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J,�� 1 . ;��7 .. . ...,�. :v.'�' _ —_ .. <br /> � T.-t." <br /> ;. • � 'hF.'qh,.. �/Y�%.....e�� _ <br /> qC• <br /> � �--' — <br /> .�� �� h.l� • <br /> 1 .' : I �w1YY.V�.• . .V.��. ..Y�• . _ . �._--_- . ___• .:� ..l��VS't <br /> a.. <br /> L11!`�. <br /> , <br /> —`_ -.�._ ..;r�....�:�.� . . <br /> ._. ._....r-..___." -___—_"—_.-- <br /> ' . • • 93- _ <br /> �.., - - ��� _. <br /> to th� southM�at cornor o! l.ot 8i.= �6), Con��toq� �orth <br /> eubdivisioaj th�na� santh�sly aloaq and upoa tb� pro- <br /> =- — loagatioA o! tb� w�st lia� o! oaid Lo� Biz (6), a dia- <br /> taaao o! Thirty-Fiva (35.0) l�otf th�nc� �est�rlYr 1��- <br /> — allol aith th� soutb lin� o! �aid Lo� 8l.� (6), Con��- <br /> --- <br /> _.--- ----- <br /> . -s.= -- - toqa �Torth eubdivieion, a diet�sace Q! Th �cty-ono a�a <br /> _ _ -- - - <br /> ��; BovoAty-8owc Huadradtihe (31.74) leet �o tha 1lCTUAI, � <br /> .:• -� point of baqisu►iagl thoaco contiauing oaeterly alonq <br /> •::; .,..., and upaa the laet desaribed aouree produaod a distanco <br />-��`°= :;� .: - of Ono Hundrad Z�enty-8ight (128.0) feoti f tbenae � <br /> -- ����5�'�',' �r' southerly, parallsl wi�h t�e eaet line of said Lot One <br /> - ----,��-II,.. ..r .'t. <br /> � � ��-�^"���� 4 (i), a distaaae of Ona Hundred �i�teaty-seven (127.0) <br /> :-:�:��� ,,�a,�5,;ix�°^Q�� ar <br /> .,;:����t?a�r;::� ' feet= thance v�oeterly, parnllel w3th the south line of <br /> _ <,�;;t�;;�;�;� , Lote Five (5), end 81z (6), Coaestoga lTorth Snbdivi- <br /> � �������'���� � efon, e distance of One �undra3 �en�y-Hine and Fifty- _ <br /> -4 �':�r�'�'+�'„�i�� <br /> � ��-:�., ... _, �: ...,,.� �o HundredtDs (129.52) feet; thence northerly, a dis- ` <br />':< -� ��, 1''.:},�r'` t�uace of o�a� �undrad �ent 3even ;(la7,0) f�ot to the , . .� c <br /> -- . �1.,.��:��f • Y' . . . , - <br />_ s_.�' _ cr,: ;;.���, ACTOAi� po3ht,o!E beg3�1A��i9f � , -- <br /> ':.s.��_,:.�.�... _ _ <br /> __ ..-._ r ,;; <br /> ���,`� � : Y,,.,,.� _.•�.4i��:: together with a1S �buildings, i�aprovememt�, #�u�ces, etreets, = <br /> ;::;. .. ,�::,,.::,�;:: .;:.,,:;', alleys, pasea�eways, easemeat$, righte, privile�es aad appurte- , _ <br />�r;•;+'� ' ���,�ti°���,; � nances lacated tb�ereon or in �aywiae p�rtainia�a� therQto, and tIl�e � — <br /> "'���`� rente, isaues t�nd profits, revsrsions aad remait�dere t3aexeof, and ' -- <br />:�'i+'j;�� . �:. , ,.."�: �.�. :', <br />_�,,,.�,� F:�. �. � ..,�t,��{;. such pereonal propertp that is attache�i to the improvem�enta so ae � �f <br /> ��+ �� to aonstitute a firture, inaluding, but nat limited to, heating <br /> � ,�! ,`�... t�}t ��,. . <br /> ,_, ,. (�J�� ,R aad cooliaq e��nipnient end together witb the hameatesdl o� maritail <br /> „ ..,�;..:;.z�r��.�. �•, iaterests, i# nay� wlaich intexests are hereby releas�d ead <br /> , ,��. ...;.�i`'�.� .° <br /> , waived, all of whicb, including replaceiaents and additioas _ <br /> � y.�'«��.�,.:;.n�n�'.. <br /> � -��;�'�^ . � �• thereto, is hereby declared to be a part of tbe real estate �� <br /> . -. �--�::::�:�°::;'��:;;,=.F�R s�cur�e�c�i. by ��� 2ien of this Desd af Tru�� aad all of the foreqo- ' <br /> :v � .,.����h~^� 3ng being re�erred to herein as the "Prupert�r". <br /> _ - .#:. � �.:':,� �:.�.� . <br />�._;�� :�: <br />''"`�"•�� K� � This Deed of Trust shall esaure (�) tlne pa enti of the prin- <br />-.�� r•,. -- <br /> ����'�':t� '�� ` �. :-�'*��-�� cipal swa and interest evidenaed by a �a�mstruct on Line of Credit � <br />_ , �•_ _ Draw Note dated - / , 1993, hav3ng a maturi.ty dAte of <br />_:.. �/- /� , 1998, n the oriqinal principal aiaount of Three 8ua- <br /> � " • _ ,,. dred Fourteen Thoueand and No/100 Dollers ($334,000.00) , and nny <br /> - � �-,, , ., ; ..,, and all modi�ications, esteasions and renewals thereaf or thereto <br /> �- . .;:>�:��, :��,x?�. aad any and all future advaaces and re-advances to Borrower (or �:-: <br /> _ ' ''�``• ' � � aay of them i.f more than one) hereunder pursunut to oa�e or more <br /> �t.• � ' �. " promiseory notes or credit agreemonts (herein called "Note"); , <br /> �.�,. � � , (b) the payment of other suate advaaced by Leader to protect tde <br />" 1;'. . �" ��� � ' � security of the Note; (c) the performance of all covena�ats ancl <br /> ,?:.,•;<,�+ � ,, s,_ . <br />_.,_��•i;,! a .. ��--:..:� � � agreem�nts of Trustor set forth herein; end (d) all preaent and = <br />':?'�r`��f'�,i " �' fature indebtedness and obligations of Borrower (or any of them <br /> •� � � �3 ��` if more thaa one) to Lender whether direct, indirect, abeolute or `-'�' <br /> . � aontingent and whether arising by note, guaranty, overdraft or � .. <br /> ' otherwise. ��ie Note, this Deed of Trust and any and all other -- <br /> ��'�""'": documents that secure the Note or othexwise esecuted in connec- <br /> :;.�� �' '�� � tion therewith, includinq without limitation guarantees, security � � <br /> ; :,.�,�;�� K• • aqreements and assiqnments of leases and rents, shall be referred ' ` <br />' �� .�:� •,��.�:��;,�. to herein as the ��Loan Instruments". — <br /> ;� ., �. •��..: , <br /> 4 ` - " TRU$TOR COVENANT3 AND AGREEti W.iTH LENDER AS FOLLOws: �F'. <br /> ,, -# <br /> `� � :��� 1. pa_vment of tndebtedneas. All indebtednese secured - _ <br />" ::' � � �;�'�'' ;� t� hereb y shall be paid when due. '` <br /> � ��...�.t <br /> �' •� '�.{,,'.;.?�,,.� A <br /> �. .-� <br /> -;�. ; Z � �;���;;;;��:;��.�:• 2. t e. Trustor ie the owner of the Property, has tD�� �'` <br /> �� •' �' ;`.�};���. ;,�.' right arad suthority to convey the Property and warrants that tlae • <br /> " � �;y._�.,, : ;��';�.,.;,f'r��.' .-� lien created tnereby is a first and prior lien on the II�roperty and ��� <br /> fi���,„ �� the executiara and delivery of the Deed of Trust does not violate <br /> ` ' ' . �� - , r '�;t, ; ' amy contract or oth�r obliqation to which Trustor is subject. <br /> �� tia���i -?__ �: <br /> _''''° �� � 3. Taues. Asse��ments. To pay before delinquent all taxes, ' <br /> • `� � . ,.. :>��� ?� epecial aesessmente and all other cLarges against the Property � . <br /> ��• _..�;� --� <br /> ", �� ,.,'.�;''����� now or hereafter lev3ed. <br /> � � ,,. . �;,;;;'Y':..��,; , <br /> "� t���� '� 4. In�aa�ance. To keep the Propert� insured against damage <br /> r, �.. ," : ' <br />; ��� �� by f�.�e Aazards included with the term "eatended coverage" and <br /> �'' ��'' ,f:� such o�her hazards as Lender may requi�re in amounts and wfth com- � <br />� "' � �"� panfes acceptable to Lender, naminq Lender as an additional named <br />� �Y:. � •�� .. ��.� <br /> • ; . �. �:_. ..� ::;, iasured with loes payable to the Lemier. In case of loss under <br /> ' • '�('r�;� � . <br /> � .. � ��t1+.,"�='S�i'.2. <br /> �U . -' ' � 2 <br /> . <br /> , , <br /> , <br /> , ., . <br /> _, • ' <br /> � <br />