .. T�wto►.
<br /> - ,;�- . 8. PKtorm�nc�by Lond�r.Upon the accurronre ol en Event o1 Delsulthereunder,or it any aal Is hku�a Ipal prooNdlnp �___ ___
<br /> 1 eomm�nc�d whlah maUrlNly sBson Lsnd�r's IM�tat In th�Prop�Ay,Lend�r m�y in iq own dl�credon,but without obil�adon to do
<br /> w,and widtout noNc�b o►dsnwnd upon Trottor and wlthout rd�atlnp Tru�tor Irom any oblip�do�,do any ect whkh TrwDor hRs
<br /> '� aprMd but Ulls to do�nd m�y also do any oth�r act It dNma n�Ce�lury to p►otect ths securily hereof.Trustor�h�ll,Immodl�Uly
<br /> •..� � upan d�mand thKefor by Landsr,p�y to Lsnd�r all costs and expsntes Inauned and�ums expended by Lender in conn�adon wltt�
<br /> ;::';s',;'.<, lhe sxerclss by Lsndsr of th�forspolnp rfphb,topsthor with mterest thereon et the delauit rate provided in ths Note,whlah�h�N bo _
<br /> ��;i��;;-;�"''. pdd�d lo th�Ind�bUdnsa waur�d herWy.f.end�r �11 not incur any IhbHiry bsc�use oi anylhinp it may do a omU to do
<br /> -�-..w�_?:.•.: herw�dM. -- -
<br /> ---`-'�'�"-"- g, Hwrdou�MMKi�M.Trustor�hall keep the PropeAy in compllence with�ll aipplicabla laws,ordlnencee anti�q�daYOna
<br />-- --_ �_-" -. . rel�dnp tn industria!h�i�ot onrKOnmw�al protecdon(colleetively refenM to heroin as"Emcironmental l.aws"}Trustor edatl 'r•"°�°""*,:..
<br /> - .:..�•,,.�. .
<br /> �-: gesp th�prqwek%fs�e trom Id1 aub�taecael dNme41P be hatardoWS a toxic undor+wny Envfron�n�t I.aws(coll�cti+rNy cNerrad Qo ��`�°-`�°
<br /> �Fl�}:1�_,_•
<br /> °°—�. .''.�;t`�:�: ,. ,}; hKMn iis"Hiii[tibNa AA�1Ki�fs"y.Truator 1'�i►�b►r warranb Ared represYnts�tendeir�3i 1[�ere i1P�9 rn�11a28udous N1�lerkils On ca► �,.��.�.�.-
<br /> ?�..� 5 � ut�d�e tlw Propv�tlr.Trwlor hK�by apriis to te�efemrtity and hofd harmiasa l��der.its direetors,olti�o?s,emP���nd�9ents,an d �,;�,.�.�__
<br /> -°°--=�-�_..� �r►y succ.wao�s b L,vnd�►'s in0�rvst hom and againat any and aY c4ums,damaS�es,Ic��And bab�utws arisi�io connectloq wtth �.�.,-�
<br /> •��M��'' I�s presenc�,ust.disposal or bsnsport ot a�1►��s Materiais on,unciei.M�.^'�a�pbout the Properhv 71��FOREQOIN� _-----
<br /> �,
<br /> - --= - SURVIYE RECdNVEYANCE OF TIi1S OEED OF TRU8T. -----`��`�_..':-
<br /> . _... �,r.�,.,, � —.
<br /> �� � 10. AM�ipnm�t d R�nb.Trueto�hereby asalpns to Londer the renb,issuea and proiits o1 Wre pivpartq:pvovlded thet Truelor r ,�,
<br /> ���� . '�' °
<br /> 3, sheN,undl the occunence o1 an Event of Oefault hereunder,have the ripht to collect and retaln au�M ranb,Isau�a and profib aa they �,l"Y,'�?'� .
<br /> �=="�� �'� n • become due and payable.Upon the occurrence ot en EveM of Delault,Lender c�nay,either in person or tr�y a�vaE,wlth or without Yt<<rf;��_,:-°�
<br /> _,�b:_��'�'- .... : .
<br /> __ ��° '�""`� ?A� bNnpinp any acHon or proceedtn�,or by a recefver appointed by a court and witlnout regard to the adequac}a��as security.enter r_
<br /> -G��_";��• _ � . upon end teke posseseio�01 the Proparty,or eny part thereof,fn Its own�ame or in tha name af tha T�ustee,an�!•tic any acte which it
<br /> +�-.,- . deems neceeeary or dasirable to p�eserve the value,marketebility or rentebflily ol the Propertjr.or any pert thereof or interest therel�,
<br /> :•.� • •-��; Increase the income therehom or protect the securlty hoteoi and,with or without tekinp poaeeaslon of the P�operty,sue lor or
<br /> ��° - J�"'�'� ��' olherwiee collect ths rents,iasue�and proflb thereof,Includiny thoae pesl due and unpald,and apply the same,tess costs end
<br /> •�-'=�+'r ex nsea of operaUon and colleaQon includlnq attorneya'leos,upon any indebtednesa secured hereby,all in euch order ef Lender �;�;,,---
<br /> _ .,..arl �. .�'�:�i.. :�'.. Pe
<br /> °;y;�:;�; r�,� �', • may determine.The enterinp upon and takinp poasesfbn ol the Property,the collectlon of such rents,tasues end prolfa and Ihe
<br /> �-`c:� • •+ � ��� sppNcedon thereof ae eforeeaid,ahall not cure or walve eny defaull or notice of default hereunder or inv&Ndote any act done in
<br />��;�}j�� ,_,_,;.�;ti�r, reapome fo auch default ar pureuant to auah notice of default and,notwithetendlnp the conGnuanae in posseaelon o1 the Properly or _
<br /> Tr,�r - '��j ;c,}<<��`.: the coiiaction,recerps br►ci appficatlnn at rants,tr:.ucs or proHl�.and Truetee And lendQr rhaN be enUtled to exetcl�e ev6ty Npht �
<br /> � , � p�ovided for in eny o1 the Loan Insbuments or by lew upon occurrence ol eny Event ot Detault,Includin�without Iimitation tho Npht ���,,.__
<br />'i��+- ;;���;'��: to axercf8e the power of eale.�urther,lender's ri�hta and remedlea under lhis pa�agraph shell be cumulative with,and in no way a
<br /> ,:;�� � �•� � .;,.% :'• Iimifadon on,Lender's riphta and remedies under any aeslpnment o1 leases and rente recorded a9aln�t the Property.lender,Truefee �'+ ����'^
<br /> �� •1 .: �,'���. - '' iver ahell be Iiable to account onl lor thoee rents actually recelved. _�--��:•.;:
<br /> `J� � �;�`" �Si��� g�11e Er�nb ol OM�ult.The tollowing shell consdtute an Event ot Delaull under thle Deed of Truat ___ --
<br />:.,} . 'i r _• p•;(�,+,$;.. � "
<br /> �;,,:., � ,�% � '� •��t:,,�..:1�: (a) Failure to pay any Inatallment of principal or Intereat ol any other sum aecured hereby when due: �����_
<br /> • ' �:�,'� (b)A breach of or delaull under any provislon contalned in the Note,this Deed of Trusf,any ot tho Loan Instrument�,or a�y
<br /> ' � r..-.
<br /> •. ' ```{'� : ',�'� . othe►Iien o�encumbrance upon the Prape►ty; =:�n°�=v
<br /> �' � (c) A writ of execuGon or atfachment or eny slmllar procASa ahall be entered aqeinst Trustor whlch ahell become a Uen on ,..�,:,--.�.�_
<br /> ,.. ,hn�:"'" . � ttw P�operty or any portion tNereoi or Interest therein; ��`�'�'—�'�`
<br /> : ;:.,'•:, '� • ••�'•:� (d) There ahall be filed by or against Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present or luture federal,state or other ,��
<br /> t '.,'��;'.?;� • stetute,law or repuledon relatlnp to bankruptcy,lnsolvency or other rellet iqr debtors;or there shell be appoMted any trustee, ,,u,..=
<br /> � � ��' ' � �<''"�"• recefver or Nquldator of Trustor or Borrower or o1 all or any part ot the Property.or the rents.Issues ar prolits thereof,or Tructor . �
<br /> '.,,.�•. ,< ,�. ..:�...,..:t�:.:;,:
<br />':°:, �� ' ;�!'•,';�::°' or 8oaawer ahall make eny general assipnment tor the benetit ot creditors: �{•;'��
<br /> 1:. .�;�:
<br /> � ,;.;,��..'� ry�+ • (e) The sele,Uenafer,leaae,aeslgnment,conveyance or lurther encumbrance of all or any part ol or eny fntereat In the . A.1JE�::::
<br /> � • Property,either voluntarily or Involuntarily, wfthout the expreas written consem of Lender; provided that Truator shall be ?�s��k•��;.,�::::
<br /> ' j".. -
<br /> � � , permitted to execute a leaae ol the Property thet does not conteln an optlon to purchase end the tenri ot whlch doea not excoed - ��„
<br />_,y _ . :. , ,,,;5��'�:•. one yeor, '�;r�..
<br /> :..
<br /> ••,�5��+ - (� Abandonment of the Property:or !,, ,,�1';—
<br />,�,ti� � ^ �F�`"� " (q) 11 Truator Is not an Mdlvidual.the Isuuance,sale,tranater,assl nmen�conve ance or enaumbrance of more than a total �++,��••��••: ;:.
<br /> _ , ,0 4 r �.. .�F1��4;z,T-
<br /> .,.•: ,.�,, •:� 7 �
<br />-' � �;�, � � of te.�percent ol(11 a wrporation)its issued and outstanding stock or(d a paAnershfp)a totel of � a percont ot u�y.�f.,�r;:
<br /> .;' - �• ;.;. . -,}- =��-•---._
<br /> � �;�':�r' .� •..° pannerahip intereets during the perlod thi�Deed o1 Truat remafns a lien on the Proparty. 'f�rtr;�'�-."
<br /> ' ! �'f��•i;•�:• 12. R«n�dlM;Acc�Nndon Upon DNauIL In the event ot eny Event o1 Delault lender may,wlthout nodce ezcept as required by •�F`.�
<br /> : .itJl,�.,,���,. �,•.'�rME;��::..
<br />_ • ,,t t.,),.+�„:•,..�t,,, lew.dee7sire all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable end the same shell thereupon become due and�cayaale i t•i .1 ,L.
<br /> � •'•l�`'+�'7rr wlUwut anU��esendnent,demand.protest or noUce ot any kind.7hereetter Lender mey:
<br /> f r":� ,�•'.�r�•,.•::
<br /> ' � ! �,!�Y`E�"` �a9 �emamd that Truatee exe►ciae the POWER OF SALE grented herefn,and Trustee ahall thereefter Cause Trwtor's '. °,f'(r�i!,i�
<br /> •�; ,��;�y� `;�;_� ••• interQSt in tMe Ptoperiy to be sC14i end the proceeds to be dfslnbuted,all�n the menner provided in the Ovab�aslw Trust Deeds � . �
<br /> .,:('•�� ;_.,�t �; •:.-• �•�;�;. /1ct
<br /> ,�� ' ,U >>,^N�'��+�k�� (bp Exercipe any and a1e r��,7s provlded for fn any at tRe 4oao I�sauments or by�aw upon acturrence of any Evant o1 ; . ''7;+�,�';
<br /> ' ' r' `I�!�;�"' Dt�WuT�am¢I
<br /> ,;�;}2•+� ;;.':���S�'l��i;.,ya:,-'`:" Y�!Commence an acUVa t�"a•e��ose this Deed ot Trusr�s;.^�mngaQe.avDO�r,t a Re�e ve• �r spec�fically enlorc�arrydttno . ;.•�`��:
<br /> ;;r'�;�;:�'��� fk`��:�.f��;�i1����:�iti�. .� covehants hereol.
<br />�.,�,;•':;it;,;,�� y��4i: , ' No remedy herem conie�rea upon or reserved to fr�stee or Ler�e��s intencled tv re exctus�ve e"any o1Rer re�ngdy herefn,in the
<br /> . � �' Loan Instrumenb a Dy a�w provfded or perm�ttea:.l�_:a�ach sha�1 be cumulaove s"all be in addltion to ever�_other remedy given
<br />� • hereunder,in the Loan Instrumenis or now or he►e��,e•���st+�g at�aw or In equ�ty or by statute.and may be exe.cned concurrently,
<br /> , '�_.
<br /> . ind�pendently or succeaslvely. ,
<br /> ' t3 TrustN,The Truatee may res�gn at any Y:^�e w�tnouc ca:.se,and Lander may at any ame and w�thout cause aRpo�nt a I'
<br /> � ' � successo�or subsbwte Trustee.Trustee snau not be I�able to any party.inc�uding without Ilmitation lender,Borrower.Trustar orany , ,.
<br /> purchaser Of the Prapertyr.for any loss o►damage u��rss due to�eckless or w�lllul misconduct,and shall not De reqWred to takeany , , ,
<br /> . ar:mn�n ranr�erran w�th the entorceKent af tn�s Deed of Trust unlesa�ndemmlied. �n wnung,for all cosu. compensatan or �
<br /> . r expenses whicn m�y Ge assocrattd mer�w�th.tn adddion,Trustee mey beCOme e purCheeer et eny 881e o1 vie'rroperry uud�crai or �
<br /> �, .,,, , un�sr the power of sale gr�ntee ner�+n>.posipone the saie of au or any port�on ot the Property,es prov�ded by iaw,or 9Mr tha .
<br /> , . , Prope�ty as a whole,or�n Saparate p3rcel8 or lots at Trustee s d�scretlon.
<br /> • � 14. F�p and�cp�nsN.ln me event Trustee sells the Property by exercfse ot power ol sale.Trustee snali be endtled tn applY
<br /> o � any sale proceeda 8ref to payment of all costa and expenses ot exere�s�ng power ol eale.inelud�ng all Trustee's feee.and Lender'e
<br /> � and Trustee's ettorney's lees.ectuelly incurred to extent perm�tted by applicable lew.In the event 8otrower or 7rustor exerciseaany
<br /> ripht provldod by 18w to Cure en Event of Oefault,Lende�shall be entitled to recover Irom Trustor all costs and expensea actually
<br /> � . ineurred at a result of Trustor's delault inCludfnq wdh0ut I�m�tati0n all Trustee's and attorney's lees.to the extent perm�tted by
<br /> . . applicable law.
<br /> � � 1S. Futun Ad�anau.Upon requeat of Borrower. Lender may.at�ts opt�pn,make add�UOnal and luture advancea and re-
<br /> � • advenCes to Borrower.Such advances and reedvantes.wdh�nterest thereon,shall be secured by this Oeed of Trust.At no bme ahall
<br /> ' � the princlpal amount of the�ndebtedneas aecured b�•th�s Oeed of 7rust.r�ot�n�lyd�rlg8�m��fvanced to protect the secunty olth�s
<br /> M�d of Trusf,oxc�ed tfw onqinal pnncipal amount statet!nerein,or S 1,1 V,w WhiChever�s qreater.
<br />