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�sz� ' �� H�-,�;t;:r ..,;, . . ._( �� . <br /> :,q. - y +'l�.7G�9 .�, n..t��i . '1...� <br /> � �wr- <br /> :_' °�� a. _ ._ . _s, <br /> '� .�.:u__�.�.,�.� � � . . , „o�mo�.�. 3- �ar��i ,.� <br /> — n�wr�trntm�aaew�r.a►�s�auw�canamas e�a��eo.o�mr.a moro a��,e���nea���.ar.aeM•w aw mer�u <br />- ----s_�_�_ �opepqt�+r��a�topoaiaebb�tanyet�sasta atunt�iOe&sx.ltetss��uuaaalw�uwp�y�ay�sctco�mt�eme�xaa�sd�r _._ <br /> — !luaiwrqr� wW 1�ka i11 mY���r�y mb wW be bi�er if! y�t��i i da aw aqoe��y�q�iwMeNt a wq��onl A�oe <br /> - dw�ro�vW b��f1uW��r IiMI bWl:l�Iw tww q�ri��o�q�n�a o�the�ro+wr�dMe�,�ud 1 k�iiaw^��0�����°'�In1 S�N Pelo�Ire ,_ <br /> - - -- b��ed�M1��ptlari dM wW at tbe e�stly a fa du� wW 6��u b�o+rr b <br /> _ �_�_ � u� <br /> �b11111w1ait! A��.UtleMdiq�i Onde+�MOtoompukWelWr�eCh�aAWy,auOii�plupqtlMg��Sra_M� _ <br /> �� itwaw�a��acat�ul a�yd tM MMoMr ar�qr wlMa� e�wa oNtre <br /> arae w.rap��s A�or c+•�eM by w p�� <br /> =— .cMearwa aw.rd�d moal6ir p�Ya�.:�aa o�tbe�0°aolwl a.a,..e.aa�naot th. �U�M t pay a rw:A ha+r MMt��elM�dd aMi IM�'i�.ao <br /> w�Ul uot 6e m�dt.l w��p�P�D'�r aoaM I ow yau.i�N11 at M p�t.K aty Nm. 1�toe a pNV p�p�yre�M,.i rw oo�e lo�o�K w�l�t <br /> pq�eiwlt�til!YMt pid�II w�a�oMed. _ <br /> �t, ����W�FOR ll�iniCU1.AR PIIRPOSB ALL GO�D�R A D��� <br /> F l l e U Y E�W I T H A S�P I�R A T B W�I T T E N U M R E D W A R R A N T Y��=B R V I C t C O N T R A C T M A D - <br /> ,�n, - --- - a.Me�e.a�r aeau.ub.ep.nMe~uMri�u wAaaAM'Y"whica du.aiaa.ct.u expt�u�.�no ..a aaaa�noe�U� _ . <br /> d ail <br /> �,r� , wbicA 1be w�lMtlw� �vlp he mpYed a repLced.1 Wro�aloe d�14eitnio�s m �!h Mdup�ut�l+�f n�u���M'�f' <br /> � �y �u <br /> � w►k h�p p�{a 1 a q�o p p h L�a a d y a a�Y e w r m e t y a n e w l o e o a M n n.(o) Iw�nad.i a �1he " MR6p INSTAI 'I70N W M'Y"wpidi <br /> if made �000aipqia tht�oa�or�ot.h e a�p ia�t l i e o a�d i H o n:i a d¢l r a u i a a n o a i n v r h l c h Uie of�iny.ddln��000cwries,a�d�u t e u+w i 0 b�d o M.� �:., <br /> -_- . : ute noltioe oP d�e limipqioin n the+w�enrly.�d 1 Pwtk�u�+*�Y�oopla�Uw wY M�pIMd nP�Wla M Ihe insnll�liaa lau o�ly n lay�dr wrnMy ot <br /> �_— ' • �•.� �avkeao�Mnq. — <br />...._y������ � �:� .+t:i-�...��1°�1 i� ��1.1 ���P� M� tMN M N�iMI h�tid�b�1 nMWs�� I'�� ��. <br /> _.�.. ' ' �°..}��_ rr�wrt r.aa�r r.�n a�aN� "�i��r«�°�W n.�w r�w wn�q►r�r�wr a���a«a.wa, _ <br />-,,.. a a.�a�q►,�.,�n�w h �aa a.. — <br /> AiL�ACtwfl�01 MMYCR ME NOT i�A1NtEE1 ARI�SI CIMEM�AiI1N. MII�iME FlNY110M N iApt.IANICR AAt MP WAA�N1E01{YpT —._ <br /> ...r. J ' CMAI�IIN 1�11 AI�ER�t�TIC CI�RIM� <br /> : . ����w�.:�'" �n� •i��u�nu r�uauunr�a�s�uu�Nann ws�n rur�s�ar ro��ct�o r�awcrs a �:`i <br /> ,., �.•�:d=�;;�: . n� � aiaeium���'+�o�uunr �ia�uu�o ua�p�ry���cowEan�wn�mt�.r�sEnaY ° <br /> " �'.= - 11 rEY LrID�A�AANII AIN T�NAEOMIO I�Oriil01a�Nli I�EN�I1MI1 M MYT Af�l�ib�IINI�. �'�;�:' <br />--."=' - .—:����::- F�.1b les�la �es!!��tATl�!�t��t�!�!D Q!!!l�itlRE IINAt�OEMElt.E!l�RE�t 91t!!!�I![�! !!IIlI II�IECf tA =- <br /> � �,�',:�,.{..•;�;.�, ..,.:a. itllE EMER01►�1�t� AMt�i�iql br��b���at�IMw�YM,���fniM�q�It�pMM�qM��a ��;�`, <br /> , ��,.�,,r;,,...����.,,�t� ��if�1 MM��I 1�Ilh thN�tM w�IN d�M M M�.NMK�l�I d tb�ltt�t s�iWp,W�qb a��Uc� . :: <br /> : " `' oi iry MM,�1��qN tl�rp c�wN hr Aatly aM�Ir eMNtIMN�{�ur�s. :�:� <br /> . : '-�:,..:�. :� '; -,;: win a�a ,:.s� <br /> ,.•�C• ,�,.•��`•.� BPB+CIA40itD8R GOODBt 1 know Ihu ou hava measu�ed my honte and iu nings�o tlut you can m�ke 1he productc ro fit m pnticul�r housc u�d tlw�he�oods -r� <br /> y p� y ,_. <br /> �..,,• •r �^ y WiU 1101 fllury dMT honses,w I krqw th�l 1 CaM�ol Ca�etl this cot111�ct u uy Umo afler rbe periad of�imc�iven a me by 11�w i1f whiCh lo catk+el.Aflfx thal -f.+ <br /> r :'��.�: • - �pe+fod af Ume.l k a o w I A a t l l uve i h e o b 8g a t i a�t o P�Y You ia f W l t t h e�o�o u M o w e d. <br /> " r (70HlM�VCBlNBNT OF7'f!&FINANCE CNARCE:71ie fi�wnoo cha�e(iMaestl e esti�ttd q swt wlthln 30 d�ys ot 1he due of Ihls caauact.�ia�� � <br /> c:,;��•..�.,. . . <br /> ,;,,. • c o m a e�e�n e i�u w i a a o.o r w e$o o a��n a s e r Y;�a o.a��c�e c.W e a t h e i'i n a�o e c�p e(i a�e�e s�1 will b e gin to nrt o�dr date tlut 1 d gn Uie C o m p k ,. <br />. . , .';r��%:� I�9�e.momt or ena�x cl�a�e r:a�e,at)m�r Ee mae«kss uum�e a�aou�aacwoea aryrnai��ra e p�row.a�.a my ame�ircss jn nukia�piymenu. ' . <br /> . .:��', �" ��l ..;_�.� oswc�torrs retrr�G�wtoi�r�r n�suR�nce�a�tv�t.rsr�:i.��e�r�ep.�e�e�.g�a r�r�na�i�u�oa ta.� . <br /> "` �4; ..:;� ' •�wt 80�,of itt nplacemeM volue bJ�4+uyhi8 a Pue ad exlendet9��mera�a iawianoe plicy.The i�sura�ce oo�up�y mta�t 6e�pQ�oved by xou,u�d tAepoIky awst have ,-- <br /> 1�fa.aY i.,,.,s <br /> •benefkiuy clwse whith�ay1 th�f YoU ae to be �f U�erc is a 7ros.7Ue iasara�oe comp�ey mu�ag�ee d�i1 Mrdl�ae caNOd my poucY wlllnw ifrs[1elAna you.1 <br /> . t Irr•_'.�.�i'•M1!:.}i. �i1�11'�ZE�I18�LAi($iC0 C6Rip�ay ta psy yq:s»:ct.�fcs�,•!au.Y�u ena tlmost sn r�e tl�s i�s�+x}�ay�eee!!1c��hr w��y anwwuus 1 owe you or w nepair my _�•. <br /> ' ' •Y:�s�,:•>):`�;?t;:�;: , 4j'i house.l tuve 1he apHon oi provldingprope�{y insur�nce through an e�isNng poUcy ot tMouQh a policy indepeadeotly alnai�ed and ptld tat by me.2.1 dso ptami�e ihat <br /> v Q�4 y ''�; f w111 aot dtow�nyone elce w I�a ury uem on rny mnl amk wiihoet your wriuen pemus�io�-3.!p�omise�o pay att tauees,assesm�enp uid otlKr c6�rga an my mil � <br /> _• � :,,�..:.:.�"1 . P — <br /> "�',1l�t}��af�'�� eslate when due.4.1 pmml�e lo Wnety m�lce all p'ynrnu an my�rna loans iecurcd by my�1 eswte.I also qomise�hat 1 w-lY mt eRtead.m�ew a cban�e pialoms <br />- ,,`,•';� '�. }I,,'s/�.��� wilhout yaur w�iurn pumfuiao.S.If l do na ImWe my hou.�se ar fu lfillmy o1he�oblig�tiom w my e�eal r.state.lhen ou c�n do it�+c m¢it you w�nt you do twt davo �� <br /> w y n <br /> �?'�;�u�.,,� I y you b�ck. <br /> r., 10).U you dopry�ny of these obligatlaas for me.l�ce to PaY You br•k on demaad plus iatercs�at the higtKSt lawful cv��t aatc of intercst. ndl p ,,r. <br /> - ' , ,`'��fr�ld�;�',`�x .UKSe umunu wiU be ad�kd to my debt a you whicb i�sealred by my ttal rstate and qouu.l k�ow Uw if you decide w�irewana tor me th�t you do no�have to <br /> � • ,:��y�;...1 ,•�r ' <br />;.T. j , �• ,.,,r.:,,�t,,t.. oDWn ury homeowner ar li�bility ineurAnce. .. <br />,��„. � '" � '':4}�y��:,k!<, 'MOR7�GAGE:1 Meby gr+nt,barBaia.cell.convey�nd mortgage ta�eal estote and houu lacatsd ot m}�►ddrcss"dnl�nated on�he aUKr side . <br /> -- �j 3ti x:: ��_�'.rr.�������:: ot this connact iu Keurity for�11 wnounn due w you wder thi�Imria9imrnt Sales Canaac�. „�': <br /> 7���':�' ' �' �' �UE ON SA1.6:It I� or�tivt my house to anyone betom 1 I+�ve fldly paid all I owe iwder�hiy c�n doctaee�It that 1 owe under thls canuxt payable <br /> '� :�� �i' G,�. ' `, ',�+•t'}.� at ona�nd I�to immaiiatciY WY You UW artiount. �.•�" <br /> �.y`;?;'.... <br /> �� .. `. `"+•,:1,;:,,j;"�� .pR�AUL7�1 will be ia def�uU unrkr this contnct if:1.1 don�ma�e a paymenl when duc:a 2.1 breatc any p�neowe 1�u you in 1hi�codract:or 3.Sanethin�else . . <br /> k <br /> ' •-'�tr , ti'� ,�� ��w6{cd causa you a 6elievo in good fqith thu t do not intend a pay yau�pmmiced:or�.t defauU oa aay obi�paaa�fs ahich l am uslnQ my honte�s rnllakml; �. <br /> , A,�,' f .� ff';'��'�I� a S.Somelhln�luppero to my house which Ihrcykas your rigAu. If f�. • <br /> �•';i; ' r•;,�,t;;::�ti Cpj,�,g(,-�ON(7087'St{f 1 un in deGult oti this cont�ct wtd you denwnd full payment.I unde�sland that yw tra�e�he t1gln to forectose the matgaga!have given to , <br /> : :; ��� F.�!��,�`�; :1, , � � you and to dwe my house wld to rcpry any nmounts 1 aae Mou.Befae my houae is� wlll do all Ilwt tlie!�t��s:s.!undentand tAat it you hiR�n attomey ";.'.:: <br /> .� • �� ��ytr�. :s <br /> . r?� f�' to iu au in the entonYmeM of your rigfi g tGe�sale ot hause ar a I�wwf�. ogrce w ys'ka and for dha rclued ex nas <br /> �.,.;t:, r, �ss y u.inaludin my 1 pay you far�asona6k morne p� �y1 <br /> ��� , ;, . 'Rj��1�1, wch u caurt eosu.tide seareAes and money you expended io p�otec�my houce,if yuu arc allowed to colkct such amounta by law, �"�'' <br /> . �;•.; , �,•n <br /> f�.n e .`��'���:�:�'��!,'V���y��y', n'�g11tNs�wft�t Im�ing=�th�em Y�e d�u e�any ri��no w a�a i�Wi e��g��en W�y u b�jr Ip you waat witAout locin�Werp.Or,you can delay enfaciny�ny of the �H�r. <br /> .. . ;,,�,gc�,, .St,;,;,.;'�"ff'�i �,,__ <br /> DEI.A1f8:l Imow Uut you will use your best e((oru w insull�he Cts I am purcNuing on my house.but I ulso undetstand tFwl in some sinwions you may encounter <br /> '. Y ..-;"' :f6,�?�:�;,:f� del�y�tlut�ne caused 6y striltts.weW�er condidau.delay�you� ve in oMalmng mateMals�or for dher rcuonc dwt se beyond your conuul,l will no1 hold you li�ble ,vi�;i; <br /> 1L'; '�:;�/^:: .'i:�i;r�"�.�j��F'��rt fU(WCMdI.'I�yt. r <br /> ...4 �r... �' :�:�;f �1. <br /> 't��` .�.. REQUEST FOR FULL PAYM$hT:lf I om in Jefault under�h�.emlrxt,y�w ron Jeclun:alt Aut{owe under th�s c��tr,ktpryable al oa�r.I ugree to p•ry you intercst <br /> ,'�'�:�,�':�<��' � ��' . on Ihol amaunt at the muximum comry:�ual rate allowed 6y law unlil lhr amimn�1 oac y��u�s�id.!utW�Mm�w�h��j�w can fomclo.e Ihe matgage I have gi�nn�o you. �r <br /> �' , ':�� <br /> .. `_,� .�..��.:i�..��• ,:y� ` <br /> . �f,y�,,. �}, , j�, ;y,� A3tB17'RAT[ONs If 1 have a dispute or claim with you c�eming Ne quwuky.quallry or pevFarmance of thu u.I underotnnd uwt m dispute may be wbmkted �,�•� <br /> �,c'i( ft�:�t��fjj�.°��� �����ng to the medlaaon�ailbinatwnp�o�m thnl may have dcveloped in my cammuniry.1 alsm�IAat any decision mde�ry an uMua�alsl would be - . <br /> ; '��'<<�,;�•,;.;•.t��;�'t,� entned in the coun having jurisdic�ion oYer me and you. ��� <br /> � ; .,''�11';:; � 8 Y Y � <br /> 4�,. ��.�i.`�•,, �`�f�������.�� SALVAGE VAI.UE:1 know Uwt�he wiabws,woadwork,sidin ,brick and aher mueripls that have to l+e Rmoved b ou for lhis insWlatbn have(10 sdv vWue. <br /> ��+'� �I �.�:�Jt�ir�1 tE���''�... •WF�et�yau Rmove them,you w►6ave t4em ta wlu�ever purpax you want. �' <br /> �j 1 `� '.;'',';',,F,���(���{'�,,;�t $pEC1AL SITUATIONSs Dre eo the uaigu�eneas o!aome of the products tha you sell.1 understand that in speclal simatlons yaur Regional Office may lave to rcview <br /> �.�' � ":�y�7i,�ts„};:,�;;p:, ud accept lhfs conhact.l dsw���s.".tltat�his sale occurnd in my irome anJ lhat you and I m�y MH Fwve had all the correcl informalion imporunt b thls uaosac1ion ,:'. <br /> � •�.. . S�;'�:y:�l�' �i+� N our Ongertips:l give you rtry cw�sent b eortect any obvicws erma tMat may have occurted when the blmlcs fn thls conuuct werc compkted. �'.' <br /> �:'_:'' -- Z WYALLD PRQYlSlONS:!f eny provision e!this centrsct violateS the la�v und is unenfosce�ble,the rcst af the eontract+vitl b:�•�Ild.!i any put oi thi;wnaut requircs <br /> ` F � � rD��'' meM of moie IMerest Uwn 1he IAw rmiN,then ou wfll onl have Ihe d ht 10 callecl from me 1he amoum of ipterctl whkh tbe uw albvrs w to colbet. .,- <br /> : .�. py P� Y Y 8 Y <br /> , , , ��;,i+'i�;3t�SF''�`��� COMPI.6TBN&43 OF'fH18 CONTItACI�7fiis rnnuxt c�n only be changed if bolh you r+rwl I a�tree in wridng. �;;� <br /> ��� '� Nonce � <br /> ;�•r , �'� i �:. " � , ANY HOLDER OFTHIS CONSUMER CREOIT CONTRACT IS SUBJECT'I'O ALL CLAIMS AND OEFENSEB WHICH THE , ' <br /> '. . D�B'POA COULD AS8ERT AQAINST THE SELLER OF OOOOS OR SERVICE8 OBTAINEO PURSUANT HERETO OR W1TH • <br /> , ' ��' THE PROCEEDS HERBOFs RHCOVERY HEREUNDER BY THE DEBTOR $HALL NOT EXCLED AMOUNT8 PAID BY THE � <br /> ,'�` . '��`'�• ` � DEBTOR HEREUNDER. � <br /> v`' ;�':'"���-'. , L r IIV$11itANCB CANCEI.LA7'IONs If 1 Aave rcquested inwrnce in�his pureAase.1 may cancel such rcquest for insuanee for nny rcason wi�hfn fifleen(15)dnys irom � <br /> . , 't � ; . '�, � ,. , dk dMe ot Ihl�cunu�M Ey noNfyfng you a tAe holdet ot�his contract fn wdting.l lmow�hat�he cancellolion of my coveroQe will be ortanyed wlth the Insuronce euriertsl �. <br /> ,,:�;.'.'.::- �nd�NU atW�d of my prcml�m(s)royethe�wtth�pplicable finan�e rhorge wfll be c�edited to this contrxt. <br /> Y� � ' � PLBABL N07'Et li 1 haverc�e sted Inaur�nce in thispurchase,l will receive within thiAy(301 days a ceMificate of inxunnce morc Wlly dexribMg the fnsurana cove�ge. <br /> �� ' � �i,� '��� 1 luww tlut it tAene is�nY rnnllict in 1he covenge a�he langwge of�Ae cenitkate ot insurance aad the following NaKY of Pioposed Insuranre that 1 un covercd only a y�.; <br /> � tlte eakat ttYtd fn the followltl�Nolice ot 1'fopost0 InsuRntt. I also Know ma[i ture msurancr cmeoge onty it�nave been cnar�eu ior i�. �� <br /> �:���.�� �- �� N07'ICE OF PROi�OSED INSURANCE <br /> 1 uke notke�Iwt either Credit Lffe ot Crcdit Accident and Health Insurance,or both,will be opplicaMe to�his Ins4111ment Sales Contraa on Ux rcvene side only if <br /> �:',` .t1 -` - ---�=Y-� 1 haLC clwsen ti Ly eign�ng the r�quest fw stuR insurance.TAia insvmnre will nnlv cover�hr perwx�aigninp�hr��r at m the c�1 k,r�nch ry�+e ot insur�e sho��n. 4 <br /> i� ',Y� •-.�� •� � . . SuAjay to accepwnce by_the imurana canpwny.Urc insunnce wilt 6e effecQve aw oi'today and wlll continue only for the number of munthy ufler the eHecure dute equal ° <br /> ` W Ifie�nmber of montluy poyments.I w�dersund Uwt�his partieular inswance may nd Qrovide coveragc for my la+t fcw payments,and�h�t during�Aat perfud of time 1 � <br /> ''k• �•��� ' t!•,• wfll nd have ony irouranae coverage.All benefits�fd procted�of Ihe insutance wilf he potd to you or to v finnncial Instilution d it purchuses Ihe Installment 5ales CaMtac� <br /> • ,,'l�r, •jE1'}��?:�,��rf��f)��.:J ro the e�tent of iu Inteasts and any balance wlll be payaDle to me.71x inftial amount of CrcdU Life Insumnce ic the omount rcquircd w rcp+�y�he Total of Puyments: ti,,;'. <br /> ,'.�`':.�t,ti;.� � $ Ihem.�fter,lNe insuance decrcaxs b y the�mount of each monthly payment on u scheduled JO day busia.I(1 am JoinUy oMigqted on the InstaHment SWes Contrract wflh <br /> �. � ;:.����:a'.;:'�3;:'!S�riil7 ti.,��. <br /> �• s ,,� , �CaBuyer,md we have botA�igne dthe rcques�forCredl�Lffe Insurance.death benefi�s wfll be payable only with respecl to Ihe 8nt one of us todia Subject toexcluslons. ��(i, <br /> ,, ���(`.'A���'2?����' k$������'4 elfmimtioas or waiting periaf ftated In the inswance polky or certific�te,Credlt Accideut und Hew fih Inauranee is for the btne(lt amoum of 1/30ih of each month'sp�yment <br /> •` ���'"� ''��`�'�^' tor each da tAat 1 om totall di�abled due to w in w sicluiess while 1 owe�n ment w you:huwever,t underswnd Ihat 1�eve to Dt vented fmm working due <br /> � � 'i� �G �'' Y Y J�Y Y PaY Im ' <br /> Y r��� <br /> ; ' , �, ,� to such tolal disability for mae lhnn fowteen(Id)con.secutive days befom the ineutwxe benetit ivp�iJ b�ck lo Ihe finl day ot my lotal d�subility.1 dso Ic�ow tbat 1 <br /> ,. �,_ ,,� .a...; , aenot uM�ir�n�I�wnrce hom you It 1 Mm ova dS�ean ot�Qe tod�y.�ed 1 dw luow tlwt t3e towraace rnvernge provtded to me n�y contain�amxlnum <br /> . ` �• �t ot co�ara�e w�ie�wf0 eot pry I��aee a�es.lAe entire anount 16�t!are yaa.Due ro the muiryum amount of cover�ge st�ted in the insuronce pal�cy.1 � <br /> luww tAat an un d amount ln excess oi the Insunntce co�eroge wAI still tu�e�o be d It 1Ar.leslalln►em Sales Conlract is prc d in full rior m the lu�t ment <br /> J� • � �d ..,,T �, .., . - dote.�ny un�arned�inswance premiums N•III be r�eNnded�o me ln the munner qtssed6ed�by law.Widdn thl�ty(]Ol days.1 wfll rccepvc Ihe�-eM�fi�ute of inyunn�eymorc � <br /> � IWlly dtceribinQ my incuronce cove�ge.If tlx Inawanre i+�ixn�reptnl by the insurmce canp�ny.1 wfll�eceive a refund af tlk insuruke prcm�um�1 have p�iJ. <br /> i b• � <br /> - 'I t: ' _ _" ' _ _____— _ __""�"__.� . . <br />