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99��450� <br /> Park Subdivision, a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty <br /> Four and Twenty Two Hundredths (1,234.22) feet; thence <br /> N33°25'S3"W, a distance of Sixty Seven and Twelve Hundredths <br /> (67.12) feet; thence N60°03'S0"W, a distance of One Hundred Fifty <br /> (150.0) feet; thence S29°56'10"W, a distance of Twenty Five (25.p) <br /> feet; thence N89°06'OS"W, parallel with the south line of said Lots <br /> Nineteen(19)through Twenty Three(23), inclusive, Westwood Park <br /> Subdivision, a distance of Four Hundred Fifty Five (455.0) feet; <br /> thence N00°16'41"E,parallel with the west line of said South Half of <br /> the Northeast Quarter (S1/2 NE1/4), a distance of Four Hundred <br /> Twenty Five (425.0) feet; thence N35°56'10"E, a distance of Eighty <br /> Three and Ninety Five Hundredths (83.95) feet; thence <br /> N54°03'S0"W,a distance of Three Hundred Forty Two and Forty Six <br /> Hundredths (342.46) feet to a point of curvature; thence running <br /> northwesterly along and upon the arc of a curve to the left whose <br /> radius is 200 feet, a distance of One Hundred Twenty Two and Three <br /> Tenths (122.30) feet(long chord bearing N71°34'S8"W- long chord <br /> 120.41'); thence N89°06'OS"W, parallel with the south line of said <br /> Lots Nineteen(19)through Twenty Three(23), inclusive, Westwood <br /> Park Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty Nine and <br /> Seventy Three Hundredths (369.73) feet to a point on the easterly <br /> right-of-way line of the City of Grand Island - Highland Park <br /> Drainway, said point being Forty (40.0) feet east of the west line of <br /> said South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1/2 NE1/4); thence <br /> N00°16'14"E, along and upon the easterly right-of-way line of the <br /> Highland Park Drainway, and being parallel with and Forty (40.0) <br /> feet east of the west line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter <br /> (S1/2 NE1/4), a distance of Eighty (80.0) feet; thence S89°06'OS"E, <br /> para11e1 with the south line of said Lots Nineteen(19)through Twenty <br /> Three (23), inclusive, Westwood Park Subdivision, a distance of <br /> Three Hundred Seventy and Six Tenths (370.60) feet to a point of <br /> curvature; thence running southeasterly, along and upon the arc of a <br /> curve to the right whose radius is 280 feet,a distance of One Hundred <br /> Seventy One and Twenty Three Hundredths(171.23) feet(long chord <br /> bearing S71°34'S8"E - long chord 168.57'); thence S54°03'S0"E, a <br /> distance of Three Hundred Thirty Four and Twenty One Hundredths <br /> (334.21) feet;thence N35°56'10"E, a distance of One Hundred Fifty <br /> Five (155.0) feet; thence S70°21'29"E, a distance of Two Hundred <br /> Thirty and Fifty Six Hundredths(230.56) feet;thence S00°16'41"W, <br /> parallel with the west line of said South Half of the Northeast Quarter <br /> (S 1/2 NE 1/4), a distance of One Hundred Thirty Five (13 5.0) feet; <br /> thence S54°03'S0"E, a distance of One Hundred Forty (140.0) feet; <br /> thence S80°37'44"E, a distance of Sixty Seven and Eight Hundredths <br /> (67.08)feet;thence S54°03'S0"E, a distance of Two Hundred Twenty <br /> Six and Six Tenths(226.60) feet to a point on the prolongation of the <br />