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� ���� � ' . .. . �l�;�.�l.�.. . ' - ;�. n��.����t' .�.R1� ��W. �.`S�TTw�.� <br /> _ .:. __ . . .� .. :f• }a��;r . , - .°'.'"l•� _ ������+ t ��.3/�``"� -c�, �-.._ <br /> . , , „ ., . . . �, <br /> � , ". ' , . . <br /> �� <br /> '���. TM����+r�t�t��'+�1�++a�i�.a..�a.o�wwoo�'�.�..:�rh►�-,-� '��..;+q,...,.4�..:«�a a . �.;: <br /> �1N.ekp��M�o.u�a�r a�a«�w.nMna�d M+oawn�nt�Ma�oMw+�i'�d�Y�w�,n�N�nlr�+�e ar 1M ' <br /> ' ' � '�!�dlS►,i�a�un��",qf t1N Mrt�a�OMM 01��!i 1Mi w�d��tl:la�At1�N�M �o,M tfl�"N�a�owN" !a+Miou� ,, <br /> . ;.�r���1�49id�i�,11�i�eM��1 a M u+�NNofi���tar Nolilrt I��WIU1.�ir1'ili AND l0AN�1�l+�1�'. '.�A` <br /> .owrw0�u►r�D,h«w��h'r,nrN�r+a araw�4�nd�r"�olar�wa.aM��oaw�q�1l���� ��_ <br /> ,- .�f�uNMIM,Md boM�d N4 � . . :' . ,a:':,:- <br /> �. � 31_„32 W`1 1H. Giv1iD ISLAlIb. NEBRAS[l1 b$803 _..._....,.,..,.,.. .,..-......,�:::�.. u�.,�" <br /> �. - �� . .. . . r !' ��.•l.�yr_. <br /> _ . �-,- - �'���N . . � . •� � • . ' _ <br /> WH�REAS. 8or►aw�afd L�haw�pn�d 1hN�ny ant�and proNb dt�ibwhbl�to tfw Prop�AY�ha�ld oonrtltu4 . . � <br /> �ddltlonN waurlty to tM L�nd�►fa th�p�ym�nt oRtM Nou; � <br /> . NO1N1.? Is�prNd th�t th�S�owlty In�tn�m�nt�MII M am�nd�d h�ab�p u�d dwryd to InolwN tM lollowlnp <br /> , 'p�oWNon�: <br /> _ � � boniow�Irnba►absWUtMlNuid uncondiUandly atilpn�aN <br />�-�� �� .;'�� ' �i�t�, IR�_•� o! Nr�.q�S�Wtt� to 8sn�k+4ry/• L,�ntlK th�N fu�w !h� dpht� Porwr �d �Whortyr durinp th� <br /> -.-- P:Jtii �.: <br />--- �,�° , � canii�uan�,:+ov sr+.. in.�n�t��o��ejar��+r��•.�•su.o,�wQ+�n a u�.v+no�tr��a a�r wnoe•�wa�h <br /> ' ; tq,�t�d thlr�on i+vith�x wklt�ur takinp pl�paw�sloh of tM prop�rty�thot�d 1w�by.Li�drr;•Iww�rM.l�eb1►co�nts to. . <br /> • `eo�aw,r'�aq�N�itin a�W sM�ntbn of aah rrnb,Iquss and proflts a�th�y aaonw aed b�comi WribN.w lonp�Bon�iwar -:..;, • ; <br /> �-- : , . � i�i i��t�:�t s�.tksrio,ta datrnrlt,x�tb reapeoe to pnrment ot anr Indsm.dn�....eurad h�nbN�a�n a�aKt«�no�a aar �`. :�.._ <br /> _�� _ ., ° ;ii..;.;.:.'�f�1 hOtWlztl�f. ' ..i -- <br /> � ���•:':�,;i.�����'�o ntmsnt of Racalver. If my evsnt of dNault In respeat to the S�eurlty Inettument ahall hava 000unod and k�e '. " <br /> , ���,���?��,��`;';;��c�nllnulnp,L.�nder,��II'1�1t��O�f1Qh1 afld WI1h0U1 11QtIR9 t0 80tPOW�r or inyons alalminp undsr Bonawer,�nd'wlthqut � <br /> - �„ repKrd to th�vdua of ths truet estAte or tha Int�r�et of�the 8omnwar th���ln�shall haw th�rlpht to apply to any oouM h�Wnp <br /> --— — �JurlRdbtlon to�ppolnt��acetver of th�propMy. , <br />- — It <br /> 3: � In cas�e of default In the payment of Ihe said prinotpal NoM ar Intereat,or Any part•th�reof,aa <br />` �.� ��� �11 matuh.ot ln t �4�of lallurs to kwp or peKorm eny of ths covenants or Apre�mo�ts aont�iqed In the 3eaur�ty In�t►u� <br />:=;��„�,T,��, • , nNnt,tMn ttie lend��;Ite euaopators or�sslpm,ehpll ba and le her�by authorized and ampowered to take Immedlat� <br />---�„'�'?�� p�eslon oi the apld premisea 1Mroln daortb�d and 10 coN�ct the raM�therof�om�and 10�pply th��proasedr thenof to tM <br /> -=— - _---— •P+�Y�!�t of the Note. � ' � <br /> - -- -- � �+. ;��nalloatlon o1 Rents,lsau�9nd prollte.A�I rents ooll�cted by Lender or�the recelver ehall be applled fl►at to paymeM <br />.�,� � � ef t�te�te of �m� msnt of the prope yry a^d collectlon of rente,lnoludlnp,but no111mlted to,recelv�rb feae,p�emlulns on . <br />;;•`.;y;����� �' �eeelvePs bbntls and reasonpble allomey's feae,And lhen to the aume eeourod by 1he$eouNty InetromeM..l.ender�and�tiw <br /> recelvsr ehdl bs Il�ble to eacount onty fdr those renta actually reaelved. <br /> �``� B. Comtruotlon of Provlelona.Each of the provlelone aontalned In thls Aeslpnment of Rents Rlder and the Seaurlry Inet�u• _ <br /> ''� ment ihall,unlesa othsrwlae apeolflaally requlred,be conetrued in acoordanae wNh Nebroskp law, and In the event any _ <br /> f��.3��:� provlslon he�eln or thereln contslned ehall be determined by�court of aompetent�urtedlatlon to be une�foraepble,the sam� <br /> ,,;: . shdl bs consfru�d�s thoupb�uch unenforaeable provlelon wen not a part hereof or thereof. <br /> ',�� B. ENeot of Rlder.Excspt a�speaHlcally modlfled by or locon�lstent wlth thls Asalpnment of Rents iildsr or by any oth�r - <br /> '' • � � appllabl�nd�r,all of th�t�►mt and provlslons oontalned In th�Seourlty Inetrument shall continue In full fao�and Nfeat. <br /> ._ <br />==�''• ' IN WITN�SS WHEREOF,Bonow�r h�s�xaauted thls Aaslpnmant of Rants Rlder on tha date ft►et noted abovs. - <br /> :;����: ��� � /� ' � = <br /> s=' Borrower <br />