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� <br /> r!!.- � . ..�..; .s. �.r.;,i , . . . t;�°.—.n�w - .�� - __. <br /> -,�� '��';�" ..�, , _ � , � . s:� .� ,�'p'f;.a� }�y; ... . . :i4..,�A�h�Ylrr <br /> :..f� � , , � • •r , 3'. � 1 ' r — <br /> ��y, �' • ' •,�� . i, r �c yv�+,- <br /> R. .� ��'.i:���1N,1'::,, e�•.-�i�.: �!A�''"''�i•i?:)�:"��`��+s��YM�#���� .i�a� .5 .)�m-_ . .` <br /> ,.�„;: � . .. ,�__ . ,�.�_ . � , pY�'�I�I�11M�lr��aiA�1 . � �.�. k,•a�;' „x�'� `� s'� <br /> � �_ <br /> . r� _ . . , . , .. �.; ..' . � ir , �' ' . � ' k ,tv:�. <br /> ��rfw/10�lN��AY�U►7��YII�Ml�e-M7�� 1YQr. �,�..r+�.��������� ll,. .���, ;" i <br /> �`iM1i1�a1�+w�IM�+��MIwi�Ib�MM��M�1w�M�AUd�Mw�r1M,O�ietlln�t��e�NyOMrI�!�"�iqrM�llr�t'hd. .• ,-=-- <br /> w w�e iw�+i'iy�ilr OM�"4ir�wR")M Mewi ia�r'�A�p1�iM lI�N No�o aM"Nre�'4 i� -°_"-- <br /> , ���,NM"1.�11�'q+f i��t A��i1�owrMt dM}r�4�iw�OM ir 1M iorrMl���aiM irM1M� '�.�.,,.�''rW. +r .. �i::�;_'„ . <br /> .� . � 4• <br /> . - . . ., .0 . � ' . • , <br /> . :'�I::•�11�i.�l�ii �� 1lifl���^""`� iSLMIpY� � WR/J ' . . <br /> _.___� :�1' • . ' . ��w) .. , . : ,r <br /> • '1�MII l��r M�I��MI�w/M�r� r R►rMl'rl IM��M/�1 r��/ f' .-�'. <br /> ' � /y�M.7U1�wM1 dN��tM��1MIr1�Or fMn�M�Mt e�tr��t�4 M�11■�M/ �' , .. <br /> � �.ir.�.�..w.ww.�u.....�e�rwrn. . ,. , <br /> Aonmot�tM.Qov8NAt1t7�.hi�ediuon a a�oa�rd yre�l�o�i�8�eurlq►MwwrM�ear�row�r a�d Iw�dr <br /> Axtlwraareiwit ad a�rw�t(�oirac ' . �.�,•,' .;,, " � : . <br /> . `` . <br /> ,.f,11'�;'�;A�., pVloi�1'ItAiL AND 1AONf11LY!'AYMW�T CY1►Nf:lB <br /> ,,,'ll�e�lae IKarldN ta YYiahW�4m�M!�r►'of S,S . �.S�otioo 1 of Ibe[�at�pua!�d�1�11 tOr c1�n ie f�e y�a�mt tale Md tY ' <br /> __ ,`,•��` ����pot�p�nmp�lutoYoox • � , . , ' • � . <br /> -�ui:_Y'_- �, /Kl�TRATEAND;JWOiN7'1�LYPA1'�IV'�"fc�fAM0�•4 . . • <br /> . ...:,GU Cl�yt�M� ' � . . <br /> �'aus�r�e�ttWe�Mtu v.y m�y ct�nse�on�pe(ua dw at_. MAY .19 9k .�aa op da�t dw e�en - <br /> �},Z •r maul�t1�a�R�.B�ohdAte aa wldcb+�w iaterat t�te cadd dw�els alled a"Quu�o Due." •� <br /> "� '� 7M,IMea � <br /> --- -= 8e�iooi�srhh tbe tint Cwnte D�te�my iaterat rata wf0 6t based oa�n tade�.The"t�Wea"b tMe weeklY�vd�1Ye Y1eld on Unttea St�ta <br /> 'IYp�uty sea�ritk�adjwted to s oonsunt awturlty of 1 �u.a m�de�vallable by the Fedad Rwrva Bovd.The most�etsia lodas fl�re <br /> ,.xvpil�bte a�of thed�[e4S days detore ac1�Ch�nte Dote b alled tbe"Curreat IMex." <br /> � It tAe Index is ao lon,er avait�6le.the Note Holda wIH choote a aew iadex�rhioh i�b�ed upan�bU iato�tlqadon.,The 1Vole <br /> HWdwaWd��pe�aBoeott6lscboiee. • <br /> ,;. � <br /> _ ' . (C) 4kMWIMMCr�p! <br /> ' �betae ach Ch�epe Date.�he Note Holda wlll alcuUite my t�ew Interat nte by ad0lns �0 AND ONE-HAI.F �a;q� <br /> �' `poinu(_ 2•5� ' +f�)to 1ha CurrcnllMez aad roundin�Io the nauat VQth of 1�IY.wbjocllo!he Ilmiu q�ced In Sbction 4(D)6etow• <br /> _`_-_ , 'Ihb rounded unonnt wIU be my ae+v interat��u unUl the nact ChanQc Oste. <br /> --�.. _ TNe Note Holder�vill then determloe tFw amount of the monthlY p�yment tluu woWd be suf8clau to repay in tull the pinclpd 1 un <br />'_s:,'��;:;,•y��' acpected to owe an cluil Chao�e tAte ia suManUN1Y aqual psya�mu by the mswrity d�te�t my aew intaat rate.The result ot Ihb c�kvlallon <br /> �;L� wiY ee�ne oew amounl Or my monthlY p�ymeat• <br />���,�" {I� (D/ uMiu o�I�ea R�k Cw�a 7.50 <br /> - 3T;e lote�n rate 1 un requirod to pay at Ihe fint Chan�e Wte will not be �rnter Ihan � ku tlun <br /> Y±�---..�_ �.TherdRet,m y inte�at rale will never be intteased or decraaed on any sin4le Chanje Date by more than <br /> �:,;;,,..�--�� 2 0 from the nte of intercst I h�re ban paylt�for the preceding twelve months.The mfnlmum intera�rote on this laau wfll aeva be <br />'�,". 3.50 �,�d the mauMnwa interat nte wfll oeva be�rata tlun 10.5 y�. <br />'sl+1 t,� . Ias Uwn <br /> �G:•.'.:,: - <br /> ,r.;.•:• (E) P1tecHre D�te of Cls��es - <br />";�'�, •;''-._ My new intaest nte wUl become cFfective on each Chanye Date.I will psty the unount of my new monlhly psymenl beOinnin4 on Ihe flnt <br /> ��, �:_'..�., - <br />,�;;n.!'�,;;:�. moathly pymmt date�fta the Chan�e Date umil the omount of my mon[hly payment cha�a a�in. - <br /> .fi'��;%{'� (� Notloeot(�� <br /> ..�-.... . - <br /> ; ,.,:.�.::; The Note Holder wfll mail or deliver to me a notla betoro each Chanae Date.The nake wfll advlse me ot: _ <br /> �'�"' . (q the new intercst rRte on my loan as of the ChanQe Date; � <br /> ;.!•'•�o�- (ii) �he unount of my monthly payment following the Change Date; <br /> ; ��;..'. (iiq �ny addidawl matten whkh the Note Holder ia required to disclou;nnd <br /> (Iv) 1he�ddrea of We as:odadon you ooWd aonact taQUdln�anY 4ues4ons about the adjwunent nodoe. <br />. •..Ji,:.�J� � <br /> '�tnu�. "rt,.- �• ��ri�.1��18 <br />-.a�,'t��, ,: Uaitorm Covenant 4 of the Securlty Inurument k amenda!to resd as follows: <br /> .;t•- ,;,.�i <br /> ' 1. CY�Ka{tJem.Borrower:hdl pay dl uxes,assessments,and other chuQes,fina,and imposftion:attrlbutablc to the Propeny whMh tnry <br /> 1�''' "s� �ttattt a ptlodty aver thls Security Inslrumcnt,and lewehutd paymcnts of ground rents,ff the m�nne�prowded under paraaraph 2 hercof <br /> ,:s' ; <br /> . `';.,v' �or.lf not p�fd in�uch manner,by Borrower m�kinQ p�yment,when due,directly to the payee thereof.Borrower ahnll promptly fLrnl�h Lender <br /> '�'�'" all nakes ot unounu due under thia para�raph,and In the event Borrower atull make p�yment direcUy, Borrower shall promp�ly furnish to - <br /> , .�;:( <br /> 'r� l.enda raoeipt: eridenclna�uch payment�. Borrowu sh�ll promptly dfscharge any lien whfch has ptiorlty over this Security Inslrument; <br /> � �'.,•�rp;4;: however. Bonower ah�ll not be requlred to dkchar4e any such 8en:o IonQ u Borrower. (a)chall agra in w�itin4 to the paymem of the <br /> ��,t��s<• �y��w����ured by�uch Ilen in the nunner acceptoble to Lender;(b)shall In good falth contat such 8en b or defend agdnst enforeement of <br /> ..,, /;�.{.�; Y. <br />` �• . f:A�+ euch Ilen in,le4al proceedin�whlch in�he opinlon of Lender aperate to preven�the eniorcement of the Ikn or forfeiture of tMe Property or ony <br /> • � r...i <br /> . -�.YY:r.._,. <br /> �.�,y',�,� <br />,.� �.,.�r: _. •part thereaf;or(c) slull ucure from the holder of such Ilen an agreement in� form satlsfactory to Lender subordinaUn4 such Iko to this <br />•�by='�?�:��1 Secwlty Imtrument. <br /> �`�'°�-�'_�-"--= If LmAet deter�ina tha�all or ony part of the Property Is subJect to a Ifen which mAy auain a priodty over�his SccuHty Ina�rument, <br /> I.ender shdl pve 8arro�rec a aouce ideniifyiu�such Nen.Borrower shrll wtis(y such Ifen or take one or more of the actions xt tonh above <br /> `=-'-__..-_ wlthia ten days cf drs pvi�ot the notlae. <br /> �.���� <br /> '-��� C. iitD'77�E <br />,.�"'a.�"3 Uniform Cavwnt 1�of ehe Security Inttrument is amended eo read as follows: <br /> .=_�t; <br />'_:�e,..n. 1�. Notlar.Ekcept tor any dotice reqWred under applicabk laa io be Qfven in another rtunner,(a)any notice to Borrower provided for in this <br /> �;�`�� SecurUy Inetrument ghall be Qivm by ddiverMg ft or by m�iling i�by Bnt class mail�0 9orrower�t the Property Address or at such ot her addras , <br /> — u Borcower may desiQnate by noNce�o Lender as provided htrein,and(b)aoy notia to 4ender shall be giYen by flrst class mail to Lender's <br />�_:��.r� addross stated herein or to such other address as Lender may desi;nate by notice�o Borrower as provfded hereM.Any rouce provided for in�hfs <br />-`=A����`�` Securlty Imtrumeot sh�ll bedeamed to havc bseo�ivm to gorrower or Lender when aivm fn the manner deaiQnated herein. <br /> �=>� <br />, j�...'{�f, <br />. <br /> ,,.�.. <br /> � <br />