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<br /> suee:=rur=oM os sauezae
<br /> 1
<br /> 1'"��. � Unio» Da�k and Truat Coppa�ny, 3643 So. 48th, I.inaoln, .
<br /> � �` �=�=L���==�� Nebraeka� is hereR�y appointed Suaoesaor Truetee under the Truet �
<br /> � Dsod axeCUtad by Linden E.Smith 6 Judith A.Smith.Huaband and Hife , as
<br /> • ���. : Trustor(s) � in which N_orwesc Bank Gr�ad �eland.Nationel'Asso�� nar�d aa
<br /> �_,:,_�,�.r.
<br /> -�— � ��.� eenetiaiary, Union Bank and Trust Company ie Suaceaeor
<br /> .�:.:,:w �
<br /> _.,u,�.:�i-
<br /> ,�,;,;• .Tu J`� Beneliaiary, SndNorweet Bank Grand Is,�arid Nationel Aesoa._ ia named ae
<br /> --""_�-� Trustee, and tilad for reaord on ,�y 2 , 19 85 , and
<br />,__,___ _�F�.�• �. �.�`` d reaorded in Book , Paqe , or et Instrument No.85002132 of
<br /> .-�--����;' =:�'�= - t2�e records of th� Reg,i�ter of Deede oP flaii County, 6�--
<br /> �,�__� � Nebrasica. -
<br /> '�;�:.�.•.,;.._:�;� A tract of ].and Fifty-��a (SG) faet in width by Oaa klund.rec3 Tteirtq-Two (132) feeC —
<br /> st,1:' fn iength, forme�rly befsr.g �a part of Weat Eleventh �LIItlt) SAxeee of ttte City of Grst�d
<br /> =---,:'�4�'":r:.__,:,'r.>.;; ,. .
<br /> Islaud. Nebraeka. vacated by eaid City of October 5, L46Q aaci mpre par¢ic�la�Iq
<br /> r. :; ;:
<br /> �:•�,'��;,?�:: de6cribed as follows: Seginning at tha Northwoat Corner crf Lot Sfx (6), B�ock Ff£teen
<br /> --- t.�,.: �,c .
<br /> - _:�;r��':;. +�; ' ., (��), West Park Addition•to Che City of Grand Ieland. Nebraska; runniceg t ence t on �- ----
<br /> ":°�"'�"r • � . the North line of said Lot Six (6) for a distance of One Nundred Thirty-Two Ct32)
<br /> - a`��`� ��`� feet to the Northeast corner of Lot Six (6); running thence Narth on a pxolon.gaCfon
<br /> ���,^ . .` �
<br /> ��-'=�;�•`�`2`` "•' � of the Eaet line of said Lot 51x(6) .for a diatance of Fifty Six (56) feeC; runn.ing ,.
<br /> .�-.. s�,,dr•�;'��„.' .c�•.----
<br /> ��,� thence parallel to the North line of eaid Lot Six (6) for a distance of Qa�e I�undred = -
<br /> ,-�•��''�� • ° Thirty-two (132) feet; running thence aouth on a prolongation of the Weat liae of .
<br /> :.._.�;,�,;,,, h � . said Lot Six (6) for a dietance afFifty Six (56) feet to the Northwest corner of e�id --
<br /> �i•. .r., .
<br /> _ - �,+�}��t".:;, � Lot Six (6), being the point of baginniag.
<br /> `rT ���:'��1TA--�.. . � ���---��
<br /> __7�,� .•i.uM�-��
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<br /> :.)�' '�� I � .
<br /> 1 �1"•
<br />�'��;,�..�:� .�;-;�� Cupies oE the Poregoing Subs�itution of Truetee have been �;;'L�,
<br /> �� sent in the manner nrovided in �76-1008 He�,_�gy�����L to all '
<br /> �� ��� � . persons to whom a co�y of the NoticQ oP DeFault woul be regulrad
<br /> . Nl.--
<br /> ' � to be mailed by §76-1008 Keb_Rev..�k��l `"�3��~�
<br />� .� � , � � � A copy of the foregoing Substitution of Truetee has also �R
<br /> . , . . �.
<br /> ;: , ' ��:.•�,, b e e n s e n t by aertified mail, with posta ge pre paid, and return
<br /> „ � -�,�. ° � receipt requested, to the ariginal truatee at hie/her/ita last- '
<br /> ��•���° - known address. --
<br /> � ;,'x , UNION BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, ��'�'""`
<br />_ :. • ;m, " ... `n �`�--
<br />;�,,:., � � Succeasor Beneficfery, �-,��
<br /> � :E���' ' � . � ,•��,,., , •s;.���
<br /> �,�.. t . , . � �,�
<br /> . , ,..;� ,,. � },�., ,
<br /> - ' � ' � BY t ��7�.� � .! �;,,
<br /> ��` �•:'�•• ,� '�'�;,���';; � � ExecuCi�.Vica President1 ('1`�tl�e) L''!� `
<br /> ��y, . . �t�t;:i.�y,,,� • ' —
<br /> �'i-: �,' ,a1;4, , . . . �f==
<br /> , ° L ti�''^`` .� '' �_�. _c
<br /> � .. . • - s6:ftifr_
<br />, " `, I • r'^}�`.
<br /> . '. . •'; STATE OF NE[3RASKA ) r�
<br /> .. ) SS
<br />-�� � ' G+LACINTY OF I,ANCASTF.R ) i�
<br /> �:��;''' ' �� '�•,:',. On dhis llth ,�ay of Murch , 1a91, before �:� a notary •• ��
<br /> ��� �' 1 �;>`��' public, g�ersandll�► appeat�::�i ng e u e sen , � r'�;�:': �
<br /> � . . ,;,�:.��
<br /> •'��•E_ ersonall knavc� to me to be the '�xec, ce rea en of Un an Hank
<br /> � �,,•�: P Y 1
<br /> !'.,:� and Trust Co��arry, and the id�n�ical [�erson who sicpnec� the al�ove � •
<br /> � and foregoing da�ument and ack�so�ri�edged the execution the�reof *u
<br /> �� be the voIletntary act and �eed of [1n ion Bank and Trust Cor.�sany and
<br /> verif tes that tl�e stat:ements can�af ned therein are tru�. •
<br /> •� WITNESS my hand and notari�l seal thislith day of
<br /> March , 1991. f
<br /> ' ' ��^!G-..c�L -� �K�-�t'-*-�'•�
<br /> . ' ' 0 d PUul C
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<br /> � MMr.Ylll it�l
<br /> . wOw�6�►J�a 1�1l96
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