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�� i'a"` .sr- - - -- -'_ - _ ,�i�:!��,^w�., <br /> __.._1..�„ . . . � - F. !y., - :°-.-�.r�_",_, ..... - "�l�s`��-:.�-_ <br /> . . , .r•-�sn�s:-.,- <br /> ,,.. <br /> , .. � - <br /> . . . -.r:- .r -.. . _ . � . , .+ �_-a. .� <br /> . . . . Nf�iLl YT:.•" <br /> ---- s . . . � �3�-��.o ,, ,_ .:. :: �� `¢,`:_ <br /> . t �ri <br /> �. . <br /> , .. � . � - , . , � �,7;. <br /> • ' � a..�staN�enrr oF �rrs: �*�+�rrr oP n�ce�v� �ne� w �. . <br /> ' � BorKawor ab�olalely�nd w�oondit�lly�xi�a aad t�nsfer�s a t.eoder all the�aMs�nd n,wenues(•:Fa�t�•�)of <br /> We propo�ty. �dlep of ta wd�om t6e Reot�of the Prnppty m� p�yable. Bori+nwer �thori�a Le�nder or <br /> _. :...,,�,�.s..,�_�, , I.ender's�ent�to adled t4a Re�ts.aad aQnea UnM d�teo�nt of tdo Pnupnty sbell p�y the Rent�to Lender or :. <br /> l.ender•s�paatt.Hu+�tver.Boe+owsr�11 roodve tLa Reat�aadl(i)Lrader Iw��iven Bonower natioe oF defautt <br /> , purw�at w p�rqYra�pb 21 of t6e Seciuity 7tu�umeat�ad(iil Lader Eas given ootkc to the tarnt(�1 tha!t6a RaMs <br /> a[e W be p�id w l.e�der oc l.a�cler's a�eat.71ds asti�t o[Rsat:oanstitata m ab�ortue ass�amest aod uot <br /> p�OOIC�tOf YOQ�ttiOWI f00�011Iy <br /> • !f l.ader jiva aotkm ot brpc6 a Bormwa:(i)�I!Raw reedved by Borrowa:daU be ddd by Bomowe► <br /> as tius�ee foe thc bcaefit ot i.eader be spplied to tLe sums saawc�ed by the Sowrity I�unm�at�liil l.enda , <br /> dnU be arltl�d w coliect aod teoeiva All of the Renu of tLe P�+cperty:(ii�Bonvwa aq�rees tt�t eaoh tauoe of the <br /> �Y�D�Y �1 Reats doc aad unpaid W[.eader or Ladx'a�gars upw�I.ader's writun damad W ihe <br /> temnt;(iv)nnleas oppticable law provldes oWawise. dl Rerq�ooUxted bY l.euder or I�ader's�a�s s1�U 60 . <br /> ' applied 6rst to tbe ooas of W�iog oontrol of aid matwging tho Property mad oatiaxin�the Reats.ircludiqg.6W . <br /> — not limitod w.�tton�Y'� fees. rccxiver's fas. pradumo oa re�elver's.tiand�. rcpair an4 maiatmanoe oo�ts. . <br /> - - iawiarpe pcetnlun��es.a�cacn�au4 aud atNer dwr�es aa tbe Proparty.;ar+d tben w the wa�murod by the <br /> ._-.-:.___--� � Seeurlty In�umer�t:(v)1�en0er.L.ender's agena ae a�ry J��Y aPP�iuted re�eiver�i�li 6c liable lu a�xwut for _ . <br /> --- . , aal�r those Rmts xtual�y raxived: aad (vi) I.erder shall 6e emided w have a rxeivu appoiated to wke <br /> . , posseasion of wd mNnage the Property wd collect the Rentc aad profib derired frotn t4e Pnaperiy w�l�out+qy <br /> _ �howin�ae w the inadequacy of the Prope�ty a4 secudty. <br /> � If the Ratls of l�he Pmperty ar+e not sufficiem w cover�he oosts of taking oontml of and mamgiag tho <br /> -_-_-- = Prope�ty atd•�P collacting the Rents aay funds eapended by L�ender for such purposes shal!beeomt indebtodnw <br /> of 9orrower ta Lender sxur�l by the Security Inctnunent pusuant w Uaifwm Cover�ant 7. , <br /> Borrower rcpnaeips and warnrua that Borrower i�a not executed aay prior accignmeat of the RaMr aad Inu �: <br /> aot aad will not perform any act that would pnvc�Lender fiom exercising its rights under thls paragraph. .• •.,�:;, �� <br /> -- L�idcr. ar[.ender's agents or a judicially appointed reaiver, sl�ll not be rcquir�ed to enter upon. take <br /> � contml of ar mainwin the I�q�erty beforc ar aRer giving ndice of dcfault w Bomnwer. However, Lender. or � <br /> __ . . iender's agents or a Judicfally appointed raxiver. may do so�any�ime whrn a defwl�oacu�s. My npplica�ton •� ''.�. <br /> — = " of Rents shall not cvrc or waive any'default or invalidate any aher right or remedy of Lender.This acsig�unem of ;�._,,' <br /> ___.___` ' Rants of Ehe Property stiall terminete when all tlie sums secwed by the Security Insuum�mt ace paid in full. <br /> =-=--�,�� I.CitO�DE�AULT PROVISION. Bornnwer's dBfault or breach under any note or agrcement in which <br /> =_��; Le►uler has an imerest shall be a breacb mder 1he Se,cuurfty InRtruritiem and L�ender may inval�e any of the nanr,dies <br />-=_=..-=��� pennittod by the Securiry Instrument. <br /> ' BY SIaNINC1 B81AW. Bamower w�cepts and agrees to ehe lem� sud provisions rnnmined in thir l�d �• <br /> —=s= Fwnily Rider. <br />---_��,�.� _ �� — <br /> -- ---- (Seap <br /> -----~_ —= JOEL E STRUEBIN(i . -eonower <br /> - _.,-,��:_;nfm � (Seal1 <br />