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<br /> II{ :�
<br /> .V'•`�IU���M�'l, - '� Y�'Y: .., �•:.- --
<br /> ��!rG:. �-�-_�________. _
<br /> •
<br /> �wusT�� �� t��t 91--� 102'7�8 --
<br /> �. , � (�trarTra�wr�adac-�w.c.o.) .. ._,.zyR-
<br /> �� 91
<br /> iHISADlUSTA81.fl M7'H RIDBR b m�doth4 1 st �y o� �Y .19 �
<br /> �.
<br /> aud b laoorponted iato sud sh�U be deemed W wiend�ad supplema�t the Mort�ye, Dcad of Trwt�or Security Deed(the •�S�cydtY
<br /> � Inswa�tnt �of tho s�me date�ivea by the uedeni�ned(�ho"BoROwer'7 to xcure Borrowa'�Ad)wubk R�te Note I�he"Nate'7 w MOMB
<br /> � .�- .�., ,� .� _
<br /> ..,,�` , FEQB �L 8:VINQ9 i LOAN ASSOCp1TIqN OR aRANO IS�AND.N�NAliKA(the"L�wia'•)of the Wuae dq��ad aovait��he
<br /> �wr+u....:�,�. .. prap«tyU«aibd ia tAe SecutitY lo�t�ument�ad loatod�t: ��----_- __.__.
<br /> �,� -� - _-
<br /> , r,= •�..-:.-.-..:. '. - -
<br /> � ��%��L��a'�r;� � 1504 Rosomont Avenue. Grand Island, Ne 68801 __ :"�_
<br /> ' '' • (propercyAadrcu) �..,.-
<br /> ,, ; ;...,:. � TW wt�coanir pro�irlo�� �UoR'1�{ far cy�U s� Irlen�l mq NO �U' �iMly �'''`
<br /> _�:� s:-;.- -
<br />��- ":,,;,;F,�..°,:. � P�Y�M�tt.TMb�oU�ko IINIS!MO��lo��t��i�tefal nif GI�Cluul{e tl ur oM tl1�011�d �, _ —
<br /> �k G
<br /> dw tM�I�d IY��r nq 1 raW pq�. - -_---
<br />�� °.�-3, �. _ -- - -
<br /> i1��_
<br /> �.�r�i ` , ,1 ADDITIONAL COVBIVANi'S.in addldon w the coveaam,s aod aQratinenu made in tAe Secu�iq'Inatroment.Borrower�nd I.ender =
<br /> "k.� �. � fwthaaoveaant�ud yree iu follo�:
<br /> .
<br /> �.: . .
<br /> :� , .,�;
<br /> .�``:: , . A. IN7'[s�EB7'RATE AND MONTIiLY PA�Cj�►N['•ES ,--
<br /> ,�,a..
<br /> ,.� ,`� ~� ', 7Ue Nae provida for�n idda!inurac cue oi �� �A.9 e c t i o a 4 o P 1 A e N�e p r�4 d�e s for a h m Qa in the iatae�race aod t l�e
<br /> �.y.i� • . ? .
<br />�1.:.:i;. _��" .. �' -•t�4'i�_ f00QlIIIYP1�Y10lAti.Y�OIIOV�: ' - - --�--- -
<br /> :.},r,. ,� 'a� ----
<br />:,e.:,.�� � ':.,.?�_. .. . ,�.i �.
<br />� _ .. "�i..',,� '`�.•.i 1. /NTls7PEST RA lE AND MOIN7'71LY PAY1NBlVT CNANQ6S --
<br /> „ (A) q�t�t➢lo9v�
<br /> 1
<br /> . � . 7Lo iaterat rate 1 w10 P�Y�MF�1►anY�on the fint dt+y of T�ne �19 92 .aad on that dRY even'
<br /> "'�' " _ twB1U•e mondu themPter.P.ach date on whied ay intcrat rate could chanQe is called a"CluaQe Date." —
<br />.{ . .`.�t✓.. -. - . . �� �!�
<br /> " geQimdnQ with�he f'ir:t Ctwnae Date,my iutercst rate wiU be basod on an Index•The"Index"Is the waWy avcrnae yleld on United Stata �._�._._
<br /> �. o�' •• T�eatury seCU�ides adjusied!o A Consiant m�lutlty OP 1 ywr.as mada available by the Fedenl Raerve Boud.The moit reant Indac ti�ure
<br /> . , , av�iUbk as ot the date 4S d�ys before ach Chu�e Datc i�caUed the'•Current Indac."
<br />., : P�,. If tha Indeu is no lon�er nv�il�ble.the Note Holder will cboae�new indat which is based upon comparnbk fatom�ation.The Nate -...,.�---
<br /> ��:,•N� --
<br /> ' � '� Holdawill�[vescoodceoithbchoioe. -_—-
<br /> - -...,!
<br /> ..: _ .. •• ___.___.
<br /> --ti,<;F�,,., � (C) ctlaitww oY CY��ea - ---- -
<br /> '.�. l•. ;�f�' • hroo x n1'1P f1A�f l7��.+rr� W�.
<br /> �'��'%�, ' ' &foteeuh Chan�e D�te.the Note Holder v�n�l calculate my new interest rate b3•addin�� � Dn��
<br /> '•� I"';•- Y " �
<br /> ��h;�. r , . .. • poio�a(_�..T—�1 co�he CuRen�laden a�xl Qoundin�co�he neara�Iie�h ot�n•.subject to the limiu stated in Sectian 4tD)belaw. �'` -r__�-
<br /> a�:�F�
<br /> '' � This rouaded amount will bemy new fntetat rate und0 the aext Change Date. � _
<br /> ....�-. --
<br /> � .., • The Note Holder wfll then determine the amount of the monthiy payment that would be aufficient to repay in full the principal t am �� .,,
<br /> '�:�;�:�, y'' expected toowe on thst Ch�nQe Datc in:ub:tantially equal payments by the roaturity d�te at my naw interat rate.The rault ot this calculation -----
<br /> . �;�,;�:. '� ., wi116e the aew amouat of my monthlY Ps►yment. �=
<br /> ,. � Y ID) U�iY o�Ide►rl Ii�u Ch���a `'m�
<br /> 7fie laterat rate t am required �o pay at the fint Change Date will not be QreAter �han 11 .75 4i or las tlun �� ._ -�� -::....+..
<br /> ' • . �.75 �,T h e r af ter,m y Interat rate wfll never be increased or dcereased on any sinalc Change Date by more th�n two peiCent �.. �
<br /> a�,� � � . �2_0 from the r�te of(nterat 1 have been paying for the prcceding twelve monthc.The minimum intcrat rate on thi�loan wiU nava be � � ��`
<br /> ?.75 _�7�►and the maximum interpt rote wfll never be grea�er than 14.75 Mi,
<br /> '.��•�!�::•�� �, ,, las ttun . .
<br /> .�-ii?;;,;:� � . . (E) Efkclive Mte o1C6u�a --°
<br /> .;�,y�,'; ; My new interest rate wUl become effective on each Chonge Date.t will pay the stmount of my new monthly paymmt beQinain�an the fint � �-�r
<br />• , ,• s „.. oiotrihly payment date after the Change Date until the wmount of my monthly paymcnt chanaa aaaln.
<br /> �. ..,,,_�:
<br /> ��� ' ' ',' ...-0� .(F! Wwla oP C�ana I •--
<br /> �:,. .'�,� _ ---
<br />•T� � ;, �. �.'.•,�,�� 'llie Note Holder wfll mail or ddiver to me a nolia before wch ChanQe Uate.The nodce wiU advhe me of: ��,.�+ --
<br /> �� (6) tRe new interest rA1e on my toan a�of the Change Date; �
<br /> (ii) �he amount of my monthly payment followfna�he ChanQe Date; . ., • ��-
<br />- • , (iU) any sddidonal matters which the Note Holder Is required�o disclou;and Y� �
<br /> ; . ' Iiv) tht addras of the auociatlon you cauld cantact re4ardlnQ any queatforo nbout the adjustment notfx. ;.;r;-� -_-
<br /> , �.: ,��
<br /> '��':'" • �. CHARG�S:I.iENS
<br /> U�ifam Covenant 4 of the Securi�y Instrumem is ame�ded to read as follows: �
<br /> ;� 1, �CYry�i Iiaa.Borcower shall pay oll taxes.aasessments,end other churgcs,fines,and impositions Attributable to the Property which may
<br />� , �. � . ' �;� aetaiaa prioHty over�his 5ecu�ity Instrumen�,anel ks►sehold paymems of ground nnis,fi any,in thc monner provided uni�¢r paIIagraph 2 hereof
<br /> i ' . , ��;� a,itnot p�id io sucA manner,by Borrower makdng payman�,when due,d{ratly to the payee thercof.Borzown shal!piomptly furni�h Lcnda
<br /> ' � �!� ali tatkes of amounu due under Ihis puagrapR.and in the event Borrower ah�Jl make paymcnt dircetly,Borrower�haU prompt{y furnish�o
<br /> � Leoda receipts evidencin4 sucd payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has nriorily over this Security Inauvment: �
<br /> i • +•
<br />� howrever� Borror�e�shall not 6e required to dischqrge any such Ifen so lona a.a Borrowa:lar shai�agrce in w�iting to�he pavment of the ,
<br /> obiiptioo secured by such iien in�he manner xceproble to Lender;lbl shall in good faith coh�at sach Ifen by,or defend aQaln�t mtorcemenl of
<br />'� , weN lid�en,tepl praadingc which in�he cp�mcra of Lender operate to prevene dre antorcemrnt of the lien or fortefwre of Ihe Property or aey
<br />; p�ct thereof:or(cy shall ucure trom the holQer ot such Ifen on agreemrnr m a form u►tisfoctory to Lender subordinaunQ wch Um to this ,
<br /> Secwity Irotrvment. '
<br /> � ' If Lrnder determina�hat all ur nny part of the Propeny is sub�ect to a Ifm which m�y accvn a pnon�p ovv�iris�csunry imirumc��i. ,
<br /> Lender slull Qive 8ortowv a nodce identifying�uch lien. Hurrower�hall ra�isfv�uch lien ur lake one or more��f rhe acrrons se[fonh above
<br /> � wilN0len d�ys oi the�Ivin4of the notice. i
<br /> C. yOTICE
<br /> ,. Unf(orm Covetwnt 14 of the 5ecuaty Instrumem is omended w read ox follow�:
<br /> 11. Notice.Ezcept for any notitt requlred under applir�ble luw�o be R��'en in another manner,la)any notia to Ibrrower provided for in�his ,
<br /> � ' Secudiy Instrument shall be Qi��en by deUvering it ur hy mailing U by first rl�cs mvl to Horrower al the Property Address or at such other address
<br /> • . u Batower nuY desf�mte by notice 10 Lender�s provided herem,and Ib1 nny notice�o l.enJer shall be gi�en by first class mail to Lender's
<br /> . �ddres+suled hetein or lo such aher addras as I.endcr may dc�ignate bp noti�r tu Harrower u provided herein.Any noticc pro�ideJ(or in this
<br /> � ' Securf�y lo►Irumen�shall bedamed�o have been���en w Hurrower or Lender whcn gnen m thc munner designa�cd hcrem.
<br /> I
<br />