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� .._.� � � :1 ��,�1 �.'�Sl}'4��fr_+�.,v�'i:�'1�•�l�y?�7V�y'1��'�7"^•��f}'TT . . ��/4���. .'S,� � "�^��e��...-^^��'^�xT�.�d�ii)��.�� <br /> � �. • � r� ���, <br /> , , �_��, , � ., o . , , .. , . .. . ., . �� �...' , �a,,-- <br /> � •�. ' .� , n,. , " .v,� „ . � .� , , "' -t�_'- <br /> : " '� ; ��� �tp:�f7[ql���)���MM�p�r fr�t 10�►�.� iNl-� ..^ 'n- __ <br /> ar(y���dw i1����� � �1aM w� ���Yr/ <br /> pqw�I�dir aq Nal� b� �d�r �M�'u��t �t Ap •��;n.,�i?�;::- <br /> � . �ooa�nil�(bj1 �do!lwit d�ly►adlMs at�1(e)p�aq'ucPnw f�a1�l M1 �W+#� d:t._ ���.� <br /> -� ,, U�aa�eN,i��.bnt aot llmil�d b�p��i .' '� �d{df hl��wo�aotio��ut t�l��Y�!� , :,�,;';t°. <br /> �.a w�n'1lu4 die li�n d tblt Seaslty Laider�ti�►ia dw�wd Hae�ow�rp obiiwio�1a �M • <br /> ' �rns McWed by dW 8eatity 6MI�o�t �fi�d icaoti�•unaM�pd. tlPqp�by Sal�r. M� e�aeN� � ' ' <br /> _.� --�----.—.�• � U�a+u�aiAet�ed�a biiUpdan sean�ed,hMeby_�II ree�fs 1WUy�I�icdw�it ia�ood�donn Ild aoo�rr�ed. No�wwti �. - <br /> . � tri�Mt yo�a�e�b�l t no!�ppiy 1 a die cMe d�o o e M�M l p a a a d e r p i r r�e�p�l y. ,. • � �.,�� <br /> . 1li..�We�t NoM�Chw�s at Lai Brvlar. 'Aie NTale a• dpN� d rNMae�t la q�e Nate(eo�i�wid�dd'�Searity .. G:;- <br /> Ioqrua�a�t) ybe aee ar mone tlabs wltbaut prior i�odoa to oamow�e A ale an�y rewlt�n a chiiaae i�,�6e aMky :` .�.�. <br /> eao�ra a�tbem''I.o.n savioa")tbu eoqea.moa�bly paya�w a�e udkr me Nooe�oa t6b secu�ity r�,mea� 71�ae N,o , <br /> nuy 6e aie or moro cb�a�of tbe t.aaia Swloa�nu�eUWed to a afe et tbe Nate. U tbae i�t clwi�e of tbe Lo�n Savtcpr. <br /> Bamowa wUl be�iva��nitoea nodoe ot dte ch�a�a in aa;ordmoe wltb pu�ph 14 abave aad�pp1ic�ble kwi fi�e nodoe <br /> wAI sqto tho nune md tldt�e�e of the aaw La�n Servker md die addtea to which p�y�r�t thoaW be mtae.Tbe noNoe wlll <br /> •Iw caq�ia aba id'cn�tiaa � . . <br /> ; . . � �d��oa.�a ipot c�eta ar pcnt�it die pie�aroe.�+e,di�po�l.�wra��rOle�e a(� <br /> H�SUdoae Su6wnoea aa ar in dia l�rupa�ty. Bon��res,thall aot da.oar�Iloev aoy000 doo to do.aiqrltl��Ai� <br /> Propeity lhwt�in viol�tWn of any FmEnoame�l L.��r 'll�e ptoe�iqQ two:aaAa�oa�u11 not�pplr to d�e pn�noo.wa ar <br /> stol'�E m tbD Pbpa�y Qf smdl qwatiC�cs Ot N�TnldOUS Sub�oOa d�at Y�D�Ily IeOq�oitOd p b0�pplopiue W 110RtM1 <br /> �naidaroaa u�sea and�a�1aa�pac�t the H+op�aty. ' <br /> _.: , � ' Bn�a�.ner sIMA P'�P�Y E�iro l:Cndet w�ittea aadoo af�r iaveqiption.cWm,d.en�nd.lawtuit ar utl�atioia��y�qy : . <br /> .�.. -- - -- gov tamr�eaul wr.n�gui�tory,a(�r�y;as�privato psuty�.ipvalving tua Prappty arul.u►y�ardoua 5�6rt�nce�8nvi►r,aa�ental ..,i;{ -_. <br /> - � � L9w aP ir�i e h.Bvirowe'r Has acwal�tpaW�edge. Yi�Yloiroivet laimsqor+s.notifled:by aa9 8ovana�l or nguUitory . <br /> - - •,;;.��iuphority,l h at any removal ar ather i�edi�don of•�tqr Haz�rAoue SUbqance,affec�tn��he Propaty i4 aea�fuy.�onrower �. . °. <br /> --°-������� ,.�.,s�pll promPtlY take all necessmy remedial�ctbns in accorda�+oe w11h�avironmental l.�w. �. � ;;,,` <br /> = R„ Ae w�ed in thi�p a�a p h 20,"Hazardoua Substanaee"are�e sabstan c�s deMed as�o x i C Q r ha�adoa�subsuu�,b y,�;;'<<:' �;�'{f <br /> °° - ' PJIYLOIIIIIpIfAI I.BW BIId IIIE�fP�IOWLIg BUt19fiU1CC9: gusoliae.kFro�one�other flammabte or Wicic.pctioleum products,W�c l b'�:;,;,: ��t` <br />"'�' � paticides ond h�rbicida. vdaNle solveqte,matuials coptaining�rbeoWai ur form�IdGhyde,.an�!radio�ctive tnatixials. As ��' �" <br />._/;9 <br />''�°: usod iatbio " " <br /> -_• P�+SraPh 20. Environmentel I.hw mcans�'cdcral luw�wW IRan oP We juHadiction�.Iiioperiy is loeated <br /> ..�: tWc�lete w halth�mfery or environmea�uil protcedan. � .. `. <br /> ��� NON•U[V�ORM COVENANI'S. Borrower and I.encler fucther covenant and e�nee as follows: <br /> ' 21. Acceleratlon;Remedka Lender s1uN glve ootloe to Borrower prlo�to Aaeleradon tdbwlag Borrower'� ' <br />__ :� b1�Il llt YA�COVlANM M'�1 Id IIIIB SECIN'I�I118b'UIqlp�NY�1101 prlor to aooeler�tlen uade�psra�spb 17 • <br /> - unless appltcable 41v provida dherwt�e). The nodoe ihaq�pedfy: (a)t6e defarlti(b)tbe sctbn nequlr+ed to cw+e tUe . <br /> __ _ _. <br /> ,,: defaulk(c)q date�dot le�tb�n 30 daya�rom Ihe dak the notke b�lven to Borro�ver�by w61cb tbe defi�lt niaK be <br /> curedi ud(d)tlu�t tapnr+e to cure tbe de�ault on or before Ihe d�te rpedfkd In tbe nolke msy ra�dt In�ooekratloo of' ., <br /> , t6e wnu�ecured by th4 Securlty Instrua�ent u�d�le of We Property. TYe uolke sbdl llurtber iaform Borrower d • <br /> � tbe rt=ht b rehshte�Iter acakrstba�nd tb�r1�At to bNna a ccw�t actba to�uee�t tbe aoa�e�c4tence af a ddwlt or <br />":;,� a�y olYa�defesae ar Barrower to aaceleration and ssk. If the default I�uot cured on or before t4e dde spedlled In <br /> . tbe nolice,l.end�r d Ib optton au�y requtre Ima�edl�te ps�ymeat In fhll af All wmu eecnred by Wb Securlty Io�trumeat <br /> wltb�wt 4u�ther dem��d aad m�y Invoke the power o�wte and �ny Mber remedies permllted by applkable IAw: <br /> l.ender�11 be entltled to rnlkct dl expenses lacu�red In pursuing lhe remedler provWed ia thb p�ra�aph Zl. <br />:..�. � ''�` includlog,but not Ilmtted to,renconwble atlorneys'tees pnd cosls ot Nde evldence. <br /> Q the power of s�le Is Invoked,7lruetee ahwll record A not(ce of defwult in ench county in whkh any p�l ot the <br /> �• �.';� '�k p Property Is located and shall mpll rnples ot sucb nMice In t4e mwnner presc�lbed by appllcable Iww to Borrower and to <br />�r•� �. ,��•.t,..rn. tl�e oWer persons prescribed by applicAble Ipw After the time required by Applicable Ipw.'Irustee shaN glve publlc <br />„•- 'mY' '�.';.3�i_N,i, notice of swte to the persons pnd in the mpnner prescribed by applicable Ipw. 7Fuslee.wllhout demond on Borrowe�, <br />..,�' shaU sdl the Property at public auctlon to the higl�est bidder at the time and place and under Ihe terma deslgnAled In <br /> ���:��. ' ~ the notice of solQ In one or more parcela And in any order 7lrustee dMermines. 'Itustee mpy postpone sok of all ar any <br /> _-:� ���r';�<;",��_,` s' p�rcel of Ihe Property by pablic announcemept at the time s�nd plpce of any prevlously sched�led sale. I.eader or it� - <br /> ,�;YZ. �.'�"{`-'.;�:•�s:l� ���Y Purchose the Property at any sale. <br /> '�'�`r<:';r�•''",' U recei t ot ment oP lhe rice bld, 'IFustee sbell deliver to the urchacer 71�ustec•s deed conve in the - <br /> ��:i�ra��• ,,;«�;�3� , P� p PAS' �p P Y 6 <br /> �-+�-;.•,�:,fi� � Property. The recltals in Ihe'Ilrestee s deed s6A11 be prfmo Pacie evWence oP the truth oi tbe statemenfs made t4erein. <br /> '. ^�:<��'a�;:;,�r��° 7�netee�holl opply the praceede oi the sak ia lhe t�llowina order: la)to all caels pnd expenses ot exercteln�the�ower - <br />�S�t(' • �F^S, _�.•;,;� ` <br /> . . � <br /> ,,' < . '' — <br /> �:�.�.^�'�1�:.^, =_ <br /> �:; <br />'y' , "Sr,:..,�:•' __ <br />-�, :;..,b,�� <, ��. - <br /> , ��„�,' �;�',. .,,,!�;. <br /> �/ �t.t r •1„•� 4'''.. -. <br />- -. .. �,:•, . <br /> -�ti..i.1•��_�Y���„!.y.. — <br /> •.r, <br /> . , Form J028 9l90 l�wgr S njA prrgtrl -- <br /> :f ,��:T.�, ;f���:.3'j; _ <br /> � . .� ;�..:.' - <br /> � ,' ,;. <br />.., , . <br />_ . .. . . <br /> �. <br /> ,: . • - <br /> . ... a.. <br />-. . �._.. _.. � <br /> . <br /> :, . , .�., . - <br /> .• • — — - <br /> • , : : <br /> ,�r _� ; ; ���y ,� . . . , �' . -- rN� �,�- -- __.�_._ <br /> �L�',� �'i.i �:t- .i..',{k•. : '� �!' . _ � , " • . - 't. �� ,y��-, 3�LC�LFlA2YC_- _ '__ ,.�.�,- a.._,_�. <br /> _ �YSYiFa.w:I�IY3L4_'tr���e� -�J_ '�1L.L:� Std1.� 1.��S.•f. ..i_ L• Y ".l. 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