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<br /> • . ' �'L;�J�/l��s�,h �_ . _ � •- '�' . _.___ ' __ . ._._ -r .._._.: -.__
<br /> � ��.'�.i•M'�f�l[�QF-�+.�.. -°T_._
<br /> :r.� ._� .—___
<br /> rm�r--
<br /> 91-- 102663
<br /> '� �.cro..+.r«set�l�nUo.or a�t. —"---
<br /> j•� l�1 DM�IIM.Lq1dC�may.eaceM iu WNted by re4ulaloas t�ued by ehe SecretuY�a thr ca�e ot p�yment def�ult�,rOqt�O
<br /> ` .� I . t�pmediale p�yment ia fuU o[dl�ums�c�tsd by thl�Sel.udtY I��mt it:
<br /> , F r-^.�.� -.:• � (i)Borrower dehulta by fiWn�to p�y In fuU�aY��Y WY��r�4uired bY[hi�SecudtY I����nt Prior to or oa
<br /> • ���� the due d�te ot the next monthly p�yment.or
<br /> •�• :;.,� ; lp1 Borrower det�ults by fallin�,for a perlod o/thirty d�ys,to pertann any other obli�ations cont�ined in this SccurltY
<br /> :•,1:«.: • ; lmttummt.
<br /> .. _.:.:"'",--- - (b)SYe Wll�o�t(.'reAit APPrord.L.anier rlwU.iip�nutad by applicabie law ad with the prior�pmv�l ot�he SMrwq'�roquiro
<br /> . „ . , � _ —__.�----•._. �-
<br /> . _,.,_ � pp�ediMe prymaot in fi�ll oi all the sum�socurod by�hi�Se�witY laarummt U:
<br /> _ Y,F� ., � • . � (i)AU or P�t oi U�e Prapeey ic othenviso traa.farted(atlKt tlNn bY devUe ar de�a�nt�Bortawa,aud � �-
<br />�•l�r���`.'%� � d (�)'�'��n9�nd aocupiod by�he pu�hafet c+r a�waoee a Uis or her �+alde+�oe,or the purch�ser or �-�
<br />�Xr'?,ry ��t�,. . @atMee does w amy�y the PropeRy bul his or het podN Iw not been��rya000td�noe wlth Ihe roquirrme+►tt d the Seccdary.
<br /> ..�. • .t .
<br />�`: •' - . Y "
<br /> �� �°�.•-. (c)Nu Wslva.lf circum:tanca occur that would permit Lender to requirc immedi�te p�yment in full,but Lender doa not
<br /> ' �.�ti ,,, ` roauire suc4 paymeats.l.ende�daes not wdve iu riohla with respxt to aubsequrnt events. _ -- .__
<br /> . , ���R��pUp gcer�ury,��many circumatanca reguluiona iuued by the SaretAry will Iimit Lender's�iQhu,in
<br /> �..,,:�• ' the case ef po,�rment de.°aula,torequtre►mmodl�te p�yment in fuU and foroclose if nat p�id.Thi�Secudty Instrument doa�
<br /> . � -�'� � 4ot�wAariae�cce{aation or faeclasure if not permltted by reQuUtiont of the Secreluy.
<br /> "' •� �� �' '�.'.i,-•'.
<br /> ��'� . t��'�-� �� �. �o,��� �h��a be �einstated if Leade� iws requircd immediota payment in full becRUSa of
<br /> �.. , � , o_- --_
<br /> "'¢� i-�; Borrowe�'s idlure to p�y aa amuunt due under the Note or tha Sena�iuY Inauumrnt.Thit ri�lU Applks even aiter foreclosum �.e,�
<br /> ena '--
<br /> . . iC.,{ �r...r�.-
<br /> - ::ir' _ ��:»�':��1
<br /> proaodin�ue ipstiluted.To reiauatc the Security lastrumeQt,Bern�er shall teade�in a tump sum all omounn required to
<br /> �� ;. " �� .� , r��t brina Bortower'a account curtent iacludin�, to the extent they wre c+'nl�ations of Bonower uader�his Securlty Insaument. i�'-_?*_-�??"'�"—
<br /> �:" •��}, forcclofure cost¢ aad rduon�ble r�nd cuuomary attorney'a fees And expenaa properly a�socirted wph the forcclosure �L_�-^•�-_"_
<br /> '' +''%'t roceedlAB•Upon rdasutement by Borrower,this Security Innrument and the obUaations tlwt it secura shall remain in eifect as �,��..11e-
<br /> • , (.�•..e
<br />'" �`•J.��, If Lendu had not requircd immediote paymmt in fuQ.However,Lender is not requi�ed to permit reinuatement if:(i)Lender tu�s `: � �•�.
<br /> �;;' ,.' �' , ' ';�;".:'.;; acapte�i reiastatement after the commencement of forcclosure proceedin4s within two years immedlately precedinQ Ihe . r•',t;;��°''
<br /> •� .• `� � commencemmt of a current forecloaure proceeding,(ii)reinatatemrnt will Prcelude Foralosurc on differcnt arouods in Ihe �!`�_�=-
<br /> .'�.:�., .., •��r;`�.�;=...,.�:�
<br /> ;;�i�S'� �'�;,-1, fuwrc,or(lii)rdnnatement wUl ndversely affect the priorfty oi'the Gen created by thfs Security Instrument. -.____
<br /> � I,V;,'.� : :�•. r.�t+�.sR�
<br /> " 11. BoeroMer Not Rekased:forbear��ce B7 I.eNder Not�W�i�e�.Eatension af the dme oi paymenl or modi�cation of �;�'�:
<br /> . � � r .r.,�. �
<br /> � ��,.s amoniudon of the�ums aecured by this Securlty Inalrument g�anted by Lender to any euccasor in interest of Bonower shwll not �,�;�
<br /> . ' i;7 ,.:,._,
<br />;��.•;';:' " '��• •' � i'l;:.�:'., i aperate to rele�se the Uability of the odginal Bonower or BoROwer'a auccasor in interat. Lender shall not be required to •� ., . . -
<br />;,,�}�• •. . �' � commence proceed�ny nQainst any succasor in interest or refuse to eatend time for payment or atherwise modiiy amortizaUon �;:;��,•:��•_,�r�
<br /> �`� � ```''�'�`}�', � of the:uma�ecured by�his Secudty lnstrument by reason of any demand made b the��iginal Bortower or Borrower'a ';s�`�`. ��
<br /> _ ; .5r,,�,.1(,r,,l� - �� -_ -
<br /> surctssor in iatarss. AnY forbearenct by LcnAer in exercidng ony right or remedY,hall nat be a waiva of or preclude the
<br /> •-�.y._
<br /> • � ;:', • , � exercice of any dQht or remedy. �
<br /> • �X��jrF'• ., ; .. :. .' ...�..� .,r;�'_:,---
<br /> ' .. 1 �� •� • �' I 12.Sncceaon Rad A�i�os Bontdi Jdo!�nd Seve►w!I.tabWty;Co-Siqaen.The covenonts and agreemm�s oi this Secudty ���;y�; ,_
<br /> T - ;�'�"''r, �
<br /> ::� • �,:. ;: I Inatrumeni�hall bind and benefit the succeuo�s and usigns of Lender nnd Bonower.eubject to the provisions of psuagraph 9.6. .rw. •;. .�.�=:;
<br /> ° ��:;;;r: , 8orcower s eovenents and agraments shall be joint ond severel.Any 8onower who co-signs this Secutlty Instrument but daes �Asy?�`=::
<br /> � �� �• � not execute tha Nate:(a)is co•signing thia Security Instrumrnt only to mort�8e,grant and convey that Borrower's interal in `•``� .��:�'�:r'��`E��'
<br /> ' . 44:,�`�'. ' �. .;},rt
<br /> .,. • .�,...,�:,.,,..
<br /> ' I the Property under the terms oi this Security Instrument;(b)is no�personnlly obligated to pay�he sums secured by thia Security y.�r�r�;,;;r,nn�,
<br /> ' �':';:,�{,, „ •, �y- � Instrument; and (c1 aer� thot Lender and any other Borrower may agtee to extrnd, modity, forbcar or molce tuty � _.'� °' f�-„m�.
<br /> '�:`� . . ,'i•1;.!'�,J � accommodations wlth regard to the term o(this Security Inatrument or the Note wi�hout that Borrower's cununt. �r;�+�r -
<br /> �:*��.• a�y;�-�
<br /> • " �f'�;:ar:.�
<br /> . . „ '-�� � "•;,��,;��(� � 13.Notka.Any notic�to Bortower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by dellvering it or by mailing it by . :.{,:�l,�`��.
<br /> first claas m�tl unless epplicable law requires use of another method.The notice shsU be directed to lhe Property Address or any ,
<br /> ,'.� �,�,� . ,," L i other address Horrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by f int class mafl to Lender's address ,, '_-
<br /> stated herein or any address Lender deslgnetes by notice to Borrower.Any notice rovided for in this Secudty lnstroment shall ' •``'
<br /> ,..,..,. .
<br /> . . •� . � P r+:i�,,. 1 :,:�y=:.W.
<br /> .,,�, . s be damed to have been given to Barrower or Lendec when�iven as provided in this perograph. 1�$r;, 'i;,',
<br /> '-� �. i., • i U,Covenle�Lww;&eveabllily.Thls Security I nsuument shal�be governed by Federal law and the law of the jurisdiction in k; ' �'° _�
<br />,,.;,.. • � ., .. . which the Properiy is laated.In the evmt that any provi9ion or clause of thi�Security Instrument or the Note conflicts with a� :'.:•'%�.- •'
<br /> � i pticable law,such conSlict shall not affect ot h�r ptov is lons o f t h is Secu d t y I n s t r u m e n t o r t h e N a t e w h i c h c a n b e g i v e n e f f e c t
<br /> ���`'~� ' without the contlicting provision. To this end tfie provisions of this Seeudry Instrummt and tM Note are deelaced to be ' '�
<br /> � ���r:, �'---
<br /> ����� • � �� •: �'�.,�,
<br /> ;1+j. , severabla y..��,,:�
<br /> �, q - .• -`• .~-=__.:
<br /> ; ' ,���` IS.Borrower's Cop�.Borrower shall be Biven one conformed copy of thfs Securiry Insirument. �}��=� - r��� '—��
<br /> •� �,'.A�:�..,7�. �
<br /> :�n �c ' (:�f�:,!!+':ti. ,L��.�>tv �.j5�'.:
<br /> • .' �F-•:i• .,, r,C ,�,.i,�.�.o�.-.
<br /> ��•��ti!� 16.A��ment ot Renls.Borrdwer unconditionally assigns and transfen to Lender all the rents und revenues o f t he Property. .,t:r.,;-;+`.�,,;.ir,�+�;
<br /> '?;:�� ' Borrower nuthorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the rents end revenues and hereby dirccts each tenant of the Property • �,;j;-;�:,
<br /> '���.•; ��;�r� � • to pay the rents to Lendcr or Lendu's agents.Howe�er,prior to Lender's notice to Borrower of Bortower'a breach of any cova ,!` '•s^•'
<br /> ��? r,r• , , �,�:. nant or agreement in the 5ecurity Instrument.9uTrower�hall collect and recefve all rents and revenues of the Property as trusta i ,
<br /> � ., •� � � fot the benefit of Lender r+nd Borrower.This usignment of rents constituta an absoiute assiQnment and not an assignment for ',
<br /> . .,',•', additional sccurityonly.
<br /> •'��"�';� If Leader gives notice of brench to Borrow•cr.(a)all rents rceeived by Borrower shall be held by Barrower as trustee for benefit
<br /> �;,; of Lender only,to be applied to the sums secured b�the 5ecurity Instrument;(b)Lender sh�ll be entitled tocollect and receive all
<br /> of the rent�oi the Property;and(c)each tcnant�t the Property shall puy all rents due and unpnid to Lender or Lcnder's agent
<br /> on Lender's written demand to the tenont. .
<br /> Bortower l��x not aecuted any prior assignment of the rents and has not and will no1 pertorm my act thoi would prevent , ,
<br /> •- � Lender from exercising its rights under this parugraph I�S. ,
<br /> � Lender shall not be required io enter upun,take control o(or maiatain�he Property be(ore o;.i';:er giving notice ol'hrrach�o � �
<br /> Rorrower.However,l.ender or a iudirially uppuinted rer:eiver may do su at any�ime�hcre is u brea�h..Any A��licai�on of rents ,�;;�;
<br /> shall not cure ur waive a�y default or invalidate any olher nght ur remed,v of Lender.'fhis u�tiignment oi rtnt�nt t�e Property .
<br /> y , shall te�minate when the Jebt secured by the Se�:urity lnstrumem is pa�d in iu{i.
<br /> ;
<br /> I
<br /> I'uet!uf�
<br />