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<br /> �h��� 9I-3027�.8
<br /> �_� r ca�demnadon cx ahcr uJ�in�ut��ny pun of U�e 1'ropcny.ur tor cunveyw►��s in li�u�►i'amckmnwiun.uro harcby uxs��ned cmd
<br /> .�� nhWl i+e paid In Lrnder.
<br /> {n �hc event of o twul �uking of the Pirapeny, �hc pnxecd��hull 1+� a{+plie�l tu Ihc .umx rrcured by thiti Sctiu�ity
<br /> °�� In��nrmcm, whc�hcr�rc n�K then duc, wUh any e�cc.r� paid tu Hom��•er. lo ihc evem af u puhiul �wking ui'�hc 1'rupcny in �
<br /> which thc fair murkcl vulue of Ihc Pmpetly imn�eJiutety bcfi�re Ihe tuking i�cquul�u ur gnatcr Ihun Ihe unx►unt of�hc rumr
<br /> ` �ccwtvi by thix Satiudty Inslrumen�immediolely hcGxr;the taking,unle.�Nnm�we�wwi l.ender wherwisc ugrce in wriling.
<br /> � e' ..a the sums�un�l by�his Sctiuri�y� Inslrument shall t+r rcdur��i by ihr um�wnt��P thr pnxred+muUiplieJ hy the following
<br /> fruc�ian: �u�the tdul amuunt uf�he+.umx xecured immedialcly bcf��rc Ihe IulcinF.divi�kY! hy�hl�he luir market value of�hc �--
<br /> �. `� Propeny immrdiwtely tief�xe ihe[uking. Any I+alunce�hall tx paid io B�xrowcr. In Ihc c.•ent of u parlial �aking af the
<br /> ��. ,,,'t; PropeRy in which the fui�miukci vplue of�he Prapeny immrdiutely brPim�hr�ul�ink i.Ir�.Ihun Ihe um�wnt of the xum, __
<br /> -----�-���- secured immediately befare �he Is�{;ing,unles� B��rn�wer und Lende�iKhcrwiK agrcc in wri�ing ur unless uppNcable luw �r_:
<br /> _« .�:`�,",-+�� ahenvise provides.the praceeJx�II be uppli�K1�o�he.ums secured by�hi,Srrunry mv�romeM whe�her or iu►t�he�umx an; —
<br /> � "`� Ihen due. �°=
<br /> _ _ �- �- °'����� If thc Propeny is uba�xloned by BorroN�er.ar iL uRe�noiicc Ay Lc�Jer�a Bormwc�thut thc rondemnur ot�'en to make �`_:
<br /> "='i.1.�.-�• ,�:::�,.
<br /> : �_.��'� � un uwArd or sctd�u cluim for damagec,Borrowcr Puil.ta re.pa�d to L.cnder wi�hin 3O Juy.aAer thr Jate�hr notice is given. ��
<br /> .=:�:iq�,�n~';�.�.� Lender is nuthorizeJ w culleci cu►d•rpply the prcx:eeds,at its optian, eithc�ta rc�turution or rep:sir uf the Propeny or�o the � -
<br /> •�_ _ ,.,_r,� �ms recured hy thix Securily Ins�nimem,whethe�i�r na then due. �•..,
<br /> ���� Unlesc Lender und Bomaw�er whenvi�e u gree in wriring,any upplicution�f prcxtit�d.to prirtci�r•rl sh:Jl rnu exlend or �;
<br /> m „��_„7�C'i,. ,�t > PaY P' �K�+P F' [�'Y
<br /> nw,N. po. pune the due date oF tho m��nthl� ment+refcrrecl to in .u- r hti I tutd 2 tx chan �dte:uncwnt of wch a ment�.
<br /> � �"'.Y=-�- 11. BoROwer Not RekasM{ Forbepranae By Leodas NW+ a 1Naiver. Extentiion a6 che iime for payment ar ��
<br /> - s�„ madiiicadon of umonization af the�ums�cYUrecl by this Security Irtsuvment Ltranted by Lcnd�er to any sW:ce+xx in in�eretit ��,_
<br />- -----�- - '�'"'�_'_'�.�_��� ai BorroK•cr shall not operatc to ntc:uc thc liability uf d�e origiir.et Borruw�K ur B�r'rowerti wcce�:u�a in int�:rest. Lender �
<br /> T.-:��: �.'.
<br /> :�,.�;�; shall nat be mquired to commence pr�xecJin�s ug�in.�t uny xucces,or in intenwt�r nfutie to 4xtend timc For payment or �_
<br /> -- ;;��'•• athen�•itie modify amanizaiion of the.um.+ecured by thLti Sc.�urity In,trument b� rea�:nn uf;ury de�nvu!m:�cte by the original �
<br /> ---�--. �,���. Bom�wer or Barrower's�uccec+ors in interest. Any fv►ik•rrLnce by Lende�in exercizing any riKht or renxJy�fwll not be u �_
<br /> �:i� wAiver of or precludc�he exercise of uny right or remcdy. -
<br /> --.,�,,,,,,�-•; 12. Successors and Asstgns Buund:Jolnl and Several l.iability:Co-cigners. Th�rovenuctn und ugn�menl+of 1hi�
<br /> - ;��.,. Security I�titniment shnll bind uad henefit �he xucce.son und asyigns of Lende�und Barmwcr.�uMject to the pmvi�ian,of i
<br />- ___ • - _,._ pArugmph 17. Borruwer's covensu��s iuxl �greementti zhull be joint und srveral. Any Barrower w•Iw ca,igm thix Securi�y �
<br /> ='�"�''� Insuument kwt does nat execWe Ihe Note: Iu1 is co-si nin thi,S��urit In.trumem unl to mnrt u e rant�nd conv� thut
<br /> •�or,;'A.�}r��-', B 6 Y !' g L� •8 Y
<br /> ��-�•��,•; Borrower's intem�t in Ihe Ptopeny under thc terniti of ihis Securily In�t�umrnr. lb1 i.not penonu!!y ubliguteJ to pay Ihe+umx —
<br /> - secured by this Securily Instnimenl:und lc)ugreeti that Lender and any other Bonvwer mny uFree to exlend,modify,i'orbeur �"-
<br />•-_ =;.,�.;; ., ..,�; or make ony accommadalians with regard to the terms af this Security Imtrument or the Note without �hut Borrower ti _
<br /> ..""� �.( COIISCIII.
<br /> '=1= -��p����t.�;S:�;r,-����� 13. Loan Chary�ee!z.. if ihe loan xecured by [hiti Securiry im[rumcn� i. ,ubjc�:��u u iu.. N��kh.�:t. ma�:imum laan --
<br /> =`�`��'�`�,�'�s�k�+�•.��;. =• � churges,und Ihal luw is finully imeTn�ted �u thu�Uk interc+t or other loan charge�collerted ur to be collec�ed in connection -�-
<br /> �;;�', +�r���w�..,. ,,,,.•... --
<br /> �'F w�,yY;r,;_•,, . � N�ith�he loun exceed�he permitted hmi�s,then: lu1 any,uch loun churge+hull he reJuc�d by tIu:unaunt nere,s�q�to reduce _.
<br /> ,.�� �''{°�'�'�;'"'.;•,• Ihe churge to the permitted limit;und(bl uny.um�ulreudy collected 1'rom Barmwer which ezc��:d permiued limit.will he ___
<br /> w��� A�•� •. •'���4?i?';�'�� refunded la Borrower. Lender may choo�r io makc 1hi�refund hy mducin�ihc principul uwed un�ir��he Natc or by muking u --
<br /> -" � �` •��f��;,,`a dir�ecl payment to Borm.ver. If u nefunJ reduce.principal,thc rcductian will he�muted i„u purtiul pnep•ryment wi�hout uny —
<br /> .,i'ia 1,�,`(";i;• • ''JF��(-< —
<br /> - -f �►N�?,i:f,�,•�+ ., ,:�;��hs�� re u mem chur e unJer�he Notc.
<br /> ;:T.•, 1..,���,��;�� P P Y B
<br />=�- �' ;. ��,_.��,���' ..:�,.�..' 14. Natices. Any nntice to Bomuwer proviJed tiir in ihi, Security In,�rumem +hull he given by delivrring il or hy E<±
<br /> �: ,.,.. �. �
<br />=t-,,., . t.i•r'•;IT�•'�. •�,. ., -
<br /> ,.h�;;1 ,}•�/�,�.�� ..._, �. mailing 1�by firsl clux+mail unles�,applicuble luw rcyuirc,u�r uf un��ther mr�hal.The notice.hull he diRtited�o tl�Pro�xny _
<br /> � . ��... ,;��-�ii,�. Address or uny rnher uddres�Burrowcr da:si�nutes by n��tirc to LcnJer. Any notir�to Lender tihall he�iven by lint rlu++ —n
<br /> �i-'� �;� �,.���i� mnil to Lender's��ddrc.s sN►�cd hercii���r��a�•o�hrr adJres.Lrndcr dc.ignutc+My nrnirc w Bam►we�. Any notirc provideJ fo�
<br />;;�?';,; ;� '�����; _�� 'ti . in this Security Instn�ment tihnll th dcemcd to havr lxrn givcn lo Hnrrow�er or Lrndrr whcn givrn uz provideJ in thi� �°
<br /> _ �` -'�.i:':t:;r'�',r.���• parngmph.
<br /> i t�d�� 4 t j� lS. Governfn�I.Aw; SeverAbilily. Thi,Security In.lrumrnt +hull he govcrncJ hy feder.�l lu�v anJ thc law nl' Ihc
<br />.—,�:'i•. : 1�•,!•.,:.b . . ,
<br /> . ��.}?.•h._- � .
<br /> �;=� ,�;;;;�. •�.',�:.:.,, juriuiiction in which�hc Pmpeny iti I�xuleJ. In ihr event ihat uny provi�iun��r cluu�e of thiti Sccurity Ins�rument or the fYme
<br /> -=� r,,
<br /> t• �;�f!,. confli¢ts with opplicable I•rw.�uch con0ict shull n��t uFfert other provinhms ol'tUi�5ecurity Inurument or thr Nutc whinc�un
<br /> -���' � �� �� .,'r:•�,:f'�(;,.r be given effect withaut the conflirtin�provi,ion. To this enJ �he pmvisions ot'thiti Sccurity(n�tn�ment unJ the Note un: - -
<br /> ":�;�' ���t�'?,t ',,:�:�,''?�,'+r declared�o br krrrublc. �'L-°
<br /> _��'i `.'�'!<<f��'-`':`•, ';, � 16. Burrower'4 Copy. Burrower�hall Ix givrn unr conti►rtned copy of thr Natr;uiJ of thi,S�curity Im�rument. ;.
<br /> ;',:��.. ' S.� i� .. ,:
<br />___. ;.,i����f...,.__,,...� 17. 7lranster of the P�operty or r fienefici�l Interest in Borrower. If ull or anJ pan��f Ih�Property or uny inten�t in ,f.;,.
<br />.,,:!'• •.;,1`►;tr, .:�r:• ,,�• it ix sold or ir:uitiferrcd lor if u tknclicial interc+t in Born►�.•er i..old�►r trun+fcrrrJ and Burm�vtr i,not a nuturul per.nnl ��''
<br />_- r`_ ,r,+, ,-:�,`•:.�I��i+3. wilhout LendcrE prior wri�ten conuxnt,Lcixfrr nwy,at it.uption,rcyuire immediute p•ryment in full of all .um,.rrured hy -
<br /> r':tl �T.,o .'Y,"".%�l
<br /> � ! r;;::''`�,•,;S�•''i';' `� this Security In�trument. However,this opiion.hull not he exerci.cJ by Lender it�exrn i.r i.profiihited by fedcrul luw u.of' -
<br /> '�� �.i- �';*
<br /> �„ ..�,l�:�.��'�t��rti,pp� Ihe dute of rhi.Securiry In+trumcnt, .•
<br /> =•`' , .,r'.�", �• , It Lender exercisex thi.u tiun.Lendcr�hull �i��Bomower notice of acrcler:+ti�m. 'i'h�n�wire�h�ll ro�ide a riixl of'
<br /> -:�.?.�ni �f),t;;,fi��(�j��,'�. � P � r p` �.�:_
<br /> - :'.); i':'!•t�i+�• •�:,• • not Iess than 30 du �fn�m Ihe dule the notice is dcli�•��ed�x rnuikd�viihin whirh B,�rrnHrr mu.rt pac all�um++e�ured by Ihi� =
<br /> - :�v,.�:�,tj�'j, .. � .;:' Y• ---
<br /> :�L,- ;,� f�� $rcurity In�trumcnt. If Borrowcr fail.k�puy thc.c ,ums prior lo thr rrpiratiun .�t Ihi+}kri��d, l.endrr n�uJ invoke uny �=
<br /> _ '•;ju��`�,;f_,�,'.��.��,,: a'''
<br /> - � +',.t,�,i;�;•�,,:, remedies permilted by thi,5rcurit�In.tn�nient H�i�hiwt funhrr notice ur Jrmund un B��rtower. f�
<br /> • ':;.':, 'f1•},�l►'•'�;:� 18. Ilorrower's Ri�ht lo Reio.�iate. U Born►wrr mre�ti ccnain rundi�ian,. l�oROa�r �hafl havr the riFht to huvc �1�;�:
<br /> •.y:�,r;i,.'!��l'`l1�� enforcemem uf thi.Sccurit� Imtrum�;nt�l�.cimtinurJ ut any time priur��,�hc rarli.r�,i� r,u�du��,ior tiudi o�her�xriixl a. :;��`•�
<br /> . ,.�4ti�iA... t.���,
<br /> ,.,t,•:,�^ ,, ,. .:ti.;�.
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<br /> , �. � �-a�
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