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..� . .. �,�,,, �; --- _ - � _ <br /> � • '�^r = - <br /> ,,. ., - — <br /> , , — — _ __ <br /> ,,• , <br /> , <br /> � � �� � 91—�o27oe <br /> rF!` ��y 'r'OOFs7'H�R WITH all tAe impmvements naw or her�aficr cn�ctcd an the pr�►peny,und wll c�cementx,yppurtenances. ' __ <br /> �':' Ynd 8xtum now or hereatter�put of�he ptopertY. All rcplpccmcn�A urx!additic+n�stw�ll �Iw be covercd by Ihis&curity <br /> bwrumeat. All of the foncgain�is rctenrd to in IhOs Secu�ity Inspument os the"Prc�ny: <br /> . � .;:�'' BORROWER COVENAN'I'S lhat Bamwer ia l�wfully seiaeil af the estate hereby c�veycd and iws Il�e�l�ht tu gr�nt <br /> ° �,;,��' und convey the Property ond thrt �he Propeny is unencumberc�f.exceph Wr cm:umlxanc�x af re�:cxd. Barrower warr�nt�w�d <br /> wfll defend geno�ally Uio tilk to ttrc Prope�y�gainst all el�im�wd demands.subject to s►ny e�cumbrances of rocutd. <br /> '-�� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMGNT combines uniiorm rnvrnants fix nrtinnal u�e and �xui•unifarm covcnants with <br /> �� � " limit�variations by ju�iYdktian�o constitute u uniform securily instrument covering ma►1 propeny. — <br /> 7 UNIFORM COVENANTS. Botrower cu�d Le�der covenent nnd ugnee as follaw�: - - <br /> ,":� ,. _ ' l. Payment of Priacipd aad Iateresli PrepAymeat And I.Ate Cbw�es. Barrowcr shall promptlY paY wheo due 1hc ---_- <br /> ::: <br /> .�'�'+���'��"' princi 1 af und interest on the debt evidenced by Ihe Note and uny prepuymem and Inte charges due under It�e Nale. �__ <br /> �_.;�`,�;-;;,�. �ads for 71u�es wd Insu�nca Subject to applicable law or la u writtcn waiver by Lender,Bar�ower shall pAy ta <br /> '�r�',�;'•. Lendcr on�he day mont@I,p payments are due under Iha NWe,umil Ihe Note is paid in futl.a tium("Funds•"1 for:lul yearly `'-' — <br /> ._- �,„,,,;��. w�ees and assa�eessmes►ts w[tich may attain priocit over�his Secuei�y In�irument u.e A li�eQ cx►tt1¢k'�o{�crty: Ib)yc�uly Icaschold E�` - <br /> - a <br /> �:',�•• -�',-�_•.�': p� ��a �r��� ���n . y �r �y `�,".;-_ <br /> , .�.,�:. .. r Y 8�� �Y• Y' (c) yearl hazaM ar insvr.�nce pneeniums: (dl ezvl Qaod <br /> — ".�.�,�;. iasuranc.�e premi�mu,if su►y: (e) Y�Y �18� ius�uanee premium�:.if any: und l� any s�uns�yabte by wer to �.,�.:,_:. <br /> u <br /> l�s�dc.R. in accorda�r witA the provisians pf parugraph lieu of the paymenc of mo�tgage insutance pnnniums. '['hese """�`."° <br /> �:;��_..:,:;..: <br /> `+�' . item4 are culled"Esctuw Items." Lender mt+y,at uny time.cvltect ond hold Fu�od:s in un u��oue►t not to ezceed the maximum �-- <br /> ��; ' amou�u a�ender for a federall retated mon a e loun mu uire for ltorrower'�escs�ow accYwat under Ihe federrl Real <br /> _,�..�.,:,.� y 6 8 Y re9 �w�;'�::- <br /> �„�,'�':•'='"' �� ' Est�te Seple.rn;ent Qnacedures Act of 1974 as umended from time to tinae.t2 U.S.�.§26(J4 et se f"RESPA"),unless undher �` �- - <br /> -- ,;�i_,yl � �_ faw tAat applies ta tAe F'vnds�ets a tes5er amount. If so.I.ender any time,rnt[ocs�d ho d Funds in un amounl not to �'=hi -_- <br /> �_` ' � �.'• exc�eed the pe�tier amou�n. l.ender m:►y estimute the umount of F'�nds due oct t[�e ba�sis of cumeot data und reasonable �.,x;.,.-.-_= <br /> `�`��' - esti�a�tes of expenditures of fuwre Exrow Items or otherwise in uccordance wi�h:�pQ�ica4te[aw. 5_• ' <br /> �+�. �.^ti x.::.' --- <br /> The Ftinds shall be held i� an iustitution who�e depasits ure insured by a fecierul agency, insttumentaliry, or entiry `;�'� ' <br />:'y;• . �..�,a�-�+'�'n•���L� (including l.ender,if Lender issvrh anr,iastitutionl or in any Federul Home Loun BanA. 4ender shall opply the Funds to puy �;�.�n��' <br />-�,+"'n. �;•� �he Escrow Items. Lendcr Rp�r ,not r�e Borrowcr for holding�nd upplying the Fuad�.nnnually analyzing the escrow �- <br /> �,�_ .:f'. <br /> .::;, -�:� , account. or veriPying the Esciow items, unless Lender puys Borrower interest on �he Fundc �utd upplicable law permits ��-`.�� , <br /> ;..,� � Y�1 PAY � Pe "�:_��j�r��:::. <br /> ;;.,ti� ' � s� .,�� •.• Lender to make such a . Nowever,Lender mn uire Botrower to a one-time char e for an inde ndent real <br />- ' fi " �state tax reporting servic�e ascd by L.ender in connection with this loan,unless applicAble lAw provides otherwise. Unless an ,,;r,:�.,i�;,;.�_. <br /> -,•.r� ? �... , ...� ,:,.;r e9,:u�;,�_ <br /> , •, agreement is madc or app{icaibk faw requires i�terest to be paid,I.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any inlenes�or �� <br /> -, `�• ,�,.:= ., enmings on the Funds. Bom�wer ond L.ender may agrec in writing,however.thut intere�t shull be paid on the Flmds. Lender -='-'��'='`'`�-� <br />"�'�"''� � " `� ' " shall give to Bortower.wilhout charge,an s►nnual Accaunting of the Funds,showing credits und debits to the Funds nnd tha �.'�,�tr?���~ <br /> �;1, •� _ purpose for which each debit 10 the Fl�nds was made. The Flmds Are pledged as addilional securiry FeK all sums secur+ed by ����_,a,,;. <br /> -L �' _ Ihia Secadty InsM�men�. =- �� <br /> a�•�. '° " . If the Flmds held by Lender eaceed the �unounts permi��ed to be held by upplicable law. Lender shull account �o 'F`t19^;�' -�- <br /> '.•'�. • Barrawer for the excecs F1mds in uccordunce wl�h the requiremeMs of upplicuble luw. lf the amount of the Funds held by ^ ��:_. <br /> � � • Lender At any time is na[sufficient to puy the Escrow I�ems when due,l.ender rnuy so notify Bartower in writing,and,in �,,r�1.,�,+s,;; <br /> - „�� . , • guch case Borro�ver shall pay�a Lender the umoum neces�ury �o make up�he deficiency. Bormwer shull muke up�he :.s..S s;'�:;:�v, <br /> .•u <br /> � deficiency in na more than twelve monthly payments,ut Lcnder's sole discretian. '`''.����:'�'•'•`•"'�� <br /> �. Upan puyment in full af all sums secured by this Securily Instrument,l.ender shnll promptly r:fund to Borrower any ''' �'��`.r�'^� <br /> ;,.,,�: , , . <br /> ' FLnds held b Lender. If,under aru rn h 21, Lender shull uc uire or tiell the Pm n Lender, rior to the nc uisition or �:,�".�. ��: <br /> Y P B P 9 1fe Y• P 9 ,... . �,. <br /> • sale of the Properry,shall apply any FLnds held hy Lender ut the time of ncquisilion or sale As a credit agains� the sums ��•.':{i:;r�G'� <br /> � �.��.., <br /> . ,�+, secured by this Security Instrument. ��',,,,;;�"'�-=. <br /> � �' ��' . 3. Applical(on ot Payments. Unless applicable law provideti atherwise,ull payment� rcceived by l.ender unde� „ � <br /> � '' �.`�` , , • parngmphs I aod 2 shull 6e upplied:firsl,la any preppyment chnrges due under the Note;second,ro amounls payuble under .• :•��Aiaw;. <br /> , ,,, _. . parngraph 2;Ihird,to interest due;founh,�o principal due;and las�,to uny Is�te chnrges due under�he Note. ''""`—�--- <br /> - .�,,,.�,,.,,- <br /> � • 4. Charges: Liena 6omower shall pAy ull taaes, ussessments,chnrges, fines nnd imposition5 uttribWable to the �°= <br /> •';�'= • pro rt which mu unuin urit over this Securit Instrument,und leasehold u ments or mund rents,if un . Borrower ��'•'t�'i�'-'��- <br /> !� Y Y P� Y Y PY S Y � - -� <br /> „ • �.',��,�. shall pay Ihese obligations in tbt mnnner prmided in pamgmph 2,or if not puid in�hat manner,Borrawcr shall puy them on - __ <br /> • time direcdy to the person owed puyment. Bo�rower xhull promptly fumixh to Lender ull notices�f amounts ro be paid under `�`T��� <br /> this m h If Bortower rnakes these a menls direcd Barrower shnll rom tl fumish to l.enckr recei s evidencin r�-"--m'�="="' <br /> ;��;� •� �r�''`: • . t P�8 P • P Y Y• P P Y M• 8 - ..: <br /> � .. �� ' the payments. •�::.,:S e;,,: <br /> - ..'l'; ' Borruwer shall rom tl disch e un Uen which hns riori��over Ihls Securit Instnament unless eorrower.(a)u rees ^ � <br /> - ..�.i�.�S .s...t� ' ` P P Y �8 Y P ) Y b' �!is�','•Y°'�- <br />-� ' in writing to the pryment of�heobligution u�ured by the lien in u munner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in goocl fuith the •(: ---- - <br /> ;;;�,�;�.` �• ,. �;%`::�.'': , ,�; , lien by,or defends ngoinst enfacement af the lien in,legal proccedings which in Ihe Lender's opinion oper�te�o pr�vent 1he -T-���" - <br />-:s:,'.: ;.� +��'u�)• , _ enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from�hc holder of the licn un ngteement salisfactory to Lender subc�rdinating the lien =___ <br />�.;;;`,i;.�.;Srl, ,...,,' ,�, '- �� to this Security Inswment. [f Lender detennines that any pan of the Propeny is xubject�o A lien which mny attain priority -- - _.__. <br /> ��;•"� `° ••"� •� over this Security Instrumenl, Lender mny give Bormwer u nolice identifying the lien. Borrower shall su�isfy the iien or�ake ;..�'.�«='""' <br /> � '�'��h�S�l' a••r"• J one or more of the actions set fath ubove within 10 dnyx of the giving of notice. f' <br /> .�:•,::.. • :. � ;,:. �:-,." <br />' �';�k4';;;-r j' � ' S. H A x u r d o r P r ope r ty I n s u r a n c e. Bo rt nwer shall k��ep thc impruvemen�s now existing�x hcrcaftcr enr�s��on Ihc � <br /> s^,�';,;�... 'j"��d',•. '.�...;� 1Property insured ngainst lass by�re,hazards included within thc lerm"extendcd coverage" and�ny o�her h;uurds,irkiuding ' . <br /> �4� � � ':'� 6iva�s or tlaodin for wiiich Lender re wre� insurnnce. This insurnncc �hull be muintuined in the amoun�s and for the <br /> �.;;.�, '�t:• . ,�, ,•�,ji B• 9 �- <br /> r�,'��r:;;� ';`.`�;)ff� �, , �t... ' <br /> ���1•r !��) �. .�7,i�'�,=i:�.`. � • <br /> :�t:;� �'r':,,�,;;2��� � ., Form302Y 9A0 �puer:�¢n�w,re.tii �{ <br /> ,E�.,L� . <br /> t;'.` <br /> . �.����i,��,>. , �: , �. <br /> ��'c;,:;, , <br /> � ,�'r:s �., <br /> ..1:' ':,. . . ;t:`?`.'r.i;y;•�. ' <br />. .. ;i:�:�,. ��`'.�5,;:r.`,`�• c��.�4 :A?;qiyr... .-, � . . . � . • , • . . . � - . , . � .. .. ........._. ..w..i,,r.....,. <br /> ��;� '�,,.L;r .f�� c.,l%�..,�.,.: . , . <br /> ::�: ',�,, ,.s,r;�;,l�.,,�,�;�, { • ,, <br /> , . �y�..t:i, ,`�', •JS.���+, . <br /> '!.4:�.i',.��l:�_' .. ' � ' � . . �� . . _ . <br />.—_'..-- - �� .. �.t�. _ . . - � .. . . . . <br /> , � �� . - - .. . . <br /> ' . ' . <br /> �1 .. • <br /> � � <br />. �... . ... � .. <br />