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I��•:P�M , � �`- <br /> � . a <br /> �— -�-� ��• ��J�M�1�� ���y11�1R�11���IMi 6Q 6fr�ir�'8fi�?ii0 5wi iw�'`�Ip1��t�� <br /> l�ii IbN.0���1�1�AY0�1C0�11M 01�h11�M�1�M��Or�M����������� <br /> ����i'MINMrr!Q�f�'Mll�r����t��l��Ml1�'M Mf�I�*I�IM 011/��MI+�t�t <br /> �ON I�MM�M������M�MM p1�MMM�IM����/Ir11�1�1111��1��.TMIf�O�lM.MMNCI���Ilr'M <br /> T�o wri�N�i�dntiM M iM+k MI d��i fn'i.Tnr�dr Mow IAr�d�ef tM Prop�y eid if MrNc�l►�ti/u N» <br /> – /raMrty it N M ald H doN Mowi�whli Yev�M�Mi�OMd d Tnst sd tir NM�a�oNt and aw e1Aw iee��iels�i�/� <br /> — reYn/Mniw,�d dbN�liwr to Tn�a witbn�olia of d�lad�and�Mctioe ta eoua tM Ir�prty to 6�� truqM.i�wr��d�aM <br /> ��e si�ilar�io�i�tM t�w rpui�rl a►low wMdi dbM M rW�r lid far nead ly T�. <br /> j.,3 —� lal Aftrr Hw lapw a!wch tia�oi aioy bo nquind byY b+r foNan�irp th�rtcordafian d NoNa d O� IWin e/D�fa�lt od Ilo�ict ot <br /> Sd�Moiri�o�0����M�,Tn�•�riMiout d�oid on truhor,tholi s�M th�Propaty b an�ar�on pa+cd�s+d b wch ordK <br /> at Tnutar Mof►dM�on M�dob and a��M tinr and ploa d.sipno►�d in�oid NoNa of SaM.a►pu6lic action ro N�AipI�N bidd�►.Mr our. <br /> y�=t I d��ia po�robb in ea�h in lowtul inaMf►of th�Unit�d Stot�s at tM tiin�e,f wb.1M pwsan c�ucliap tM soN map,far any caw Iw ar sh� <br /> -- -- ���rp�di�nt,patPan�tM saN fe�o�ntia�tu tinM aMil it slwN b�tonipbt�d w�ry�wch eas�.ao�tie�of pat�a��nf tl�oN M�iwn <br /> -_ -= ���fJqMp�jpQ flMlllpf�f11Ch(Nff0110t f�M fI11M 011d�f��M��MI!f11Mi P�"""'�H 1h�ff��t�0{ip01Md fOr�011�1 f�l <br /> -- -- -- — Ofl�(����1�M��jI11�M N01jC�Of s0�l.1101flf ifl�ft0}l�I���!�Y�11�II 1�M tOf1M RIaNIK OS 1�M Or�110���!O�SOtf. <br /> - Tnist..�holl.x.cuh ana a.Rwr ro M.purctios.r iro a.a convr�►YO M,.PmooKry�o sotd,eur wifha,t ary com.nant or wamant�r..x� <br /> ..� t�npii�d.11r ntital�in Nw DNd af aq►mottKS ar focts shdl b�concbdv�praof af th�truthfuMMS�tf�nof.An►►pwson.incNidiiq wiMiouf <br />_:�; ti�nitotion TnatM.nap purdws�at th�sak. <br />- :,=�:. (b�.Mlh�n Tnist�s�ils prsuant to th�powKS hv�in.Trustre sholl appl�th�pr�ocwds of th�sal�to{qymNtl of 1M costs ond�xp�s�s of <br />:,.;,..��. ��reisin0 th�po�of�aM and of th�sd�.inciudinp,wiMaut�pornNnt of TrustN's F�s ineurnd.whieh TrustN's FNS shall not <br /> �-- � .� i�tiw aporpob�xurd iiw f�iawlap�c�a�ts boud tr�n tha amawst secured he►ehq a�A.�n�G�9 wN+�� 5 p�rt�ntuoa an th bola� _ <br /> u <br /> u" '����.'' tlMnof:and tlw�to thR i»ms s�t Mrth in wbp�apraph ic)h�nof in th�ordK th�r�in stotad. <br /> ���:.r-:r <br /> ° Ic)��PaY�th�itMns sp�cifi�d in w6paropraph 1b1.if th�sob is b�r th�aopw court and otfNr cost:of foncbwn and�aN <br /> � �;°' ' .�.n. .�, if th�soN i�pursuonf t0 judiciol�protNds o f s o M s h a l l b�a p p l i�d i a t I N o r d�►s t a R�d b�l ow ro t M p o r n N n t o f� <br /> 'd�� . <br /> " ; �,�� (1) Cost of ary widwicl of titis p►acur�d in ea�etion wiM�sucb sab aad of anp nvenw nquir�d b b�poidi <br /> '� (2) Atto►n�s fe�s� <br /> �_ w `• ,+,:�:,.: . • ,.;� (3) 1111 wms tMn s�cur�d I��bpr <br /> " :� •�:'��• •�::,: (4) Junior tnnt dMds.maiqop�s.a otMr Ii�nholdKSr ad <br /> ►r::' ' (5) Th�nmoindK,if th�prson a pKSOes Ipollr�mitbd th�r�ro. <br /> � '` i{;f <br /> . ��.•' '�'� � �'�` (d) If tM B�fkiorp of�this ONd of Trust ts a bonk as d�fin�d b�N�braska law.any stotenwnt cadaimd in ary otMr sation of this dNd <br /> t. � �, <br /> „;, "*�`� �r'�.:�r.•' � ' "otrrithst°"ding�ti�8�f'Kiary siiaii�be�ntiikd ta r�c�iw or taic�and d�ssar sl:af!Rat Qa a�ated to�or Qire:anY catfess4c�n of�dg• <br /> !, r. ..,,� . �;. ,, �,� m�nt.Dower of atio►nhr to ca�fess�I�meM,�owe.o�ano.�.�to a�or tor o nor.owe►t�a ivaK�ot p►o�a.a�y a aor..n�m ro��s <br />-� - tL.:::- :"`'..yy..`:. <br />"•��•' ' :,� r • ;:. of colbction of ih�ottorn�ys'fe�s,unbss such ats of coll�ction would oot othawise be prohibited by N�broska law.Provid�d,however,that <br /> J, • ;.... ��. <br /> • ..���1 .!{,. �.in�•�7('�'� . <br /> ,. . ,..r e i.• this s�etion das not apply to the Truste�faa r�faRad to in pa►ap►aph 6(b1.Provid�d furtF�,that this parapraph shall not apply to this�d of <br />'.,�".." �.;;;x�"��� Trust,ff th�BmeficiQy is not o bodc. �- <br />-_:{': .,• `�. .�� .: . .:�. r 12. A1iNNd S�ewity tiul�f�.Trusta,at its ezpense,wiN execute and doliver to the Ben�ficiory,p►omptlr upon demad,sah socuri- <br /> _ ; :�,;;�,��. ;:�"`,?:{ t�r instrurtMnts aa may be requbed by Bw�ficiory,in fam and substonce satisfatory to Beneflciory,coverinp anr of the Prop�rty conveyed by <br />-_ - • ,, �,r;�L;±;s this ONd of Trust,whkh sacurMy instrunNnts sholl bt additionol security for Trosta's faHhful performonc�of all of tht terms,covanoms and � <br /> =. V. `'"'".' . •-�.� condNlau of fhis Deed of Tru�t,ttw promissary notes sQCUred hereb�,ard ary otMr secu►ity inst►um�rrts�xacu»d in carMetlon with Mis tran• - <br /> �.. -.t.,..., , _ <br /> �=i;1��' �:r 'o,...' .. ,.•� - <br /> - � . ;,.`L �,;;., :•�•,�.• ,: sactlon.Such instrun»nts shaU b�recaded or fllad at Trostor's exp�nse. _._ <br /> ���� , . 1g, ANoMt�t d Sdtc��r TerstN. BHwftciary moy, fram time to time, by o written instn�t executed and aknowledqed b� _ <br />����5' ,` '. ' � � ` _. <br />� �r �`'"•��„ •��.�:��:•';��.,:��� � B�nefkiary,malbd to T�usta►and recorded in th�county ar counti�s in whicfi the Property is laated am!br othKwise complyiny with the provi- <br />_J .•.,... . .....,;. . , <br /> ` ' '� 'F�f��'`'��"' �y sions of the applkabte laws of th�State of Nebraska,substitute a suctessor or successas to tFn Trustee ramed h�rein a actinp Mreunder. _ <br />.ir', ' l. ' 3`i�J•�I^' <br />.%{ • ��;.�,�r;;�r,t;,,;:,.�,,.,.,. 14. I�ell�a.Beneticiary,or its opents,representotives or workmen,ae authorized to enter ot an�reosonoble time upon or in ony part _ <br /> �i�". e��+':,�Lw•�•�.�„'�«' of th�Propert�r for the purposQ of inspeetiny tFw wm�and for the pu►pose of performinp any of the ats it is authroi:�d to perform w�drr tiM <br /> :�:;:�,�r�k,. ,. , � <br />=�'. � ��. ., .,;�,�:i t�rms of tho Deed of Trust. `�" <br />__ a''".,�.• , � 1 S, pp{M to fonelow.Upon the acurrence of any default hereunder. Benaficiary shall hovQ the option to faacbsQ this Dad of Trust in <br />-`- ` ' ' ' tM mann�r provided by low for the foreclosure of mortyoges on real property. - <br /> . . s,::�t <br /> ��,:,{�{�'� � � 16. iK�M�rMa b�ltn�fiei�ry Not�W�tr�r.Any forebeorance by Beneficiary in exercisinp any riyht or remedy iwreunder,or otherwise <br /> ` 1S:"�. � Q.����?;l.;•. �- <br /> -�� � ,IS��l.tfj�;;,;, .,«� ufford�d by opplicabl�Iaw,shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.likewise,the waiver by Beneiitlory of <br /> .� , . ��� ..:i,�r,�. ,. ,;. �. <br /> �!„'. ,�:r�,�1�y�����,G;,.y+ on�dofault of Trustor under thfs Deed of Trust sholl not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or simila defaults subsequentl�aturrinp. _ <br />�. ; � � „;,. . 17. Twaf�r IMt R��d.Extension of the time for poyment or modifkotion or amorti:otion of tlw sums secured by this Deed of Trust __ <br /> ' ' '" ��""�'�};al{%'tii . . <br /> ' �"~�� . pra�t�d by 8eneficiary to any successor in interest of Trustor shall not operate to releose,in any manner,the liability of the aiqinol Trusta ond <br />, (�.: ' . . .-. '.��it,tiv. <br /> S; ti Trusta's successor in interest.Beneficiary shall not bQ required to commence prxeedings against such successor or rofus�to extend time fw f <br /> `� ''�,-�=-�--'==�=' poymmt or oti�erwise modify amorti:atian of tt�sums secured by Iliia Deed of Trust by reason of ony demond madc by tho oriyinal Trosta and i•._ <br /> .'" • �� Trustor's successor in interest. - <br /> a � � <br /> "-' ' t.;� '. � � . . , �' 18. M�fiei�rr'�row�n.W�thout affectinp the liebility of the Trosta or any other person lioble for the po�ment of onq obl'igation herein <br /> ;.► ', } " m�ntton�d,and without aftecting the lien or chorge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretofore released as �- <br /> :� ��,z � ° s�curit�►for the bll omount of oll unpaid obligations,Beneficiary moy,from time to time and without notice,(i)releosQ any peraon so liobk,lii) <br /> .:• � � ' �xfend tha mafurity or alter any of the terms of on�such obligotions, liii)grant other indulgences, (iv1 relQOSQ o�reconvey,or couse to be � <br /> _ • ys� � � '• �; .' � ralaased or raconveyed at any time ot Beneficiary's options any parcel,portion or all of the Prope►ty, (v►take or releose any other a additiawl :.-- <br /> '- " � �+` ' ''��'•'� sacuri for an obl' tion herein mentioned,or(vi)moke co ositions or other arran ements wNh debtors in relotion the►eto. � <br />.=;;�:5 ` �l''.: ;�;;•:,.i:...;,'1;1��,c,t<.;; tY � �� mP 9 �.. <br /> ��; � �r-r +.}f, �q, ���r�a�.Upon request of Trustor, Trustee ot 1'rustee's oplbn,prior fo reconveyance of the Property fo Trustor, may make ;, <br /> ` � ''"°�`i,' d��^;�?` futura advontas to Trustor. Such future odvances, with interest thereon, sholl 6e setured by this Trust Deed when evidenced by promissory <br />—___--��r��-��•! ....�..��w�4�n IMf e�W ne��e nn e�rivaA har�hv.�vnvirinrl fMf nt nn flma tholl the Setu►6d IYIfIC10�I.fU11RQ OdY011CYf.110��flC�lld�flp SU111S Gd• �' <br /> —`�•^�..� �.......... .y..._. __._....._'_- ----'-- - --• � _..--- - - . . _ <br /> t �� t ' `-• ` vanc�d to protact tFw securHy,QxcQad on aqqreqatQ principal amount of S__ — �� <br /> ,�`� �`, .;.,. . � —.. - --- --- • <br /> __� -. . , . Z0. R�v��a Or TratN.Upon written request of Beneficiory stohng thot all sums secured hereby have beQn pai�i,wn1 upon surrer�der a <br /> • of this Deed of Trust aed the t�ote to Trustee for concellation and retention and upon payment by Trustor of Trustee's fees,Trustee sholl � <br /> � � , �- .:':. . rQtonvsy to Trustor,or the person or persons legolly entitled thereto,without wnrronty,any portion of the Property tiwn held hereunder.The � <br /> ;,,�;; ,' �'. '� •" '•- y, racitals in such reconve�ance of any motters ar facts sholl be canclusive proof o4 the truthfulness thereof.The yrontee in any reconveyonce moy <br /> ' �;,. , 'c i;;:�'�•'�; b�d�suib�d as"tM person or pe►sons leyally entitled the�eto". <br /> �' ..�R/�.4�..��•! f' <br /> `�yifil�h;;;J�„r+;�� � <br /> _� �. '{�+a{���1. � . <br /> �Y . I , ' , y:�;�.•� � <br /> .,,r.. ,-. ; t <br /> _ . �; <br /> '_ .'f ,° : ;;,� .. <br /> . � <br /> �- <br /> � • � . _ <br />