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� Jt{_ .. 5• <br /> 1�.. T A ^ � °.. <br /> �..� ` . ' '.� �,-. �" �3•' �l� <br /> �� ';. � f 1 ' j j <br /> - .•_ ' • <br /> ._ . , , , <br /> . - _--_----------- <br /> _ .. . -- <br /> � , - - - _ _ _ <br /> - <br /> ____-�_-�_-_ _ , , : 93= �.�� � � .;=: <br /> i. Thi� 11��ig�nt �� qiv�n to s�aur� th� payai�tt� o! t!u . <br /> iadsbt�dnos� d��crib�d abovo end as ��aiari�ty !or euoh oth�r atuu <br /> se may bo beroattor advancocl by ��igneo to, or for tti� b�n�lit <br /> o!, Loigaosi Provid�d, bc+wv�r that i.a �ho ovont ali ind�bt�d- <br /> a��� owing lrom aasigacr to ��ign�� is �•li aaa truiy paia, tb�n <br /> ,�'.-T.---:� thio 1►eoignmont ohel•1 b� void, oth�rwi�o to r�ain in lull #ora� <br /> :.'�:; aad �tf�ot. <br /> .�:�,� <br /> - •:� 2. It is the intention and agraemant of 1lseignor tbat xhis <br />-=��- - - Aeeigament ehnll also sacure any tuture advaaaes made to 1leoigaor <br /> ,--.� by Aweiqaee and eny and all indsbtodaoso in �ddition tc the _ <br /> -- -- aMwuat statsd above wbich eeid lleeigaor may owe to said �►esignoo, <br /> --- hwraver enidencQd, vhQther by note, book, aaaouat or otherwiso. <br /> == � The uadorsigned also aqrees that thie 1lsefgn�aent sha�ll sscur� all <br /> ,s���� co�t�, chargee and Qspensea reasonebly incnrrad or psid by <br /> _ _ �ellgn�, i�ncluding rea�oaable attiornep feee, .bscauea of the <br /> �-- _ .I �_ - €eilure of the uadersignes3 to cozapl�y er3t3a tla� terms o� tha �otea - <br /> .�$e K <br /> QvidanaiAq euch indebtednese or thie 1�esfgawent. - <br /> ��,'?�� N' 1 ;; i:' — <br />`�'��ir y,�t�,Z�:_;' • ,R� 3. So lonq as 1lseiqaor sh�ll not be in default of the pay- - <br />':���'3 ;"?V'.a�x,� .: .,,: <br />�:,.�,�y „ ;_ f��,r,��.Y� nents due to Aesiqnee in re.�pect to indebtedness owiaq or �� the <br /> ��'�° �,�� , performance of t2►e requireaents of any instrwaent o� secur3ty <br /> ;��{�:sy.� � ,�'1.ts'i'�', I . <br /> ��?�•� �'�''��'w:���� ����' which may secure su�fi indebtedness, Assignor shall be entitled to <br /> �ti.,�„ r, t: . , r�;;r <br />�;�1� r' �,:��?v;,'.�;��'�3����`"•'"' collect and retaia ffor his beaefit all rents, from time to time <br /> � , �,-�;�� accruinq and received ia raspeat to tho Roal Bstato Leaea horQin <br />;�;; :� ;,�;..t�t; �.a aseigued as security. � <br /> ,.,,(; ., � . <br />:_,;rnt ,.�., , <br />— �,��� 4. tTpon default in the paymeat of aay sum due im respeat to <br /> �-°,�� the indebtednese secured hereby or in the p��F���ce o� the <br /> ;�.:- ...;,� -L�:; <br /> , s��;��� requirements of any inetrumeat of security which may secure such <br /> -�:�'���'�i"�';� ���;,:,� . indebtedaess, Assignee may a�ive immediate tna�tice o# this Aseiga- <br /> �� <br /> � ������ ���,-��.,.��%'�� ment to the Tenant uinder such Lease and shala frc►m ��d after the <br /> n <br /> ,..�: �:':, .�: • <br />.��;,�f,`§,� ;,�,�,;;.,:r:i.; ;;;�,;�`� ' •. date of euch noticeo �e authorized to receive aadl caa33ect all __ <br /> �,��;; , : �. ^• .�� such rente as may t��areafter accrue �und be dua and p�ayable to <br /> „s„��}, + �,,;�� , ;:; ,rt;:;. 1lesignor under the tsrme thereof. <br /> � � r. <br /> _ ':: , ,,; . . <br /> _:. .;• <br /> �`��� ���"���± •; �� �� � 5. Assignor represente and warrants to Aseignee that the a <br /> -�`;���' "''�'t`'"{��- assi ed Real Estate Lease and rents therein �- <br /> �' � ,v, 9n ► provided, hae not <br />-�-rr.:�:' 't., . baen previously traasferred or eacumbered. <br />=�":; - ��'. . <br /> A:s 1 �: �. <br />_�.�., .: �',���, .�'� 6. Assiqnor will not, without the prfor written consent of <br />-._ri'-- ' •�^��°� •�� � Assignea, aqree to or conser�t to or permit any amendment, modifi- � <br /> �. '�*:���^-�;}t.��jif,�,, cation, tenaination assi ent of or sublettin under tho Real <br /> 9 <br /> �?ie; .r'.�" " ,�.- • � - <br />.�,��:;<,-;; { ;`� �;;.;�,'����;�; �etate Lease herein a�siqned as �oc�nrity. <br />..-���r'��, ` 4� � ��? <br /> �` ..�;',��~� � 7. All co�ctrol aad domiaion over the rights and remediea of '� <br /> _ ' � �- Assignor as owner set forth in the Real Esta�e Lease hereby _. <br /> - �#�.rV•:,: ° . ae�igned as securit are transferreal to Assi. <br /> � ��y y gnee escept that <br /> �'�# ��� ,;;,. Assignee may in writing specifically author�ze Aesignor to act E" <br /> �'``.• ` with respect thereto. = <br /> _�-! , Y,-`.. <br /> ��e wr,��..:A� <br /> `' �,�. ,• �� 8. Assignor will keep and perform all of the obligatioas to <br />-��� �� be erforneed on thE �- 'T' <br /> ���.�?� ��'=�°�- p part a f the Own�r undei �he ^�erm� af the Real <br />:_ti; - . --,,L.�°�.9; .__. <br /> � ''a' �� . . t��', Eetate Lease hereiar assigned as sec�asity and will saer� Assignee r <br /> - x '• ''�''��..�,;';'� harmAess from any �a�ilure to do so, it beinq apec3fically under- ±:•• <br /> t� �.��:-•��;'�� '""�''�' ��'�'�k stood .ttnat �notwiths�andin t}his A883 en� or an notice thereof ''` <br /> � �• .�y,�,_�;;v r, �a;s g � Y , <br /> ,.�_ . . �1i.�lriJf�'��,� ��'�. — <br /> ;•� ,i.• �• <br /> �: f�•..� n1�,�,��5,,�}•..�', _ <br /> - �� �':;.v c14, ' ;,'ft <br /> ,:7,`�;;: ' ' ',{Y' � 2 - <br /> �,,::,. <br /> , };; �'.�f..;,. ,; (• <br /> � � + � <br /> ,.W�.. �� _;�' ,. � �.. , -�p�� . . <br /> , .,. <br /> � . . ,�� � <br /> _i. . � - . ',' •;Ji`?�,i�;:r.3r. .' . 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