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�_:� .. .� Z��� ' I�- � . ,. <br /> ...�.�.. �.✓� .. __ - <br /> ._ �br.�Y'7_. t' _ � _ �-- <br /> • . � <br /> � U'" _ <br /> �� 11' . 1_ ''� ..i " � . . '�: �_M.- ' ' _ .• � .� . �' .. � �- ' �}`T. "_ _. <br /> '�J= �♦ ��� '1 �,��..�� - <br /> 6 . , ' � .. . ., , y� <br /> . '� ,' • . , . .. � '�� ' . . � . <br /> ..•j .a• ". ' ��� � � <br /> .�� �,..�i.i� <br /> �� . .. of po�Ipa�N�M+Ii�W bM 0��P�b dwirMlo�M�ol ef►�M�e�an N tM tl�IwW Pl�a MM+�ppoMl�d 10�qM `� <br /> • •. srMC.p�d�11 uM�N N patpon�d 1o►ta+a►tlwn on�(�)dhr biy�ond th�dnr dMtav�l�d M th�ratia ot wM.�olla � <br /> tMno1�11 b�0��►In tIM�aNM n��r tM alpinsl n�Mia of�atw.TnNtN N9W�ut��nd dNIrK to th pwol�r . <br /> u�oMd ca+wyMio t1M Prop�ety a�010�but wNhout�►cawm�nt a w�ranb.�cvn�a M�O�Nd'rM�atw In tl�tf�l <br /> ` o�N►�►m.n«.or.a..n.N e.oonow�w oroo�a a,.aw�wn«.n�.a.�nv a«.oR Nowd�no w�.naw,m.s►p�wr <br /> � _— - --�_� cM�q n t�.s.�.. - <br /> � �wn�TnN��MM purwNt t0 tM pow��hKMtti th�Tn�st»�11�pplr tM prooMd�ol tA�MN to pa�nnM�t ol 111�� <br /> =-- — ooas�ua.�v.�...o�.�.�i.�in.ooww o�.�.a�a a�hdsW��nolu�flnO th�P�Ym�M of tMTw�tN�.a...awu�► <br /> -- InaK�Md.whloh Trwt�'�f»s�hall oot In t1N pprp�b�oca�d tlM lollowlnp�nwuM WMd u0o++tlw�amo�w�t Mound <br /> --�`' tNtW�l Md nrnalnN�p unpatd,;S pKaMum on tIM Nat i1.0001hK�of�1 pMOMqu�n on lh�bdar�tlMta�of�nd tMn ta th� <br /> _- It�In subpuapaph(C1 M th�prdrr th�n sht�d. <br /> -- -- -- (�%)AflK P�Y��O tIM fl�nu sp�aNl�d M wbpw�t�ph M It 11N �1�I�b1r TrwtM.or th�popK aourl u�d WMr ooN�of <br /> _ — -- - ---- tonciowa�nd�M N th�s�l�u punwM to ludblN fonobsw�.th�proaMda of�M�II b aapU�d 1�th�ad�r�W�d <br /> lo Ih�p�ynwnl Of: <br /> �, tq Cnst ot�nr wldN�o�of i8N proaw�d le oonn�otbn wNh woA��nd of any�w��t�rt�q,; <br /> `��'��' nq AH sume tlt�e�ound hsr�by: <br />.";';'�; <br /> .,;,,:.� (Ilq Th�hnuilnder. If anY,to 1M pMwn NOalh►�ntlit�d lh�nta <br /> --- — 19.lMitiM Md ObiiaaHar d TiuNw.(�)tM�duttM and o611gatlon�of Tn�tM Y�II b�dM�nnln�d rWMy b1►th��xOrw� <br />-,�-� , provlalons of thl�Oeod af T�u�t,and Trustas shatl not M tt�W��xaspt for th�p�famanae of such dutle�am!obllp�tlons p - <br /> ';''.���`' � '.::"• � �re opsolflally set forth Mnln,a�nd no Implled aovenanh a obllpatlons tt�ll b�Impo�sd uppn TrWtsK(bI No prot►Islons of <br /> � �1'r�7. <br /> � �,st�+�,; thl�Dsed of Tmst sh�ll requlro T�uatas to�xpmd ot rldt It�own tundf�or otMrwlw tnou��ny finunolal obllpolon In th�pK <br /> �`•,' ..rtk±+'t.,.�r��,i; <br />- .�'•. ,�.,,,,�x(', ,. fonn�naa of�ny of Ite dutle�Mrounds��or tn the acerolas of any of Ns rlphts or powM,lt It ehsll h�vs prounds for bNlwtnp <br /> �1., , ,th�t the repl�yment of suol�tunds o�ad�quata Indsmnity apalna such dNc ar Il�bllit�►1� not�son�Wr�ssw�d to ih,(c) <br />•'� ".>� ' y;i��t..:;;;��$ T►udee may aon�ult wtth aounsel of Ns own ehooalnp�nd the�dvlas of wob coun�l sh�ll b�tull a�dcaampMt�autho�izatlon <br /> `•2� �1;; ' and proteolton In the�espsot of aoy�atlon t�lcsn or auNsrod by It h��und�►In pood fdth and nllanc�1Mnon;(d�Trustw <br /> shdl not be Ilabls for any aotlon taken by It In 9ood fatth�nd rol�sonably b�ll�wd b�r It to b�authalr�d orwlthln tM dlaontlon <br />-� ..; , �'�. o�dpMs and powen conbrnd upon It by thl�Deed of Trust. . . ....w......-�► <br />;;•�;�.;,. ;�.•�` .� ��r{ : t4.Addltland S�audty lasfn�i�ta.T�uetor,at It�expense,wtll sx�e�t���t��s T�udw,PromPt�y�Pon d�mand. <br /> auoA securlty InstrumentA as m�y bs requlted by Tnistes,tn form and�u �Nl�atory to TrutlM,cowtlnp a�y ot 1M <br />:;:,',: . <br />�;;`�`.:`;� '�� Properly conveyed by thle Dssd of Tnist,whtah seou►Ity Instruments iliall b� ItlaMl aecurity for Tnutor'�faitbful pefa- <br />:;;,�;�,':�T����° 5�<'�;;_�,: ,.,fianoa oi a8 oi iha tem+s,covsnants arxf canrflttans at iAle Dasd at Truas�ils�Laan AQrsarnarot�aM►isrosn�ri►r:ala:s s�csss� <br />_�;��', '����;:xr�"��r��{?tE% heroby a�d any othe�esaurlty Instrumente axeouted In conneatlon wlth 1hI�tr�ns�otlon.8uah Innrurn�nts�hNl b�aao►ded _ <br />-�.:���,��t; `'k'�'''��""��'�'"'�°;��� or 111ed,a�d�ar�aorded and rNll�d,at Trostor's eKpenee. <br />�,.F.;,,f�. �✓•. ;� ,ti��•�?:!.:r• . <br /> .:�i,�;.,` . : . .' .�•-�'� �6. M�tCN��D�OYr. <br /> ��'�!+- �' � ' ��'� �}'�"' (A) In the event any ona or mors of ths provtelone aontslned In the Dead of Truet,or the Loan Apreement or any p►omissory <br /> t:,.,.. �,,• , ..��n.� <br /> ���«�;�??�x? note.or any othor seaurlty Instrument plven to con�eotlon wlth thla transectlon,ahall tor any re�son to bs hNd to b�In� <br />�' '."� °s•.� ° �� � valld. Illepel or unenforceable In any �eapeot, such Invalldlty. Illepellty or unaniorceablllry ahall, at the optlon of <br /> ��� '''"'`�n� Beneflalary,not affeot any other provtelon of thls Deed of Truet,that thls Deed of Tro�t shall be aomt►wd aa If sueh t� _ <br /> . r w:T,....:, <br /> _ 4 .•..'.^ ���..°.. .y-4y __ <br /> _ � � .�..�r � .j... valld.Itlepal or unenforoeable provlaton hed never been contalned harel�or thereln. - <br /> — 4 ��,, (6)Thlt D�ed of Truet sholl be aonstrued accordlnp to the laws of the Stete of Nebraska. � <br /> _�`Sc� �� •o (C)The D�sd of T�uet ahall Ineure to and bind the helro, lepatees,devlseae, adminletratas,uacuta4, auacssso�s and ' <br /> ��• _ aeal�na oi the pertles herato. <br />"s;; , '.,°•_'"". ,g#`'"'8. ' : (D)Trustor shell pay all taxes lev�od upon tbla Deed of Truet or the debt aecured heroby, topsthsr with 1�ny otMr taxes or <br /> �i'°� . . -` ,.,,� .� aeeea�mente wl�lch may be�Gev�ed apaartost tlhe Tnistee or Beneflclary or the lepal holder of ths Loan AQr�nwnt on�o- _ <br /> ="r� � ' � �� count of the Indeb4odneas evldencsd tQiereby. <br />.-�-r � f. t•..'r,; . .. .lr =.. <br /> ,, .,;�:; i� ��'�'::�. •�a� ..._ (E7 Whenerer ueed Iaefein,lhe eln�ule�num�eT s hall Include the plural,the plural,the si�gular,the uae of any 9ender shall be = <br /> `'`;�� ;�, ,,iu� . •� appllc�ble to all pendere,and the te�m'•8eneflclary"ehell Inolude ony payee of t�o��deModnoss heraby a�caaves or any <br /> ' 'e, ,. ' t�anafer thereof�whether by opera9lon caf law a otherwlee. _ <br /> ' ' °. �,. 18.Suaws�or Tru�tN.Beneflc�Aey�ay 1TVm t!me to tlmo substltue a succeaso�or auccesaors to any Trustee named hereln = <br /> . '" ' � � �;�1 or�ctlnp hereunder to exeaute thls 7ruat IDeed.•Upon such eppolntment end wNhout convenyance to the suocosaor T►ustee, <br /> ' "' �'�,� '� , ; the latter ahall be vested wlth all tltle,powe�s an d dutlea conlerred upon any Truatee hereln named or sotlnp hereunder.Each _ <br /> � 1 P�'. � ' such appolntment and aubsdtutlon ehall be made by wrltten Inatrument by Beneflclaay,contelnlnp rsterence to thls Deed of = <br /> -- �`v�a r " " ' T►uat and Its place of rocord,whloh when recorded In the olalce of the Replster of�eeds of the county or countles In whlch = <br /> !'�" �r ., s�l d r o r t l a s l t u a t e d.e h a l l b e c o n c l u e l v e r o o f o f r o e r e I n t m e n t o f t h e a u c c e s a o r T r u e t e e.T h e f o o l n <br />,�L.'• ,� r• P P e Y P P P P P o � 0 P O W 6 r O t � <br /> �'' �'�""'' �� � "'� r'.s�: substltutlon and the procedure therefor shall not be excluslve of the power and p►oCedure provlded for by law for tho aub�tttu� _ <br /> �,';. ;,:�'"�"---°--"-"'="'- tton of a Truetea or 7ruatess In the place ot i�, Truyt88 or Trustees narr�ott herala. - <br /> �,;.';'i; t ;�;; , 17. RorM�►anp by B�MIIcI�ry or Tw�tN No3 �Walwr.A torbearance by 8eneflciary or 7ruatee In eKerclslnq eny rlpht o� <br /> � .�;�;_ , remedy hereunder,or otherwlee afforded by appllcable law ahan not be a welver ot or preclude the exeralse of any rlyht oT <br />'" - - • , remedy hereunder.Llkewlse,the walver by Benef iclary or Truatee of any default of Trustor undar thls Oeed of Trust ahall not be - <br />_`;'.',�(�1 '. ' deemed to be a walver of any other or alml la+detauNa aubsequently occurrin�. - <br /> •�`'"�� ��' �� �� � • • 18. Trudor Not R�N�s�d.Extenelon of tt+e tlrne for payment or modlflcatlon or arnortixatlun of 1he aums secured by the <br />�= ,��,,;. <br /> �:•,;,�, 2�.�.',;�.: ' ' Dsed oi T�uat qrantod by Benellclary to any aua�cesaor In Intereat of Truator shall not operale ta relea�e,ln any manner,tha - <br />'_:,�;��� "'�� ���. " �;� Ifablllty of the orlpl�al Truetor and Trustor'e succ�esaor In Interest.Beneflclary ehatl not be requlred Y�commence proceedlnps - <br />_;.rt:.. „ ..,.,;. �� <br /> • �; . •r',�_, , "r • a�dns t auc h aucceasor or re fuse to ex ten d t lme tor payme�t or o t henv lae m o d l fy Amor l lza t lon o f t h e aums secw e d by t he <br /> � �� a� " ��- Deed ol Trust by reaeon of eny demand made b�l the orl�l�a�Truator end Truetor'a auccessora In Intereet. <br /> x''y".' 1�, <br /> •�1.��� 19.Optlon to Fotictos�.Uoon the occurrence ot anv defeult horeunder.8eneflcl�nr ehall have the ontlon to foreclo�e thi� <br /> ''-=`"' ; .s ;. ,�. -� L.`�: O�ed o}Truat In tho msnner provlded by law fc� the foreoloaure of mort�afles on reat property. <br /> ..�:i.`•„ - <br />.,tsi�'' � + �`�''`�" 20.T�udor�Rlphts,AbNnt ONwI�Untll any detault In the paymeM of Indebtednese herebr aecured,or until the Dreach of ' <br /> " �� �-'"-=="��°'�"�`` any covanant heroln contalned,ttte Trusior,Its suaceaeora urni aseiflna,ehoti poasssa and onloy the property ssnd recelve the i <br />•�?:� � rents and proflts therairom.Upoa payment ot all eums secured by thle Deed of Trust,Beneflclary ahall requeat Trustee to � <br />:;�,� � .. •�`"'s". � reconvey the property and ahall awrender thls Oeed of Truat and all notee and Loan Ayreementa erldencinp indebtedneas • <br /> '� � •=�;..�� secu�ed br the Deed of Trust to Truelee.Truatee ahall reconvey the property wlthout warranty a�d wllhouf char�e to ihe psr I <br /> � '' w��° �. sons lepolly entltl�d thereto.The(irantes In any raconvoyance may be descrlbed ae"Ihe person ar porsons entifl�d thereto", <br /> �"`'� ' and the reoltats th�retn of any mettera or facb shall ba conclu�lve proof of the truthfulnees thereof.Such p�rson or persons <br /> �� : ,� �. ' sh�ll poy oll costs ot recordlnp,If any. � <br /> + �� 21.Tnml�of tM PnopNty;Afsumptlon.lf all or any paA o!the Property or an Intereet theraln Ia aold or transferred wlthout � <br />__���„`�,� : � ��r,��, '. Beneflclary's prbr wrltten conaent,except as otMnvlse provlded by law,Beneflelary may,at B�neflelary'e optlon,declare all f <br /> ''�''}; � � •'�"��` - the eums eecu�ed by thls Deed of Trust to b�Immedlately due and payable.Beneflclary ahqll have w�lwd auch optlon to ac• <br />;Y�;+�:�: � �`,- ;�" , celerate If,prlor to tM sale or tranefe�,8ene}fciary and the pereon to whom the Property Ie to be aold or trensferred reaah i <br /> � � MRIOIy-�7pp1 <br /> ��.,� , '' .u, <br /> :q , <br />