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�•' �J�� `•:'��Y �i t.��1t�.i � • -.- _ <br /> -a..i'a. �� S . _. ._. _� - ---- - --- <br /> -'=� , . .t - .__- __-_ . _- '—__._ _ .. __._ . ._.__ . <br /> -_ ------ =.. . 9,�- zo�4 . <br /> , . <br /> !7. Tnafer ot t6e Aroperty a a Bmefl�J�l lnterat In Bon+owa�.lf All or any�ut oP tho Pmperty or any intete�t in U ` <br /> - — + is sold or tronsferrod(or if a t�anticW inteerat in Borrowor is wld or transfennd wni Borrower is not o n�tunl pe►ian)wlihtwt <br /> t.endor's pdor wdttert aonsent. L.adtr may. +u ia optian. requle�e immediate p�yment in PoII aP all surn� �ecurod by thb <br /> 5ecu�ity Insttument.However.thic aptiaa chall not bo ozerci�ad by t.ender if esercicc b prohibitod by fade�al iow�s of tbe�We <br /> • of thie Sacu�ity In9trument. <br /> If Lender exercises thic optlon,I.etder slutll givc Bormwcr notico of wxele�tian.The notice shall pravldo�pet{ad uf no1 <br /> less than 30 days from the date tho n�tioe i�deliverod ar mailod within which Borrower muct pwy �II �utnw wcurod by Ihir <br /> _..,_ Secudry Inqn�m�mt. If Barrowcr fail�to pay�hese sums prior to the e;piration of thi�perlad, l.erider n�y Invuko rny romqlio� <br /> = _==-=-----� perntltted by this Security Instmment w ithaut further nntice ar demand on Borrower. <br /> � 18. Borrower's Ri$6t ta Rdnztate. If 8orrower meets cenain rnndilians, Bonuwer shall h�ve Ihe �ight t�� iwvo � <br /> �:�` enforcemant of this Secu�iry lnsuuawat diccontinuod at any time pria�ta tha earUer oF (a) 3 days (or such�nher peri�d �r <br /> ,-,�;; applicabl� Isw may spxify for reiastatancnq Ueforo sala of tho PropeRy pursuant ta any pawer nf�wlo contalncd in IhIN <br /> -;��, Setunry Instcument:or(b)entry of a jadgment�enfi�r+eing this Security Instrument.Tha�o conditians ace�hsu BaROwer,(u)pwy� <br /> - -_� Lernlo�all sums which then would be due under thia Socu�lty Insttument and tho Nate aY if na accelerutian had c�cuned;lb) <br /> �=� cures any defAUlt af any other cavenaats ar agreements; (c) pays ull eapenses incurrod in enforciag thl� Securily InY�rument, <br /> "'��`�— includin�,but not limited ta. re.asoneble attorne�+s' feea;and(d)takes such action as Lender may m,�sanaMy require�n�ure __ <br /> -- — -- 'ihat the lien of this Security Insaurnent.l.ender s rights in the Propeny and BoROwer's abligatian to pay tho sums socurad hy <br /> �: ���� this Secu�ity Insuument shall mminue unchanged. Upo� reinstatement by Barrawer, this Secu�ily In�trument aixl the <br /> ,� � • obliaations sacwnd hereby shall retnein fully effective ns if no acceleratian hAd occuaal. Hawever,this righl ta rainslwto shall <br /> not apply iqthe case af acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> � 19. Sale ot Notei Chw e ai I..oan Servicer. The Nate or a partial interest in �he Nate pnge�her with �his Sccurlty �_ <br /> _ � <br /> - -- Instrument)may be sold ona or marc tirnes withau�priat nodce ta Borrower. A salo may resuU in a change in the entity lknow�� <br /> - as the"Loan Serviccr"1 that collccts�mhly payments due under the Nate und this Security lnslrument,There ulso mvy bc une <br /> �.�l:: ' S or murc c:hanges af the Loan Servicer unrelated ta u sale of the Nate. If therc is a change of the Loan Servicxr,earmwer will be - <br /> ;; . � �:1�; •' ��,�� ' given wrjtten notice af the change in acorda�ce with paragraph lA ubove and applicable lu�v.The naticc will�tuto the nanx nnd e,., <br />:;�;,�,'�. ��. ?��+ addrcss of the new Loan Servicer And the add�e�.c ta which pAyments shauld be made.The nutice wfll ufso wntain any uther <br /> . . j{� t \ d `,1,.:1 <br /> � ' t• •.� information�equired by applicablo lnw. -- <br /> }��t �',��y y�,;�;��� 20. Haxardous Substnuces. Borrower shall nat cause or permit the presence, use, disposul, stomge, ar �+alease of uny = <br /> ,,.i•, ,��h. t..;:r�,...�•�., .V Hawrdous Substances on ar in �he Property. Barrawer shnll not do, nar ullow unyone else ta do, onyIhing nffecting the _ <br />_ ;1r . ,• Propeny that is in violatian of any Environmentul Law. 'i'he preceding two sentences sh�ll not upply tn the presence, use, or �-- <br /> ' ' ��a R`'��-•;�',r��,. stornga on the Praperty af small quantities of Hu�anlaus Subvtat�ces thnt are generally recognized lo be appmpriace tn nomwl _ <br /> `"'� '� �"t r�'• residentjal uses and to muini6nance of tF�e Property. =- <br />"'; •���'��i�• =���� Borrower shall promptly give Lender written nntice of Any investigation,claim, drmand, lawauit or ather uction by uny � <br />- : ��`���� '�' •1"``t�` gov@rnmental ar regulatory ugency urp rlvata party involving Ihe 1'roperty and any Huwrdoux Subswix�or Emironmentul l�w �+� <br />- . ��., �. ':;'t%t�r <br />.^,x�• � of which Borruwer has uctuul knowlodge.If BaROwer learns,or is naified by any governmentAl ur regulatary autharity,thut �: <br /> ;;�, {' any removal nr other remedialion af any Nazundous Substance affecting the Property is necessery.Bormwer r�lwll pramptly wke ° <br /> - -J--�- — ali rn���uy rn��x:Jlal.�ciians is a�ca3aMe wiih�nviranmenial l.nw. — <br /> m� <br />" " '�` +'•"������ ��: As uned in this puragrnph 20. 'Harardous Subswnces" are those substancer defineJ as tiixic or h�zanious wb�wnces by —`= <br /> . ���r.�._ ,,� � �„�� <br /> �� "�'��'��'�;h, Environmental smd the followin substunces: usaline, kerosene, other flamma6le or toxiv troleum pr�du��ts. �oxir <br />:�;.,?: ., � ..V,;�_;;},�A� t 6 B � �',�. <br />::�, , "� �, ;,�,,¢•Fi;�, f, pesticides und hefiicides, vola�ile solverus,materiulx contuining Asbestos��r fornialdehyde,und nalivactive materials. Ati uc�d in <br /> '�}-; �� �, �`5• " this parsigra h 20. "Environmental Luw' mean� feclernl laws anJ laws of the jurisdictian where the Prnperty is Ic�cated tiwt �'- <br /> r <br /> -• . �Tu ' � relate to h th,safety or environmentut pmtection. �?_ <br /> "���� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bn�rawer und Lcnder funher covenunt s�nd Abroe ns follnws: = <br /> ��'" ' c�A���,��J�.:�'4;���� 21. Acceleratlon;Remedi�s. Lender shull plve natice to Bnrrower prlor to a�celeruUan following Borrnwer's breach "` <br /> r� .r,,�i . �. <br /> ' � ���"�� ' ot any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior ta aoceleratian under ps�ragraph 17 unl�c �. <br /> N;�R � <br /> � '"���' ` �`.:s applkable lew provldcv olhcn�ke).The natice shall r;pecify: ln) the dePuult:(b)the actton mquiml fo cure the deipultt �''-' <br /> � �:.• <br />—. ; •�'•''�'�'r"'.••• � (c) a dete.not I�s than 30 day�f�mn Ihe date the noUce is�iven to Borro�rer. by whlch the dePault must be curedi�nd �,,,: <br /> - '�N��"'�"%� :` � (d) that failur+e to cure the defwull nn nr IxPore the date speclli�d In the notice may re4ult in occelerutlon nf the wms = <br /> �`• �" `��"""�~.:n'���, r.�' secured 6y this Security Instrument rand sale of the Pruperty. The notice tihall fuKher ini'orm Narrower uf the ri�ht tn �;,. <br /> ,�.� �� ''��'•��•��'=•. �rinstate ARer acceleraNnn and the r-ight to brin� e n�u�i aMlon tn uscert the non-exi4tence oP w defAUU ur uny other - <br /> +•,- �iA-JJ�_:Y.t:ic"y' �_ <br /> �y ,�."'�`'�`,�'�.'';••-.',. �;•���.;�. • defense aP Borrnwer to acceleratiep and sale. If the deiault h not cured on or befnrc the date specitled In the natice. �,;. <br /> ,t;,�:z,:, �'+'`.�`������,:� �•, l.ender. at its optlon,may require irnmediatc payment In i'ull ot nll sums xrured bv thi+ Strurity Imttvment without �-... <br /> ��•' ,���%�"� » further demand and muy invokc the poa•er oi'l;ule and any othcr remediev permitted by uppllcahk law. Lender shall be �y:� <br />� ,� u � ���`'� - <br /> :�,+. �r'. .,.,e3' '`a Y._ enNtled to rnllect all expenses incurn�ai In punuin�G the remrdies prmided tn this p�ru�ruph 21.inclnding.hut not Iimtted ___ <br /> �'� '��:%��'���"��4•�� ta. reasonable uttornevs' fees and costs nf tiUe e�•idence. <br /> � " If thep�wer oP!wle Is im�oked. Trustee sh�ll record a notfce af dePault in euch rount3• In x•hich uo�• �t of the �'"= <br /> ' :���. a..:, ;._. (u1 <br /> •� Prnperty i�I�xat�d and ,hpll rnail mples oi such nottce In the manner pre�crlbed b�•uppllcabte laµ• to BurrnK•er�nd tn -- - <br /> -� � : N J the other persnn�:prescrif►ed h��applicable lu�+•.After the Ume required br upp8cable la�r,Truxl�r xhall Rive pubOc nMire s„� <br />�;;;,�,,, ;�;;���;��,;` ��•. ��, of�le t��Ihe pers�ns and In the manner prescriix�d b�•uppflcuble la��•.Trustec. «ithuut demand��n Bnrn►wer.xhull�II �__ <br /> r°��'� �k'...��•= • the Pmperly at pubNc auctfon 1n tqe hl�hrst 6iddcr ut thc timc und plaee und undcr thc term�d�wi�nuted in Ihe noticc oP <br /> � ' :��,��•� � <br /> ��� � '-�t?, ' ' . , sale in one or more parceh and in un�•nrdrr Tru�tee determineg.Trust��e ma�� poslp�me sulc oP ull or an)� p:vc��l oi!he �;: <br /> ; '�' x- .`��•r. ��;:, Property b�• publtc annnuneemenl wt Ihe tlme und pluce uf un� previou�h xheduled side. Lender or H� deeii�nee ma� <br /> ��:. . ,� purchuse tbe Property et any sale. �': <br />-i�'.'F" J�:��a_��'���4y���' _•-� <br />'�—�i., • �,: �`�'_ <br /> �, � M�.. � ���� Form 3028 9/90 I it�e_.. <br />� . ,'t�''-� Pp�6 0l 6 <br />:�j -�,. - . �y}��.� . <br />`ia �i �t?���,ii; �_;- <br /> � . � <br /> ' ! • F1? <br /> ��:: . �� <br /> .. ��i� . .. .. :..,,.htaMw?�+i�•s�Z,:"'�J�:���!r*:.;c�,;�%• . . '('�ijinlfc�rx� <br /> . ' <br /> . • � <br /> • ...,_, ,� . . • . . �. <br /> `�x.� . _�., . . - <br /> �:�; euw_'asv0,o,.�n' ,�,,,, <br /> , �r _,� .-.� .�.s.s� _�W' �_ 1_ _ i, '? 1L. tl-li� _'��1_�..a��t i-�i� - <br /> i. , i r!+'� �' � ' :' .:, � `�'....;T�_1'• "' <br /> � _ _ _ _ <br /> .. __ ,_ _.—_T �— _ ._ _."_".« " ' _.._. _ _,. .T----�-�.-,.-r . . _ .._ ' ' <br /> � <br /> . <br /> . . <br /> , t . ' � - , i�f' 1_:,b, .. . . . ".t�;�����IY:i.;"°`�',Y.._; . <br /> �Y q • .r��n�-! � . . " . . - �i . . . t"��'�°f. . '.1yS�l e;{!ry!lA:{�Z•n 'a•i i .. �- , ,- . .. <br /> ' '..i��MUI'.YH.{,� .� , _ . � .. .}���:''� . ��+ . ' <br /> - � ��r_�_,. , _. . �-�'Y.�__' .. . . . . _. .. . , - . . . . . . . <br /> y �1 I C .. . `�' . .r,�r±' . �. . �. . t�j r'f„� .... ' ' � �'. . ' . .� ., � . <br /> ,� . 9Y.r'' . � ��. ' 1, J. ..,�;. . " ' . . <br /> „ �.,�,� . .�f,��!'-',�, ' '�:.r;aa `' �,R+� , <br /> �.. �. � ` . . � . �;J�1�i�r�;;;4'���H•1.',,4�,� .. � -�+'- �j:�l';'r.� . . > �J,.` � � �„1 �. <br /> . 4 ` � • . � `'��1�1���• ' "• ��';�i�:i.ti�k�� �1���c'' n .1�� p„� {il: e tf'y�8'�}:°f9:: ' �. � . <br /> . �•�'•• n5, {;;`-•.; J „J�;.;.sn,. ••4+�t���� .�ti...µ,+ .._ , . <br /> y 1 (i "4+'� � y { ' . <br /> � ( ''F��' � ' .. , ; ,� , .J�I� r� '! Ff��`�4� ,i} r! ��r��' - ' . .. i . .• <br /> . - '',� �i 4 1 <br /> 1: - E '�:u ' - . . . �C"�1 t `L'`J }{1!„ t. .,- � �iytr{_ � � .`+Y��- , <br /> , �, , � . . , ,��1.ijl� . �t��"-! 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